Module org.jooq
Package org.jooq

Interface BatchBindStep

    • Method Detail

      • bind

        BatchBindStep bind​(Object... bindValues)
        Set indexed bind values onto the batch statement.

        The argument array of bindValues will be set onto the indexed bind values of the batch statement:

        • :1 -> bindValues[0]
        • :2 -> bindValues[1]
        • ...
        • :N -> bindValues[N - 1]

        "Unmatched" bind values will be left unmodified:

        • :N+1 -> unmodified
        • :N+2 -> unmodified
      • bind

        BatchBindStep bind​(Map<String,​Object> namedBindValues)
        Set named bind values onto the batch statement.

        The argument map of namedBindValues will be set onto the named bind values of the batch statement:

        • :name1 -> bindValues.get("name1")
        • :name2 -> bindValues.get("name2")
        • ...
        • :nameN -> bindValues.get("nameN")

        "Unmatched" bind values will be left unmodified:

        • :nameN+1 -> unmodified
        • :nameN+2 -> unmodified