Uses of Interface

Packages that use Field

Uses of Field in org.jooq

Subinterfaces of Field in org.jooq
 interface AggregateFunction<T>
          An aggregate function is a special field that is usually used in a GROUP BY context.
 interface CaseConditionStep<T>
          The final step in creating a case statement of the type CASE WHEN x < 1 THEN 'one' WHEN x >= 2 THEN 'two' ELSE 'three' END
 interface CaseWhenStep<V,T>
          The final step in creating a case statement of the type CASE x WHEN 1 THEN 'one' WHEN 2 THEN 'two' ELSE 'three' END
 interface GroupConcatOrderByStep
          MySQL's GROUP_CONCAT function.
 interface GroupConcatSeparatorStep
          MySQL's GROUP_CONCAT function.
 interface Param<T>
          A named parameter
 interface TableField<R extends Record,T>
          A field contained in a table
 interface UDTField<R extends UDTRecord<R>,T>
          A field contained in a UDT
 interface WindowFinalStep<T>
          This type is used for the window function DSL API.
 interface WindowOrderByStep<T>
          This type is used for the window function DSL API.
 interface WindowPartitionByStep<T>
          This type is used for the window function DSL API.
 interface WindowRowsStep<T>
          This type is used for the window function DSL API.

Methods in org.jooq that return Field
 Field<T> Field.abs()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.acos()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.add(Field<?> value)
          An arithmetic expression to add value to this.
 Field<T> Field.add(Number value)
          An arithmetic expression adding this to value.
 Field<T> alias)
          Create an alias for this field
 Field<Integer> Field.ascii()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<T> Field<T>
          The underlying field representation of this object This method is useful for things like SELECT y.*, (SELECT a FROM x) FROM y
<T> Field<T>
FieldLike.asField(String alias)
          The underlying field representation of this object This method is useful for things like SELECT y.*, (SELECT a FROM x) [alias] FROM y
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.asin()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.atan()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.atan2(Field<? extends Number> y)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.atan2(Number y)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.avg()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> Field.bitLength()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
Field.cast(Class<? extends Z> type)
          Cast this field to another type The actual cast may not be accurate as the DataType has to be "guessed" from the jOOQ-configured data types.
<Z> Field<Z>
Field.cast(DataType<Z> type)
          Cast this field to a dialect-specific data type.
<Z> Field<Z>
Field.cast(Field<Z> field)
          Cast this field to the type of another field.
 Field<T> Field.ceil()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> Field.charLength()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.coalesce(Field<T> option, Field<?>... options)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.coalesce(T option, T... options)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.concat(Field<?>... fields)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.concat(String... values)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.cos()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.cosh()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.cot()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.coth()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> Field.count()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> Field.countDistinct()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Sequence.currval()
          Get the current value of this sequence
<Z> Field<Z>
Field.decode(Field<T> search, Field<Z> result)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
Field.decode(Field<T> search, Field<Z> result, Field<?>... more)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
Field.decode(T search, Z result)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
Field.decode(T search, Z result, Object... more)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.deg()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.div(Field<? extends Number> value)
          An arithmetic expression dividing this by value If this is a numeric field, then the result is a number of the same type as this field.
 Field<T> Field.div(Number value)
          An arithmetic expression dividing this by value If this is a numeric field, then the result is a number of the same type as this field.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.exp()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> Field.extract(DatePart datePart)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.floor()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<T> Field<T>
FieldProvider.getField(Field<T> field)
          Get a specific field from this field provider.
 Field<?> FieldProvider.getField(int index)
          Get a specific field from this field provider.
 Field<?> FieldProvider.getField(String name)
          Get a specific field from this field provider.
 Field<T> Field.greatest(Field<?>... others)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.greatest(T... others)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.least(Field<?>... others)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.least(T... others)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> Field.length()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.ln()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.log(int base)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.lower()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.lpad(Field<? extends Number> length)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.lpad(Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.lpad(int length)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.lpad(int length, char character)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.ltrim()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.max()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.median()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.min()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.mod(Field<? extends Number> value)
          An arithmetic expression getting the modulo of this divided by value This renders the modulo operation where available: [this] % [value] ... or the modulo function elsewhere: mod([this], [value])
 Field<T> Field.mod(Number value)
          An arithmetic expression getting the modulo of this divided by value This renders the modulo operation where available: [this] % [value] ... or the modulo function elsewhere: mod([this], [value])
 Field<T> Field.mul(Field<? extends Number> value)
          An arithmetic expression multiplying this with value If this is a numeric field, then the result is a number of the same type as this field.
 Field<T> Field.mul(Number value)
          An arithmetic expression multiplying this with value If this is a numeric field, then the result is a number of the same type as this field.
 Field<T> Field.neg()
          Negate this field to get its negative value.
 Field<T> Sequence.nextval()
          Increment the sequence and get the next value
 Field<T> Field.nullif(Field<T> other)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.nullif(T other)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.nvl(Field<T> defaultValue)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.nvl(T defaultValue)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
Field.nvl2(Field<Z> valueIfNotNull, Field<Z> valueIfNull)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
Field.nvl2(Z valueIfNotNull, Z valueIfNull)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> Field.octetLength()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> CaseWhenStep.otherwise(Field<T> result)
          Add an else clause to the already constructed case statement
 Field<T> CaseConditionStep.otherwise(Field<T> result)
          Add an else clause to the already constructed case statement
 Field<T> CaseWhenStep.otherwise(T result)
          Add an else clause to the already constructed case statement
 Field<T> CaseConditionStep.otherwise(T result)
          Add an else clause to the already constructed case statement
 Field<Integer> Field.position(Field<String> search)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> Field.position(String search)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.power(Number exponent)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.rad()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.repeat(Field<? extends Number> count)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.repeat(Number count)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.replace(Field<String> search)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.replace(Field<String> search, Field<String> replace)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.replace(String search)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.replace(String search, String replace)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.round()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.round(int decimals)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.rpad(Field<? extends Number> length)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.rpad(Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.rpad(int length)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.rpad(int length, char character)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.rtrim()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<Integer> Field.sign()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.sin()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.sinh()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.sqrt()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.stddevPop()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.stddevSamp()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.sub(Field<?> value)
          An arithmetic expression subtracting value from this.
 Field<T> Field.sub(Number value)
          An arithmetic expression subtracting value from this.
 Field<String> Field.substring(Field<? extends Number> startingPosition)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.substring(Field<? extends Number> startingPosition, Field<? extends Number> length)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.substring(int startingPosition)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.substring(int startingPosition, int length)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.sum()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.tan()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.tanh()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.trim()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.upper()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.varPop()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.varSamp()
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.

Methods in org.jooq that return types with arguments of type Field
 List<Field<?>> FieldProvider.getFields()
 List<Field<?>> Select.getSelect()
          All fields selected in this query

