Module org.jooq
Package org.jooq.conf

Class Settings

    • Field Detail

      • renderCatalog

        protected Boolean renderCatalog
      • renderSchema

        protected Boolean renderSchema
      • renderNamedParamPrefix

        protected String renderNamedParamPrefix
      • renderLocale

        protected Locale renderLocale
      • renderFormatted

        protected Boolean renderFormatted
      • renderOptionalAsKeywordForTableAliases

        protected RenderOptionalKeyword renderOptionalAsKeywordForTableAliases
      • renderOptionalAsKeywordForFieldAliases

        protected RenderOptionalKeyword renderOptionalAsKeywordForFieldAliases
      • renderScalarSubqueriesForStoredFunctions

        protected Boolean renderScalarSubqueriesForStoredFunctions
      • renderOrderByRownumberForEmulatedPagination

        protected Boolean renderOrderByRownumberForEmulatedPagination
      • renderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause

        protected Boolean renderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause
      • renderParenthesisAroundSetOperationQueries

        protected Boolean renderParenthesisAroundSetOperationQueries
      • bindOffsetDateTimeType

        protected Boolean bindOffsetDateTimeType
      • bindOffsetTimeType

        protected Boolean bindOffsetTimeType
      • fetchTriggerValuesAfterSQLServerOutput

        protected Boolean fetchTriggerValuesAfterSQLServerOutput
      • transformAnsiJoinToTableLists

        protected Boolean transformAnsiJoinToTableLists
      • transformTableListsToAnsiJoin

        protected Boolean transformTableListsToAnsiJoin
      • transformRownum

        protected Boolean transformRownum
      • inlineThreshold

        protected Integer inlineThreshold
      • transactionListenerStartInvocationOrder

        protected InvocationOrder transactionListenerStartInvocationOrder
      • transactionListenerEndInvocationOrder

        protected InvocationOrder transactionListenerEndInvocationOrder
      • migrationListenerStartInvocationOrder

        protected InvocationOrder migrationListenerStartInvocationOrder
      • migrationListenerEndInvocationOrder

        protected InvocationOrder migrationListenerEndInvocationOrder
      • visitListenerStartInvocationOrder

        protected InvocationOrder visitListenerStartInvocationOrder
      • visitListenerEndInvocationOrder

        protected InvocationOrder visitListenerEndInvocationOrder
      • recordListenerStartInvocationOrder

        protected InvocationOrder recordListenerStartInvocationOrder
      • recordListenerEndInvocationOrder

        protected InvocationOrder recordListenerEndInvocationOrder
      • executeListenerStartInvocationOrder

        protected InvocationOrder executeListenerStartInvocationOrder
      • executeListenerEndInvocationOrder

        protected InvocationOrder executeListenerEndInvocationOrder
      • executeLogging

        protected Boolean executeLogging
      • updateRecordVersion

        protected Boolean updateRecordVersion
      • updateRecordTimestamp

        protected Boolean updateRecordTimestamp
      • executeWithOptimisticLocking

        protected Boolean executeWithOptimisticLocking
      • executeWithOptimisticLockingExcludeUnversioned

        protected Boolean executeWithOptimisticLockingExcludeUnversioned
      • attachRecords

        protected Boolean attachRecords
      • insertUnchangedRecords

        protected Boolean insertUnchangedRecords
      • updatablePrimaryKeys

        protected Boolean updatablePrimaryKeys
      • reflectionCaching

        protected Boolean reflectionCaching
      • cacheRecordMappers

        protected Boolean cacheRecordMappers
      • cachePreparedStatementInLoader

        protected Boolean cachePreparedStatementInLoader
      • fetchWarnings

        protected Boolean fetchWarnings
      • fetchServerOutputSize

        protected Integer fetchServerOutputSize
      • returnIdentityOnUpdatableRecord

        protected Boolean returnIdentityOnUpdatableRecord
      • returnAllOnUpdatableRecord

        protected Boolean returnAllOnUpdatableRecord
      • returnRecordToPojo

        protected Boolean returnRecordToPojo
      • mapJPAAnnotations

        protected Boolean mapJPAAnnotations
      • mapConstructorParameterNames

        protected Boolean mapConstructorParameterNames
      • mapConstructorParameterNamesInKotlin

        protected Boolean mapConstructorParameterNamesInKotlin
      • queryTimeout

        protected Integer queryTimeout
      • maxRows

        protected Integer maxRows
      • fetchSize

        protected Integer fetchSize
      • batchSize

        protected Integer batchSize
      • debugInfoOnStackTrace

        protected Boolean debugInfoOnStackTrace
      • inListPadding

        protected Boolean inListPadding
      • inListPadBase

        protected Integer inListPadBase
      • delimiter

        protected String delimiter
      • emulateOnDuplicateKeyUpdateOnPrimaryKeyOnly

        protected Boolean emulateOnDuplicateKeyUpdateOnPrimaryKeyOnly
      • interpreterDialect

        protected SQLDialect interpreterDialect
      • interpreterLocale

        protected Locale interpreterLocale
      • interpreterDelayForeignKeyDeclarations

        protected Boolean interpreterDelayForeignKeyDeclarations
      • migrationAllowsUndo

        protected Boolean migrationAllowsUndo
      • migrationRevertUntracked

        protected Boolean migrationRevertUntracked
      • migrationAutoValidation

        protected Boolean migrationAutoValidation
      • locale

        protected Locale locale
      • parseLocale

        protected Locale parseLocale
      • parseSetCommands

        protected Boolean parseSetCommands
      • parseIgnoreComments

        protected Boolean parseIgnoreComments
      • parseIgnoreCommentStart

        protected String parseIgnoreCommentStart
      • parseIgnoreCommentStop

        protected String parseIgnoreCommentStop
      • applyWorkaroundFor7962

        protected Boolean applyWorkaroundFor7962
    • Constructor Detail

      • Settings

        public Settings()
    • Method Detail

      • isRenderCatalog

        public Boolean isRenderCatalog()
        Whether any catalog name should be rendered at all.

        Use this for single-catalog environments, or when all objects are made available using synonyms

        possible object is Boolean
      • setRenderCatalog

        public void setRenderCatalog​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the renderCatalog property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isRenderSchema

        public Boolean isRenderSchema()
        Whether any schema name should be rendered at all.

        Setting this to false also implicitly sets "renderCatalog" to false.

        Use this for single-schema environments, or when all objects are made available using synonyms

        possible object is Boolean
      • setRenderSchema

        public void setRenderSchema​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the renderSchema property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • getRenderMapping

        public RenderMapping getRenderMapping()
        Configure render mapping for runtime schema / table rewriting in generated SQL.
      • setRenderMapping

        public void setRenderMapping​(RenderMapping value)
        Configure render mapping for runtime schema / table rewriting in generated SQL.
      • getRenderQuotedNames

        public RenderQuotedNames getRenderQuotedNames()
        Whether rendered schema, table, column names, etc should be quoted.

