Interface Field<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The field type
All Superinterfaces:
Adapter, AliasProvider<Field<T>>, Attachable, Comparable<NamedQueryPart>, NamedQueryPart, NamedTypeProviderQueryPart<T>, QueryPart, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
AggregateFunction<T>, CaseConditionStep<T>, CaseWhenStep<V,T>, GroupConcatOrderByStep, GroupConcatSeparatorStep, Param<T>, TableField<R,T>, UDTField<R,T>, WindowFinalStep<T>, WindowOrderByStep<T>, WindowPartitionByStep<T>, WindowRowsStep<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Field<T>
extends NamedTypeProviderQueryPart<T>, AliasProvider<Field<T>>

A field used in tables and conditions

Lukas Eder

Method Summary
 Field<T> abs()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> acos()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> add(Field<?> value)
          An arithmetic expression to add value to this.
 Field<T> add(Number value)
          An arithmetic expression adding this to value.
 Field<T> as(String alias)
          Create an alias for this field
 SortField<T> asc()
          Create an ascending sort field from this field
 Field<Integer> ascii()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> asin()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> atan()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> atan2(Field<? extends Number> y)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> atan2(Number y)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> avg()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> avgOver()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Condition between(Field<T> minValue, Field<T> maxValue)
          Create a condition to check this field against some bounds SQL: this between minValue and maxValue
 Condition between(T minValue, T maxValue)
          Create a condition to check this field against some bounds SQL: this between minValue and maxValue
 Field<Integer> bitLength()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
cast(Class<? extends Z> type)
          Cast this field to another type The actual cast may not be accurate as the DataType has to be "guessed" from the jOOQ-configured data types.
<Z> Field<Z>
cast(DataType<Z> type)
          Cast this field to a dialect-specific data type.
<Z> Field<Z>
cast(Field<Z> field)
          Cast this field to the type of another field.
 Field<T> ceil()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> charLength()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> coalesce(Field<T> option, Field<?>... options)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> coalesce(T option, T... options)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> concat(Field<?>... fields)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> concat(String... values)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Condition contains(Field<T> value)
          Convenience method for like(String, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\' Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).contains(13) If you're using SQLDialect.POSTGRES, then you can use this method also to express the "ARRAY contains" operator.
 Condition contains(T value)
          Convenience method for like(String, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\' Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).contains(13) If you're using SQLDialect.POSTGRES, then you can use this method also to express the "ARRAY contains" operator.
 Field<BigDecimal> cos()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> cosh()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> cot()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> coth()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> count()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> countDistinct()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowPartitionByStep<Integer> countOver()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
decode(Field<T> search, Field<Z> result)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
decode(Field<T> search, Field<Z> result, Field<?>... more)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
decode(T search, Z result)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
decode(T search, Z result, Object... more)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> deg()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 SortField<T> desc()
          Create a descending sort field from this field
 Field<T> div(Field<? extends Number> value)
          An arithmetic expression dividing this by value If this is a numeric field, then the result is a number of the same type as this field.
 Field<T> div(Number value)
          An arithmetic expression dividing this by value If this is a numeric field, then the result is a number of the same type as this field.
 Condition endsWith(Field<T> value)
          Convenience method for like(String, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\')) escape '\' Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).endsWith(33)
 Condition endsWith(T value)
          Convenience method for like(String, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\')) escape '\' Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).endsWith(33)
 Condition equal(Field<T> field)
          this = field
 Condition equal(Select<?> query)
          this = (Select
 Condition equal(T value)
          this = value If value == null, then this will return a condition equivalent to isNull() for convenience.
 Condition equalAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this = all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition equalAll(Select<?> query)
          this = all (Select
 Condition equalAll(T... array)
          this = all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition equalAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this = any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition equalAny(Select<?> query)
          this = any (Select
 Condition equalAny(T... array)
          this = any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition equalIgnoreCase(Field<String> value)
          lower(this) = lower(value)
 Condition equalIgnoreCase(String value)
          lower(this) = lower(value)
 boolean equals(Object other)
          Watch out!
 Condition equalSome(Select<?> query)
          Deprecated. - 2.0.2 - Use equalAny(Select) instead
 Field<BigDecimal> exp()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> extract(DatePart datePart)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> firstValue()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> floor()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 String getName()
          The name of the field.
 Class<? extends T> getType()
          The Java type of the field.
 Condition greaterOrEqual(Field<T> field)
          this >= field
 Condition greaterOrEqual(Select<?> query)
          this >= (Select
 Condition greaterOrEqual(T value)
          this >= value
 Condition greaterOrEqualAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this >= all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition greaterOrEqualAll(Select<?> query)
          this >= all (Select
 Condition greaterOrEqualAll(T... array)
          this >= all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition greaterOrEqualAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this >= any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition greaterOrEqualAny(Select<?> query)
          this >= any (Select
 Condition greaterOrEqualAny(T... array)