Methods in org.jooq with parameters of type Field
 Field<T> Field.add(Field<?> value)
          An arithmetic expression to add value to this.
 void SelectQuery.addGroupBy(Field<?>... fields)
          Adds grouping fields
 void OrderProvider.addOrderBy(Field<?>... fields)
          Adds ordering fields, ordering by the default sort order
 void SelectQuery.addSelect(Field<?>... fields)
          Add a list of select fields
<T> void
StoreQuery.addValue(Field<T> field, Field<T> value)
          Add a value to the store statement
<T> void
StoreQuery.addValue(Field<T> field, Field<T> value)
          Add a value to the store statement
<T> void
StoreQuery.addValue(Field<T> field, T value)
          Add a value to the store statement
<A extends ArrayRecord<T>,T>
StoreQuery.addValueAsArray(Field<A> field, List<T> value)
          Add a value to the store statement
<A extends ArrayRecord<T>,T>
StoreQuery.addValueAsArray(Field<A> field, T... value)
          Add a value to the store statement
<T> void
InsertQuery.addValueForUpdate(Field<T> field, Field<T> value)
          Add a value to the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause of this INSERT statement, where this is supported.
<T> void
InsertQuery.addValueForUpdate(Field<T> field, Field<T> value)
          Add a value to the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause of this INSERT statement, where this is supported.
<T> void
InsertQuery.addValueForUpdate(Field<T> field, T value)
          Add a value to the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause of this INSERT statement, where this is supported.
 Field<BigDecimal> Field.atan2(Field<? extends Number> y)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Condition Field.between(Field<T> minValue, Field<T> maxValue)
          Create a condition to check this field against some bounds SQL: this between minValue and maxValue
 Condition Field.between(Field<T> minValue, Field<T> maxValue)
          Create a condition to check this field against some bounds SQL: this between minValue and maxValue
<Z> Field<Z>
Field.cast(Field<Z> field)
          Cast this field to the type of another field.
 Field<T> Field.coalesce(Field<T> option, Field<?>... options)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.coalesce(Field<T> option, Field<?>... options)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.concat(Field<?>... fields)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Condition Field.contains(Field<T> value)
          Convenience method for like(String, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\' Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).contains(13) If you're using SQLDialect.POSTGRES, then you can use this method also to express the "ARRAY contains" operator.
<Z> Field<Z>
Field.decode(Field<T> search, Field<Z> result)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
Field.decode(Field<T> search, Field<Z> result)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
Field.decode(Field<T> search, Field<Z> result, Field<?>... more)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
Field.decode(Field<T> search, Field<Z> result, Field<?>... more)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
Field.decode(Field<T> search, Field<Z> result, Field<?>... more)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.div(Field<? extends Number> value)
          An arithmetic expression dividing this by value If this is a numeric field, then the result is a number of the same type as this field.
 Condition Field.endsWith(Field<T> value)
          Convenience method for like(String, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\')) escape '\' Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).endsWith(33)
 Condition Field.equal(Field<T> field)
          this = field
 Condition Field.equalAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this = all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition Field.equalAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this = any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition Field.equalIgnoreCase(Field<String> value)
          lower(this) = lower(value)
<T> List<T>
ResultQuery.fetch(Field<?> field, Class<? extends T> type)
          Execute the query and return all values for a field from the generated result.
<T> List<T>
ResultQuery.fetch(Field<T> field)
          Execute the query and return all values for a field from the generated result.
<T,U> List<U>
ResultQuery.fetch(Field<T> field, Converter<? super T,U> converter)
          Execute the query and return all values for a field from the generated result.
<T> T[]
ResultQuery.fetchArray(Field<?> field, Class<? extends T> type)
          Execute the query and return all values for a field from the generated result.
<T> T[]
ResultQuery.fetchArray(Field<T> field)
          Execute the query and return all values for a field from the generated result.
<T,U> U[]
ResultQuery.fetchArray(Field<T> field, Converter<? super T,U> converter)
          Execute the query and return all values for a field from the generated result.
<K> Map<K,R>
ResultQuery.fetchMap(Field<K> key)
          Execute the query and return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and the corresponding records as value.
<K,V> Map<K,V>
ResultQuery.fetchMap(Field<K> key, Field<V> value)
          Execute the query and return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and another one of the result's columns as value An exception is thrown, if the key turns out to be non-unique in the result set.
<K,V> Map<K,V>
ResultQuery.fetchMap(Field<K> key, Field<V> value)
          Execute the query and return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and another one of the result's columns as value An exception is thrown, if the key turns out to be non-unique in the result set.
<T> T
ResultQuery.fetchOne(Field<?> field, Class<? extends T> type)
          Execute the query and return return at most one resulting value for a field from the generated result.
<T> T
ResultQuery.fetchOne(Field<T> field)
          Execute the query and return return at most one resulting value for a field from the generated result.
<T,U> U
ResultQuery.fetchOne(Field<T> field, Converter<? super T,U> converter)
          Execute the query and return return at most one resulting value for a field from the generated result.
 LoaderCSVOptionsStep<R> LoaderCSVStep.fields(Field<?>... fields)
          Specify the the fields to be loaded into the table in the correct order.
<T> Field<T>
FieldProvider.getField(Field<T> field)
          Get a specific field from this field provider.
 int FieldProvider.getIndex(Field<?> field)
          Get a fields index from this field provider
<T> T
Record.getValue(Field<?> field, Class<? extends T> type)
          Get a converted value from this Record, providing a field.
<T> T
Record.getValue(Field<?> field, Class<? extends T> type, T defaultValue)
          Get a converted value from this record, providing a field.
<T> T
Record.getValue(Field<T> field)
          Get a value from this Record, providing a field.
<T,U> U
Record.getValue(Field<T> field, Converter<? super T,U> converter)
          Get a converted value from this Record, providing a field.
<T,U> U
Record.getValue(Field<T> field, Converter<? super T,U> converter, U defaultValue)
          Get a converted value from this record, providing a field.
<T> T
Record.getValue(Field<T> field, T defaultValue)
          Get a value from this record, providing a field.
<T> T
Result.getValue(int index, Field<T> field)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
<T> T
Result.getValue(int index, Field<T> field, T defaultValue)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
<A extends ArrayRecord<T>,T>
Record.getValueAsArray(Field<A> field)
          Get an array value from this Record, providing an ArrayRecord field.
<A extends ArrayRecord<T>,T>
Record.getValueAsArray(Field<A> field, T[] defaultValue)
          Get an array value from this Record, providing an ArrayRecord field.
<A extends ArrayRecord<T>,T>
Result.getValueAsArray(int index, Field<A> field)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
<A extends ArrayRecord<T>,T>
Result.getValueAsArray(int index, Field<A> field, T[] defaultValue)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 BigDecimal Record.getValueAsBigDecimal(Field<?> field)
          Get a value from this Record, providing a field.
 BigDecimal Record.getValueAsBigDecimal(Field<?> field, BigDecimal defaultValue)
          Get a value from this record, providing a field.
 BigDecimal Result.getValueAsBigDecimal(int index, Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 BigDecimal Result.getValueAsBigDecimal(int index, Field<?> field, BigDecimal defaultValue)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 BigInteger Record.getValueAsBigInteger(Field<?> field)
          Get a value from this Record, providing a field.
 BigInteger Record.getValueAsBigInteger(Field<?> field, BigInteger defaultValue)
          Get a value from this record, providing a field.
 BigInteger Result.getValueAsBigInteger(int index, Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 BigInteger Result.getValueAsBigInteger(int index, Field<?> field, BigInteger defaultValue)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Boolean Record.getValueAsBoolean(Field<?> field)
          Get a value from this Record, providing a field.
 Boolean Record.getValueAsBoolean(Field<?> field, Boolean defaultValue)
          Get a value from this record, providing a field.
 Boolean Result.getValueAsBoolean(int index, Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Boolean Result.getValueAsBoolean(int index, Field<?> field, Boolean defaultValue)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Byte Record.getValueAsByte(Field<?> field)
          Get a value from this Record, providing a field.
 Byte Record.getValueAsByte(Field<?> field, Byte defaultValue)
          Get a value from this record, providing a field.
 Byte Result.getValueAsByte(int index, Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Byte Result.getValueAsByte(int index, Field<?> field, Byte defaultValue)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Date Record.getValueAsDate(Field<?> field)
          Get a value from this Record, providing a field.
 Date Record.getValueAsDate(Field<?> field, Date defaultValue)
          Get a value from this record, providing a field.
 Date Result.getValueAsDate(int index, Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Date Result.getValueAsDate(int index, Field<?> field, Date defaultValue)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Double Record.getValueAsDouble(Field<?> field)
          Get a value from this Record, providing a field.
 Double Record.getValueAsDouble(Field<?> field, Double defaultValue)
          Get a value from this record, providing a field.
 Double Result.getValueAsDouble(int index, Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Double Result.getValueAsDouble(int index, Field<?> field, Double defaultValue)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Float Record.getValueAsFloat(Field<?> field)
          Get a value from this Record, providing a field.
 Float Record.getValueAsFloat(Field<?> field, Float defaultValue)
          Get a value from this record, providing a field.
 Float Result.getValueAsFloat(int index, Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Float Result.getValueAsFloat(int index, Field<?> field, Float defaultValue)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Integer Record.getValueAsInteger(Field<?> field)
          Get a value from this Record, providing a field.
 Integer Record.getValueAsInteger(Field<?> field, Integer defaultValue)
          Get a value from this record, providing a field.
 Integer Result.getValueAsInteger(int index, Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Integer Result.getValueAsInteger(int index, Field<?> field, Integer defaultValue)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Long Record.getValueAsLong(Field<?> field)
          Get a value from this Record, providing a field.
 Long Record.getValueAsLong(Field<?> field, Long defaultValue)
          Get a value from this record, providing a field.
 Long Result.getValueAsLong(int index, Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Long Result.getValueAsLong(int index, Field<?> field, Long defaultValue)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Short Record.getValueAsShort(Field<?> field)
          Get a value from this Record, providing a field.
 Short Record.getValueAsShort(Field<?> field, Short defaultValue)
          Get a value from this record, providing a field.
 Short Result.getValueAsShort(int index, Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Short Result.getValueAsShort(int index, Field<?> field, Short defaultValue)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 String Record.getValueAsString(Field<?> field)
          Get a value from this Record, providing a field.
 String Record.getValueAsString(Field<?> field, String defaultValue)
          Get a value from this record, providing a field.
 String Result.getValueAsString(int index, Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 String Result.getValueAsString(int index, Field<?> field, String defaultValue)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Time Record.getValueAsTime(Field<?> field)
          Get a value from this Record, providing a field.
 Time Record.getValueAsTime(Field<?> field, Time defaultValue)
          Get a value from this record, providing a field.
 Time Result.getValueAsTime(int index, Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Time Result.getValueAsTime(int index, Field<?> field, Time defaultValue)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Timestamp Record.getValueAsTimestamp(Field<?> field)
          Get a value from this Record, providing a field.
 Timestamp Record.getValueAsTimestamp(Field<?> field, Timestamp defaultValue)
          Get a value from this record, providing a field.
 Timestamp Result.getValueAsTimestamp(int index, Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
 Timestamp Result.getValueAsTimestamp(int index, Field<?> field, Timestamp defaultValue)
          Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
<T> List<T>
Result.getValues(Field<?> field, Class<? extends T> type)
          Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
<T> List<T>
Result.getValues(Field<T> field)
          Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
<T,U> List<U>
Result.getValues(Field<T> field, Converter<? super T,U> converter)
          Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
 List<BigDecimal> Result.getValuesAsBigDecimal(Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
 List<BigInteger> Result.getValuesAsBigInteger(Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
 List<Byte> Result.getValuesAsByte(Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
 List<Date> Result.getValuesAsDate(Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
 List<Double> Result.getValuesAsDouble(Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
 List<Float> Result.getValuesAsFloat(Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
 List<Integer> Result.getValuesAsInteger(Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
 List<Long> Result.getValuesAsLong(Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
 List<Short> Result.getValuesAsShort(Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
 List<String> Result.getValuesAsString(Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
 List<Time> Result.getValuesAsTime(Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
 List<Timestamp> Result.getValuesAsTimestamp(Field<?> field)
          Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
 Condition Field.greaterOrEqual(Field<T> field)
          this >= field
 Condition Field.greaterOrEqualAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this >= all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition Field.greaterOrEqualAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this >= any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition Field.greaterThan(Field<T> field)
          this > field
 Condition Field.greaterThanAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this > all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition Field.greaterThanAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this > any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Field<T> Field.greatest(Field<?>... others)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 SelectHavingStep SelectGroupByStep.groupBy(Field<?>... fields)
          Add a GROUP BY clause to the query
 Table<Record><?>... fields)
          Specify the acceptable values for pivoting This clause is generally only supported by SQLDialect.ORACLE.
 Condition<?>... values)
          Create a condition to check this field against several values SQL: this in (values...)
<R extends Record>
FactoryOperations.insertInto(Table<R> into, Field<?>... fields)
          Create a new DSL insert statement.
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> Field.lag(int offset, Field<T> defaultValue)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> Field.lead(int offset, Field<T> defaultValue)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.least(Field<?>... others)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Condition Field.lessOrEqual(Field<T> field)
          this <= field
 Condition Field.lessOrEqualAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this <= all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition Field.lessOrEqualAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this <= any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition Field.lessThan(Field<T> field)
          this < field
 Condition Field.lessThanAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this < all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition Field.lessThanAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this < any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition<String> value)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this like value
 Condition<String> value, char escape)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this like value escape 'e'
 Field<String> Field.lpad(Field<? extends Number> length)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.lpad(Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.lpad(Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.mod(Field<? extends Number> value)
          An arithmetic expression getting the modulo of this divided by value This renders the modulo operation where available: [this] % [value] ... or the modulo function elsewhere: mod([this], [value])
 Field<T> Field.mul(Field<? extends Number> value)
          An arithmetic expression multiplying this with value If this is a numeric field, then the result is a number of the same type as this field.
 Condition Field.notBetween(Field<T> minValue, Field<T> maxValue)
          Create a condition to check this field against some bounds SQL: this not between minValue and maxValue
 Condition Field.notBetween(Field<T> minValue, Field<T> maxValue)
          Create a condition to check this field against some bounds SQL: this not between minValue and maxValue
 Condition Field.notEqual(Field<T> field)
          this !
 Condition Field.notEqualAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this !
 Condition Field.notEqualAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this !
 Condition Field.notEqualIgnoreCase(Field<String> value)
          lower(this) !
 Condition Field.notIn(Field<?>... values)
          Create a condition to check this field against several values Note that if any of the passed values is NULL, then the condition will be NULL (or false, depending on the dialect) as well.
 Condition Field.notLike(Field<String> value)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this not like value
 Condition Field.notLike(Field<String> value, char escape)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this not like value escape 'e'
 Field<T> Field.nullif(Field<T> other)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<T> Field.nvl(Field<T> defaultValue)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
Field.nvl2(Field<Z> valueIfNotNull, Field<Z> valueIfNull)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
<Z> Field<Z>
Field.nvl2(Field<Z> valueIfNotNull, Field<Z> valueIfNull)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 SimpleSelectForUpdateWaitStep<R> SimpleSelectForUpdateOfStep.of(Field<?>... fields)
          Add an OF clause to the FOR UPDATE clause at the end of the query.
 SelectForUpdateWaitStep SelectForUpdateOfStep.of(Field<?>... fields)
          Add an OF clause to the FOR UPDATE clause at the end of the query.
<T> PivotInStep<T>
PivotForStep.on(Field<T> field)
          Add a list of fields to the PIVOT clause.
 WindowRowsStep<T> WindowOrderByStep.orderBy(Field<?>... fields)
          Add an ORDER BY clause to the window function.
 SimpleSelectLimitStep<R> SimpleSelectOrderByStep.orderBy(Field<?>... fields)
          Add an ORDER BY clause to the query
 SelectLimitStep SelectOrderByStep.orderBy(Field<?>... fields)
          Add an ORDER BY clause to the query
 GroupConcatSeparatorStep GroupConcatOrderByStep.orderBy(Field<?>... fields)
          Add an ORDER BY clause to the query
 Field<T> CaseWhenStep.otherwise(Field<T> result)
          Add an else clause to the already constructed case statement
 Field<T> CaseConditionStep.otherwise(Field<T> result)
          Add an else clause to the already constructed case statement
 WindowOrderByStep<T> WindowPartitionByStep.partitionBy(Field<?>... fields)
          Add a PARTITION BY clause to the window functions.
 PivotForStep Table.pivot(Field<?>... aggregateFunctions)
          Create a new TABLE reference from this table, pivoting it into another form This has been observed to work with SQLDialect.ORACLE SQLDialect.SQLSERVER (not yet officially supported) Other dialects by using some means of simulation (not yet officially supported)
 Field<Integer> Field.position(Field<String> search)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.repeat(Field<? extends Number> count)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.replace(Field<String> search)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.replace(Field<String> search, Field<String> replace)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.replace(Field<String> search, Field<String> replace)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 InsertResultStep<R> InsertReturningStep.returning(Field<?>... fields)
          Configure the INSERT statement to return a list of fields in R.
 Table<Record> DivideByReturningStep.returning(Field<?>... fields)
          Specify the fields that you want the division to return from the dividend
 Field<String> Field.rpad(Field<? extends Number> length)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.rpad(Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.rpad(Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 SelectSelectStep<?>... fields)
          Add additional fields to the SELECT clause of this query
 SelectSelectStep<?>... fields)
          Create a new DSL select statement.
 SelectSelectStep FactoryOperations.selectDistinct(Field<?>... fields)
          Create a new DSL select statement.
<T> UpdateSetMoreStep<R>
UpdateSetStep.set(Field<T> field, Field<T> value)
          Set a value for a field in the UPDATE statement
<T> UpdateSetMoreStep<R>
UpdateSetStep.set(Field<T> field, Field<T> value)
          Set a value for a field in the UPDATE statement
<T> MergeNotMatchedSetMoreStep<R>
MergeNotMatchedSetStep.set(Field<T> field, Field<T> value)
          Set values for INSERT in the MERGE statement's WHEN NOT MATCHED clause
<T> MergeNotMatchedSetMoreStep<R>
MergeNotMatchedSetStep.set(Field<T> field, Field<T> value)
          Set values for INSERT in the MERGE statement's WHEN NOT MATCHED clause
<T> MergeMatchedSetMoreStep<R>
MergeMatchedSetStep.set(Field<T> field, Field<T> value)
          Set values for UPDATE in the MERGE statement's WHEN MATCHED clause
<T> MergeMatchedSetMoreStep<R>
MergeMatchedSetStep.set(Field<T> field, Field<T> value)
          Set values for UPDATE in the MERGE statement's WHEN MATCHED clause
<T> InsertSetMoreStep<R>
InsertSetStep.set(Field<T> field, Field<T> value)
          Set a value for a field in the UPDATE statement
<T> InsertSetMoreStep<R>
InsertSetStep.set(Field<T> field, Field<T> value)
          Set a value for a field in the UPDATE statement
<T> InsertOnDuplicateSetMoreStep<R>
InsertOnDuplicateSetStep.set(Field<T> field, Field<T> value)
          Set values for UPDATE in the INSERT statement's ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause
<T> InsertOnDuplicateSetMoreStep<R>
InsertOnDuplicateSetStep.set(Field<T> field, Field<T> value)
          Set values for UPDATE in the INSERT statement's ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause
<T> UpdateSetMoreStep<R>
UpdateSetStep.set(Field<T> field, T value)
          Set a value for a field in the UPDATE statement
<T> MergeNotMatchedSetMoreStep<R>
MergeNotMatchedSetStep.set(Field<T> field, T value)
          Set values for INSERT in the MERGE statement's WHEN NOT MATCHED clause
<T> MergeMatchedSetMoreStep<R>
MergeMatchedSetStep.set(Field<T> field, T value)
          Set values for UPDATE in the MERGE statement's WHEN MATCHED clause
<T> InsertSetMoreStep<R>
InsertSetStep.set(Field<T> field, T value)
          Set a value for a field in the UPDATE statement
<T> InsertOnDuplicateSetMoreStep<R>
InsertOnDuplicateSetStep.set(Field<T> field, T value)
          Set values for UPDATE in the INSERT statement's ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause
 void LockProvider.setForUpdateOf(Field<?>... fields)
          Some RDBMS allow for specifying the fields that should be locked by the FOR UPDATE clause, instead of the full row.
 void InsertQuery.setReturning(Field<?>... fields)
          Configure the INSERT statement to return a list of fields in R.
<T> void
Record.setValue(Field<T> field, T value)
          Set a value into this record.
<T,U> void
Record.setValue(Field<T> field, U value, Converter<T,? super U> converter)
          Set a value into this record.
 Condition Field.startsWith(Field<T> value)
          Convenience method for like(String, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping SQL: this like (escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\' Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).startsWith(11)
 Field<T> Field.sub(Field<?> value)
          An arithmetic expression subtracting value from this.
 Field<String> Field.substring(Field<? extends Number> startingPosition)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.substring(Field<? extends Number> startingPosition, Field<? extends Number> length)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Field<String> Field.substring(Field<? extends Number> startingPosition, Field<? extends Number> length)
          This method is part of the pre-2.0 API.
 Table<Record> TableOnStep.using(Field<?>... fields)
          Join the table with the USING(column [, column...])
 SelectJoinStep SelectOnStep.using(Field<?>... fields)
          Join the previous table with the USING(column [, column...])
<V> CaseValueStep<V>
Case.value(Field<V> value)
          This construct can be used to create expressions of the type CASE value WHEN 1 THEN 'one' WHEN 2 THEN 'two' ELSE 'three' END
 MergeNotMatchedWhereStep<R> MergeNotMatchedValuesStep.values(Field<?>... values)
          Set VALUES for INSERT in the MERGE statement's WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT clause.
 InsertValuesStep<R> InsertValuesStep.values(Field<?>... values)
          Add values to the insert statement
 InsertValuesStep<R> InsertSetStep.values(Field<?>... values)
          Add values to the insert statement with implicit field names
 CaseConditionStep<T> CaseConditionStep.when(Condition condition, Field<T> result)
          Compare a condition to the already constructed case statement, return result if the condition holds true
<T> CaseConditionStep<T>
Case.when(Condition condition, Field<T> result)
          This construct can be used to create expressions of the type CASE WHEN x < 1 THEN 'one' WHEN x >= 2 THEN 'two' ELSE 'three' END Instances of Case are created through the
 CaseWhenStep<V,T> CaseWhenStep.when(Field<V> compareValue, Field<T> result)
          Compare a value to the already constructed case statement, return result if values are equal.
 CaseWhenStep<V,T> CaseWhenStep.when(Field<V> compareValue, Field<T> result)
          Compare a value to the already constructed case statement, return result if values are equal.
<T> CaseWhenStep<V,T>
CaseValueStep.when(Field<V> compareValue, Field<T> result)
          Compare a value to the already constructed case statement, return result if values are equal.
<T> CaseWhenStep<V,T>
CaseValueStep.when(Field<V> compareValue, Field<T> result)
          Compare a value to the already constructed case statement, return result if values are equal.
 CaseWhenStep<V,T> CaseWhenStep.when(Field<V> compareValue, T result)
          Compare a value to the already constructed case statement, return result if values are equal.
<T> CaseWhenStep<V,T>
CaseValueStep.when(Field<V> compareValue, T result)
          Compare a value to the already constructed case statement, return result if values are equal.
 CaseWhenStep<V,T> CaseWhenStep.when(V compareValue, Field<T> result)
          Compare a value to the already constructed case statement, return result if values are equal.
<T> CaseWhenStep<V,T>
CaseValueStep.when(V compareValue, Field<T> result)
          Compare a value to the already constructed case statement, return result if values are equal.
 MergeNotMatchedValuesStep<R> MergeNotMatchedStep.whenNotMatchedThenInsert(Field<?>... fields)
          Add the WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT clause to the MERGE statement
 AggregateFunction<T> OrderedAggregateFunction.withinGroupOrderBy(Field<?>... fields)
          Add an WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ..)