        This only affects names created through methods (including those that are implicitly created through this method), not DSL.quotedName(String) or DSL.unquotedName(String), whose behaviour cannot be overridden.

        This setting does not affect any plain SQL usage.

      • setRenderQuotedNames

        public void setRenderQuotedNames​(RenderQuotedNames value)
        Whether rendered schema, table, column names, etc should be quoted.

        This only affects names created through methods (including those that are implicitly created through this method), not DSL.quotedName(String) or DSL.unquotedName(String), whose behaviour cannot be overridden.

        This setting does not affect any plain SQL usage.

      • getRenderNameCase

        public RenderNameCase getRenderNameCase()
        Whether the case of Name references should be modified in any way.

        Names are modified irrespective of the getRenderQuotedNames() setting.

        This setting does not affect any plain SQL usage.

      • setRenderNameCase

        public void setRenderNameCase​(RenderNameCase value)
        Whether the case of Name references should be modified in any way.

        Names are modified irrespective of the getRenderQuotedNames() setting.

        This setting does not affect any plain SQL usage.

      • getRenderNameStyle

        public RenderNameStyle getRenderNameStyle()
        - 3.12.0 - [#5909] - Use RenderQuotedNames and RenderNameCase instead.
        Whether rendered schema, table, column names, etc should be quoted in rendered SQL, or transformed in any other way.

        This is set to "QUOTED" by default for backwards-compatibility.

      • setRenderNameStyle

        public void setRenderNameStyle​(RenderNameStyle value)
        - 3.12.0 - [#5909] - Use RenderQuotedNames and RenderNameCase instead.
        Whether rendered schema, table, column names, etc should be quoted in rendered SQL, or transformed in any other way.

        This is set to "QUOTED" by default for backwards-compatibility.

      • getRenderNamedParamPrefix

        public String getRenderNamedParamPrefix()
        The prefix to use for named parameters.

        Named parameter syntax defaults to :name (such as supported by Oracle, JPA, Spring), but vendor specific parameters may look differently. This flag can be used to determine the prefix to be used by named parameters, such as @ for SQL Server's @name or $ for PostgreSQL's $name.

        "Named indexed" parameters can be obtained in the same way by specifingy ParamType#NAMED and not providing a name to parameters, resulting in :1 or @1 or $1, etc.

      • setRenderNamedParamPrefix

        public void setRenderNamedParamPrefix​(String value)
        The prefix to use for named parameters.

        Named parameter syntax defaults to :name (such as supported by Oracle, JPA, Spring), but vendor specific parameters may look differently. This flag can be used to determine the prefix to be used by named parameters, such as @ for SQL Server's @name or $ for PostgreSQL's $name.

        "Named indexed" parameters can be obtained in the same way by specifingy ParamType#NAMED and not providing a name to parameters, resulting in :1 or @1 or $1, etc.

      • getRenderKeywordCase

        public RenderKeywordCase getRenderKeywordCase()
        Whether the case of Keyword references should be modified in any way.
      • setRenderKeywordCase

        public void setRenderKeywordCase​(RenderKeywordCase value)
        Whether the case of Keyword references should be modified in any way.
      • getRenderLocale

        public Locale getRenderLocale()
        The Locale to be used with any render locale dependent logic (as e.g. transforming names to lower / uppper case), defaulting to getLocale().
      • setRenderLocale

        public void setRenderLocale​(Locale value)
        The Locale to be used with any render locale dependent logic (as e.g. transforming names to lower / uppper case), defaulting to getLocale().
      • isRenderFormatted

        public Boolean isRenderFormatted()
        Whether rendered SQL should be pretty-printed.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setRenderFormatted

        public void setRenderFormatted​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the renderFormatted property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • getRenderFormatting

        public RenderFormatting getRenderFormatting()
        All sorts of formatting flags / settings.
      • setRenderFormatting

        public void setRenderFormatting​(RenderFormatting value)
        All sorts of formatting flags / settings.
      • getRenderOptionalAsKeywordForTableAliases

        public RenderOptionalKeyword getRenderOptionalAsKeywordForTableAliases()
        Whether to render the optional AS keyword in table aliases, if it is optional in the output dialect. This is ignored if the keyword is not supported (e.g. in Oracle)
      • setRenderOptionalAsKeywordForTableAliases

        public void setRenderOptionalAsKeywordForTableAliases​(RenderOptionalKeyword value)
        Whether to render the optional AS keyword in table aliases, if it is optional in the output dialect. This is ignored if the keyword is not supported (e.g. in Oracle)
      • getRenderOptionalAsKeywordForFieldAliases

        public RenderOptionalKeyword getRenderOptionalAsKeywordForFieldAliases()
        Whether to render the optional AS keyword in table aliases, if it is optional in the output dialect.
      • setRenderOptionalAsKeywordForFieldAliases

        public void setRenderOptionalAsKeywordForFieldAliases​(RenderOptionalKeyword value)
        Whether to render the optional AS keyword in table aliases, if it is optional in the output dialect.
      • getRenderOptionalInnerKeyword

        public RenderOptionalKeyword getRenderOptionalInnerKeyword()
        Whether to render the optional INNER keyword in INNER JOIN, if it is optional in the output dialect.
      • setRenderOptionalInnerKeyword

        public void setRenderOptionalInnerKeyword​(RenderOptionalKeyword value)
        Whether to render the optional INNER keyword in INNER JOIN, if it is optional in the output dialect.
      • getRenderOptionalOuterKeyword

        public RenderOptionalKeyword getRenderOptionalOuterKeyword()
        Whether to render the optional OUTER keyword in OUTER JOIN, if it is optional in the output dialect.
      • setRenderOptionalOuterKeyword

        public void setRenderOptionalOuterKeyword​(RenderOptionalKeyword value)
        Whether to render the optional OUTER keyword in OUTER JOIN, if it is optional in the output dialect.
      • isRenderScalarSubqueriesForStoredFunctions

        public Boolean isRenderScalarSubqueriesForStoredFunctions()
        Whether stored function calls should be wrapped in scalar subqueries.

        Oracle 11g (and potentially, other databases too) implements scalar subquery caching. With this flag set to true, users can automatically profit from this feature in all SQL statements.

        possible object is Boolean
      • setRenderScalarSubqueriesForStoredFunctions

        public void setRenderScalarSubqueriesForStoredFunctions​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the renderScalarSubqueriesForStoredFunctions property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • getRenderImplicitJoinType

        public RenderImplicitJoinType getRenderImplicitJoinType()
        The join type to be generated by implicit joins.
      • setRenderImplicitJoinType

        public void setRenderImplicitJoinType​(RenderImplicitJoinType value)
        The join type to be generated by implicit joins.
      • isRenderOrderByRownumberForEmulatedPagination

        public Boolean isRenderOrderByRownumberForEmulatedPagination()
        Whether an additional ORDER BY rn clause should be rendered on emulated paginated queries.

