- Type Parameters:
- The function return type
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Subinterfaces:
,A> QOM.Corr
This type is used for the window function DSL API.
Unlike in WindowOverStep
, OVER()
is an optional clause
- Author:
- Lukas Eder
Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Field
abs, acos, add, add, as, as, as, as, asc, ascii, asin, atan, atan2, atan2, avg, avgOver, between, between, between, between, betweenSymmetric, betweenSymmetric, betweenSymmetric, betweenSymmetric, bitAnd, bitAnd, bitLength, bitNand, bitNand, bitNor, bitNor, bitNot, bitOr, bitOr, bitXNor, bitXNor, bitXor, bitXor, cast, cast, cast, ceil, changed, charLength, coalesce, coalesce, coerce, coerce, coerce, collate, collate, collate, comment, comment, compare, compare, compare, compare, concat, concat, concat, contains, contains, containsIgnoreCase, containsIgnoreCase, convert, convert, convert, convertFrom, convertFrom, convertTo, convertTo, cos, cosh, cot, coth, count, countDistinct, countOver, decode, decode, decode, decode, deg, desc, div, div, divide, divide, endsWith, endsWith, endsWithIgnoreCase, endsWithIgnoreCase, eq, eq, eq, eq, equal, equal, equal, equal, equalIgnoreCase, equalIgnoreCase, equals, exp, extract, field, firstValue, floor, from, ge, ge, ge, ge, get, getComment, getName, getValue, greaterOrEqual, greaterOrEqual, greaterOrEqual, greaterOrEqual, greaterThan, greaterThan, greaterThan, greaterThan, greatest, greatest, gt, gt, gt, gt, in, in, in, in, in, isDistinctFrom, isDistinctFrom, isDistinctFrom, isDocument, isFalse, isJson, isNotDistinctFrom, isNotDistinctFrom, isNotDistinctFrom, isNotDocument, isNotJson, isNotNull, isNull, isTrue, lag, lag, lag, lag, lastValue, le, le, le, le, lead, lead, lead, lead, least, least, length, lessOrEqual, lessOrEqual, lessOrEqual, lessOrEqual, lessThan, lessThan, lessThan, lessThan, like, like, like, like, like, likeIgnoreCase, likeIgnoreCase, likeIgnoreCase, likeIgnoreCase, likeRegex, likeRegex, ln, log, lower, lpad, lpad, lpad, lpad, lt, lt, lt, lt, ltrim, max, maxOver, median, min, minOver, minus, minus, mod, mod, modulo, modulo, mul, mul, multiply, multiply, ne, ne, ne, ne, neg, notBetween, notBetween, notBetween, notBetween, notBetweenSymmetric, notBetweenSymmetric, notBetweenSymmetric, notBetweenSymmetric, notContains, notContains, notContainsIgnoreCase, notContainsIgnoreCase, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual, notEqualIgnoreCase, notEqualIgnoreCase, notIn, notIn, notIn, notIn, notIn, notLike, notLike, notLike, notLike, notLike, notLikeIgnoreCase, notLikeIgnoreCase, notLikeIgnoreCase, notLikeIgnoreCase, notLikeRegex, notLikeRegex, notSimilarTo, notSimilarTo, notSimilarTo, notSimilarTo, notSimilarTo, nullif, nullif, nullsFirst, nullsLast, nvl, nvl, nvl2, nvl2, octetLength, original, plus, plus, plus, position, position, pow, pow, power, power, rad, rem, rem, repeat, repeat, replace, replace, replace, replace, reset, round, round, rpad, rpad, rpad, rpad, rtrim, shl, shl, shr, shr, sign, similarTo, similarTo, similarTo, similarTo, similarTo, sin, sinh, sort, sort, sortAsc, sortAsc, sortDefault, sortDesc, sortDesc, sqrt, startsWith, startsWith, startsWithIgnoreCase, startsWithIgnoreCase, stddevPop, stddevPopOver, stddevSamp, stddevSampOver, sub, sub, substring, substring, substring, substring, subtract, subtract, sum, sumOver, tan, tanh, times, times, trim, unaryMinus, unaryPlus, upper, varPop, varPopOver, varSamp, varSampOver
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Named
$name, getCommentPart, getQualifiedName, getUnqualifiedName
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.QueryPart
$replace, $replace, $traverse, $traverse, hashCode, toString
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Typed
$dataType, getBinding, getConverter, getDataType, getDataType, getType