Method parameters in org.jooq with type arguments of type Field
 void SelectQuery.addGroupBy(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Adds grouping fields
 void SelectQuery.addJoinUsing(TableLike<?> table, Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Joins the existing table product to a new table with a USING clause If this is not supported by your RDBMS, then jOOQ will try to simulate this behaviour using the information provided in this query.
 void SelectQuery.addJoinUsing(TableLike<?> table, JoinType type, Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Joins the existing table product to a new table with a USING clause If this is not supported by your RDBMS, then jOOQ will try to simulate this behaviour using the information provided in this query.
 void SelectQuery.addSelect(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Add a list of select fields
 void StoreQuery.addValues(Map<? extends Field<?>,?> map)
          Add multiple values to the store statement.
 void InsertQuery.addValuesForUpdate(Map<? extends Field<?>,?> map)
          Add multiple values to the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause of this INSERT statement, where this is supported.
 LoaderCSVOptionsStep<R> LoaderCSVStep.fields(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Specify the the fields to be loaded into the table in the correct order.
 SelectHavingStep SelectGroupByStep.groupBy(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Add a GROUP BY clause to the query
 Table<Record><? extends Field<T>> fields)
          Specify the acceptable values for pivoting This clause is generally only supported by SQLDialect.ORACLE.
<R extends Record>
FactoryOperations.insertInto(Table<R> into, Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Create a new DSL insert statement.
 SimpleSelectForUpdateWaitStep<R> SimpleSelectForUpdateOfStep.of(Collection<Field<?>> fields)
          Add an OF clause to the FOR UPDATE clause at the end of the query.
 SelectForUpdateWaitStep SelectForUpdateOfStep.of(Collection<Field<?>> fields)
          Add an OF clause to the FOR UPDATE clause at the end of the query.
 PivotForStep Table.pivot(Collection<? extends Field<?>> aggregateFunctions)
          Create a new TABLE reference from this table, pivoting it into another form For more details, see Table.pivot(Field...)
 InsertResultStep<R> InsertReturningStep.returning(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Configure the INSERT statement to return a list of fields in R.
 Table<Record> DivideByReturningStep.returning(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Specify the fields that you want the division to return from the dividend
 SelectSelectStep<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Add additional fields to the SELECT clause of this query
 SelectSelectStep<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Create a new DSL select statement.
 SelectSelectStep FactoryOperations.selectDistinct(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Create a new DSL select statement.
 UpdateSetMoreStep<R> UpdateSetStep.set(Map<? extends Field<?>,?> map)
          Set a value for a field in the UPDATE statement Please assure that key/value pairs have matching <T> types.
 MergeNotMatchedSetMoreStep<R> MergeNotMatchedSetStep.set(Map<? extends Field<?>,?> map)
          Set multiple values for INSERT in the MERGE statement's WHEN NOT MATCHED clause.
 MergeMatchedSetMoreStep<R> MergeMatchedSetStep.set(Map<? extends Field<?>,?> map)
          Set multiple values for UPDATE in the MERGE statement's WHEN MATCHED clause.
 InsertSetMoreStep<R> InsertSetStep.set(Map<? extends Field<?>,?> map)
          Set a value for a field in the UPDATE statement Please assure that key/value pairs have matching <T> types.
 InsertOnDuplicateSetMoreStep<R> InsertOnDuplicateSetStep.set(Map<? extends Field<?>,?> map)
          Set multiple values for UPDATE in the INSERT statement's ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause Please assure that key/value pairs have matching <T> types.
 void LockProvider.setForUpdateOf(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Some RDBMS allow for specifying the fields that should be locked by the FOR UPDATE clause, instead of the full row.
 void InsertQuery.setReturning(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Configure the INSERT statement to return a list of fields in R.
 Table<Record> TableOnStep.using(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Join the table with the USING(column [, column...])
 SelectJoinStep SelectOnStep.using(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Join the previous table with the USING(column [, column...])
 MergeNotMatchedValuesStep<R> MergeNotMatchedStep.whenNotMatchedThenInsert(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Add the WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE clause to the MERGE statement

Uses of Field in org.jooq.impl

Classes in org.jooq.impl that implement Field
 class CustomField<T>
          A base class for custom Field implementations in client code.