          this >= any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition greaterOrEqualSome(Select<?> query)
          Deprecated. - 2.0.2 - Use greaterOrEqualAny(Select) instead
 Condition greaterThan(Field<T> field)
          this > field
 Condition greaterThan(Select<?> query)
          this > (Select
 Condition greaterThan(T value)
          this > value
 Condition greaterThanAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this > all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition greaterThanAll(Select<?> query)
          this > all (Select
 Condition greaterThanAll(T... array)
          this > all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition greaterThanAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this > any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition greaterThanAny(Select<?> query)
          this > any (Select
 Condition greaterThanAny(T... array)
          this > any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition greaterThanSome(Select<?> query)
          Deprecated. - 2.0.2 - Use greaterThanAny(Select) instead
 Field<T> greatest(Field<?>... others)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> greatest(T... others)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Condition in(Collection<T> values)
          Create a condition to check this field against several values SQL: this in (values...)
 Condition in(Field<?>... values)
          Create a condition to check this field against several values SQL: this in (values...)
 Condition in(Select<?> query)
          Create a condition to check this field against a subquery Note that the subquery must return exactly one field.
 Condition in(T... values)
          Create a condition to check this field against several values SQL: this in (values...)
 Condition isFalse()
          Create a condition to check this field against known string literals for false SQL: lcase(this) in ("0", "n", "no", "false", "off", "disabled")
 Condition isNotNull()
          Create a condition to check this field against null.
 Condition isNull()
          Create a condition to check this field against null.
 boolean isNullLiteral()
          Whether this field represents a null literal.
 Condition isTrue()
          Create a condition to check this field against known string literals for true SQL: lcase(this) in ("1", "y", "yes", "true", "on", "enabled")
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lag()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lag(int offset)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lag(int offset, Field<T> defaultValue)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lag(int offset, T defaultValue)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lastValue()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lead()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lead(int offset)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lead(int offset, Field<T> defaultValue)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lead(int offset, T defaultValue)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> least(Field<?>... others)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> least(T... others)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> length()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Condition lessOrEqual(Field<T> field)
          this <= field
 Condition lessOrEqual(Select<?> query)
          this <= (Select
 Condition lessOrEqual(T value)
          this <= value
 Condition lessOrEqualAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this <= all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition lessOrEqualAll(Select<?> query)
          this <= all (Select
 Condition lessOrEqualAll(T... array)
          this <= all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition lessOrEqualAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this <= any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition lessOrEqualAny(Select<?> query)
          this <= any (Select
 Condition lessOrEqualAny(T... array)
          this <= any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition lessOrEqualSome(Select<?> query)
          Deprecated. - 2.0.2 - Use lessOrEqualAny(Select) instead
 Condition lessThan(Field<T> field)
          this < field
 Condition lessThan(Select<?> query)
          this < (Select
 Condition lessThan(T value)
          this < value
 Condition lessThanAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this < all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition lessThanAll(Select<?> query)
          this < all (Select
 Condition lessThanAll(T... array)
          this < all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition lessThanAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this < any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition lessThanAny(Select<?> query)
          this < any (Select
 Condition lessThanAny(T... array)
          this < any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition lessThanSome(Select<?> query)
          Deprecated. - 2.0.2 - Use lessThanAny(Select) instead
 Condition like(Field<String> value)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this like value
 Condition like(Field<String> value, char escape)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this like value escape 'e'
 Condition like(String value)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this like value
 Condition like(String value, char escape)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this like value escape 'e'
 Field<BigDecimal> ln()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> log(int base)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> lower()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> lpad(Field<? extends Number> length)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> lpad(Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> lpad(int length)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> lpad(int length, char character)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> ltrim()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> max()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowPartitionByStep<T> maxOver()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> median()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> min()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowPartitionByStep<T> minOver()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> mod(Field<? extends Number> value)
          An arithmetic expression getting the modulo of this divided by value This renders the modulo operation where available: [this] % [value] ... or the modulo function elsewhere: mod([this], [value])
 Field<T> mod(Number value)
          An arithmetic expression getting the modulo of this divided by value This renders the modulo operation where available: [this] % [value] ... or the modulo function elsewhere: mod([this], [value])
 Field<T> mul(Field<? extends Number> value)
          An arithmetic expression multiplying this with value If this is a numeric field, then the result is a number of the same type as this field.
 Field<T> mul(Number value)
          An arithmetic expression multiplying this with value If this is a numeric field, then the result is a number of the same type as this field.
 Field<T> neg()
          Negate this field to get its negative value.
 Condition notBetween(Field<T> minValue, Field<T> maxValue)
          Create a condition to check this field against some bounds SQL: this not between minValue and maxValue
