Interface MergeUsingStep<R extends Record>

public interface MergeUsingStep<R extends Record>

This type is used for the Merge's DSL API.


 Factory create = new Factory();

       .set(field1, value1)
       .set(field2, value2)
       .whenNotMatchedThenInsert(field1, field2)
       .values(value1, value2)

Lukas Eder

Method Summary
 MergeOnStep<R> using(TableLike<?> table)
          Add the USING clause to the MERGE statement
 MergeOnStep<R> usingDual()
          Add a dummy USING clause to the MERGE statement This results in USING(SELECT 1 FROM DUAL) for most RDBMS, or in USING(SELECT 1) AS [dummy_table(dummy_field)] in SQL Server, where derived tables need to be aliased.

Method Detail


MergeOnStep<R> using(TableLike<?> table)
Add the USING clause to the MERGE statement


MergeOnStep<R> usingDual()
Add a dummy USING clause to the MERGE statement

This results in USING(SELECT 1 FROM DUAL) for most RDBMS, or in USING(SELECT 1) AS [dummy_table(dummy_field)] in SQL Server, where derived tables need to be aliased.

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