Package org.jooq.exception

Exception Summary
DataAccessException The DataAccessException is a generic RuntimeException indicating that something went wrong while executing a SQL statement from jOOQ.
DataTypeException An error occurred while handling data types.
DetachedException An operation was invoked on a detached object (Query, QueryPart, or UpdatableRecord).
InvalidResultException An unexpected result was encountered after executing a Query.
MappingException An error occurred while fetching data into a user defined Java object with any of these methods: ResultQuery.fetchInto(Class) Cursor.fetchInto(Class) Result.into(Class) Record.into(Class) ... or when copying data into a Record with any of these methods FactoryOperations.newRecord(org.jooq.Table, Object) Record.from(Object)
SQLDialectNotSupportedException An exception thrown if an SQL construct is used, which is not supported by the dialect set in Configuration.getDialect()

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