Class DB2Factory

  extended by org.jooq.impl.Factory
      extended by org.jooq.util.db2.DB2Factory
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Configuration, FactoryOperations

public class DB2Factory
extends Factory

A SQLDialect.DB2 specific factory

Lukas Eder
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Create a connection-less factory Without a connection, this factory cannot execute queries.
DB2Factory(Connection connection)
          Create a factory with connection
DB2Factory(Connection connection, SchemaMapping mapping)
          Deprecated. - 2.0.5 - Use DB2Factory(Connection, Settings) instead
DB2Factory(Connection connection, Settings settings)
          Create a factory with connection and a settings configured
DB2Factory(DataSource dataSource)
          Create a factory with a data source
DB2Factory(DataSource dataSource, Settings settings)
          Create a factory with a data source and a settings configured
DB2Factory(Settings settings)
          Create a factory with settings configured Without a connection, this factory cannot execute queries.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class org.jooq.impl.Factory
abs, abs, acos, acos, ascii, ascii, asin, asin, atan, atan, atan2, atan2, atan2, atan2, attach, attach, avg, avgDistinct, batch, batch, batch, batchStore, batchStore, bind, bindContext, bitAnd, bitAnd, bitAnd, bitAnd, bitCount, bitCount, bitLength, bitLength, bitNand, bitNand, bitNand, bitNand, bitNor, bitNor, bitNor, bitNor, bitNot, bitNot, bitOr, bitOr, bitOr, bitOr, bitXNor, bitXNor, bitXNor, bitXNor, bitXor, bitXor, bitXor, bitXor, cast, cast, cast, castNull, castNull, castNull, ceil, ceil, charLength, charLength, coalesce, coalesce, commit, concat, concat, condition, condition, condition, connectByIsCycle, connectByIsLeaf, connectByRoot, cos, cos, cosh, cosh, cot, cot, coth, coth, count, count, countDistinct, cube, cumeDist, currentDate, currentTime, currentTimestamp, currentUser, currval, dateAdd, dateAdd, dateDiff, dateDiff, dateDiff, dateDiff, day, day, decode, decode, decode, decode, decode, deg, deg, delete, deleteQuery, denseRank, e, escape, escape, execute, execute, execute, executeDelete, executeDelete, executeDelete, executeDelete, executeDeleteOne, executeDeleteOne, executeInsert, executeInsert, executeUpdate, executeUpdate, executeUpdate, executeUpdate, executeUpdateOne, executeUpdateOne, exists, exp, exp, extract, extract, falseCondition, fetch, fetch, fetch, fetch, fetch, fetch, fetchAny, fetchFromCSV, fetchFromCSV, fetchLazy, fetchLazy, fetchLazy, fetchLazy, fetchMany, fetchMany, fetchMany, fetchOne, fetchOne, fetchOne, fetchOne, fetchOne, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, fieldByName, fieldByName, fieldByName, firstValue, floor, floor, function, function, getAutoCommit, getConnection, getData, getData, getDataSource, getDataType, getDialect, getHoldability, getSchemaMapping, getSettings, getTransactionIsolation, greatest, greatest, groupConcat, groupConcatDistinct, grouping, groupingId, groupingSets, groupingSets, groupingSets, hour, hour, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertQuery, lag, lag, lag, lag, lastID, lastValue, lead, lead, lead, lead, least, least, length, length, level, listAgg, listAgg, literal, literal, literal, ln, ln, loadInto, log, log, lower, lower, lpad, lpad, lpad, lpad, lpad, ltrim, ltrim, max, maxDistinct, median, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, min, minDistinct, minute, minute, month, month, name, newRecord, newRecord, newRecord, nextval, not, notExists, ntile, nullif, nullif, nullif, nullif, nullSafe, nullSafe, nullSafeDataType, nvl, nvl, nvl, nvl, nvl2, nvl2, nvl2, nvl2, octetLength, octetLength, one, param, param, param, param, percentRank, pi, position, position, position, position, power, power, power, power, prior, query, query, query, rad, rad, rand, rank, releaseSavepoint, render, renderContext, renderInlined, renderNamedParams, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, replace, replace, replace, replace, resultQuery, resultQuery, resultQuery, rollback, rollback, rollup, round, round, round, round, rowNumber, rpad, rpad, rpad, rpad, rpad, rtrim, rtrim, second, second, select, select, selectCount, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectFrom, selectOne, selectQuery, selectQuery, selectZero, setAutoCommit, setConnection, setData, setDataSource, setHoldability, setSavepoint, setSavepoint, setTransactionIsolation, shl, shl, shl, shl, shr, shr, shr, shr, sign, sign, sin, sin, sinh, sinh, sqrt, sqrt, stddevPop, stddevSamp, substring, substring, substring, substring, sum, sumDistinct, sysConnectByPath, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, tableByName, tan, tan, tanh, tanh, timestampAdd, timestampAdd, timestampDiff, timestampDiff, timestampDiff, timestampDiff, toString, trim, trim, trueCondition, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, truncate, two, unnest, unnest, unnest, unnest, update, updateQuery, upper, upper, use, use, val, val, val, val, vals, value, value, value, value, varPop, varSamp, year, year, zero
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DB2Factory(Connection connection,
                             SchemaMapping mapping)
Deprecated. - 2.0.5 - Use DB2Factory(Connection, Settings) instead

Create a factory with connection and a schema mapping configured

connection - The connection to use with objects created from this factory
mapping - The schema mapping to use with objects created from this factory


public DB2Factory(Connection connection,
                  Settings settings)
Create a factory with connection and a settings configured

connection - The connection to use with objects created from this factory
settings - The runtime settings to apply to objects created from this factory


public DB2Factory(DataSource dataSource,
                  Settings settings)
Create a factory with a data source and a settings configured

dataSource - The data source to use with objects created from this factory
settings - The runtime settings to apply to objects created from this factory


public DB2Factory(Connection connection)
Create a factory with connection

connection - The connection to use with objects created from this factory


public DB2Factory(DataSource dataSource)
Create a factory with a data source

dataSource - The data source to use with objects created from this factory


public DB2Factory(Settings settings)
Create a factory with settings configured

Without a connection, this factory cannot execute queries. Use it to render SQL only.

settings - The runtime settings to apply to objects created from this factory


public DB2Factory()
Create a connection-less factory

Without a connection, this factory cannot execute queries. Use it to render SQL only.

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