Module org.jooq
Package org.jooq.conf

Class SettingsTools

  • public final class SettingsTools
    extends Object
    Convenience methods for jOOQ runtime settings.
    Lukas Eder
    • Constructor Detail

      • SettingsTools

        public SettingsTools()
    • Method Detail

      • getStatementType

        public static final StatementType getStatementType​(Settings settings)
        Get the statement type from the settings.
      • getBackslashEscaping

        public static final BackslashEscaping getBackslashEscaping​(Settings settings)
        Get the value BackslashEscaping value.
      • executePreparedStatements

        public static final boolean executePreparedStatements​(Settings settings)
        Whether a PreparedStatement should be executed.
      • executeStaticStatements

        public static final boolean executeStaticStatements​(Settings settings)
        Whether static Statement should be executed.
      • updatablePrimaryKeys

        public static final boolean updatablePrimaryKeys​(Settings settings)
        Whether primary keys should be updatable.
      • reflectionCaching

        public static final boolean reflectionCaching​(Settings settings)
        Whether primary keys should be updatable.
      • locale

        public static final Locale locale​(Settings settings)
        The render locale that is applicable, or the default locale if no such locale is configured.
      • renderLocale

        public static final Locale renderLocale​(Settings settings)
        The render locale that is applicable, or the default locale if no such locale is configured.
      • parseLocale

        public static final Locale parseLocale​(Settings settings)
        The parser locale that is applicable, or the default locale if no such locale is configured.
      • interpreterLocale

        public static final Locale interpreterLocale​(Settings settings)
        The interpreter locale that is applicable, or the default locale if no such locale is configured.
      • defaultSettings

        public static final Settings defaultSettings()
        Retrieve the configured default settings.

        • If the JVM flag -Dorg.jooq.settings points to a valid settings file on the classpath, this will be loaded
        • If the JVM flag -Dorg.jooq.settings points to a valid settings file on the file system, this will be loaded
        • If a valid settings file is found on the classpath at /jooq-settings.xml, this will be loaded
        • Otherwise, a new Settings object is created with its defaults
      • clone

        public static final Settings clone​(Settings settings)
        Clone some settings.
      • getQueryTimeout

        public static final int getQueryTimeout​(int timeout,
                                                Settings settings)
        Return timeout if it is not 0, or the specified Settings.getQueryTimeout().
      • getMaxRows

        public static final int getMaxRows​(int maxRows,
                                           Settings settings)
        Return maxRows if it is not 0, or the specified Settings.getMaxRows().
      • getFetchSize

        public static final int getFetchSize​(int fetchSize,
                                             Settings settings)
        Return fetchSize if it is not 0, or the specified Settings.getFetchSize().
      • getFetchServerOutputSize

        public static final int getFetchServerOutputSize​(int fetchServerOutputSize,
                                                         Settings settings)
        Return fetchServerOutputSize if it is not 0, or the specified Settings.getFetchServerOutputSize().