        Older databases did not support OFFSET .. FETCH pagination, so jOOQ emulates it using derived tables and ROWNUM (Oracle 11g and older) or ROW_NUMBER() (e.g. DB2, SQL Server, etc.) filtering. While these subqueries are ordered, the ordering is not guaranteed to be stable in the outer most queries. It may be stable (and e.g. in Oracle, it mostly is, if queries are not parallel, or joined to other queries, etc.), so the excess ORDER BY clause may add some additional performance overhead. This setting forces jOOQ to not generate the additional ORDER BY clause.

        For details, see

        possible object is Boolean
      • setRenderOrderByRownumberForEmulatedPagination

        public void setRenderOrderByRownumberForEmulatedPagination​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the renderOrderByRownumberForEmulatedPagination property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isRenderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause

        public Boolean isRenderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause()
        Whether the jOOQ RETURNING clause should map to SQL Server's OUTPUT clause.

        SQL Server supports an OUTPUT clause in most DML statements, whose behaviour is almost identical to RETURNING in Firebird, Oracle, PostgreSQL. Users who want to prevent jOOQ from rendering this OUTPUT clause can deactivate this flag to revert to jOOQ calling java.sql.Statement#getGeneratedKeys() instead, which is only supported for single row inserts.

        This OUTPUT clause does not support fetching trigger generated values. In order to fetch trigger generated values, fetchTriggerValuesAfterSQLServerOutput needs to be enabled as well.

        For details, see

        possible object is Boolean
      • setRenderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause

        public void setRenderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the renderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isRenderParenthesisAroundSetOperationQueries

        public Boolean isRenderParenthesisAroundSetOperationQueries()
        Whether queries combined with set operators (e.g. UNION and UNION ALL) should always be surrounded by a parenthesis pair.

        By default (i.e. when this setting is set to false jOOQ will only render parenthesis pairs around queries combined with set operators when required. This is for example the case when set operators are nested, when non-associative operators like EXCEPT are used, or when the queries are rendered as derived tables.

        When this setting is set to true the queries combined with set operators will always be surrounded by a parenthesis pair.

        For details, see and

        possible object is Boolean
      • setRenderParenthesisAroundSetOperationQueries

        public void setRenderParenthesisAroundSetOperationQueries​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the renderParenthesisAroundSetOperationQueries property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isBindOffsetDateTimeType

        public Boolean isBindOffsetDateTimeType()
        Whether the java.time (JSR 310) type OffsetDateTime should be bound natively to JDBC.

        Historically, jOOQ encoded the java.time types as strings to offer better compatibility with older JDBC drivers. By now, most drivers should support the java.time types. Using them may produce better performance both on the server and on the client side.

        This flag allows for reverting to pre-jOOQ 3.14 behaviour, where the default is to bind these types natively.

        For details, see

        possible object is Boolean
      • setBindOffsetDateTimeType

        public void setBindOffsetDateTimeType​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the bindOffsetDateTimeType property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isBindOffsetTimeType

        public Boolean isBindOffsetTimeType()
        Whether the java.time (JSR 310) type OffsetTime should be bound natively to JDBC.

        Historically, jOOQ encoded the java.time types as strings to offer better compatibility with older JDBC drivers. By now, most drivers should support the java.time types. Using them may produce better performance both on the server and on the client side.

        This flag allows for reverting to pre-jOOQ 3.14 behaviour, where the default is to bind these types natively.

        For details, see

        possible object is Boolean
      • setBindOffsetTimeType

        public void setBindOffsetTimeType​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the bindOffsetTimeType property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isFetchTriggerValuesAfterSQLServerOutput

        public Boolean isFetchTriggerValuesAfterSQLServerOutput()
        Fetch trigger values after SQL Server OUTPUT clause.

        SQL Server OUTPUT statements do not support fetching trigger generated values. This is a limitation of the renderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause. An additional MERGE statement can run a second query if (and only if) the primary key has been included in the OUTPUT clause.

        For details, see

        possible object is Boolean
      • setFetchTriggerValuesAfterSQLServerOutput

        public void setFetchTriggerValuesAfterSQLServerOutput​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the fetchTriggerValuesAfterSQLServerOutput property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isTransformAnsiJoinToTableLists

        public Boolean isTransformAnsiJoinToTableLists()
        Transform ANSI join to table lists if possible.

        Historically, prior to ANSI join syntax, joins were implemented by listing tables in the FROM clause and providing join predicates in the WHERE clause, possibly using vendor specific operators like (+) (Oracle, DB2) or *= (SQL Server) for outer join support. For backwards compatibility with older RDBMS versions, ANSI joins in jOOQ code may be converted to equivalent table lists in generated SQL using this flag.

        This flag has a limited implementation that supports inner joins (in most cases) and outer joins (only for simple comparison predicates).

        This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

        possible object is Boolean
      • setTransformAnsiJoinToTableLists

        public void setTransformAnsiJoinToTableLists​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the transformAnsiJoinToTableLists property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isTransformTableListsToAnsiJoin

        public Boolean isTransformTableListsToAnsiJoin()
        Transform table lists to ANSI join if possible.

        (Very) historically, prior to ANSI join syntax, joins were implemented by listing tables in the FROM clause and providing join predicates in the WHERE clause, possibly using vendor specific operators like (+) (Oracle, DB2) or *= (SQL Server) for outer join support. Migrating such join syntax is tedious. The jOOQ parser can parse the old syntax and this flag enables the transformation to ANSI join syntax.

        This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

        possible object is Boolean
      • setTransformTableListsToAnsiJoin

        public void setTransformTableListsToAnsiJoin​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the transformTableListsToAnsiJoin property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isTransformRownum

        public Boolean isTransformRownum()
        Transform ROWNUM expressions to corresponding LIMIT clauses or ROW_NUMBER() expressions.

        In Oracle 11g and less, ROWNUM filtering was the most popular way to paginate. This pseudo column is not supported in other RDBMS, and should be replaced in Oracle 12c by the FETCH clause or ROW_NUMBER() OVER () filtering. This transformation allows for replacing such a filter by equivalent SQL, if possible.

        This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

        possible object is Boolean
      • setTransformRownum

        public void setTransformRownum​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the transformRownum property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • getTransformUnneededArithmeticExpressions

        public TransformUnneededArithmeticExpressions getTransformUnneededArithmeticExpressions()
        Transform arithmetic expressions on literals and bind variables.

        Arithmetic expressions may be implemented by the user, or arise from emulations from within jOOQ. Expressions on literals and bind variables could be evaluated in the client prior to generating SQL.

        This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      • setTransformUnneededArithmeticExpressions

        public void setTransformUnneededArithmeticExpressions​(TransformUnneededArithmeticExpressions value)
        Transform arithmetic expressions on literals and bind variables.

        Arithmetic expressions may be implemented by the user, or arise from emulations from within jOOQ. Expressions on literals and bind variables could be evaluated in the client prior to generating SQL.