Methods in org.jooq.impl that return Field
<T extends Number>
Factory.abs(Field<T> field)
          Get the absolute value of a numeric field: abs(field) This renders the same on all dialects: abs([field])
<T extends Number>
Factory.abs(T value)
          Get the absolute value of a numeric field: abs(field)
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.acos(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the arc cosine(field) function This renders the acos function where available: acos([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.acos(Number value)
          Get the arc cosine(field) function
 Field<T> CustomField.add(Field<?> value)
 Field<T> alias)
static Field<Integer> Factory.ascii(Field<String> field)
          Get the ascii(field) function This renders the ascii function: ascii([field])
static Field<Integer> Factory.ascii(String field)
          Get the ascii(field) function
 Field<T> AbstractRoutine.asField()
 Field<T> AbstractRoutine.asField(String alias)
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.asin(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the arc sine(field) function This renders the asin function where available: asin([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.asin(Number value)
          Get the arc sine(field) function
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.atan(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the arc tangent(field) function This renders the atan function where available: atan([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.atan(Number value)
          Get the arc tangent(field) function
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.atan2(Field<? extends Number> x, Field<? extends Number> y)
          Get the atan2(field, y) function This renders the atan2 or atn2 function where available: atan2([x], [y]) or atn2([x], [y])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.atan2(Field<? extends Number> x, Number y)
          Get the atan2(field, y) function
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.atan2(Number x, Field<? extends Number> y)
          Get the atan2(field, y) function
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.atan2(Number x, Number y)
          Get the atan2(field, y) function
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitAnd(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise and operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitAnd(Field<T> value1, T value2)
          The bitwise and operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitAnd(T value1, Field<T> value2)
          The bitwise and operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitAnd(T value1, T value2)
          The bitwise and operator.
static Field<Integer> Factory.bitCount(Field<? extends Number> field)
          The MySQL BIT_COUNT(field) function, counting the number of bits that are set in this number.
static Field<Integer> Factory.bitCount(Number value)
          The MySQL BIT_COUNT(field) function, counting the number of bits that are set in this number.
static Field<Integer> Factory.bitLength(Field<String> field)
          Get the bit_length(field) function This translates into any dialect
static Field<Integer> Factory.bitLength(String value)
          Get the bit_length(field) function This translates into any dialect
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNand(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise not and operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNand(Field<T> value1, T value2)
          The bitwise not and operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNand(T value1, Field<T> value2)
          The bitwise not and operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNand(T value1, T value2)
          The bitwise not and operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNor(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise not or operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNor(Field<T> value1, T value2)
          The bitwise not or operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNor(T value1, Field<T> value2)
          The bitwise not or operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNor(T value1, T value2)
          The bitwise not or operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNot(Field<T> field)
          The bitwise not operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNot(T value)
          The bitwise not operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitOr(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise or operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitOr(Field<T> value1, T value2)
          The bitwise or operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitOr(T value1, Field<T> value2)
          The bitwise or operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitOr(T value1, T value2)
          The bitwise or operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitXNor(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise not xor operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitXNor(Field<T> value1, T value2)
          The bitwise not xor operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitXNor(T value1, Field<T> value2)
          The bitwise not xor operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitXNor(T value1, T value2)
          The bitwise not xor operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitXor(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise xor operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitXor(Field<T> value1, T value2)
          The bitwise xor operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitXor(T value1, Field<T> value2)
          The bitwise xor operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitXor(T value1, T value2)
          The bitwise xor operator.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.cast(Object value, Class<? extends T> type)
          Cast a value to another type
<T> Field<T>
Factory.cast(Object value, DataType<T> type)
          Cast a value to another type
<T> Field<T>
Factory.cast(Object value, Field<T> as)
          Cast a value to the type of another field.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.castNull(Class<? extends T> type)
          Cast null to a type
<T> Field<T>
Factory.castNull(DataType<T> type)
          Cast null to a type
<T> Field<T>
Factory.castNull(Field<T> as)
          Cast null to the type of another field.
<T extends Number>
Factory.ceil(Field<T> field)
          Get the smallest integer value not less than [field] This renders the ceil or ceiling function where available: ceil([field]) or ceiling([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using round: round([field] + 0.499999999999999)
<T extends Number>
Factory.ceil(T value)
          Get the smallest integer value not less than [this]
static Field<Integer> Factory.charLength(Field<String> field)
          Get the char_length(field) function This translates into any dialect
static Field<Integer> Factory.charLength(String value)
          Get the char_length(field) function This translates into any dialect
<T> Field<T>
Factory.coalesce(Field<T> field, Field<?>... fields)
          Gets the Oracle-style COALESCE(field1, field2, ... , field n) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to COALESCE: Oracle COALESCE
<T> Field<T>
Factory.coalesce(T value, T... values)
          Gets the Oracle-style COALESCE(value1, value2, ... , value n) function
static Field<String> Factory.concat(Field<?>... fields)
          Get the concat(field[, field, ...]) function This creates fields[0] || fields[1] || ...
static Field<String> Factory.concat(String... values)
          Get the concat(value[, value, ...]) function
static Field<Boolean> Factory.connectByIsCycle()
          Retrieve the Oracle-specific CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE pseudo-field (to be used along with CONNECT BY clauses)
static Field<Boolean> Factory.connectByIsLeaf()
          Retrieve the Oracle-specific CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF pseudo-field (to be used along with CONNECT BY clauses)
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.cos(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the cosine(field) function This renders the cos function where available: cos([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.cos(Number value)
          Get the cosine(field) function
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.cosh(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the hyperbolic cosine function: cosh(field) This renders the cosh function where available: cosh([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using exp: (exp([field] * 2) + 1) / (exp([field] * 2))
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.cosh(Number value)
          Get the hyperbolic cosine function: cosh(field)
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.cot(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the cotangent(field) function This renders the cot function where available: cot([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using sin and cos: cos([field]) / sin([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.cot(Number value)
          Get the cotangent(field) function
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.coth(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the hyperbolic cotangent function: coth(field) This is not supported by any RDBMS, but simulated using exp exp: (exp([field] * 2) + 1) / (exp([field] * 2) - 1)
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.coth(Number value)
          Get the hyperbolic cotangent function: coth(field)
static Field<?> Factory.cube(Field<?>... fields)
          Create a CUBE(field1, field2, .., fieldn) grouping field This has been observed to work with the following databases: DB2 Oracle SQL Server Sybase SQL Anywhere Please check the SQL Server documentation for a very nice explanation of CUBE, ROLLUP, and GROUPING SETS clauses in grouping contexts:
static Field<Date> Factory.currentDate()
          Get the current_date() function This translates into any dialect
static Field<Time> Factory.currentTime()
          Get the current_time() function This translates into any dialect
static Field<Timestamp> Factory.currentTimestamp()
          Get the current_timestamp() function This translates into any dialect
static Field<String> Factory.currentUser()
          Get the current_user() function This translates into any dialect
 Field<T> SequenceImpl.currval()
static Field<Integer> Factory.dateDiff(Date date1, Date date2)
          Get the date difference in number of days This translates into any dialect
static Field<Integer> Factory.dateDiff(Date date1, Field<Date> date2)
          Get the date difference in number of days This translates into any dialect
static Field<Integer> Factory.dateDiff(Field<Date> date1, Date date2)
          Get the date difference in number of days This translates into any dialect
static Field<Integer> Factory.dateDiff(Field<Date> date1, Field<Date> date2)
          Get the date difference in number of days This translates into any dialect
static Field<Integer> value)
          Get the day part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(java.util.Date, DatePart) with DatePart.DAY
static Field<Integer><? extends Date> field)
          Get the day part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(Field, DatePart) with DatePart.DAY
<Z,T> Field<Z>
Factory.decode(Field<T> value, Field<T> search, Field<Z> result)
          Gets the Oracle-style DECODE(expression, search, result[, search , result]... [, default]) function
<Z,T> Field<Z>
Factory.decode(Field<T> value, Field<T> search, Field<Z> result, Field<?>... more)
          Gets the Oracle-style DECODE(expression, search, result[, search , result]... [, default]) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to DECODE: Oracle DECODE Other dialects: CASE WHEN [this = search] THEN [result], [WHEN more...
<Z,T> Field<Z>
Factory.decode(T value, T search, Z result)
          Gets the Oracle-style DECODE(expression, search, result[, search , result]... [, default]) function
<Z,T> Field<Z>
Factory.decode(T value, T search, Z result, Object... more)
          Gets the Oracle-style DECODE(expression, search, result[, search , result]... [, default]) function
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.deg(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Calculate degrees from radians from this field This renders the degrees function where available: degrees([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere: [field] * 180 / PI
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.deg(Number value)
          Calculate degrees from radians from this field
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.e()
          The E literal (Euler number) This will be any of the following: The underlying RDBMS' E literal or E() function Math.E
static Field<String> Factory.escape(Field<String> field, char escape)
          Convenience method for Factory.replace(Field, String, String) to escape data for use with like(Field, char) Essentially, this escapes % and _ characters
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.exp(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the exp(field) function, taking this field as the power of e This renders the same on all dialects: exp([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.exp(Number value)
          Get the exp(field) function, taking this field as the power of e
static Field<Integer> Factory.extract(Date value, DatePart datePart)
          Get the extract(field, datePart) function This translates into any dialect
static Field<Integer> Factory.extract(Field<? extends Date> field, DatePart datePart)
          Get the extract(field, datePart) function This translates into any dialect
static Field<Object> Factory.field(String sql)
          A PlainSQLField is a field that can contain user-defined plain SQL, because sometimes it is easier to express things directly in SQL, for instance complex proprietary functions.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.field(String sql, Class<T> type)
          A PlainSQLField is a field that can contain user-defined plain SQL, because sometimes it is easier to express things directly in SQL, for instance complex proprietary functions.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.field(String sql, Class<T> type, Object... bindings)
          A PlainSQLField is a field that can contain user-defined plain SQL, because sometimes it is easier to express things directly in SQL, for instance complex proprietary functions.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.field(String sql, Class<T> type, QueryPart... parts)
          A custom SQL clause that can render arbitrary SQL elements.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.field(String sql, DataType<T> type)
          A PlainSQLField is a field that can contain user-defined plain SQL, because sometimes it is easier to express things directly in SQL, for instance complex proprietary functions.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.field(String sql, DataType<T> type, Object... bindings)
          A PlainSQLField is a field that can contain user-defined plain SQL, because sometimes it is easier to express things directly in SQL, for instance complex proprietary functions.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.field(String sql, DataType<T> type, QueryPart... parts)
          A custom SQL clause that can render arbitrary SQL elements.
static Field<Object> Factory.field(String sql, Object... bindings)
          A PlainSQLField is a field that can contain user-defined plain SQL, because sometimes it is easier to express things directly in SQL, for instance complex proprietary functions.
static Field<Object> Factory.field(String sql, QueryPart... parts)
          A custom SQL clause that can render arbitrary SQL elements.
<T extends Number>
Factory.floor(Field<T> field)
          Get the largest integer value not greater than [this] This renders the floor function where available: floor([this]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using round: round([this] - 0.499999999999999)
<T extends Number>
Factory.floor(T value)
          Get the largest integer value not greater than [this]
<T> Field<T>
Factory.function(String name, Class<T> type, Field<?>... arguments)
          function() can be used to access native functions that are not yet or insufficiently supported by jOOQ NOTE: When inserting plain SQL into jOOQ objects, you must guarantee syntax integrity.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.function(String name, DataType<T> type, Field<?>... arguments)
          function() can be used to access native functions that are not yet or insufficiently supported by jOOQ NOTE: When inserting plain SQL into jOOQ objects, you must guarantee syntax integrity.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.greatest(Field<T> field, Field<?>... others)
          Find the greatest among all values This function has no equivalent in Adaptive Server, Derby, SQL Server and Sybase SQL Anywhere.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.greatest(T value, T... values)
          Find the greatest among all values This function has no equivalent in Adaptive Server, Derby, SQL Server and Sybase SQL Anywhere.
static Field<Integer> Factory.grouping(Field<?> field)
          Create a GROUPING(field) aggregation field to be used along with CUBE, ROLLUP, and GROUPING SETS groupings This has been observed to work with the following databases: DB2 Oracle SQL Server Sybase SQL Anywhere
static Field<Integer> Factory.groupingId(Field<?>... fields)
          Create a GROUPING_ID(field1, field2, .., fieldn) aggregation field to be used along with CUBE, ROLLUP, and GROUPING SETS groupings This has been observed to work with the following databases: Oracle SQL Server
static Field<?> Factory.groupingSets(Collection<Field<?>>... fieldSets)
          Create a GROUPING SETS((field1a, field1b), (field2a), .., (fieldna, fieldnb)) grouping field This has been observed to work with the following databases: DB2 Oracle SQL Server Sybase SQL Anywhere Please check the SQL Server documentation for a very nice explanation of CUBE, ROLLUP, and GROUPING SETS clauses in grouping contexts:
static Field<?> Factory.groupingSets(Field<?>... fields)
          Create a GROUPING SETS(field1, field2, .., fieldn) grouping field where each grouping set only consists of a single field.
static Field<?> Factory.groupingSets(Field<?>[]... fieldSets)
          Create a GROUPING SETS((field1a, field1b), (field2a), .., (fieldna, fieldnb)) grouping field This has been observed to work with the following databases: DB2 Oracle SQL Server Sybase SQL Anywhere Please check the SQL Server documentation for a very nice explanation of CUBE, ROLLUP, and GROUPING SETS clauses in grouping contexts:
static Field<Integer> Factory.hour(Date value)
          Get the hour part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(java.util.Date, DatePart) with DatePart.HOUR
static Field<Integer> Factory.hour(Field<? extends Date> field)
          Get the hour part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(Field, DatePart) with DatePart.HOUR
<T> Field<T>
Factory.least(Field<T> field, Field<?>... others)
          Find the least among all values This function has no equivalent in Adaptive Server, Derby, SQL Server and Sybase SQL Anywhere.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.least(T value, T... values)
          Find the least among all values This function has no equivalent in Adaptive Server, Derby, SQL Server and Sybase SQL Anywhere.
static Field<Integer> Factory.length(Field<String> field)
          Get the length of a VARCHAR type.
static Field<Integer> Factory.length(String value)
          Get the length of a VARCHAR type.
static Field<Integer> Factory.level()
          Retrieve the Oracle-specific LEVEL pseudo-field (to be used along with CONNECT BY clauses)
<T> Field<T>
Factory.literal(Object literal, Class<T> type)
          Get a typed Field for a literal.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.literal(Object literal, DataType<T> type)
          Get a typed Field for a literal.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.literal(T literal)