 Condition notBetween(T minValue, T maxValue)
          Create a condition to check this field against some bounds SQL: this not between minValue and maxValue
 Condition notEqual(Field<T> field)
          this !
 Condition notEqual(Select<?> query)
          this !
 Condition notEqual(T value)
          this !
 Condition notEqualAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this !
 Condition notEqualAll(Select<?> query)
          this !
 Condition notEqualAll(T... array)
          this !
 Condition notEqualAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this !
 Condition notEqualAny(Select<?> query)
          this !
 Condition notEqualAny(T... array)
          this !
 Condition notEqualIgnoreCase(Field<String> value)
          lower(this) !
 Condition notEqualIgnoreCase(String value)
          lower(this) !
 Condition notEqualSome(Select<?> query)
          Deprecated. - 2.0.2 - Use notEqualAny(Select) instead
 Condition notIn(Collection<T> values)
          Create a condition to check this field against several values Note that if any of the passed values is NULL, then the condition will be NULL (or false, depending on the dialect) as well.
 Condition notIn(Field<?>... values)
          Create a condition to check this field against several values Note that if any of the passed values is NULL, then the condition will be NULL (or false, depending on the dialect) as well.
 Condition notIn(Select<?> query)
          Create a condition to check this field against a subquery Note that the subquery must return exactly one field.
 Condition notIn(T... values)
          Create a condition to check this field against several values Note that if any of the passed values is NULL, then the condition will be NULL (or false, depending on the dialect) as well.
 Condition notLike(Field<String> value)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this not like value
 Condition notLike(Field<String> value, char escape)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this not like value escape 'e'
 Condition notLike(String value)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this not like value
 Condition notLike(String value, char escape)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this not like value escape 'e'
 Field<T> nullif(Field<T> other)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> nullif(T other)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> nvl(Field<T> defaultValue)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> nvl(T defaultValue)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
nvl2(Field<Z> valueIfNotNull, Field<Z> valueIfNull)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
nvl2(Z valueIfNotNull, Z valueIfNull)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> octetLength()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> position(Field<String> search)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> position(String search)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> power(Number exponent)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> rad()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> repeat(Field<? extends Number> count)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> repeat(Number count)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> replace(Field<String> search)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> replace(Field<String> search, Field<String> replace)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> replace(String search)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> replace(String search, String replace)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> round()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> round(int decimals)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> rpad(Field<? extends Number> length)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> rpad(Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> rpad(int length)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> rpad(int length, char character)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> rtrim()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> sign()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> sin()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> sinh()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> SortField<Z>
sort(Map<T,Z> sortMap)
          Create a sort field of the form (in pseudo code) CASE [this] WHEN [sortMap.key(0)] THEN sortMap.value(0) WHEN [sortMap.key(1)] THEN sortMap.value(1) ...
 SortField<Integer> sortAsc(Collection<T> sortList)
          Create a sort field of the form CASE [this] WHEN [sortList.get(0)] THEN 0 WHEN [sortList.get(1)] THEN 1 ...
 SortField<Integer> sortAsc(T... sortList)
          Create a sort field of the form CASE [this] WHEN [sortList[0]] THEN 0 WHEN [sortList[1]] THEN 1 ...
 SortField<Integer> sortDesc(Collection<T> sortList)
          Create a sort field of the form CASE [this] WHEN [sortList.get(0)] THEN 0 WHEN [sortList.get(1)] THEN 1 ...
 SortField<Integer> sortDesc(T... sortList)
          Create a sort field of the form CASE [this] WHEN [sortList[0]] THEN 0 WHEN [sortList[1]] THEN 1 ...
 Field<BigDecimal> sqrt()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Condition startsWith(Field<T> value)
          Convenience method for like(String, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping SQL: this like (escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\' Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).startsWith(11)
 Condition startsWith(T value)
          Convenience method for like(String, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping SQL: this like (escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\' Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).startsWith(11)
 Field<BigDecimal> stddevPop()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> stddevPopOver()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> stddevSamp()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> stddevSampOver()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> sub(Field<?> value)
          An arithmetic expression subtracting value from this.
 Field<T> sub(Number value)
          An arithmetic expression subtracting value from this.
 Field<String> substring(Field<? extends Number> startingPosition)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> substring(Field<? extends Number> startingPosition, Field<? extends Number> length)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> substring(int startingPosition)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> substring(int startingPosition, int length)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> sum()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> sumOver()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> tan()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> tanh()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> trim()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> upper()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> varPop()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> varPopOver()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> varSamp()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> varSampOver()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.NamedTypeProviderQueryPart
getDataType, getDataType
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Attachable
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Adapter
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