        This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      • getBackslashEscaping

        public BackslashEscaping getBackslashEscaping()
        Whether string literals should be escaped with backslash.
      • setBackslashEscaping

        public void setBackslashEscaping​(BackslashEscaping value)
        Whether string literals should be escaped with backslash.
      • getParamType

        public ParamType getParamType()
        Specify how bind variables are to be rendered.

        Possibilities include: - question marks - named parameters - named or inlined parameters - inlined parameters This value is overridden by statementType == STATIC_STATEMENT, in case of which, this defaults to INLINED

      • setParamType

        public void setParamType​(ParamType value)
        Specify how bind variables are to be rendered.

        Possibilities include: - question marks - named parameters - named or inlined parameters - inlined parameters This value is overridden by statementType == STATIC_STATEMENT, in case of which, this defaults to INLINED

      • getParamCastMode

        public ParamCastMode getParamCastMode()
        Whether rendered bind values should be cast to their respective type.
      • setParamCastMode

        public void setParamCastMode​(ParamCastMode value)
        Whether rendered bind values should be cast to their respective type.
      • getStatementType

        public StatementType getStatementType()
        The type of statement that is to be executed.
      • setStatementType

        public void setStatementType​(StatementType value)
        The type of statement that is to be executed.
      • getTransactionListenerStartInvocationOrder

        public InvocationOrder getTransactionListenerStartInvocationOrder()
        The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registered TransactionListeners.
      • setTransactionListenerStartInvocationOrder

        public void setTransactionListenerStartInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registered TransactionListeners.
      • getTransactionListenerEndInvocationOrder

        public InvocationOrder getTransactionListenerEndInvocationOrder()
        The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registered TransactionListeners.
      • setTransactionListenerEndInvocationOrder

        public void setTransactionListenerEndInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registered TransactionListeners.
      • getMigrationListenerStartInvocationOrder

        public InvocationOrder getMigrationListenerStartInvocationOrder()
        The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registered MigrationListeners.
      • setMigrationListenerStartInvocationOrder

        public void setMigrationListenerStartInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registered MigrationListeners.
      • getMigrationListenerEndInvocationOrder

        public InvocationOrder getMigrationListenerEndInvocationOrder()
        The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registered MigrationListeners.
      • setMigrationListenerEndInvocationOrder

        public void setMigrationListenerEndInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registered MigrationListeners.
      • getVisitListenerStartInvocationOrder

        public InvocationOrder getVisitListenerStartInvocationOrder()
        The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registered VisitListeners.
      • setVisitListenerStartInvocationOrder

        public void setVisitListenerStartInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registered VisitListeners.
      • getVisitListenerEndInvocationOrder

        public InvocationOrder getVisitListenerEndInvocationOrder()
        The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registered VisitListeners.
      • setVisitListenerEndInvocationOrder

        public void setVisitListenerEndInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registered VisitListeners.
      • getRecordListenerStartInvocationOrder

        public InvocationOrder getRecordListenerStartInvocationOrder()
        The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registered RecordListeners.
      • setRecordListenerStartInvocationOrder

        public void setRecordListenerStartInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registered RecordListeners.
      • getRecordListenerEndInvocationOrder

        public InvocationOrder getRecordListenerEndInvocationOrder()
        The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registered RecordListeners.
      • setRecordListenerEndInvocationOrder

        public void setRecordListenerEndInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registered RecordListeners.
      • getExecuteListenerStartInvocationOrder

        public InvocationOrder getExecuteListenerStartInvocationOrder()
        The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registered ExecuteListeners.
      • setExecuteListenerStartInvocationOrder

        public void setExecuteListenerStartInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registered ExecuteListeners.
      • getExecuteListenerEndInvocationOrder

        public InvocationOrder getExecuteListenerEndInvocationOrder()
        The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registered ExecuteListeners.
      • setExecuteListenerEndInvocationOrder

        public void setExecuteListenerEndInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registered ExecuteListeners.
      • isExecuteLogging

        public Boolean isExecuteLogging()
        When set to true, this will add jOOQ's default logging ExecuteListeners.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setExecuteLogging

        public void setExecuteLogging​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the executeLogging property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isUpdateRecordVersion

        public Boolean isUpdateRecordVersion()
        Whether store(), insert(), and update() methods should update the record version prior to the operation, for use with executeWithOptimisticLocking.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setUpdateRecordVersion

        public void setUpdateRecordVersion​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the updateRecordVersion property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isUpdateRecordTimestamp

        public Boolean isUpdateRecordTimestamp()
        Whether store(), insert(), and update() methods should update the record timestamp prior to the operation, for use with executeWithOptimisticLocking.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setUpdateRecordTimestamp

        public void setUpdateRecordTimestamp​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the updateRecordTimestamp property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isExecuteWithOptimisticLocking

        public Boolean isExecuteWithOptimisticLocking()
        Whether store() and delete() methods should be executed with optimistic locking.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setExecuteWithOptimisticLocking

        public void setExecuteWithOptimisticLocking​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the executeWithOptimisticLocking property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isExecuteWithOptimisticLockingExcludeUnversioned

        public Boolean isExecuteWithOptimisticLockingExcludeUnversioned()
        Whether store() and delete() methods should be executed with optimistic locking also on "unversioned" tables, i.e. on tables that do not have a version and/or timestamp column.

        This flag has no effect when "executeWithOptimisticLocking" is turned off.

        possible object is Boolean
      • setExecuteWithOptimisticLockingExcludeUnversioned

        public void setExecuteWithOptimisticLockingExcludeUnversioned​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the executeWithOptimisticLockingExcludeUnversioned property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isAttachRecords

        public Boolean isAttachRecords()
        Whether fetched records should be attached to the fetching configuration.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setAttachRecords

        public void setAttachRecords​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the attachRecords property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • setInsertUnchangedRecords

        public void setInsertUnchangedRecords​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the insertUnchangedRecords property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isUpdatablePrimaryKeys

        public Boolean isUpdatablePrimaryKeys()
        Whether primary key values are deemed to be "updatable" in jOOQ.