          Get a typed Field for a literal.
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.ln(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the ln(field) function, taking the natural logarithm of this field This renders the ln or log function where available: ln([field]) or log([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.ln(Number value)
          Get the ln(field) function, taking the natural logarithm of this field
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.log(Field<? extends Number> field, int base)
          Get the log(field, base) function This renders the log function where available: log([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere (in most RDBMS) using the natural logarithm: ln([field]) / ln([base])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.log(Number value, int base)
          Get the log(field, base) function
static Field<String> Factory.lower(Field<String> value)
          Get the lower(field) function This renders the lower function in all dialects: lower([field])
static Field<String> Factory.lower(String value)
          Get the lower(field) function
static Field<String> Factory.lpad(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> length)
          Get the lpad(field, length) function This renders the lpad function where available: lpad([field], [length]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using concat, repeat, and length, which may be simulated as well, depending on the RDBMS: concat(repeat(' ', [length] - length([field])), [field])
static Field<String> Factory.lpad(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
          Get the lpad(field, length, character) function This renders the lpad function where available: lpad([field], [length]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using concat, repeat, and length, which may be simulated as well, depending on the RDBMS: concat(repeat([character], [length] - length([field])), [field])
static Field<String> Factory.lpad(Field<String> field, int length)
          Get the lpad(field, length) function
static Field<String> Factory.lpad(Field<String> field, int length, char character)
          Get the lpad(field, length, character) function
static Field<String> Factory.lpad(Field<String> field, int length, String character)
          Get the lpad(field, length, character) function
static Field<String> Factory.ltrim(Field<String> value)
          Get the ltrim(field) function This renders the ltrim function in all dialects: ltrim([field])
static Field<String> Factory.ltrim(String value)
          Get the ltrim(field) function
static Field<Integer> Factory.minute(Date value)
          Get the minute part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(java.util.Date, DatePart) with DatePart.MINUTE
static Field<Integer> Factory.minute(Field<? extends Date> field)
          Get the minute part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(Field, DatePart) with DatePart.MINUTE
static Field<Integer> Factory.month(Date value)
          Get the month part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(java.util.Date, DatePart) with DatePart.MONTH
static Field<Integer> Factory.month(Field<? extends Date> field)
          Get the month part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(Field, DatePart) with DatePart.MONTH
 Field<T> CustomField.mul(Field<? extends Number> value)
 Field<T> SequenceImpl.nextval()
<T> Field<T>
Factory.nullif(Field<T> value, Field<T> other)
          Gets the Oracle-style NULLIF(value, other) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to NULLIF: Oracle NULLIF
<T> Field<T>
Factory.nullif(Field<T> value, T other)
          Gets the Oracle-style NULLIF(value, other) function
<T> Field<T>
Factory.nullif(T value, Field<T> other)
          Gets the Oracle-style NULLIF(value, other) function
<T> Field<T>
Factory.nullif(T value, T other)
          Gets the Oracle-style NULLIF(value, other) function
<T> Field<T>
Factory.nvl(Field<T> value, Field<T> defaultValue)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL(value, defaultValue) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to NVL: DB2
<T> Field<T>
Factory.nvl(Field<T> value, T defaultValue)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL(value, defaultValue) function
<T> Field<T>
Factory.nvl(T value, Field<T> defaultValue)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL(value, defaultValue) function
<T> Field<T>
Factory.nvl(T value, T defaultValue)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL(value, defaultValue) function
<Z> Field<Z>
Factory.nvl2(Field<?> value, Field<Z> valueIfNotNull, Field<Z> valueIfNull)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL2(value, valueIfNotNull, valueIfNull) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to NVL2: Oracle NVL2 Other dialects: CASE WHEN [value] IS NULL THEN [valueIfNull] ELSE [valueIfNotNull] END
<Z> Field<Z>
Factory.nvl2(Field<?> value, Field<Z> valueIfNotNull, Z valueIfNull)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL2(value, valueIfNotNull, valueIfNull) function
<Z> Field<Z>
Factory.nvl2(Field<?> value, Z valueIfNotNull, Field<Z> valueIfNull)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL2(value, valueIfNotNull, valueIfNull) function
<Z> Field<Z>
Factory.nvl2(Field<?> value, Z valueIfNotNull, Z valueIfNull)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL2(value, valueIfNotNull, valueIfNull) function
static Field<Integer> Factory.octetLength(Field<String> field)
          Get the octet_length(field) function This translates into any dialect
static Field<Integer> Factory.octetLength(String value)
          Get the octet_length(field) function This translates into any dialect
static Field<Integer>
          A 1 literal.
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.pi()
          The PI literal.
static Field<Integer> Factory.position(Field<String> in, Field<String> search)
          Get the position(in, search) function This renders the position or any equivalent function: position([search] in [in]) or locate([in], [search]) or locate([search], [in]) or instr([in], [search]) or charindex([search], [in])
static Field<Integer> Factory.position(Field<String> in, String search)
          Get the position(in, search) function
static Field<Integer> Factory.position(String in, Field<String> search)
          Get the position(in, search) function
static Field<Integer> Factory.position(String in, String search)
          Get the position(in, search) function
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.power(Field<? extends Number> field, Field<? extends Number> exponent)
          Get the power(field, exponent) function This renders the power function where available: power([field], [exponent]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using ln and exp: exp(ln([field]) * [exponent])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.power(Field<? extends Number> field, Number exponent)
          Get the power(field, exponent) function
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.power(Number value, Field<? extends Number> exponent)
          Get the power(field, exponent) function
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.power(Number value, Number exponent)
          Get the power(field, exponent) function
<T> Field<T>
Factory.prior(Field<T> field)
          Add the Oracle-specific PRIOR unary operator before a field (to be used along with CONNECT BY clauses)
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.rad(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Calculate radians from degrees from this field This renders the degrees function where available: degrees([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere: [field] * PI / 180
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.rad(Number value)
          Calculate radians from degrees from this field
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.rand()
          Get the rand() function
static Field<String> Factory.repeat(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> count)
          Get the repeat(field, count) function This renders the repeat or replicate function where available: repeat([field], [count]) or replicate([field], [count]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using rpad and length, which may be simulated as well, depending on the RDBMS: rpad([field], length([field]) * [count], [field])
static Field<String> Factory.repeat(Field<String> field, int count)
          Get the repeat(count) function
static Field<String> Factory.repeat(String field, Field<? extends Number> count)
          Get the repeat(field, count) function
static Field<String> Factory.repeat(String field, int count)
          Get the repeat(field, count) function
static Field<String> Factory.replace(Field<String> field, Field<String> search)
          Get the replace(field, search) function This renders the replace or str_replace function where available: replace([field], [search]) or str_replace([field], [search]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using the three-argument replace function: replace([field], [search], '')
static Field<String> Factory.replace(Field<String> field, Field<String> search, Field<String> replace)
          Get the replace(field, search, replace) function This renders the replace or str_replace function: replace([field], [search]) or str_replace([field], [search])
static Field<String> Factory.replace(Field<String> field, String search)
          Get the replace(field, search) function
static Field<String> Factory.replace(Field<String> field, String search, String replace)
          Get the replace(field, search, replace) function
static Field<?> Factory.rollup(Field<?>... fields)
          Create a ROLLUP(field1, field2, .., fieldn) grouping field This has been observed to work with the following databases: CUBRID (simulated using the GROUP BY ..
<T extends Number>
Factory.round(Field<T> field)
          Get rounded value of a numeric field: round(field) This renders the round function where available: round([field]) or round([field], 0) ... or simulates it elsewhere using floor and ceil
<T extends Number>
Factory.round(Field<T> field, int decimals)
          Get rounded value of a numeric field: round(field, decimals) This renders the round function where available: round([field], [decimals]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using floor and ceil
<T extends Number>
Factory.round(T value)
          Get rounded value of a numeric field: round(field)
<T extends Number>
Factory.round(T value, int decimals)
          Get rounded value of a numeric field: round(field, decimals)
static Field<String> Factory.rpad(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> length)
          Get the rpad(field, length) function This renders the rpad function where available: rpad([field], [length]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using concat, repeat, and length, which may be simulated as well, depending on the RDBMS: concat([field], repeat(' ', [length] - length([field])))
static Field<String> Factory.rpad(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
          Get the rpad(field, length, character) function This renders the rpad function where available: rpad([field], [length]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using concat, repeat, and length, which may be simulated as well, depending on the RDBMS: concat([field], repeat([character], [length] - length([field])))
static Field<String> Factory.rpad(Field<String> field, int length)
          Get the rpad(field, length) function
static Field<String> Factory.rpad(Field<String> field, int length, char character)
          Get the rpad(field, length, character) function
static Field<String> Factory.rpad(Field<String> field, int length, String character)
          Get the rpad(field, length, character) function
static Field<String> Factory.rtrim(Field<String> field)
          Get the rtrim(field) function This renders the rtrim function in all dialects: rtrim([field])
static Field<String> Factory.rtrim(String value)
          Get the rtrim(field) function
static Field<Integer> Factory.second(Date value)
          Get the second part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(java.util.Date, DatePart) with DatePart.SECOND
static Field<Integer> Factory.second(Field<? extends Date> field)
          Get the second part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(Field, DatePart) with DatePart.SECOND
<T extends Number>
Factory.shl(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise left shift operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.shl(Field<T> value1, T value2)
          The bitwise left shift operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.shl(T value1, Field<T> value2)
          The bitwise left shift operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.shl(T value1, T value2)
          The bitwise left shift operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.shr(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise right shift operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.shr(Field<T> value1, T value2)
          The bitwise right shift operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.shr(T value1, Field<T> value2)
          The bitwise right shift operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.shr(T value1, T value2)
          The bitwise right shift operator.
static Field<Integer> Factory.sign(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the sign of a numeric field: sign(field) This renders the sign function where available: sign([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere (without bind variables on values -1, 0, 1): CASE WHEN [this] > 0 THEN 1 WHEN [this] < 0 THEN -1 ELSE 0 END
static Field<Integer> Factory.sign(Number value)
          Get the sign of a numeric field: sign(field)
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.sin(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the sine(field) function This renders the sin function where available: sin([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.sin(Number value)
          Get the sine(field) function
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.sinh(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the hyperbolic sine function: sinh(field) This renders the sinh function where available: sinh([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using exp: (exp([field] * 2) - 1) / (exp([field] * 2))
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.sinh(Number value)
          Get the hyperbolic sine function: sinh(field)
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.sqrt(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the sqrt(field) function This renders the sqrt function where available: sqrt([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using power (which in turn may also be simulated using ln and exp functions): power([field], 0.5)
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.sqrt(Number value)
          Get the sqrt(field) function
static Field<String> Factory.substring(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> startingPosition)
          Get the substring(field, startingPosition) function This renders the substr or substring function: substr([field], [startingPosition]) or substring([field], [startingPosition])
static Field<String> Factory.substring(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> startingPosition, Field<? extends Number> length)
          Get the substring(field, startingPosition, length) function This renders the substr or substring function: substr([field], [startingPosition], [length]) or substring([field], [startingPosition], [length])
static Field<String> Factory.substring(Field<String> field, int startingPosition)
          Get the substring(field, startingPosition) function
static Field<String> Factory.substring(Field<String> field, int startingPosition, int length)
          Get the substring(field, startingPosition, length) function
static Field<String> Factory.sysConnectByPath(Field<?> field, String separator)
          Retrieve the Oracle-specific SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(field, separator) function (to be used along with CONNECT BY clauses).
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.tan(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the tangent(field) function This renders the tan function where available: tan([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.tan(Number value)
          Get the tangent(field) function
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.tanh(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the hyperbolic tangent function: tanh(field) This renders the tanh function where available: tanh([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using exp: (exp([field] * 2) - 1) / (exp([field] * 2) + 1)
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.tanh(Number value)
          Get the hyperbolic tangent function: tanh(field)
static Field<DayToSecond> Factory.timestampDiff(Field<Timestamp> timestamp1, Field<Timestamp> timestamp2)
          Get the timestamp difference as a INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND type This translates into any dialect
static Field<DayToSecond> Factory.timestampDiff(Field<Timestamp> timestamp1, Timestamp timestamp2)
          Get the timestamp difference as a INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND type This translates into any dialect
static Field<DayToSecond> Factory.timestampDiff(Timestamp timestamp1, Field<Timestamp> timestamp2)
          Get the timestamp difference as a INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND type This translates into any dialect
static Field<DayToSecond> Factory.timestampDiff(Timestamp timestamp1, Timestamp timestamp2)
          Get the timestamp difference as a INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND type This translates into any dialect
static Field<String> Factory.trim(Field<String> field)
          Get the trim(field) function This renders the trim function where available: trim([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using rtrim and ltrim: ltrim(rtrim([field]))
static Field<String> Factory.trim(String value)
          Get the trim(field) function
static Field<Integer> Factory.two()
          A 2 literal.
static Field<String> Factory.upper(Field<String> field)
          Get the upper(field) function This renders the upper function in all dialects: upper([field])
static Field<String> Factory.upper(String value)
          Get the upper(field) function
<T> Field<T>
Factory.val(Object value, Class<? extends T> type)
          Get a bind value with an associated type, taken from a field
<T> Field<T>
Factory.val(Object value, DataType<T> type)
          Get a bind value with an associated type This will try to bind value as type in a PreparedStatement.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.val(Object value, Field<T> field)
          Get a bind value with an associated type, taken from a field
<T> Field<T>
Factory.val(T value)
          Get a bind value jOOQ tries to derive the RDBMS DataType from the provided Java type <T>.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.value(Object value, Class<? extends T> type)
          A synonym for Factory.val(Object) to be used in Scala and Groovy, where val is a reserved keyword.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.value(Object value, DataType<T> type)
          A synonym for Factory.val(Object) to be used in Scala and Groovy, where val is a reserved keyword.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.value(Object value, Field<T> field)
          A synonym for Factory.val(Object) to be used in Scala and Groovy, where val is a reserved keyword.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.value(T value)
          A synonym for Factory.val(Object) to be used in Scala and Groovy, where val is a reserved keyword.
static Field<Integer> Factory.year(Date value)
          Get the year part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(java.util.Date, DatePart) with DatePart.YEAR
static Field<Integer> Factory.year(Field<? extends Date> field)
          Get the year part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(Field, DatePart) with DatePart.YEAR
static Field<Integer>
          A 0 literal.

