- All Superinterfaces:
public interface OptionallyOrderedAggregateFunction<T>
extends OrderedAggregateFunction<T>, AggregateFilterStep<T>
An ordered-set aggregate function.
An ordered-set aggregate function is an aggregate function with a mandatory
Oracle-specific WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY …)
clause. An example is
The above function groups books by author and aggregates titles
into a concatenated string.
Ordered-set aggregate functions can be further converted into window functions
using the OVER(PARTITION BY …)
clause. For example:
- Author:
- Lukas Eder
Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.AggregateFilterStep
filterWhere, filterWhere, filterWhere, filterWhere, filterWhere, filterWhere, filterWhere, filterWhere
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Field
abs, acos, add, add, as, as, as, as, asc, ascii, asin, atan, atan2, atan2, avg, avgOver, between, between, between, between, betweenSymmetric, betweenSymmetric, betweenSymmetric, betweenSymmetric, bitAnd, bitAnd, bitLength, bitNand, bitNand, bitNor, bitNor, bitNot, bitOr, bitOr, bitXNor, bitXNor, bitXor, bitXor, cast, cast, cast, ceil, changed, charLength, coalesce, coalesce, coerce, coerce, coerce, collate, collate, collate, comment, comment, compare, compare, compare, compare, concat, concat, concat, contains, contains, containsIgnoreCase, containsIgnoreCase, convert, convert, convert, convertFrom, convertFrom, convertTo, convertTo, cos, cosh, cot, coth, count, countDistinct, countOver, decode, decode, decode, decode, deg, desc, div, div, divide, divide, endsWith, endsWith, endsWithIgnoreCase, endsWithIgnoreCase, eq, eq, eq, eq, equal, equal, equal, equal, equalIgnoreCase, equalIgnoreCase, equals, exp, extract, field, firstValue, floor, from, ge, ge, ge, ge, get, getComment, getName, getValue, greaterOrEqual, greaterOrEqual, greaterOrEqual, greaterOrEqual, greaterThan, greaterThan, greaterThan, greaterThan, greatest, greatest, gt, gt, gt, gt, in, in, in, in, in, isDistinctFrom, isDistinctFrom, isDistinctFrom, isDocument, isFalse, isJson, isNotDistinctFrom, isNotDistinctFrom, isNotDistinctFrom, isNotDocument, isNotJson, isNotNull, isNull, isTrue, lag, lag, lag, lag, lastValue, le, le, le, le, lead, lead, lead, lead, least, least, length, lessOrEqual, lessOrEqual, lessOrEqual, lessOrEqual, lessThan, lessThan, lessThan, lessThan, like, like, like, like, like, likeIgnoreCase, likeIgnoreCase, likeIgnoreCase, likeIgnoreCase, likeRegex, likeRegex, ln, log, lower, lpad, lpad, lpad, lpad, lt, lt, lt, lt, ltrim, max, maxOver, median, min, minOver, minus, minus, mod, mod, modulo, modulo, mul, mul, multiply, multiply, ne, ne, ne, ne, neg, notBetween, notBetween, notBetween, notBetween, notBetweenSymmetric, notBetweenSymmetric, notBetweenSymmetric, notBetweenSymmetric, notContains, notContains, notContainsIgnoreCase, notContainsIgnoreCase, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual, notEqualIgnoreCase, notEqualIgnoreCase, notIn, notIn, notIn, notIn, notIn, notLike, notLike, notLike, notLike, notLike, notLikeIgnoreCase, notLikeIgnoreCase, notLikeIgnoreCase, notLikeIgnoreCase, notLikeRegex, notLikeRegex, notSimilarTo, notSimilarTo, notSimilarTo, notSimilarTo, notSimilarTo, nullif, nullif, nullsFirst, nullsLast, nvl, nvl, nvl2, nvl2, octetLength, original, plus, plus, plus, position, position, pow, pow, power, power, rad, rem, rem, repeat, repeat, replace, replace, replace, replace, reset, round, round, rpad, rpad, rpad, rpad, rtrim, shl, shl, shr, shr, sign, similarTo, similarTo, similarTo, similarTo, similarTo, sin, sinh, sort, sort, sortAsc, sortAsc, sortDefault, sortDesc, sortDesc, sqrt, startsWith, startsWith, startsWithIgnoreCase, startsWithIgnoreCase, stddevPop, stddevPopOver, stddevSamp, stddevSampOver, sub, sub, substring, substring, substring, substring, subtract, subtract, sum, sumOver, tan, tanh, times, times, touched, trim, unaryMinus, unaryPlus, upper, varPop, varPopOver, varSamp, varSampOver
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Named
$name, getCommentPart, getQualifiedName, getUnqualifiedName
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.OrderedAggregateFunction
orderBy, orderBy, withinGroupOrderBy, withinGroupOrderBy
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.QueryPart
$replace, $replace, $traverse, $traverse, hashCode, toString
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Typed
$dataType, getBinding, getConverter, getDataType, getDataType, getType