        Setting this to "true" will allow for updating primary key values through and UpdatableRecord.update().

        possible object is Boolean
      • setUpdatablePrimaryKeys

        public void setUpdatablePrimaryKeys​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the updatablePrimaryKeys property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isReflectionCaching

        public Boolean isReflectionCaching()
        Whether reflection information should be cached in the configuration.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setReflectionCaching

        public void setReflectionCaching​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the reflectionCaching property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isCacheRecordMappers

        public Boolean isCacheRecordMappers()
        Whether record mappers should be cached in the configuration.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setCacheRecordMappers

        public void setCacheRecordMappers​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the cacheRecordMappers property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isCachePreparedStatementInLoader

        public Boolean isCachePreparedStatementInLoader()
        Whether JDBC PreparedStatement instances should be cached in loader API.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setCachePreparedStatementInLoader

        public void setCachePreparedStatementInLoader​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the cachePreparedStatementInLoader property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • getThrowExceptions

        public ThrowExceptions getThrowExceptions()
        A strategy defining how exceptions from the database / JDBC driver should be propagated
      • setThrowExceptions

        public void setThrowExceptions​(ThrowExceptions value)
        A strategy defining how exceptions from the database / JDBC driver should be propagated
      • isFetchWarnings

        public Boolean isFetchWarnings()
        Whether warnings should be fetched after each query execution.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setFetchWarnings

        public void setFetchWarnings​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the fetchWarnings property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • getFetchServerOutputSize

        public Integer getFetchServerOutputSize()
        Whether server output should be fetched after each query execution.
      • setFetchServerOutputSize

        public void setFetchServerOutputSize​(Integer value)
        Whether server output should be fetched after each query execution.
      • isReturnIdentityOnUpdatableRecord

        public Boolean isReturnIdentityOnUpdatableRecord()
        Whether calls to store(), insert() and update() should return the identity column.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setReturnIdentityOnUpdatableRecord

        public void setReturnIdentityOnUpdatableRecord​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the returnIdentityOnUpdatableRecord property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isReturnAllOnUpdatableRecord

        public Boolean isReturnAllOnUpdatableRecord()
        Whether calls to store(), insert() and update() should return all columns, not just identity columns.

        Do note that only few databases support this feature. It is supported only in case the INSERT's or UPDATE's RETURNING clause is fully supported, also for non-IDENTITY columns.

        possible object is Boolean
      • setReturnAllOnUpdatableRecord

        public void setReturnAllOnUpdatableRecord​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the returnAllOnUpdatableRecord property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isReturnRecordToPojo

        public Boolean isReturnRecordToPojo()
        Whether calls to store(), insert(), update(), and delete() that are called on an UpdatableRecord that is created from a POJO (e.g. in a DAO) should return all Record values to the POJO, including IDENTITY values, and if is active, also other values.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setReturnRecordToPojo

        public void setReturnRecordToPojo​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the returnRecordToPojo property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isMapJPAAnnotations

        public Boolean isMapJPAAnnotations()
        Whether JPA annotations should be considered by the DefaultRecordMapper.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setMapJPAAnnotations

        public void setMapJPAAnnotations​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the mapJPAAnnotations property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isMapConstructorParameterNames

        public Boolean isMapConstructorParameterNames()
        Whether constructor parameter names obtained via reflection in Java 8+ should be considered by the DefaultRecordMapper. This flag has no effect in Java 6 or 7.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setMapConstructorParameterNames

        public void setMapConstructorParameterNames​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the mapConstructorParameterNames property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isMapConstructorParameterNamesInKotlin

        public Boolean isMapConstructorParameterNamesInKotlin()
        Whether constructor parameter names obtained via reflection in Kotlin should be considered by the DefaultRecordMapper. This flag has no effect in Java.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setMapConstructorParameterNamesInKotlin

        public void setMapConstructorParameterNamesInKotlin​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the mapConstructorParameterNamesInKotlin property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • getQueryPoolable

        public QueryPoolable getQueryPoolable()
        The default JDBC poolable property that should be applied to all jOOQ queries, for which no specific poolable flag was specified.
      • setQueryPoolable

        public void setQueryPoolable​(QueryPoolable value)
        The default JDBC poolable property that should be applied to all jOOQ queries, for which no specific poolable flag was specified.
      • getQueryTimeout

        public Integer getQueryTimeout()
        The default JDBC queryTimeout property that should be applied to all jOOQ queries, for which no specific queryTimeout was specified.
      • setQueryTimeout

        public void setQueryTimeout​(Integer value)
        The default JDBC queryTimeout property that should be applied to all jOOQ queries, for which no specific queryTimeout was specified.
      • getMaxRows

        public Integer getMaxRows()
        The default JDBC maxRows property that should be applied to all jOOQ queries, for which no specific maxRows value was specified.
      • setMaxRows

        public void setMaxRows​(Integer value)
        The default JDBC maxRows property that should be applied to all jOOQ queries, for which no specific maxRows value was specified.
      • getFetchSize

        public Integer getFetchSize()
        The default JDBC fetchSize property that should be applied to all jOOQ queries, for which no specific fetchSize value was specified.
      • setFetchSize

        public void setFetchSize​(Integer value)
        The default JDBC fetchSize property that should be applied to all jOOQ queries, for which no specific fetchSize value was specified.
      • getBatchSize

        public Integer getBatchSize()
        A property specifying a batch size that should be applied to all automatically created BatchedConnection instances.
      • setBatchSize

        public void setBatchSize​(Integer value)
        A property specifying a batch size that should be applied to all automatically created BatchedConnection instances.
      • isDebugInfoOnStackTrace

        public Boolean isDebugInfoOnStackTrace()
        [#5570] Whether exception stack traces should be enhanced with additional debug information.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setDebugInfoOnStackTrace

        public void setDebugInfoOnStackTrace​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the debugInfoOnStackTrace property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isInListPadding

        public Boolean isInListPadding()
        [#5600] Whether IN lists in IN predicates should be padded to powers of inListPadBase (default 2).
        possible object is Boolean
      • setInListPadding

        public void setInListPadding​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the inListPadding property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • getInListPadBase

        public Integer getInListPadBase()
        [#7095] The base to use to calculate the powers of when applying in list padding.
      • setInListPadBase

        public void setInListPadBase​(Integer value)
        [#7095] The base to use to calculate the powers of when applying in list padding.
      • getDelimiter

        public String getDelimiter()
        [#5826] The delimiter character to be used to delimit statements in batches.
      • setDelimiter

        public void setDelimiter​(String value)
        [#5826] The delimiter character to be used to delimit statements in batches.
      • isEmulateOnDuplicateKeyUpdateOnPrimaryKeyOnly

        public Boolean isEmulateOnDuplicateKeyUpdateOnPrimaryKeyOnly()
        [#6462] Use only the primary key to emulate MySQL's INSERT .. ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement. In MySQL, the statement considers all unique keys for duplicates to apply an update rather than an insert. Earlier versions of jOOQ considered only the PRIMARY KEY. This flag can be turned on to maintain backwards compatibility.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setEmulateOnDuplicateKeyUpdateOnPrimaryKeyOnly

        public void setEmulateOnDuplicateKeyUpdateOnPrimaryKeyOnly​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the emulateOnDuplicateKeyUpdateOnPrimaryKeyOnly property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • getExecuteUpdateWithoutWhere

        public ExecuteWithoutWhere getExecuteUpdateWithoutWhere()
        [#6771] Specifies whether UPDATE statements are allowed to be executed lacking a WHERE clause. This has no effect on rendering the statements SQL string.
      • setExecuteUpdateWithoutWhere