Methods in org.jooq.impl that return types with arguments of type Field
protected  Map<Parameter<?>,Field<?>> AbstractRoutine.getInValues()
static List<Field<?>> Factory.vals(Object... values)
          Get a list of bind values and fields

Methods in org.jooq.impl with parameters of type Field
<T extends Number>
Factory.abs(Field<T> field)
          Get the absolute value of a numeric field: abs(field) This renders the same on all dialects: abs([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.acos(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the arc cosine(field) function This renders the acos function where available: acos([field])
 Field<T> CustomField.add(Field<?> value)
static Field<Integer> Factory.ascii(Field<String> field)
          Get the ascii(field) function This renders the ascii function: ascii([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.asin(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the arc sine(field) function This renders the asin function where available: asin([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.atan(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the arc tangent(field) function This renders the atan function where available: atan([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.atan2(Field<? extends Number> x, Field<? extends Number> y)
          Get the atan2(field, y) function This renders the atan2 or atn2 function where available: atan2([x], [y]) or atn2([x], [y])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.atan2(Field<? extends Number> x, Field<? extends Number> y)
          Get the atan2(field, y) function This renders the atan2 or atn2 function where available: atan2([x], [y]) or atn2([x], [y])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.atan2(Field<? extends Number> x, Number y)
          Get the atan2(field, y) function
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.atan2(Number x, Field<? extends Number> y)
          Get the atan2(field, y) function
static AggregateFunction<BigDecimal> Factory.avg(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the average over a numeric field: avg(field)
static AggregateFunction<BigDecimal> Factory.avgDistinct(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the average over a numeric field: avg(distinct field)
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitAnd(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise and operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitAnd(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise and operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitAnd(Field<T> value1, T value2)
          The bitwise and operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitAnd(T value1, Field<T> value2)
          The bitwise and operator.
static Field<Integer> Factory.bitCount(Field<? extends Number> field)
          The MySQL BIT_COUNT(field) function, counting the number of bits that are set in this number.
static Field<Integer> Factory.bitLength(Field<String> field)
          Get the bit_length(field) function This translates into any dialect
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNand(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise not and operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNand(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise not and operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNand(Field<T> value1, T value2)
          The bitwise not and operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNand(T value1, Field<T> value2)
          The bitwise not and operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNor(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise not or operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNor(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise not or operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNor(Field<T> value1, T value2)
          The bitwise not or operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNor(T value1, Field<T> value2)
          The bitwise not or operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitNot(Field<T> field)
          The bitwise not operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitOr(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise or operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitOr(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise or operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitOr(Field<T> value1, T value2)
          The bitwise or operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitOr(T value1, Field<T> value2)
          The bitwise or operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitXNor(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise not xor operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitXNor(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise not xor operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitXNor(Field<T> value1, T value2)
          The bitwise not xor operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitXNor(T value1, Field<T> value2)
          The bitwise not xor operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitXor(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise xor operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitXor(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise xor operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitXor(Field<T> value1, T value2)
          The bitwise xor operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.bitXor(T value1, Field<T> value2)
          The bitwise xor operator.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.cast(Object value, Field<T> as)
          Cast a value to the type of another field.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.castNull(Field<T> as)
          Cast null to the type of another field.
<T extends Number>
Factory.ceil(Field<T> field)
          Get the smallest integer value not less than [field] This renders the ceil or ceiling function where available: ceil([field]) or ceiling([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using round: round([field] + 0.499999999999999)
static Field<Integer> Factory.charLength(Field<String> field)
          Get the char_length(field) function This translates into any dialect
<T> Field<T>
Factory.coalesce(Field<T> field, Field<?>... fields)
          Gets the Oracle-style COALESCE(field1, field2, ... , field n) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to COALESCE: Oracle COALESCE
<T> Field<T>
Factory.coalesce(Field<T> field, Field<?>... fields)
          Gets the Oracle-style COALESCE(field1, field2, ... , field n) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to COALESCE: Oracle COALESCE
static Field<String> Factory.concat(Field<?>... fields)
          Get the concat(field[, field, ...]) function This creates fields[0] || fields[1] || ...
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.cos(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the cosine(field) function This renders the cos function where available: cos([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.cosh(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the hyperbolic cosine function: cosh(field) This renders the cosh function where available: cosh([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using exp: (exp([field] * 2) + 1) / (exp([field] * 2))
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.cot(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the cotangent(field) function This renders the cot function where available: cot([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using sin and cos: cos([field]) / sin([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.coth(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the hyperbolic cotangent function: coth(field) This is not supported by any RDBMS, but simulated using exp exp: (exp([field] * 2) + 1) / (exp([field] * 2) - 1)
static AggregateFunction<Integer> Factory.count(Field<?> field)
          Get the count(field) function
static AggregateFunction<Integer> Factory.countDistinct(Field<?> field)
          Get the count(distinct field) function
static Field<?> Factory.cube(Field<?>... fields)
          Create a CUBE(field1, field2, .., fieldn) grouping field This has been observed to work with the following databases: DB2 Oracle SQL Server Sybase SQL Anywhere Please check the SQL Server documentation for a very nice explanation of CUBE, ROLLUP, and GROUPING SETS clauses in grouping contexts:
static Field<Integer> Factory.dateDiff(Date date1, Field<Date> date2)
          Get the date difference in number of days This translates into any dialect
static Field<Integer> Factory.dateDiff(Field<Date> date1, Date date2)
          Get the date difference in number of days This translates into any dialect
static Field<Integer> Factory.dateDiff(Field<Date> date1, Field<Date> date2)
          Get the date difference in number of days This translates into any dialect
static Field<Integer> Factory.dateDiff(Field<Date> date1, Field<Date> date2)
          Get the date difference in number of days This translates into any dialect
static Field<Integer><? extends Date> field)
          Get the day part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(Field, DatePart) with DatePart.DAY
<Z,T> Field<Z>
Factory.decode(Field<T> value, Field<T> search, Field<Z> result)
          Gets the Oracle-style DECODE(expression, search, result[, search , result]... [, default]) function
<Z,T> Field<Z>
Factory.decode(Field<T> value, Field<T> search, Field<Z> result)
          Gets the Oracle-style DECODE(expression, search, result[, search , result]... [, default]) function
<Z,T> Field<Z>
Factory.decode(Field<T> value, Field<T> search, Field<Z> result)
          Gets the Oracle-style DECODE(expression, search, result[, search , result]... [, default]) function
<Z,T> Field<Z>
Factory.decode(Field<T> value, Field<T> search, Field<Z> result, Field<?>... more)
          Gets the Oracle-style DECODE(expression, search, result[, search , result]... [, default]) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to DECODE: Oracle DECODE Other dialects: CASE WHEN [this = search] THEN [result], [WHEN more...
<Z,T> Field<Z>
Factory.decode(Field<T> value, Field<T> search, Field<Z> result, Field<?>... more)
          Gets the Oracle-style DECODE(expression, search, result[, search , result]... [, default]) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to DECODE: Oracle DECODE Other dialects: CASE WHEN [this = search] THEN [result], [WHEN more...
<Z,T> Field<Z>
Factory.decode(Field<T> value, Field<T> search, Field<Z> result, Field<?>... more)
          Gets the Oracle-style DECODE(expression, search, result[, search , result]... [, default]) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to DECODE: Oracle DECODE Other dialects: CASE WHEN [this = search] THEN [result], [WHEN more...
<Z,T> Field<Z>
Factory.decode(Field<T> value, Field<T> search, Field<Z> result, Field<?>... more)
          Gets the Oracle-style DECODE(expression, search, result[, search , result]... [, default]) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to DECODE: Oracle DECODE Other dialects: CASE WHEN [this = search] THEN [result], [WHEN more...
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.deg(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Calculate degrees from radians from this field This renders the degrees function where available: degrees([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere: [field] * 180 / PI
static Field<String> Factory.escape(Field<String> field, char escape)
          Convenience method for Factory.replace(Field, String, String) to escape data for use with like(Field, char) Essentially, this escapes % and _ characters
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.exp(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the exp(field) function, taking this field as the power of e This renders the same on all dialects: exp([field])
static Field<Integer> Factory.extract(Field<? extends Date> field, DatePart datePart)
          Get the extract(field, datePart) function This translates into any dialect
<T> WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T>
Factory.firstValue(Field<T> field)
          The first_value(field) over ([analytic clause]) function.
<T extends Number>
Factory.floor(Field<T> field)
          Get the largest integer value not greater than [this] This renders the floor function where available: floor([this]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using round: round([this] - 0.499999999999999)
<T> Field<T>
Factory.function(String name, Class<T> type, Field<?>... arguments)
          function() can be used to access native functions that are not yet or insufficiently supported by jOOQ NOTE: When inserting plain SQL into jOOQ objects, you must guarantee syntax integrity.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.function(String name, DataType<T> type, Field<?>... arguments)
          function() can be used to access native functions that are not yet or insufficiently supported by jOOQ NOTE: When inserting plain SQL into jOOQ objects, you must guarantee syntax integrity.
<T> T
FieldTypeHelper.getFromSQLInput(Configuration configuration, SQLInput stream, Field<T> field)
<T> Field<T>
Factory.greatest(Field<T> field, Field<?>... others)
          Find the greatest among all values This function has no equivalent in Adaptive Server, Derby, SQL Server and Sybase SQL Anywhere.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.greatest(Field<T> field, Field<?>... others)
          Find the greatest among all values This function has no equivalent in Adaptive Server, Derby, SQL Server and Sybase SQL Anywhere.
static GroupConcatOrderByStep Factory.groupConcat(Field<?> field)
          Get the aggregated concatenation for a field.
static GroupConcatOrderByStep Factory.groupConcatDistinct(Field<?> field)
          Get the aggregated concatenation for a field.
static Field<Integer> Factory.grouping(Field<?> field)
          Create a GROUPING(field) aggregation field to be used along with CUBE, ROLLUP, and GROUPING SETS groupings This has been observed to work with the following databases: DB2 Oracle SQL Server Sybase SQL Anywhere
static Field<Integer> Factory.groupingId(Field<?>... fields)
          Create a GROUPING_ID(field1, field2, .., fieldn) aggregation field to be used along with CUBE, ROLLUP, and GROUPING SETS groupings This has been observed to work with the following databases: Oracle SQL Server
static Field<?> Factory.groupingSets(Field<?>... fields)
          Create a GROUPING SETS(field1, field2, .., fieldn) grouping field where each grouping set only consists of a single field.
static Field<?> Factory.groupingSets(Field<?>[]... fieldSets)
          Create a GROUPING SETS((field1a, field1b), (field2a), .., (fieldna, fieldnb)) grouping field This has been observed to work with the following databases: DB2 Oracle SQL Server Sybase SQL Anywhere Please check the SQL Server documentation for a very nice explanation of CUBE, ROLLUP, and GROUPING SETS clauses in grouping contexts:
static Field<Integer> Factory.hour(Field<? extends Date> field)
          Get the hour part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(Field, DatePart) with DatePart.HOUR
<R extends Record>
Factory.insertInto(Table<R> into, Field<?>... fields)
          Create a new DSL insert statement.
<T> WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T>
Factory.lag(Field<T> field)
          The lag(field) over ([analytic clause]) function.
<T> WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T>
Factory.lag(Field<T> field, int offset)
          The lag(field, offset) over ([analytic clause]) function.
<T> WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T>
Factory.lag(Field<T> field, int offset, Field<T> defaultValue)
          The lag(field, offset, defaultValue) over ([analytic clause]) function.
<T> WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T>
Factory.lag(Field<T> field, int offset, Field<T> defaultValue)
          The lag(field, offset, defaultValue) over ([analytic clause]) function.
<T> WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T>
Factory.lag(Field<T> field, int offset, T defaultValue)
          The lag(field, offset, defaultValue) over ([analytic clause]) function.
<T> WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T>
Factory.lastValue(Field<T> field)
          The last_value(field) over ([analytic clause]) function.
<T> WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T>
Factory.lead(Field<T> field)
          The lead(field) over ([analytic clause]) function.
<T> WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T>
Factory.lead(Field<T> field, int offset)
          The lead(field, offset) over ([analytic clause]) function.
<T> WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T>
Factory.lead(Field<T> field, int offset, Field<T> defaultValue)
          The lead(field, offset, defaultValue) over ([analytic clause]) function.
<T> WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T>
Factory.lead(Field<T> field, int offset, Field<T> defaultValue)
          The lead(field, offset, defaultValue) over ([analytic clause]) function.
<T> WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T>
Factory.lead(Field<T> field, int offset, T defaultValue)
          The lead(field, offset, defaultValue) over ([analytic clause]) function.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.least(Field<T> field, Field<?>... others)
          Find the least among all values This function has no equivalent in Adaptive Server, Derby, SQL Server and Sybase SQL Anywhere.
<T> Field<T>
Factory.least(Field<T> field, Field<?>... others)
          Find the least among all values This function has no equivalent in Adaptive Server, Derby, SQL Server and Sybase SQL Anywhere.
static Field<Integer> Factory.length(Field<String> field)
          Get the length of a VARCHAR type.
static OrderedAggregateFunction<String> Factory.listAgg(Field<?> field)
          Get the aggregated concatenation for a field.
static OrderedAggregateFunction<String> Factory.listAgg(Field<?> field, String separator)
          Get the aggregated concatenation for a field.
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.ln(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the ln(field) function, taking the natural logarithm of this field This renders the ln or log function where available: ln([field]) or log([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.log(Field<? extends Number> field, int base)
          Get the log(field, base) function This renders the log function where available: log([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere (in most RDBMS) using the natural logarithm: ln([field]) / ln([base])
static Field<String> Factory.lower(Field<String> value)
          Get the lower(field) function This renders the lower function in all dialects: lower([field])
static Field<String> Factory.lpad(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> length)
          Get the lpad(field, length) function This renders the lpad function where available: lpad([field], [length]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using concat, repeat, and length, which may be simulated as well, depending on the RDBMS: concat(repeat(' ', [length] - length([field])), [field])
static Field<String> Factory.lpad(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> length)
          Get the lpad(field, length) function This renders the lpad function where available: lpad([field], [length]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using concat, repeat, and length, which may be simulated as well, depending on the RDBMS: concat(repeat(' ', [length] - length([field])), [field])
static Field<String> Factory.lpad(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
          Get the lpad(field, length, character) function This renders the lpad function where available: lpad([field], [length]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using concat, repeat, and length, which may be simulated as well, depending on the RDBMS: concat(repeat([character], [length] - length([field])), [field])
static Field<String> Factory.lpad(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
          Get the lpad(field, length, character) function This renders the lpad function where available: lpad([field], [length]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using concat, repeat, and length, which may be simulated as well, depending on the RDBMS: concat(repeat([character], [length] - length([field])), [field])
static Field<String> Factory.lpad(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
          Get the lpad(field, length, character) function This renders the lpad function where available: lpad([field], [length]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using concat, repeat, and length, which may be simulated as well, depending on the RDBMS: concat(repeat([character], [length] - length([field])), [field])
static Field<String> Factory.lpad(Field<String> field, int length)
          Get the lpad(field, length) function
static Field<String> Factory.lpad(Field<String> field, int length, char character)
          Get the lpad(field, length, character) function
static Field<String> Factory.lpad(Field<String> field, int length, String character)
          Get the lpad(field, length, character) function
static Field<String> Factory.ltrim(Field<String> value)
          Get the ltrim(field) function This renders the ltrim function in all dialects: ltrim([field])
<T> AggregateFunction<T>
Factory.max(Field<T> field)
          Get the max value over a field: max(field)
<T> AggregateFunction<T>
Factory.maxDistinct(Field<T> field)
          Get the max value over a field: max(distinct field)
