Module org.jooq
Package org.jooq

Annotation Interface Require

Require a set of SQLDialect to be supported by any jOOQ statement in the scope of this annotation.

This annotation can be used at the use-site of jOOQ API at any given scope ElementType.PACKAGE, ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD in order to specify that the given scope requires ALL of the supplied SQLDialect to be supported by all usage of jOOQ API within the scope. For example:

 // Allow only MYSQL or ORACLE dialect support to be used within the class scope
 public class MySQLAndOracleDAO {

     // Allow rule from class applies to this method
     public void mysqlAndOracleMethod() {
            .insertInto(TABLE, TABLE.COLUMN)
            // This type checks as it works on both MySQL and Oracle
            .set(TABLE.COLUMN, 2)

     // Refine class Allow rule with additional requirement
     public void oracleOnlyMethod() {
            .set(TABLE.COLUMN, 2)

Type checking for these annotations can be supplied by org.jooq.checker.SQLDialectChecker from the jOOQ-checker module.

Type checking for these annotations can be supplied by org.jooq.checker.SQLDialectChecker from the jOOQ-checker module.


Lukas Eder
See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    A list of jOOQ SQLDialect which are required on any jOOQ API method that is annotated with Support.
  • Element Details

    • value

      SQLDialect[] value
      A list of jOOQ SQLDialect which are required on any jOOQ API method that is annotated with Support.