        public void setExecuteUpdateWithoutWhere​(ExecuteWithoutWhere value)
        [#6771] Specifies whether UPDATE statements are allowed to be executed lacking a WHERE clause. This has no effect on rendering the statements SQL string.
      • getExecuteDeleteWithoutWhere

        public ExecuteWithoutWhere getExecuteDeleteWithoutWhere()
        [#6771] Specifies whether DELETE statements are allowed to be executed lacking a WHERE clause. This has no effect on rendering the statements SQL string.
      • setExecuteDeleteWithoutWhere

        public void setExecuteDeleteWithoutWhere​(ExecuteWithoutWhere value)
        [#6771] Specifies whether DELETE statements are allowed to be executed lacking a WHERE clause. This has no effect on rendering the statements SQL string.
      • getInterpreterDialect

        public SQLDialect getInterpreterDialect()
        [#7337] The dialect that should be used to interpret SQL DDL statements. SQLDialect.DEFAULT means that jOOQ interprets the SQL itself. Any other dialect (if supported) will be interpreted on an actual JDBC connection.
      • setInterpreterDialect

        public void setInterpreterDialect​(SQLDialect value)
        [#7337] The dialect that should be used to interpret SQL DDL statements. SQLDialect.DEFAULT means that jOOQ interprets the SQL itself. Any other dialect (if supported) will be interpreted on an actual JDBC connection.
      • getInterpreterNameLookupCaseSensitivity

        public InterpreterNameLookupCaseSensitivity getInterpreterNameLookupCaseSensitivity()
        [#9633] The case sensitivity of identifiers used when interpreting SQL DDL statements.
      • setInterpreterNameLookupCaseSensitivity

        public void setInterpreterNameLookupCaseSensitivity​(InterpreterNameLookupCaseSensitivity value)
        [#9633] The case sensitivity of identifiers used when interpreting SQL DDL statements.
      • getInterpreterLocale

        public Locale getInterpreterLocale()
        The Locale to be used with any interpreter locale dependent logic, defaulting to getLocale().
      • setInterpreterLocale

        public void setInterpreterLocale​(Locale value)
        The Locale to be used with any interpreter locale dependent logic, defaulting to getLocale().
      • isInterpreterDelayForeignKeyDeclarations

        public Boolean isInterpreterDelayForeignKeyDeclarations()
        Using this flag, the interpreter will be able to delay the addition of foreign key declarations until the end of the interpretation run.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setInterpreterDelayForeignKeyDeclarations

        public void setInterpreterDelayForeignKeyDeclarations​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the interpreterDelayForeignKeyDeclarations property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isMigrationAllowsUndo

        public Boolean isMigrationAllowsUndo()
        Whether migrations are allowed to be executed in inverse order.

        This is a potentially destructive feature, which should not be turned on in production. It is useful mostly to quickly switch between branches in a development environment. This feature is available only in commercial distributions.

        possible object is Boolean
      • setMigrationAllowsUndo

        public void setMigrationAllowsUndo​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the migrationAllowsUndo property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isMigrationRevertUntracked

        public Boolean isMigrationRevertUntracked()
        Whether migrations revert any untracked changes in the schemas that are being migrated.

        This is a potentially destructive feature, which should not be turned on in production. It is useful mostly to quickly revert any elements created in a development environment. This feature is available only in commercial distributions.

        possible object is Boolean
      • setMigrationRevertUntracked

        public void setMigrationRevertUntracked​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the migrationRevertUntracked property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • isMigrationAutoValidation

        public Boolean isMigrationAutoValidation()
        Whether a migration automatically runs a validation first.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setMigrationAutoValidation

        public void setMigrationAutoValidation​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the migrationAutoValidation property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • getParseDialect

        public SQLDialect getParseDialect()
        [#7337] The input dialect that should be chosen to disambiguate ambiguous SQL syntax.
      • setParseDialect

        public void setParseDialect​(SQLDialect value)
        [#7337] The input dialect that should be chosen to disambiguate ambiguous SQL syntax.
      • getParseLocale

        public Locale getParseLocale()
        The Locale to be used with any parser locale dependent logic, defaulting to getLocale().
      • setParseLocale

        public void setParseLocale​(Locale value)
        The Locale to be used with any parser locale dependent logic, defaulting to getLocale().
      • getParseNameCase

        public ParseNameCase getParseNameCase()
        [#7337] The default name case for parsed identifiers.
      • setParseNameCase

        public void setParseNameCase​(ParseNameCase value)
        [#7337] The default name case for parsed identifiers.
      • getParseWithMetaLookups

        public ParseWithMetaLookups getParseWithMetaLookups()
        [#7163] Whether the parser should perform meta lookups in the Configuration's MetaProvider.
      • setParseWithMetaLookups

        public void setParseWithMetaLookups​(ParseWithMetaLookups value)
        [#7163] Whether the parser should perform meta lookups in the Configuration's MetaProvider.
      • isParseSetCommands

        public Boolean isParseSetCommands()
        [#9780] Whether commands of the type SET key = value should be parsed rather than ignored.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setParseSetCommands

        public void setParseSetCommands​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the parseSetCommands property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • getParseUnsupportedSyntax

        public ParseUnsupportedSyntax getParseUnsupportedSyntax()
        [#5917] Whether the parser should accept unsupported (but known) syntax.
      • setParseUnsupportedSyntax

        public void setParseUnsupportedSyntax​(ParseUnsupportedSyntax value)
        [#5917] Whether the parser should accept unsupported (but known) syntax.
      • getParseUnknownFunctions

        public ParseUnknownFunctions getParseUnknownFunctions()
        [#7344] Whether the parser should accept unknown functions.
      • setParseUnknownFunctions

        public void setParseUnknownFunctions​(ParseUnknownFunctions value)
        [#7344] Whether the parser should accept unknown functions.
      • isParseIgnoreComments

        public Boolean isParseIgnoreComments()
        [#8325] Whether the parser should ignore content between ignore comment tokens.
        possible object is Boolean
      • setParseIgnoreComments

        public void setParseIgnoreComments​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the parseIgnoreComments property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • getParseIgnoreCommentStart

        public String getParseIgnoreCommentStart()
        [#8325] The ignore comment start token
      • setParseIgnoreCommentStart

        public void setParseIgnoreCommentStart​(String value)
        [#8325] The ignore comment start token
      • getParseIgnoreCommentStop

        public String getParseIgnoreCommentStop()
        [#8325] The ignore comment stop token
      • setParseIgnoreCommentStop

        public void setParseIgnoreCommentStop​(String value)
        [#8325] The ignore comment stop token
      • isApplyWorkaroundFor7962

        public Boolean isApplyWorkaroundFor7962()
        [#7963] Apply workaround for ORA-04043 when inserting into Oracle tables with qualified, quoted identifiers, and fetching generated keys
        possible object is Boolean
      • setApplyWorkaroundFor7962

        public void setApplyWorkaroundFor7962​(Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the applyWorkaroundFor7962 property.
        value - allowed object is Boolean
      • withRenderMapping

        public Settings withRenderMapping​(RenderMapping value)
        Configure render mapping for runtime schema / table rewriting in generated SQL.
      • withRenderQuotedNames

        public Settings withRenderQuotedNames​(RenderQuotedNames value)
        Whether rendered schema, table, column names, etc should be quoted.