static AggregateFunction<BigDecimal> Factory.median(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the median over a numeric field: median(field) This is known to be supported in any of these RDBMS: HSQLDB Oracle Sybase SQL Anywhere
<T> AggregateFunction<T>
Factory.min(Field<T> field)
          Get the min value over a field: min(field)
<T> AggregateFunction<T>
Factory.minDistinct(Field<T> field)
          Get the min value over a field: min(distinct field)
static Field<Integer> Factory.minute(Field<? extends Date> field)
          Get the minute part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(Field, DatePart) with DatePart.MINUTE
static Field<Integer> Factory.month(Field<? extends Date> field)
          Get the month part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(Field, DatePart) with DatePart.MONTH
 Field<T> CustomField.mul(Field<? extends Number> value)
<T> Field<T>
Factory.nullif(Field<T> value, Field<T> other)
          Gets the Oracle-style NULLIF(value, other) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to NULLIF: Oracle NULLIF
<T> Field<T>
Factory.nullif(Field<T> value, Field<T> other)
          Gets the Oracle-style NULLIF(value, other) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to NULLIF: Oracle NULLIF
<T> Field<T>
Factory.nullif(Field<T> value, T other)
          Gets the Oracle-style NULLIF(value, other) function
<T> Field<T>
Factory.nullif(T value, Field<T> other)
          Gets the Oracle-style NULLIF(value, other) function
<T> Field<T>
Factory.nvl(Field<T> value, Field<T> defaultValue)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL(value, defaultValue) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to NVL: DB2
<T> Field<T>
Factory.nvl(Field<T> value, Field<T> defaultValue)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL(value, defaultValue) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to NVL: DB2
<T> Field<T>
Factory.nvl(Field<T> value, T defaultValue)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL(value, defaultValue) function
<T> Field<T>
Factory.nvl(T value, Field<T> defaultValue)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL(value, defaultValue) function
<Z> Field<Z>
Factory.nvl2(Field<?> value, Field<Z> valueIfNotNull, Field<Z> valueIfNull)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL2(value, valueIfNotNull, valueIfNull) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to NVL2: Oracle NVL2 Other dialects: CASE WHEN [value] IS NULL THEN [valueIfNull] ELSE [valueIfNotNull] END
<Z> Field<Z>
Factory.nvl2(Field<?> value, Field<Z> valueIfNotNull, Field<Z> valueIfNull)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL2(value, valueIfNotNull, valueIfNull) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to NVL2: Oracle NVL2 Other dialects: CASE WHEN [value] IS NULL THEN [valueIfNull] ELSE [valueIfNotNull] END
<Z> Field<Z>
Factory.nvl2(Field<?> value, Field<Z> valueIfNotNull, Field<Z> valueIfNull)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL2(value, valueIfNotNull, valueIfNull) function Returns the dialect's equivalent to NVL2: Oracle NVL2 Other dialects: CASE WHEN [value] IS NULL THEN [valueIfNull] ELSE [valueIfNotNull] END
<Z> Field<Z>
Factory.nvl2(Field<?> value, Field<Z> valueIfNotNull, Z valueIfNull)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL2(value, valueIfNotNull, valueIfNull) function
<Z> Field<Z>
Factory.nvl2(Field<?> value, Field<Z> valueIfNotNull, Z valueIfNull)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL2(value, valueIfNotNull, valueIfNull) function
<Z> Field<Z>
Factory.nvl2(Field<?> value, Z valueIfNotNull, Field<Z> valueIfNull)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL2(value, valueIfNotNull, valueIfNull) function
<Z> Field<Z>
Factory.nvl2(Field<?> value, Z valueIfNotNull, Field<Z> valueIfNull)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL2(value, valueIfNotNull, valueIfNull) function
<Z> Field<Z>
Factory.nvl2(Field<?> value, Z valueIfNotNull, Z valueIfNull)
          Gets the Oracle-style NVL2(value, valueIfNotNull, valueIfNull) function
static Field<Integer> Factory.octetLength(Field<String> field)
          Get the octet_length(field) function This translates into any dialect
static Field<Integer> Factory.position(Field<String> in, Field<String> search)
          Get the position(in, search) function This renders the position or any equivalent function: position([search] in [in]) or locate([in], [search]) or locate([search], [in]) or instr([in], [search]) or charindex([search], [in])
static Field<Integer> Factory.position(Field<String> in, Field<String> search)
          Get the position(in, search) function This renders the position or any equivalent function: position([search] in [in]) or locate([in], [search]) or locate([search], [in]) or instr([in], [search]) or charindex([search], [in])
static Field<Integer> Factory.position(Field<String> in, String search)
          Get the position(in, search) function
static Field<Integer> Factory.position(String in, Field<String> search)
          Get the position(in, search) function
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.power(Field<? extends Number> field, Field<? extends Number> exponent)
          Get the power(field, exponent) function This renders the power function where available: power([field], [exponent]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using ln and exp: exp(ln([field]) * [exponent])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.power(Field<? extends Number> field, Field<? extends Number> exponent)
          Get the power(field, exponent) function This renders the power function where available: power([field], [exponent]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using ln and exp: exp(ln([field]) * [exponent])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.power(Field<? extends Number> field, Number exponent)
          Get the power(field, exponent) function
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.power(Number value, Field<? extends Number> exponent)
          Get the power(field, exponent) function
<T> Field<T>
Factory.prior(Field<T> field)
          Add the Oracle-specific PRIOR unary operator before a field (to be used along with CONNECT BY clauses)
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.rad(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Calculate radians from degrees from this field This renders the degrees function where available: degrees([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere: [field] * PI / 180
static Field<String> Factory.repeat(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> count)
          Get the repeat(field, count) function This renders the repeat or replicate function where available: repeat([field], [count]) or replicate([field], [count]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using rpad and length, which may be simulated as well, depending on the RDBMS: rpad([field], length([field]) * [count], [field])
static Field<String> Factory.repeat(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> count)
          Get the repeat(field, count) function This renders the repeat or replicate function where available: repeat([field], [count]) or replicate([field], [count]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using rpad and length, which may be simulated as well, depending on the RDBMS: rpad([field], length([field]) * [count], [field])
static Field<String> Factory.repeat(Field<String> field, int count)
          Get the repeat(count) function
static Field<String> Factory.repeat(String field, Field<? extends Number> count)
          Get the repeat(field, count) function
static Field<String> Factory.replace(Field<String> field, Field<String> search)
          Get the replace(field, search) function This renders the replace or str_replace function where available: replace([field], [search]) or str_replace([field], [search]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using the three-argument replace function: replace([field], [search], '')
static Field<String> Factory.replace(Field<String> field, Field<String> search)
          Get the replace(field, search) function This renders the replace or str_replace function where available: replace([field], [search]) or str_replace([field], [search]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using the three-argument replace function: replace([field], [search], '')
static Field<String> Factory.replace(Field<String> field, Field<String> search, Field<String> replace)
          Get the replace(field, search, replace) function This renders the replace or str_replace function: replace([field], [search]) or str_replace([field], [search])
static Field<String> Factory.replace(Field<String> field, Field<String> search, Field<String> replace)
          Get the replace(field, search, replace) function This renders the replace or str_replace function: replace([field], [search]) or str_replace([field], [search])
static Field<String> Factory.replace(Field<String> field, Field<String> search, Field<String> replace)
          Get the replace(field, search, replace) function This renders the replace or str_replace function: replace([field], [search]) or str_replace([field], [search])
static Field<String> Factory.replace(Field<String> field, String search)
          Get the replace(field, search) function
static Field<String> Factory.replace(Field<String> field, String search, String replace)
          Get the replace(field, search, replace) function
static Field<?> Factory.rollup(Field<?>... fields)
          Create a ROLLUP(field1, field2, .., fieldn) grouping field This has been observed to work with the following databases: CUBRID (simulated using the GROUP BY ..
<T extends Number>
Factory.round(Field<T> field)
          Get rounded value of a numeric field: round(field) This renders the round function where available: round([field]) or round([field], 0) ... or simulates it elsewhere using floor and ceil
<T extends Number>
Factory.round(Field<T> field, int decimals)
          Get rounded value of a numeric field: round(field, decimals) This renders the round function where available: round([field], [decimals]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using floor and ceil
static Field<String> Factory.rpad(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> length)
          Get the rpad(field, length) function This renders the rpad function where available: rpad([field], [length]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using concat, repeat, and length, which may be simulated as well, depending on the RDBMS: concat([field], repeat(' ', [length] - length([field])))
static Field<String> Factory.rpad(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> length)
          Get the rpad(field, length) function This renders the rpad function where available: rpad([field], [length]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using concat, repeat, and length, which may be simulated as well, depending on the RDBMS: concat([field], repeat(' ', [length] - length([field])))
static Field<String> Factory.rpad(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
          Get the rpad(field, length, character) function This renders the rpad function where available: rpad([field], [length]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using concat, repeat, and length, which may be simulated as well, depending on the RDBMS: concat([field], repeat([character], [length] - length([field])))
static Field<String> Factory.rpad(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
          Get the rpad(field, length, character) function This renders the rpad function where available: rpad([field], [length]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using concat, repeat, and length, which may be simulated as well, depending on the RDBMS: concat([field], repeat([character], [length] - length([field])))
static Field<String> Factory.rpad(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
          Get the rpad(field, length, character) function This renders the rpad function where available: rpad([field], [length]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using concat, repeat, and length, which may be simulated as well, depending on the RDBMS: concat([field], repeat([character], [length] - length([field])))
static Field<String> Factory.rpad(Field<String> field, int length)
          Get the rpad(field, length) function
static Field<String> Factory.rpad(Field<String> field, int length, char character)
          Get the rpad(field, length, character) function
static Field<String> Factory.rpad(Field<String> field, int length, String character)
          Get the rpad(field, length, character) function
static Field<String> Factory.rtrim(Field<String> field)
          Get the rtrim(field) function This renders the rtrim function in all dialects: rtrim([field])
static Field<Integer> Factory.second(Field<? extends Date> field)
          Get the second part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(Field, DatePart) with DatePart.SECOND
 SelectSelectStep<?>... fields)
          Create a new DSL select statement.
 SelectSelectStep Factory.selectDistinct(Field<?>... fields)
          Create a new DSL select statement.
protected  void AbstractRoutine.setField(Parameter<?> parameter, Field<?> value)
protected  void AbstractRoutine.setNumber(Parameter<? extends Number> parameter, Field<? extends Number> value)
<T extends Number>
Factory.shl(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise left shift operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.shl(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise left shift operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.shl(Field<T> value1, T value2)
          The bitwise left shift operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.shl(T value1, Field<T> value2)
          The bitwise left shift operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.shr(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise right shift operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.shr(Field<T> field1, Field<T> field2)
          The bitwise right shift operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.shr(Field<T> value1, T value2)
          The bitwise right shift operator.
<T extends Number>
Factory.shr(T value1, Field<T> value2)
          The bitwise right shift operator.
static Field<Integer> Factory.sign(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the sign of a numeric field: sign(field) This renders the sign function where available: sign([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere (without bind variables on values -1, 0, 1): CASE WHEN [this] > 0 THEN 1 WHEN [this] < 0 THEN -1 ELSE 0 END
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.sin(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the sine(field) function This renders the sin function where available: sin([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.sinh(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the hyperbolic sine function: sinh(field) This renders the sinh function where available: sinh([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using exp: (exp([field] * 2) - 1) / (exp([field] * 2))
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.sqrt(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the sqrt(field) function This renders the sqrt function where available: sqrt([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using power (which in turn may also be simulated using ln and exp functions): power([field], 0.5)
static AggregateFunction<BigDecimal> Factory.stddevPop(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the population standard deviation of a numeric field: stddev_pop(field) This is known to be supported in any of these RDBMS: DB2 H2 HSQLDB Ingres MySQL Oracle Postgres SQL Server (stdev) Sybase ASE Sybase SQL Anywhere
static AggregateFunction<BigDecimal> Factory.stddevSamp(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the sample standard deviation of a numeric field: stddev_samp(field) This is known to be supported in any of these RDBMS: DB2 H2 HSQLDB Ingres MySQL Oracle Postgres SQL Server (stdev) Sybase ASE Sybase SQL Anywhere
static Field<String> Factory.substring(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> startingPosition)
          Get the substring(field, startingPosition) function This renders the substr or substring function: substr([field], [startingPosition]) or substring([field], [startingPosition])
static Field<String> Factory.substring(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> startingPosition)
          Get the substring(field, startingPosition) function This renders the substr or substring function: substr([field], [startingPosition]) or substring([field], [startingPosition])
static Field<String> Factory.substring(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> startingPosition, Field<? extends Number> length)
          Get the substring(field, startingPosition, length) function This renders the substr or substring function: substr([field], [startingPosition], [length]) or substring([field], [startingPosition], [length])
static Field<String> Factory.substring(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> startingPosition, Field<? extends Number> length)
          Get the substring(field, startingPosition, length) function This renders the substr or substring function: substr([field], [startingPosition], [length]) or substring([field], [startingPosition], [length])
static Field<String> Factory.substring(Field<String> field, Field<? extends Number> startingPosition, Field<? extends Number> length)
          Get the substring(field, startingPosition, length) function This renders the substr or substring function: substr([field], [startingPosition], [length]) or substring([field], [startingPosition], [length])
static Field<String> Factory.substring(Field<String> field, int startingPosition)
          Get the substring(field, startingPosition) function
static Field<String> Factory.substring(Field<String> field, int startingPosition, int length)
          Get the substring(field, startingPosition, length) function
static AggregateFunction<BigDecimal> Factory.sum(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the sum over a numeric field: sum(field)
static AggregateFunction<BigDecimal> Factory.sumDistinct(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the sum over a numeric field: sum(distinct field)
static Field<String> Factory.sysConnectByPath(Field<?> field, String separator)
          Retrieve the Oracle-specific SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(field, separator) function (to be used along with CONNECT BY clauses).
static Table<?> Factory.table(Field<?> cursor)
          A synonym for Factory.unnest(Field)
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.tan(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the tangent(field) function This renders the tan function where available: tan([field])
static Field<BigDecimal> Factory.tanh(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the hyperbolic tangent function: tanh(field) This renders the tanh function where available: tanh([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using exp: (exp([field] * 2) - 1) / (exp([field] * 2) + 1)
static Field<DayToSecond> Factory.timestampDiff(Field<Timestamp> timestamp1, Field<Timestamp> timestamp2)
          Get the timestamp difference as a INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND type This translates into any dialect
static Field<DayToSecond> Factory.timestampDiff(Field<Timestamp> timestamp1, Field<Timestamp> timestamp2)
          Get the timestamp difference as a INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND type This translates into any dialect
static Field<DayToSecond> Factory.timestampDiff(Field<Timestamp> timestamp1, Timestamp timestamp2)
          Get the timestamp difference as a INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND type This translates into any dialect
static Field<DayToSecond> Factory.timestampDiff(Timestamp timestamp1, Field<Timestamp> timestamp2)
          Get the timestamp difference as a INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND type This translates into any dialect
static Field<String> Factory.trim(Field<String> field)
          Get the trim(field) function This renders the trim function where available: trim([field]) ... or simulates it elsewhere using rtrim and ltrim: ltrim(rtrim([field]))
static Table<?> Factory.unnest(Field<?> cursor)
          Create a table from a field.
static Field<String> Factory.upper(Field<String> field)
          Get the upper(field) function This renders the upper function in all dialects: upper([field])
<T> Field<T>
Factory.val(Object value, Field<T> field)
          Get a bind value with an associated type, taken from a field
<T> Field<T>
Factory.value(Object value, Field<T> field)
          A synonym for Factory.val(Object) to be used in Scala and Groovy, where val is a reserved keyword.
static AggregateFunction<BigDecimal> Factory.varPop(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the population variance of a numeric field: var_pop(field) This is known to be supported in any of these RDBMS: DB2 H2 HSQLDB Ingres MySQL Oracle Postgres SQL Server (stdev) Sybase ASE Sybase SQL Anywhere
static AggregateFunction<BigDecimal> Factory.varSamp(Field<? extends Number> field)
          Get the sample variance of a numeric field: var_samp(field) This is known to be supported in any of these RDBMS: H2 HSQLDB Ingres MySQL Oracle Postgres SQL Server (var) Sybase SQL Anywhere
<T> void
FieldTypeHelper.writeToSQLOutput(SQLOutput stream, Field<T> field, T value)
static Field<Integer> Factory.year(Field<? extends Date> field)
          Get the year part of a date This is the same as calling Factory.extract(Field, DatePart) with DatePart.YEAR

