Uses of Class

Packages that use MappingException

Uses of MappingException in org.jooq

Methods in org.jooq that throw MappingException
<E> List<E>
ResultQuery.fetchInto(Class<? extends E> type)
          Map resulting records onto a custom type.
<E> List<E>
Cursor.fetchInto(Class<? extends E> type)
          Map resulting records onto a custom type.
<Z extends Record>
Cursor.fetchInto(Table<Z> table)
          Map resulting records onto a custom record.
<E> E
Cursor.fetchOneInto(Class<? extends E> type)
          Map the next resulting record onto a custom type.
<Z extends Record>
Cursor.fetchOneInto(Table<Z> table)
          Map the next resulting record onto a custom record.
 void Record.from(Object source)
          Load data into this record from a source.
<E> List<E>
Result.into(Class<? extends E> type)
          Map resulting records onto a custom type.
<E> E
Record.into(Class<? extends E> type)
          Map resulting records onto a custom type.
<Z extends Record>
Result.into(Table<Z> table)
          Map resulting records onto a custom record.
 Object[][] Result.intoArray()
          Convert this result into an array of arrays The resulting array has the same number of first-dimension elements as this result has records.
<R extends TableRecord<R>>
FactoryOperations.newRecord(Table<R> table, Object source)
          Create a new pre-filled Record that can be inserted into the corresponding table.

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