        This only affects names created through methods (including those that are implicitly created through this method), not DSL.quotedName(String) or DSL.unquotedName(String), whose behaviour cannot be overridden.

        This setting does not affect any plain SQL usage.

      • withRenderNameCase

        public Settings withRenderNameCase​(RenderNameCase value)
        Whether the case of Name references should be modified in any way.

        Names are modified irrespective of the getRenderQuotedNames() setting.

        This setting does not affect any plain SQL usage.

      • withRenderNameStyle

        public Settings withRenderNameStyle​(RenderNameStyle value)
        - 3.12.0 - [#5909] - Use RenderQuotedNames and RenderNameCase instead.
        Whether rendered schema, table, column names, etc should be quoted in rendered SQL, or transformed in any other way.

        This is set to "QUOTED" by default for backwards-compatibility.

      • withRenderNamedParamPrefix

        public Settings withRenderNamedParamPrefix​(String value)
        The prefix to use for named parameters.

        Named parameter syntax defaults to :name (such as supported by Oracle, JPA, Spring), but vendor specific parameters may look differently. This flag can be used to determine the prefix to be used by named parameters, such as @ for SQL Server's @name or $ for PostgreSQL's $name.

        "Named indexed" parameters can be obtained in the same way by specifingy ParamType#NAMED and not providing a name to parameters, resulting in :1 or @1 or $1, etc.

      • withRenderKeywordCase

        public Settings withRenderKeywordCase​(RenderKeywordCase value)
        Whether the case of Keyword references should be modified in any way.
      • withRenderLocale

        public Settings withRenderLocale​(Locale value)
        The Locale to be used with any render locale dependent logic (as e.g. transforming names to lower / uppper case), defaulting to getLocale().
      • withRenderFormatted

        public Settings withRenderFormatted​(Boolean value)
      • withRenderFormatting

        public Settings withRenderFormatting​(RenderFormatting value)
        All sorts of formatting flags / settings.
      • withRenderOptionalAsKeywordForTableAliases

        public Settings withRenderOptionalAsKeywordForTableAliases​(RenderOptionalKeyword value)
        Whether to render the optional AS keyword in table aliases, if it is optional in the output dialect. This is ignored if the keyword is not supported (e.g. in Oracle)
      • withRenderOptionalAsKeywordForFieldAliases

        public Settings withRenderOptionalAsKeywordForFieldAliases​(RenderOptionalKeyword value)
        Whether to render the optional AS keyword in table aliases, if it is optional in the output dialect.
      • withRenderOptionalInnerKeyword

        public Settings withRenderOptionalInnerKeyword​(RenderOptionalKeyword value)
        Whether to render the optional INNER keyword in INNER JOIN, if it is optional in the output dialect.
      • withRenderOptionalOuterKeyword

        public Settings withRenderOptionalOuterKeyword​(RenderOptionalKeyword value)
        Whether to render the optional OUTER keyword in OUTER JOIN, if it is optional in the output dialect.
      • withRenderScalarSubqueriesForStoredFunctions

        public Settings withRenderScalarSubqueriesForStoredFunctions​(Boolean value)
      • withRenderImplicitJoinType

        public Settings withRenderImplicitJoinType​(RenderImplicitJoinType value)
        The join type to be generated by implicit joins.
      • withRenderOrderByRownumberForEmulatedPagination

        public Settings withRenderOrderByRownumberForEmulatedPagination​(Boolean value)
      • withRenderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause

        public Settings withRenderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause​(Boolean value)
      • withRenderParenthesisAroundSetOperationQueries

        public Settings withRenderParenthesisAroundSetOperationQueries​(Boolean value)
      • withBindOffsetDateTimeType

        public Settings withBindOffsetDateTimeType​(Boolean value)
      • withBindOffsetTimeType

        public Settings withBindOffsetTimeType​(Boolean value)
      • withFetchTriggerValuesAfterSQLServerOutput

        public Settings withFetchTriggerValuesAfterSQLServerOutput​(Boolean value)
      • withTransformAnsiJoinToTableLists

        public Settings withTransformAnsiJoinToTableLists​(Boolean value)
      • withTransformTableListsToAnsiJoin

        public Settings withTransformTableListsToAnsiJoin​(Boolean value)
      • withTransformRownum

        public Settings withTransformRownum​(Boolean value)
      • withTransformUnneededArithmeticExpressions

        public Settings withTransformUnneededArithmeticExpressions​(TransformUnneededArithmeticExpressions value)
        Transform arithmetic expressions on literals and bind variables.

        Arithmetic expressions may be implemented by the user, or arise from emulations from within jOOQ. Expressions on literals and bind variables could be evaluated in the client prior to generating SQL.

        This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      • withBackslashEscaping

        public Settings withBackslashEscaping​(BackslashEscaping value)
        Whether string literals should be escaped with backslash.
      • withParamType

        public Settings withParamType​(ParamType value)
        Specify how bind variables are to be rendered.

        Possibilities include: - question marks - named parameters - named or inlined parameters - inlined parameters This value is overridden by statementType == STATIC_STATEMENT, in case of which, this defaults to INLINED

      • withParamCastMode

        public Settings withParamCastMode​(ParamCastMode value)
        Whether rendered bind values should be cast to their respective type.
      • withStatementType

        public Settings withStatementType​(StatementType value)
        The type of statement that is to be executed.
      • withTransactionListenerStartInvocationOrder

        public Settings withTransactionListenerStartInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registered TransactionListeners.
      • withTransactionListenerEndInvocationOrder

        public Settings withTransactionListenerEndInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registered TransactionListeners.
      • withMigrationListenerStartInvocationOrder

        public Settings withMigrationListenerStartInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registered MigrationListeners.
      • withMigrationListenerEndInvocationOrder

        public Settings withMigrationListenerEndInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registered MigrationListeners.
      • withVisitListenerStartInvocationOrder

        public Settings withVisitListenerStartInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registered VisitListeners.
      • withVisitListenerEndInvocationOrder

        public Settings withVisitListenerEndInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registered VisitListeners.
      • withRecordListenerStartInvocationOrder

        public Settings withRecordListenerStartInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registered RecordListeners.
      • withRecordListenerEndInvocationOrder

        public Settings withRecordListenerEndInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registered RecordListeners.
      • withExecuteListenerStartInvocationOrder

        public Settings withExecuteListenerStartInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registered ExecuteListeners.
      • withExecuteListenerEndInvocationOrder

        public Settings withExecuteListenerEndInvocationOrder​(InvocationOrder value)
        The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registered ExecuteListeners.
      • withExecuteLogging

