Interface MergeValuesStep<R extends Record>

All Known Subinterfaces:
MergeKeyStep<R>, MergeUsingStep<R>

public interface MergeValuesStep<R extends Record>

This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API.


 Factory create = new Factory();

 create.mergeInto(table, field1, field2)
       .values(value1, value2)

Lukas Eder

Method Summary
 Merge<R> select(Select<?> select)
          Use a SELECT statement as the source of values for the MERGE statement This variant of the MERGE ..
 Merge<R> values(Collection<?> values)
          Specify a VALUES clause
 Merge<R> values(Field<?>... values)
          Specify a VALUES clause
 Merge<R> values(Object... values)
          Specify a VALUES clause

Method Detail


Merge<R> values(Object... values)
Specify a VALUES clause


Merge<R> values(Field<?>... values)
Specify a VALUES clause


Merge<R> values(Collection<?> values)
Specify a VALUES clause


Merge<R> select(Select<?> select)
Use a SELECT statement as the source of values for the MERGE statement

This variant of the MERGE .. SELECT statement expects a select returning exactly as many fields as specified previously in the INTO clause: FactoryOperations.mergeInto(Table, Field...) or FactoryOperations.mergeInto(Table, Collection)

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