Uses of Class

Packages that use SQLDialect

Uses of SQLDialect in org.jooq

Methods in org.jooq that return SQLDialect
 SQLDialect QueryPartInternal.getDialect()
          Deprecated. - 2.0.2 - The attached SQL dialect of a QueryPart should no longer be referenced, as query parts become more and more Configuration - independent
 SQLDialect DataType.getDialect()
          Retrieve the underlying SQLDialect
 SQLDialect Configuration.getDialect()
          Retrieve the configured dialect
static SQLDialect SQLDialect.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static SQLDialect[] SQLDialect.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.jooq with parameters of type SQLDialect
 RenderContext RenderContext.castModeSome(SQLDialect... dialects)
          Set the new cast mode to RenderContext.CastMode.SOME for a list of dialects

Uses of SQLDialect in org.jooq.impl

Methods in org.jooq.impl that return SQLDialect
 SQLDialect Factory.getDialect()
          Retrieve the configured dialect
 SQLDialect AbstractDataType.getDialect()

Methods in org.jooq.impl with parameters of type SQLDialect
<T> DataType<T>
FieldTypeHelper.getDataType(SQLDialect dialect, Class<? extends T> type)
protected static
<T> DataType<T>
AbstractDataType.getDataType(SQLDialect dialect, Class<? extends T> type)
protected static DataType<?> AbstractDataType.getDataType(SQLDialect dialect, String typeName)
protected static DataType<Object> AbstractDataType.getDefaultDataType(SQLDialect dialect, String typeName)
static DataType<?> FieldTypeHelper.getDialectDataType(SQLDialect dialect, String t, int p, int s)
          Convert a type name (using precision and scale) into a Java class
static Class<?> FieldTypeHelper.getDialectJavaType(SQLDialect dialect, String t, int p, int s)
          Convert a type name (using precision and scale) into a Java class

Constructors in org.jooq.impl with parameters of type SQLDialect
AbstractDataType(SQLDialect dialect, SQLDataType<T> sqldatatype, Class<? extends T> type, String typeName)
AbstractDataType(SQLDialect dialect, SQLDataType<T> sqldatatype, Class<? extends T> type, String typeName, boolean hasPrecisionAndScale)
AbstractDataType(SQLDialect dialect, SQLDataType<T> sqldatatype, Class<? extends T> type, String typeName, String castTypeName)
AbstractDataType(SQLDialect dialect, SQLDataType<T> sqlDataType, Class<? extends T> type, String typeName, String castTypeName, boolean hasPrecisionAndScale)
AbstractRoutine(SQLDialect dialect, String name, Schema schema)
          Deprecated. - 2.1.0 [#625] - Regenerate your schema
AbstractRoutine(SQLDialect dialect, String name, Schema schema, DataType<T> type)
          Deprecated. - 2.1.0 [#625] - Regenerate your schema
AbstractRoutine(SQLDialect dialect, String name, Schema schema, Package pkg)
          Deprecated. - 2.1.0 [#625] - Regenerate your schema
AbstractRoutine(SQLDialect dialect, String name, Schema schema, Package pkg, DataType<T> type)
          Deprecated. - 2.1.0 [#625] - Regenerate your schema
Factory(Connection connection, SQLDialect dialect)
          Create a factory with connection and dialect configured
Factory(Connection connection, SQLDialect dialect, SchemaMapping mapping)
          Deprecated. - 2.0.5 - Use Factory.Factory(Connection, SQLDialect, Settings) instead
Factory(Connection connection, SQLDialect dialect, Settings settings)
          Create a factory with connection, a dialect and a schema mapping configured

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