        public Settings withExecuteLogging​(Boolean value)
      • withUpdateRecordVersion

        public Settings withUpdateRecordVersion​(Boolean value)
      • withUpdateRecordTimestamp

        public Settings withUpdateRecordTimestamp​(Boolean value)
      • withExecuteWithOptimisticLocking

        public Settings withExecuteWithOptimisticLocking​(Boolean value)
      • withExecuteWithOptimisticLockingExcludeUnversioned

        public Settings withExecuteWithOptimisticLockingExcludeUnversioned​(Boolean value)
      • withInsertUnchangedRecords

        public Settings withInsertUnchangedRecords​(Boolean value)
      • withUpdatablePrimaryKeys

        public Settings withUpdatablePrimaryKeys​(Boolean value)
      • withReflectionCaching

        public Settings withReflectionCaching​(Boolean value)
      • withCacheRecordMappers

        public Settings withCacheRecordMappers​(Boolean value)
      • withCachePreparedStatementInLoader

        public Settings withCachePreparedStatementInLoader​(Boolean value)
      • withThrowExceptions

        public Settings withThrowExceptions​(ThrowExceptions value)
        A strategy defining how exceptions from the database / JDBC driver should be propagated
      • withFetchServerOutputSize

        public Settings withFetchServerOutputSize​(Integer value)
        Whether server output should be fetched after each query execution.
      • withReturnIdentityOnUpdatableRecord

        public Settings withReturnIdentityOnUpdatableRecord​(Boolean value)
      • withReturnAllOnUpdatableRecord

        public Settings withReturnAllOnUpdatableRecord​(Boolean value)
      • withReturnRecordToPojo

        public Settings withReturnRecordToPojo​(Boolean value)
      • withMapJPAAnnotations

        public Settings withMapJPAAnnotations​(Boolean value)
      • withMapConstructorParameterNames

        public Settings withMapConstructorParameterNames​(Boolean value)
      • withMapConstructorParameterNamesInKotlin

        public Settings withMapConstructorParameterNamesInKotlin​(Boolean value)
      • withQueryPoolable

        public Settings withQueryPoolable​(QueryPoolable value)
        The default JDBC poolable property that should be applied to all jOOQ queries, for which no specific poolable flag was specified.
      • withQueryTimeout

        public Settings withQueryTimeout​(Integer value)
        The default JDBC queryTimeout property that should be applied to all jOOQ queries, for which no specific queryTimeout was specified.
      • withMaxRows

        public Settings withMaxRows​(Integer value)
        The default JDBC maxRows property that should be applied to all jOOQ queries, for which no specific maxRows value was specified.
      • withFetchSize

        public Settings withFetchSize​(Integer value)
        The default JDBC fetchSize property that should be applied to all jOOQ queries, for which no specific fetchSize value was specified.
      • withBatchSize

        public Settings withBatchSize​(Integer value)
        A property specifying a batch size that should be applied to all automatically created BatchedConnection instances.
      • withDebugInfoOnStackTrace

        public Settings withDebugInfoOnStackTrace​(Boolean value)
      • withInListPadBase

        public Settings withInListPadBase​(Integer value)
        [#7095] The base to use to calculate the powers of when applying in list padding.
      • withDelimiter

        public Settings withDelimiter​(String value)
        [#5826] The delimiter character to be used to delimit statements in batches.
      • withEmulateOnDuplicateKeyUpdateOnPrimaryKeyOnly

        public Settings withEmulateOnDuplicateKeyUpdateOnPrimaryKeyOnly​(Boolean value)
      • withExecuteUpdateWithoutWhere

        public Settings withExecuteUpdateWithoutWhere​(ExecuteWithoutWhere value)
        [#6771] Specifies whether UPDATE statements are allowed to be executed lacking a WHERE clause. This has no effect on rendering the statements SQL string.
      • withExecuteDeleteWithoutWhere

        public Settings withExecuteDeleteWithoutWhere​(ExecuteWithoutWhere value)
        [#6771] Specifies whether DELETE statements are allowed to be executed lacking a WHERE clause. This has no effect on rendering the statements SQL string.
      • withInterpreterDialect

        public Settings withInterpreterDialect​(SQLDialect value)
        [#7337] The dialect that should be used to interpret SQL DDL statements. SQLDialect.DEFAULT means that jOOQ interprets the SQL itself. Any other dialect (if supported) will be interpreted on an actual JDBC connection.
      • withInterpreterNameLookupCaseSensitivity

        public Settings withInterpreterNameLookupCaseSensitivity​(InterpreterNameLookupCaseSensitivity value)
        [#9633] The case sensitivity of identifiers used when interpreting SQL DDL statements.
      • withInterpreterLocale

        public Settings withInterpreterLocale​(Locale value)
        The Locale to be used with any interpreter locale dependent logic, defaulting to getLocale().
      • withInterpreterDelayForeignKeyDeclarations

        public Settings withInterpreterDelayForeignKeyDeclarations​(Boolean value)
      • withMigrationAllowsUndo

        public Settings withMigrationAllowsUndo​(Boolean value)
      • withMigrationRevertUntracked

        public Settings withMigrationRevertUntracked​(Boolean value)
      • withMigrationAutoValidation

        public Settings withMigrationAutoValidation​(Boolean value)
      • withParseDialect

        public Settings withParseDialect​(SQLDialect value)
        [#7337] The input dialect that should be chosen to disambiguate ambiguous SQL syntax.
      • withParseLocale

        public Settings withParseLocale​(Locale value)
        The Locale to be used with any parser locale dependent logic, defaulting to getLocale().
      • withParseNameCase

        public Settings withParseNameCase​(ParseNameCase value)
        [#7337] The default name case for parsed identifiers.
      • withParseWithMetaLookups

        public Settings withParseWithMetaLookups​(ParseWithMetaLookups value)
        [#7163] Whether the parser should perform meta lookups in the Configuration's MetaProvider.
      • withParseSetCommands

        public Settings withParseSetCommands​(Boolean value)
      • withParseUnsupportedSyntax

        public Settings withParseUnsupportedSyntax​(ParseUnsupportedSyntax value)
        [#5917] Whether the parser should accept unsupported (but known) syntax.
      • withParseUnknownFunctions

        public Settings withParseUnknownFunctions​(ParseUnknownFunctions value)
        [#7344] Whether the parser should accept unknown functions.
      • withParseIgnoreComments

        public Settings withParseIgnoreComments​(Boolean value)
      • withParseIgnoreCommentStart

        public Settings withParseIgnoreCommentStart​(String value)
        [#8325] The ignore comment start token
      • withParseIgnoreCommentStop

        public Settings withParseIgnoreCommentStop​(String value)
        [#8325] The ignore comment stop token
      • withApplyWorkaroundFor7962

        public Settings withApplyWorkaroundFor7962​(Boolean value)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object