Method Detail


String getName()
The name of the field.

The name is any of these:

Specified by:
getName in interface NamedQueryPart


Class<? extends T> getType()
The Java type of the field.

Specified by:
getType in interface NamedTypeProviderQueryPart<T>


Field<T> as(String alias)
Create an alias for this field

Specified by:
as in interface AliasProvider<Field<T>>
alias - The alias name
The field alias


boolean equals(Object other)
Watch out! This is Object.equals(Object), not a jOOQ feature! :-)

equals in class Object


boolean isNullLiteral()
Whether this field represents a null literal.

This method is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only!

This method was added to be able to recognise null literals within jOOQ and handle them specially, as some SQL dialects have a rather un-intuitive way of handling null values.


<Z> Field<Z> cast(Field<Z> field)
Cast this field to the type of another field.

This results in the same as casting this field to DataType.getCastTypeName()

Type Parameters:
Z - The generic type of the cast field
field - The field whose type is used for the cast
The cast field
See Also:


<Z> Field<Z> cast(DataType<Z> type)
Cast this field to a dialect-specific data type.

Type Parameters:
Z - The generic type of the cast field
type -


<Z> Field<Z> cast(Class<? extends Z> type)
Cast this field to another type

The actual cast may not be accurate as the DataType has to be "guessed" from the jOOQ-configured data types. Use cast(DataType) for more accurate casts.

Type Parameters:
Z - The generic type of the cast field
type - The type that is used for the cast
The cast field
See Also:


SortField<T> asc()
Create an ascending sort field from this field

This field as an ascending sort field


SortField<T> desc()
Create a descending sort field from this field

This field as a descending sort field


SortField<Integer> sortAsc(Collection<T> sortList)
Create a sort field of the form
 CASE [this] WHEN [sortList.get(0)] THEN 0
             WHEN [sortList.get(1)] THEN 1
             WHEN [sortList.get(n)] THEN n
                                    ELSE null

Note: You can use this in combination with SortField.nullsFirst() or SortField.nullsLast() to specify whether the default should have highest or lowest priority.

sortList - The list containing sort value preferences
The sort field


SortField<Integer> sortAsc(T... sortList)
Create a sort field of the form
 CASE [this] WHEN [sortList[0]] THEN 0
             WHEN [sortList[1]] THEN 1
             WHEN [sortList[n]] THEN n
                                ELSE null

Note: You can use this in combination with SortField.nullsFirst() or SortField.nullsLast() to specify whether the default should have highest or lowest priority.

sortList - The list containing sort value preferences
The sort field


SortField<Integer> sortDesc(Collection<T> sortList)
Create a sort field of the form
 CASE [this] WHEN [sortList.get(0)] THEN 0
             WHEN [sortList.get(1)] THEN 1
             WHEN [sortList.get(n)] THEN n
                                    ELSE null

Note: You can use this in combination with SortField.nullsFirst() or SortField.nullsLast() to specify whether the default should have highest or lowest priority.

sortList - The list containing sort value preferences
The sort field


SortField<Integer> sortDesc(T... sortList)
Create a sort field of the form
 CASE [this] WHEN [sortList[0]] THEN 0
             WHEN [sortList[1]] THEN 1
             WHEN [sortList[n]] THEN n
                                    ELSE null