Method parameters in org.jooq.impl with type arguments of type Field
<R extends Record>
Factory.insertInto(Table<R> into, Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Create a new DSL insert statement.
 SelectSelectStep<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Create a new DSL select statement.
 SelectSelectStep Factory.selectDistinct(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Create a new DSL select statement.

Uses of Field in org.jooq.util.mysql

Methods in org.jooq.util.mysql that return Field
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.aesDecrypt(Field<String> cryptString, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific AES_DECRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.aesDecrypt(String cryptString, String keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific AES_DECRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.aesEncrypt(Field<String> string, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific AES_ENCRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.aesEncrypt(String string, String keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific AES_ENCRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.compress(Field<String> string)
          Get the MySQL-specific COMPRESS() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.compress(String string)
          Get the MySQL-specific COMPRESS() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.decode(Field<String> cryptString, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific DECODE() function Don't mix this up with the various Factory.decode() methods!
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.decode(String cryptString, String keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific DECODE() function Don't mix this up with the various Factory.decode() methods!
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.desDecrypt(Field<String> cryptString)
          Get the MySQL-specific DES_DECRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.desDecrypt(Field<String> cryptString, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific DES_DECRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.desDecrypt(String cryptString)
          Get the MySQL-specific DES_DECRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.desDecrypt(String cryptString, String keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific DES_DECRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.desEncrypt(Field<String> string)
          Get the MySQL-specific DES_ENCRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.desEncrypt(Field<String> string, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific DES_ENCRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.desEncrypt(String string)
          Get the MySQL-specific DES_ENCRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.desEncrypt(String string, String keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific DES_ENCRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.encode(Field<String> string, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific ENCODE() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.encode(String string, String keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific ENCODE() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.md5(Field<String> string)
          Get the MySQL-specific MD5() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.md5(String string)
          Get the MySQL-specific MD5() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.password(Field<String> string)
          Get the MySQL-specific PASSWORD() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.password(String string)
          Get the MySQL-specific PASSWORD() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.sha1(Field<String> string)
          Get the MySQL-specific SHA1() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.sha1(String string)
          Get the MySQL-specific SHA1() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.sha2(Field<String> string, Field<Integer> hashLength)
          Get the MySQL-specific SHA2() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.sha2(String string, int hashLength)
          Get the MySQL-specific SHA2() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.uncompress(Field<String> string)
          Get the MySQL-specific UNCOMPRESS() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.uncompress(String string)
          Get the MySQL-specific UNCOMPRESS() function
static Field<Integer> MySQLFactory.uncompressedLength(Field<String> string)
          Get the MySQL-specific UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH() function
static Field<Integer> MySQLFactory.uncompressedLength(String string)
          Get the MySQL-specific UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH() function

Methods in org.jooq.util.mysql with parameters of type Field
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.aesDecrypt(Field<String> cryptString, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific AES_DECRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.aesDecrypt(Field<String> cryptString, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific AES_DECRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.aesEncrypt(Field<String> string, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific AES_ENCRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.aesEncrypt(Field<String> string, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific AES_ENCRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.compress(Field<String> string)
          Get the MySQL-specific COMPRESS() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.decode(Field<String> cryptString, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific DECODE() function Don't mix this up with the various Factory.decode() methods!
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.decode(Field<String> cryptString, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific DECODE() function Don't mix this up with the various Factory.decode() methods!
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.desDecrypt(Field<String> cryptString)
          Get the MySQL-specific DES_DECRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.desDecrypt(Field<String> cryptString, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific DES_DECRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.desDecrypt(Field<String> cryptString, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific DES_DECRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.desEncrypt(Field<String> string)
          Get the MySQL-specific DES_ENCRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.desEncrypt(Field<String> string, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific DES_ENCRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.desEncrypt(Field<String> string, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific DES_ENCRYPT() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.encode(Field<String> string, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific ENCODE() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.encode(Field<String> string, Field<String> keyString)
          Get the MySQL-specific ENCODE() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.md5(Field<String> string)
          Get the MySQL-specific MD5() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.password(Field<String> string)
          Get the MySQL-specific PASSWORD() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.sha1(Field<String> string)
          Get the MySQL-specific SHA1() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.sha2(Field<String> string, Field<Integer> hashLength)
          Get the MySQL-specific SHA2() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.sha2(Field<String> string, Field<Integer> hashLength)
          Get the MySQL-specific SHA2() function
static Field<String> MySQLFactory.uncompress(Field<String> string)
          Get the MySQL-specific UNCOMPRESS() function
static Field<Integer> MySQLFactory.uncompressedLength(Field<String> string)
          Get the MySQL-specific UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH() function

Uses of Field in

Methods in that return Field
static Field<String> OracleFactory.rowid()
          Retrieve the Oracle-specific ROWID pseudo-field
static Field<Integer> OracleFactory.rownum()
          Retrieve the Oracle-specific ROWNUM pseudo-field
static Field<String> OracleFactory.sysContext(String namespace, String parameter)
          The Oracle-specific SYS_CONTEXT function
static Field<String> OracleFactory.sysContext(String namespace, String parameter, int length)
          The Oracle-specific SYS_CONTEXT function

Uses of Field in org.jooq.util.sqlite

Methods in org.jooq.util.sqlite that return Field
static Field<Long> SQLiteFactory.rowid()
          Retrieve the SQLite-specific _rowid_ pseudo-field.

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