Uses of Interface

Packages that use Function14
This package contains useful extensions for interoperation with Java 8's lambda expressions and FunctionalInterface types.
This package contains function types of various degrees.
This package contains tuple types of various degrees.
  • Uses of Function14 in org.jooq.lambda

    Methods in org.jooq.lambda with parameters of type Function14
    Modifier and Type
    static <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, R>
    Seq<R><? extends T1> i1, Iterable<? extends T2> i2, Iterable<? extends T3> i3, Iterable<? extends T4> i4, Iterable<? extends T5> i5, Iterable<? extends T6> i6, Iterable<? extends T7> i7, Iterable<? extends T8> i8, Iterable<? extends T9> i9, Iterable<? extends T10> i10, Iterable<? extends T11> i11, Iterable<? extends T12> i12, Iterable<? extends T13> i13, Iterable<? extends T14> i14, Function14<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? super T8,? super T9,? super T10,? super T11,? super T12,? super T13,? super T14,? extends R> zipper)
    Zip 14 streams into one using a Function14 to produce resulting values.
    static <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, R>
    Seq<R><? extends T1> s1, Stream<? extends T2> s2, Stream<? extends T3> s3, Stream<? extends T4> s4, Stream<? extends T5> s5, Stream<? extends T6> s6, Stream<? extends T7> s7, Stream<? extends T8> s8, Stream<? extends T9> s9, Stream<? extends T10> s10, Stream<? extends T11> s11, Stream<? extends T12> s12, Stream<? extends T13> s13, Stream<? extends T14> s14, Function14<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? super T8,? super T9,? super T10,? super T11,? super T12,? super T13,? super T14,? extends R> zipper)
    Zip 14 streams into one using a Function14 to produce resulting values.
    static <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, R>
    Seq<R><? extends T1> s1, Seq<? extends T2> s2, Seq<? extends T3> s3, Seq<? extends T4> s4, Seq<? extends T5> s5, Seq<? extends T6> s6, Seq<? extends T7> s7, Seq<? extends T8> s8, Seq<? extends T9> s9, Seq<? extends T10> s10, Seq<? extends T11> s11, Seq<? extends T12> s12, Seq<? extends T13> s13, Seq<? extends T14> s14, Function14<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? super T8,? super T9,? super T10,? super T11,? super T12,? super T13,? super T14,? extends R> zipper)
    Zip 14 streams into one using a Function14 to produce resulting values.
    static <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, R>
    Seq.zipAll(Iterable<? extends T1> s1, Iterable<? extends T2> s2, Iterable<? extends T3> s3, Iterable<? extends T4> s4, Iterable<? extends T5> s5, Iterable<? extends T6> s6, Iterable<? extends T7> s7, Iterable<? extends T8> s8, Iterable<? extends T9> s9, Iterable<? extends T10> s10, Iterable<? extends T11> s11, Iterable<? extends T12> s12, Iterable<? extends T13> s13, Iterable<? extends T14> s14, T1 default1, T2 default2, T3 default3, T4 default4, T5 default5, T6 default6, T7 default7, T8 default8, T9 default9, T10 default10, T11 default11, T12 default12, T13 default13, T14 default14, Function14<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? super T8,? super T9,? super T10,? super T11,? super T12,? super T13,? super T14,? extends R> zipper)
    Zip two streams into one - by storing the corresponding elements from them in a tuple, when one of streams will end - a default value for that stream will be provided instead - so the resulting stream will be as long as the longest of the two streams.
    static <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, R>
    Seq.zipAll(Stream<? extends T1> s1, Stream<? extends T2> s2, Stream<? extends T3> s3, Stream<? extends T4> s4, Stream<? extends T5> s5, Stream<? extends T6> s6, Stream<? extends T7> s7, Stream<? extends T8> s8, Stream<? extends T9> s9, Stream<? extends T10> s10, Stream<? extends T11> s11, Stream<? extends T12> s12, Stream<? extends T13> s13, Stream<? extends T14> s14, T1 default1, T2 default2, T3 default3, T4 default4, T5 default5, T6 default6, T7 default7, T8 default8, T9 default9, T10 default10, T11 default11, T12 default12, T13 default13, T14 default14, Function14<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? super T8,? super T9,? super T10,? super T11,? super T12,? super T13,? super T14,? extends R> zipper)
    Zip two streams into one - by storing the corresponding elements from them in a tuple, when one of streams will end - a default value for that stream will be provided instead - so the resulting stream will be as long as the longest of the two streams.
    static <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, R>
    Seq.zipAll(Seq<? extends T1> s1, Seq<? extends T2> s2, Seq<? extends T3> s3, Seq<? extends T4> s4, Seq<? extends T5> s5, Seq<? extends T6> s6, Seq<? extends T7> s7, Seq<? extends T8> s8, Seq<? extends T9> s9, Seq<? extends T10> s10, Seq<? extends T11> s11, Seq<? extends T12> s12, Seq<? extends T13> s13, Seq<? extends T14> s14, T1 default1, T2 default2, T3 default3, T4 default4, T5 default5, T6 default6, T7 default7, T8 default8, T9 default9, T10 default10, T11 default11, T12 default12, T13 default13, T14 default14, Function14<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? super T8,? super T9,? super T10,? super T11,? super T12,? super T13,? super T14,? extends R> zipper)
    Zip two streams into one using a BiFunction to produce resulting values, when one of streams will end, a default value for that stream will be provided instead - so the resulting stream will be as long as the longest of the two streams.
  • Uses of Function14 in org.jooq.lambda.function

    Methods in org.jooq.lambda.function that return Function14
    Modifier and Type
    Function15.applyPartially(Tuple1<? extends T1> args)
    Partially apply this function to the arguments.
    Function15.applyPartially(T1 v1)
    Partially apply this function to the arguments.
    Function16.applyPartially(Tuple2<? extends T1,? extends T2> args)
    Partially apply this function to the arguments.
    Function16.applyPartially(T1 v1, T2 v2)
    Partially apply this function to the arguments.
    Function15.curry(Tuple1<? extends T1> args)
    Function15.curry(T1 v1)
    Function16.curry(Tuple2<? extends T1,? extends T2> args)
    Function16.curry(T1 v1, T2 v2)
  • Uses of Function14 in org.jooq.lambda.tuple

    Methods in org.jooq.lambda.tuple with parameters of type Function14
    Modifier and Type
    static <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, R>
    Tuple.function(Function14<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12,T13,T14,R> function)
    Construct a tuple function of degree 14.
    final <R> R<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? super T8,? super T9,? super T10,? super T11,? super T12,? super T13,? super T14,? extends R> function)
    Apply this tuple as arguments to a function.