Note: You can use this in combination with SortField.nullsFirst() or SortField.nullsLast() to specify whether the default should have highest or lowest priority.

sortList - The list containing sort value preferences
The sort field


<Z> SortField<Z> sort(Map<T,Z> sortMap)
Create a sort field of the form (in pseudo code)
 CASE [this] WHEN [sortMap.key(0)] THEN sortMap.value(0)
             WHEN [sortMap.key(1)] THEN sortMap.value(1)
             WHEN [sortMap.key(n)] THEN sortMap.value(n)
                                   ELSE null

Note: You can use this in combination with SortField.nullsFirst() or SortField.nullsLast() to specify whether the default should have highest or lowest priority.

sortMap - The list containing sort value preferences
The sort field


Field<T> neg()
Negate this field to get its negative value.

This renders the same on all dialects:



Field<T> add(Number value)
An arithmetic expression adding this to value.

See Also:


Field<T> add(Field<?> value)
An arithmetic expression to add value to this.

The behaviour of this operation is as follows:

Operand 1 Operand 2 Result Type
Numeric Numeric Numeric
Date / Time Numeric Date / Time
Date / Time Interval Date / Time
Interval Interval Interval


Field<T> sub(Number value)
An arithmetic expression subtracting value from this.

See Also:


Field<T> sub(Field<?> value)
An arithmetic expression subtracting value from this.

Operand 1 Operand 2 Result Type
Numeric Numeric Numeric
Date / Time Numeric Date / Time
Date / Time Interval Date / Time
Interval Interval Interval

In order to subtract one date time field from another, use any of these methods:


Field<T> mul(Number value)
An arithmetic expression multiplying this with value


Field<T> mul(Field<? extends Number> value)
An arithmetic expression multiplying this with value


Field<T> div(Number value)
An arithmetic expression dividing this by value


Field<T> div(Field<? extends Number> value)
An arithmetic expression dividing this by value


Field<T> mod(Number value)
An arithmetic expression getting the modulo of this divided by value

This renders the modulo operation where available:

[this] % [value]
... or the modulo function elsewhere:
mod([this], [value])


Field<T> mod(Field<? extends Number> value)
An arithmetic expression getting the modulo of this divided by value

This renders the modulo operation where available:

[this] % [value]
... or the modulo function elsewhere:
mod([this], [value])


Condition isNull()
Create a condition to check this field against null.

SQL: this is null


Condition isNotNull()
Create a condition to check this field against null.

SQL: this is not null


Condition isTrue()
Create a condition to check this field against known string literals for true

SQL: lcase(this) in ("1", "y", "yes", "true", "on", "enabled")


Condition isFalse()
Create a condition to check this field against known string literals for false

SQL: lcase(this) in ("0", "n", "no", "false", "off", "disabled")


Condition like(Field<String> value)
Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value

SQL: this like value


Condition like(Field<String> value,
               char escape)
Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value

SQL: this like value escape 'e'


Condition like(String value)
Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value

SQL: this like value


Condition like(String value,
               char escape)
Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value

SQL: this like value escape 'e'


Condition notLike(Field<String> value)
Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value

SQL: this not like value


Condition notLike(Field<String> value,
                  char escape)
Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value

SQL: this not like value escape 'e'


Condition notLike(String value)
Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value

SQL: this not like value


Condition notLike(String value,
                  char escape)
Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value

SQL: this not like value escape 'e'


Condition contains(T value)
Convenience method for like(String, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping

SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\'

Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).contains(13)

If you're using SQLDialect.POSTGRES, then you can use this method also to express the "ARRAY contains" operator. For example:

 // Use this expression
 val(new Integer[] { 1, 2, 3 }).contains(new Integer[] { 1, 2 })

 // ... to render this SQL
 ARRAY[1, 2, 3] @> ARRAY[1, 2]

See Also:
Factory.escape(String, char), like(String, char)


Condition contains(Field<T> value)
Convenience method for like(String, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping

SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\'

Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).contains(13)

If you're using SQLDialect.POSTGRES, then you can use this method also to express the "ARRAY contains" operator. For example:

 // Use this expression
 val(new Integer[] { 1, 2, 3 }).contains(new Integer[] { 1, 2 })

 // ... to render this SQL
 ARRAY[1, 2, 3] @> ARRAY[1, 2]

See Also:
Factory.escape(Field, char), like(Field, char)


Condition startsWith(T value)
Convenience method for like(String, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping

SQL: this like (escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\'

Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).startsWith(11)

See Also:
Factory.escape(String, char), like(String, char)


Condition startsWith(Field<T> value)
Convenience method for like(String, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping

SQL: this like (escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\'

Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).startsWith(11)

See Also:
Factory.escape(Field, char), like(Field, char)


Condition endsWith(T value)
Convenience method for like(String, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping

SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\')) escape '\'

Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).endsWith(33)

See Also:
Factory.escape(String, char), like(String, char)


Condition endsWith(Field<T> value)
Convenience method for like(String, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping

SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\')) escape '\'

Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).endsWith(33)

See Also:
Factory.escape(Field, char), like(Field, char)


Condition in(Collection<T> values)
Create a condition to check this field against several values

SQL: this in (values...)


Condition in(T... values)
Create a condition to check this field against several values

SQL: this in (values...)


Condition in(Field<?>... values)
Create a condition to check this field against several values

SQL: this in (values...)


Condition in(Select<?> query)
Create a condition to check this field against a subquery

Note that the subquery must return exactly one field. This is not checked by jOOQ and will result in syntax errors on the database, if not used correctly.

SQL: this in (select...)


Condition notIn(Collection<T> values)
Create a condition to check this field against several values

Note that if any of the passed values is NULL, then the condition will be NULL (or false, depending on the dialect) as well. This is standard SQL behaviour.

SQL: this not in (values...)


Condition notIn(T... values)
Create a condition to check this field against several values

Note that if any of the passed values is NULL, then the condition will be NULL (or false, depending on the dialect) as well. This is standard SQL behaviour.

SQL: this not in (values...)


Condition notIn(Field<?>... values)
Create a condition to check this field against several values

Note that if any of the passed values is NULL, then the condition will be NULL (or false, depending on the dialect) as well. This is standard SQL behaviour.

SQL: this not in (values...)


Condition notIn(Select<?> query)
Create a condition to check this field against a subquery

Note that the subquery must return exactly one field. This is not checked by jOOQ and will result in syntax errors on the database, if not used correctly.

Note that if any of the passed values is NULL, then the condition will be NULL (or false, depending on the dialect) as well. This is standard SQL behaviour.

SQL: this not in (select...)


Condition between(T minValue,
                  T maxValue)
Create a condition to check this field against some bounds

SQL: this between minValue and maxValue


Condition between(Field<T> minValue,
                  Field<T> maxValue)
Create a condition to check this field against some bounds

SQL: this between minValue and maxValue


Condition notBetween(T minValue,
                     T maxValue)
Create a condition to check this field against some bounds

SQL: this not between minValue and maxValue


Condition notBetween(Field<T> minValue,
                     Field<T> maxValue)
Create a condition to check this field against some bounds

SQL: this not between minValue and maxValue


Condition equal(T value)
this = value

If value == null, then this will return a condition equivalent to isNull() for convenience. SQL's ternary NULL logic is rarely of use for Java programmers.


Condition equal(Field<T> field)
this = field


Condition equalIgnoreCase(String value)
lower(this) = lower(value)


Condition equalIgnoreCase(Field<String> value)
lower(this) = lower(value)


Condition equal(Select<?> query)
this = (Select ...)


Condition equalAny(Select<?> query)
this = any (Select ...)


Condition equalAny(T... array)
this = any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition equalAny(Field<T[]> array)
this = any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition equalSome(Select<?> query)
Deprecated. - 2.0.2 - Use equalAny(Select) instead

this = some (Select ...)


Condition equalAll(Select<?> query)
this = all (Select ...)


Condition equalAll(T... array)
this = all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition equalAll(Field<T[]> array)
this = all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition notEqual(T value)
this != value

If value == null, then this will return a condition equivalent to isNotNull() for convenience. SQL's ternary NULL logic is rarely of use for Java programmers.


Condition notEqual(Field<T> field)
this != field


Condition notEqualIgnoreCase(String value)
lower(this) != lower(value)


Condition notEqualIgnoreCase(Field<String> value)
lower(this) != lower(value)


Condition notEqual(Select<?> query)
this != (Select ...)


Condition notEqualAny(Select<?> query)
this != any (Select ...)


Condition notEqualAny(T... array)
this != any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition notEqualAny(Field<T[]> array)
this != any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition notEqualSome(Select<?> query)
Deprecated. - 2.0.2 - Use notEqualAny(Select) instead

this != some (Select ...)


Condition notEqualAll(Select<?> query)
this != all (Select ...)


Condition notEqualAll(T... array)
this != all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition notEqualAll(Field<T[]> array)
this != all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition lessThan(T value)
this < value


Condition lessThan(Field<T> field)
this < field


Condition lessThan(Select<?> query)
this < (Select ...)


Condition lessThanAny(Select<?> query)
this < any (Select ...)


Condition lessThanAny(T... array)
this < any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition lessThanAny(Field<T[]> array)
this < any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition lessThanSome(Select<?> query)
Deprecated. - 2.0.2 - Use lessThanAny(Select) instead

this < some (Select ...)


Condition lessThanAll(Select<?> query)
this < all (Select ...)


Condition lessThanAll(T... array)
this < all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition lessThanAll(Field<T[]> array)
this < all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition lessOrEqual(T value)
this <= value


Condition lessOrEqual(Field<T> field)
this <= field


Condition lessOrEqual(Select<?> query)
this <= (Select ...)


Condition lessOrEqualAny(Select<?> query)
this <= any (Select ...)


Condition lessOrEqualAny(T... array)
this <= any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition lessOrEqualAny(Field<T[]> array)
this <= any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition lessOrEqualSome(Select<?> query)
Deprecated. - 2.0.2 - Use lessOrEqualAny(Select) instead

this <= some (Select ...)


Condition lessOrEqualAll(Select<?> query)
this <= all (Select ...)


Condition lessOrEqualAll(T... array)
this <= all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition lessOrEqualAll(Field<T[]> array)
this <= all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition greaterThan(T value)
this > value


Condition greaterThan(Field<T> field)
this > field


Condition greaterThan(Select<?> query)
this > (Select ...)


Condition greaterThanAny(Select<?> query)
this > any (Select ...)


Condition greaterThanAny(T... array)
this > any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition greaterThanAny(Field<T[]> array)
this > any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition greaterThanSome(Select<?> query)
Deprecated. - 2.0.2 - Use greaterThanAny(Select) instead

this > some (Select ...)


Condition greaterThanAll(Select<?> query)
this > all (Select ...)


Condition greaterThanAll(T... array)
this > all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition greaterThanAll(Field<T[]> array)
this > all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition greaterOrEqual(T value)
this >= value


Condition greaterOrEqual(Field<T> field)
this >= field


Condition greaterOrEqual(Select<?> query)
this >= (Select ...)


Condition greaterOrEqualAny(Select<?> query)
this >= any (Select ...)


Condition greaterOrEqualAny(T... array)
this >= any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition greaterOrEqualAny(Field<T[]> array)
this >= any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition greaterOrEqualSome(Select<?> query)
Deprecated. - 2.0.2 - Use greaterOrEqualAny(Select) instead

this >= some (Select ...)


Condition greaterOrEqualAll(Select<?> query)
this >= all (Select ...)


Condition greaterOrEqualAll(T... array)
this >= all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Condition greaterOrEqualAll(Field<T[]> array)
this >= all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.


Field<Integer> sign()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<T> abs()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<T> round()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<T> round(int decimals)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.round(Field, int)


Field<T> floor()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<T> ceil()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> sqrt()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> exp()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> ln()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> log(int base)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.log(Field, int)


Field<BigDecimal> power(Number exponent)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.power(Field, Number)


Field<BigDecimal> acos()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> asin()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> atan()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> atan2(Number y)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.atan2(Field, Number)


Field<BigDecimal> atan2(Field<? extends Number> y)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.atan2(Field, Field)


Field<BigDecimal> cos()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> sin()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> tan()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> cot()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> sinh()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> cosh()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> tanh()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> coth()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> deg()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> rad()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<Integer> count()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<Integer> countDistinct()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<T> max()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<T> min()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> sum()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> avg()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> median()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> stddevPop()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> stddevSamp()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> varPop()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<BigDecimal> varSamp()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


WindowPartitionByStep<Integer> countOver()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.count(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowPartitionByStep<T> maxOver()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.max(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowPartitionByStep<T> minOver()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.min(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> sumOver()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.sum(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> avgOver()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.avg(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> firstValue()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.firstValue(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lastValue()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.lastValue(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lead()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.lead(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lead(int offset)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.lead(Field, int), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lead(int offset,
                              T defaultValue)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.lead(Field, int, Object), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lead(int offset,
                              Field<T> defaultValue)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.lead(Field, int, Field), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lag()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.lag(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lag(int offset)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.lag(Field, int), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lag(int offset,
                             T defaultValue)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.lag(Field, int, Object), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lag(int offset,
                             Field<T> defaultValue)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.lag(Field, int, Field), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> stddevPopOver()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.stddevPop(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> stddevSampOver()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.stddevSamp(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> varPopOver()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.varPop(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> varSampOver()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.varSamp(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


Field<String> upper()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<String> lower()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<String> trim()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<String> rtrim()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<String> ltrim()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<String> rpad(Field<? extends Number> length)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.rpad(Field, Field)


Field<String> rpad(int length)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.rpad(Field, int)


Field<String> rpad(Field<? extends Number> length,
                   Field<String> character)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.rpad(Field, Field, Field)


Field<String> rpad(int length,
                   char character)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.rpad(Field, int, char)


Field<String> lpad(Field<? extends Number> length)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.lpad(Field, Field)


Field<String> lpad(int length)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.lpad(Field, int)


Field<String> lpad(Field<? extends Number> length,
                   Field<String> character)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.lpad(Field, Field, Field)


Field<String> lpad(int length,
                   char character)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.lpad(Field, int, char)


Field<String> repeat(Number count)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.repeat(Field, int)


Field<String> repeat(Field<? extends Number> count)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.repeat(Field, Field)


Field<String> replace(Field<String> search)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.replace(Field, Field)


Field<String> replace(String search)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.replace(Field, String)


Field<String> replace(Field<String> search,
                      Field<String> replace)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.replace(Field, Field, Field)


Field<String> replace(String search,
                      String replace)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.replace(Field, String, String)


Field<Integer> position(String search)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.position(Field, String)


Field<Integer> position(Field<String> search)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.position(Field, Field)


Field<Integer> ascii()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<String> concat(Field<?>... fields)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<String> concat(String... values)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<String> substring(int startingPosition)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.substring(Field, int)


Field<String> substring(Field<? extends Number> startingPosition)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.substring(Field, Field)


Field<String> substring(int startingPosition,
                        int length)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.substring(Field, int, int)


Field<String> substring(Field<? extends Number> startingPosition,
                        Field<? extends Number> length)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.substring(Field, Field, Field)


Field<Integer> length()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<Integer> charLength()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<Integer> bitLength()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<Integer> octetLength()
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:


Field<Integer> extract(DatePart datePart)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.extract(Field, DatePart)


Field<T> greatest(T... others)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.greatest(Field, Field...)


Field<T> greatest(Field<?>... others)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.greatest(Field, Field...)


Field<T> least(T... others)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.least(Field, Field...)


Field<T> least(Field<?>... others)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.least(Field, Field...)


Field<T> nvl(T defaultValue)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.nvl(Field, Object)


Field<T> nvl(Field<T> defaultValue)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.nvl(Field, Field)


<Z> Field<Z> nvl2(Z valueIfNotNull,
                  Z valueIfNull)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.nvl2(Field, Object, Object)


<Z> Field<Z> nvl2(Field<Z> valueIfNotNull,
                  Field<Z> valueIfNull)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.nvl2(Field, Field, Field)


Field<T> nullif(T other)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.nullif(Field, Object)


Field<T> nullif(Field<T> other)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.nullif(Field, Field)


<Z> Field<Z> decode(T search,
                    Z result)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.decode(Object, Object, Object)


<Z> Field<Z> decode(T search,
                    Z result,
                    Object... more)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.decode(Object, Object, Object, Object...)


<Z> Field<Z> decode(Field<T> search,
                    Field<Z> result)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.decode(Field, Field, Field)


<Z> Field<Z> decode(Field<T> search,
                    Field<Z> result,
                    Field<?>... more)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.decode(Field, Field, Field, Field...)


Field<T> coalesce(T option,
                  T... options)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.coalesce(Object, Object...)


Field<T> coalesce(Field<T> option,
                  Field<?>... options)
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

See Also:
Factory.coalesce(Field, Field...)

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