Package org.jooq

Interface Summary
Adapter Deprecated. - 2.5.0 [#1639] - This part of the internal API will be removed in the near future.
AggregateFunction<T> An aggregate function is a special field that is usually used in a GROUP BY context.
AliasProvider<Z extends AliasProvider<Z>> A QueryPart that can create an aliased QueryPart of itself
ArrayRecord<E> A "record" that encapsulates an Oracle-style ARRAY (or VARRAY), additionally providing some convenience methods
Attachable An object in jOOQ that can have an underlying Configuration attached or detached.
AttachableInternal Base functionality declaration for all Attachables This interface is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only.
Batch A wrapper for a JDBC batch operation.
BatchBindStep This type is used for the Batch's DSL API.
BindContext The bind context is used for binding QueryPart's and their contained values to a PreparedStatement's bind variables.
Case The SQL case statement.
CaseConditionStep<T> The final step in creating a case statement of the type CASE WHEN x < 1 THEN 'one' WHEN x >= 2 THEN 'two' ELSE 'three' END
CaseValueStep<V> An intermediary step in creating a case statement of the type CASE x WHEN 1 THEN 'one' WHEN 2 THEN 'two' ELSE 'three' END
CaseWhenStep<V,T> The final step in creating a case statement of the type CASE x WHEN 1 THEN 'one' WHEN 2 THEN 'two' ELSE 'three' END
Condition A condition to be used in a query's where part
ConditionProvider A common interface for all objects holding conditions (e.g. queries)
Configuration The Configuration holds data about sql dialects, connections / data sources, and custom settings as well as custom data.
ConfigurationProvider Deprecated. - 2.1.0 [#1191] - Use ExecuteListener.start(ExecuteContext) instead to provide jOOQ with valid connections
Context<C extends Context<C>> A context type that is used for rendering SQL or for binding This interface is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only.
Converter<T,U> A Converter for data types.
Cursor<R extends Record> Cursors allow for lazy, sequential access to an underlying JDBC ResultSet.
DAO<R extends TableRecord<R>,P,T> A generic DAO interface for a pojo and a primary key type.
DataType<T> A common interface to all dialect-specific data types
Delete<R extends Record> A Query that can delete data in the database.
DeleteConditionStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Delete's DSL API.
DeleteFinalStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Delete's DSL API.
DeleteQuery<R extends Record> A query used for deletion of data
DeleteWhereStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Delete's DSL API.
DivideByOnConditionStep An intermediate type for the construction of a relational division.
DivideByOnStep An intermediate type for the construction of a relational division
DivideByReturningStep An intermediate type for the construction of a relational division
EnumType A SQL enum type.
ExecuteContext A context object for Query execution passed to registered ExecuteListener's.
ExecuteListener An event listener for Query, Routine, or ResultSet render, prepare, bind, execute, fetch steps.
FactoryOperations The public API for the jOOQ Factory
Field<T> A field used in tables and conditions
FieldLike An object that can behave like a field (a field-like object)
FieldProvider An object (not necessarily a QueryPart) that holds a list of Fields.
ForeignKey<R extends Record,U extends Record> A ForeignKey is an object referencing a UniqueKey.
FutureResult<R extends Record> Fetch results asynchronously.
GroupConcatOrderByStep MySQL's GROUP_CONCAT function.
GroupConcatSeparatorStep MySQL's GROUP_CONCAT function.
Identity<R extends Record,T> An Identity is an object representing an IDENTITY column as understood by the SQL:2003 standard.
Insert<R extends Record> A Query that can insert data in the database.
InsertFinalStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Insert's DSL API.
InsertOnDuplicateSetMoreStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Insert's DSL API.
InsertOnDuplicateSetStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Insert's DSL API.
InsertOnDuplicateStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Insert's DSL API.
InsertQuery<R extends Record> A query for data insertion
InsertResultStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Insert's DSL API.
InsertReturningStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Insert's DSL API.
InsertSetMoreStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Insert's alternative DSL API.
InsertSetStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Insert's alternative DSL API.
InsertValuesStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Insert's DSL API.
Key<R extends Record> A Key is an object representing a UNIQUE KEY, a PRIMARY KEY, or a FOREIGN KEY.
Loader<R extends TableRecord<R>> The Loader API is used for configuring data loads.
LoaderCSVOptionsStep<R extends TableRecord<R>> The Loader API is used for configuring data loads.
LoaderCSVStep<R extends TableRecord<R>> The Loader API is used for configuring data loads.
LoaderError An error that occurred during loading.
LoaderLoadStep<R extends TableRecord<R>> The Loader API is used for configuring data loads.
LoaderOptionsStep<R extends TableRecord<R>> The Loader API is used for configuring data loads.
LoaderSourceStep<R extends TableRecord<R>> The Loader API is used for configuring data loads.
LoaderXMLStep<R extends TableRecord<R>> The Loader API is used for configuring data loads.
LockProvider A query part (mostly a Select statement) providing the possibility of locking tables, rows using a FOR UPDATE clause
MasterDataType<T> Deprecated. - 2.5.0 [#1741] - This feature will be removed as of jOOQ 3.0
Merge<R extends Record> A Query that can merge data in the database.
MergeFinalStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Merge's DSL API.
MergeKeyStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API.
MergeMatchedDeleteStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Merge's DSL API.
MergeMatchedSetMoreStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Merge's DSL API.
MergeMatchedSetStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Merge's DSL API.
MergeMatchedStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Merge's DSL API.
MergeMatchedWhereStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Merge's DSL API.
MergeNotMatchedSetMoreStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Merge's DSL API.
MergeNotMatchedSetStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Merge's DSL API.
MergeNotMatchedStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Merge's DSL API.
MergeNotMatchedValuesStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Merge's DSL API.
MergeNotMatchedWhereStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Merge's DSL API.
MergeOnConditionStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Merge's DSL API.
MergeOnStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Merge's DSL API.
MergeUsingStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Merge's DSL API.
MergeValuesStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the H2-specific variant of the Merge's DSL API.
Name A SQL identifier QueryPart A Name is a QueryPart that renders a SQL identifier according to the Settings.getRenderNameStyle().
NamedQueryPart A common interface for query parts that have a name.
NamedTypeProviderQueryPart<T> Any object providing a type.
OrderedAggregateFunction<T> An ordered aggregate function.
OrderProvider A query that can be ordered and limited
Package A container for stored procedures and functions This is only supported in the SQLDialect.ORACLE dialect
Param<T> A named parameter and/or bind value.
Parameter<T> A parameter to a stored procedure or function.
PivotForStep This type is used for the Oracle PIVOT clause DSL API, pivoting Table objects to new tables.
PivotInStep<T> This type is used for the Oracle PIVOT clause DSL API, pivoting Table objects to new tables.
Query Any query
QueryPart The common base type for all objects that can be used for query composition.
QueryPartInternal Base functionality declaration for all query objects This interface is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only.
Record A wrapper for database result records returned by SelectQuery
RecordHandler<R extends Record> A RecordHandler is a handler that can receive Record objects, when fetching data from the database.
RenderContext The render context is used for rendering QueryPart's to SQL.
Result<R extends Record> A wrapper for database results returned by SelectQuery
ResultQuery<R extends Record> A query that can return results.
Routine<T> A routine is a callable object in your RDBMS.
Schema An entity representing a database schema
SchemaProvider Deprecated. - 2.5.0 [#1580] - The org.jooq.SchemaProvider marker interface has not proven to be useful to the public API so far.
Select<R extends Record> A Query that can provide a Result after execution
SelectConditionStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectConnectByConditionStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectConnectByStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectFinalStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectForUpdateOfStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectForUpdateStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectForUpdateWaitStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectFromStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectGroupByStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectHavingConditionStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectHavingStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectJoinPartitionByStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectJoinStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectLimitStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectOffsetStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectOnConditionStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectOnStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectOrderByStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectQuery A query for data selection
SelectSelectStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectStartWithStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
SelectWhereStep This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
Sequence<T extends Number> A type representing sequences in databases that support this.
SimpleSelectConditionStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
SimpleSelectFinalStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
SimpleSelectForUpdateOfStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
SimpleSelectForUpdateStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
SimpleSelectForUpdateWaitStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
SimpleSelectLimitStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
SimpleSelectOffsetStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
SimpleSelectOrderByStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
SimpleSelectQuery<R extends Record> A simple select query that provides Records from a single table, with no joins allowed.
SimpleSelectWhereStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
SortField<T> A wrapper for a Field and a SortField
Store<E> A common base type for Record and ArrayRecord providing common, index-based functionality for storage objects Store implements Attachable, as some stores need a reference to an open JDBC connection to perform some actions on their elements.
StoreQuery<R extends Record> A query storing objects to the database.
Table<R extends Record> A table to be used in queries
TableField<R extends Record,T> A field contained in a table
TableLike<R extends Record> An object that can behave like a table (a table-like object)
TableOnConditionStep An intermediate (optional) type for the construction of a JOIN clause, where the join criteria is added using an ON clause (with a Condition.
TableOnStep An intermediate type for the construction of a JOIN clause, where there must be a join criteria added using an ON clause (with a Condition), or using a USING clause (with a list of Field)
TablePartitionByStep An intermediate type for the construction of a partitioned SQLDialect.ORACLE OUTER JOIN clause.
TableRecord<R extends TableRecord<R>> A record originating from a single table
Truncate<R extends Record> A Query that can truncate a table in the database.
Type<R extends Record> Deprecated. - 2.5.0 [#1579] - The org.jooq.Type
UDT<R extends UDTRecord<R>> UDT definition
UDTField<R extends UDTRecord<R>,T> A field contained in a UDT
UDTRecord<R extends UDTRecord<R>> An object holding data of a UDT
UniqueKey<R extends Record> A UniqueKey is an object representing a UNIQUE KEY or a PRIMARY KEY.
Updatable<R extends Record> A common interface for objects (tables, records) that can be updated or deleted using their primary keys.
UpdatableRecord<R extends UpdatableRecord<R>> A common interface for records that can be stored back to the database again.
UpdatableTable<R extends Record> A common interface for tables whose records can be stored back to the database again.
Update<R extends Record> A Query that can update data in the database.
UpdateConditionStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Update's DSL API.
UpdateFinalStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Update's DSL API.
UpdateQuery<R extends Record> A query for data updating
UpdateSetMoreStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Update's DSL API.
UpdateSetStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Update's DSL API.
UpdateWhereStep<R extends Record> This type is used for the Update's DSL API.
WindowBeforeOverStep<T> This type is used for the window function DSL API.
WindowFinalStep<T> This type is used for the window function DSL API.
WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> This type is used for the window function DSL API.
WindowOrderByStep<T> This type is used for the window function DSL API.
WindowOverStep<T> This type is used for the window function DSL API.
WindowPartitionByStep<T> This type is used for the window function DSL API.
WindowRowsAndStep<T> This type is used for the window function DSL API.
WindowRowsStep<T> This type is used for the window function DSL API.

Class Summary
ConfigurationRegistry Deprecated. - 2.1.0 [#1191] - Use ExecuteListener.start(ExecuteContext) instead to provide jOOQ with valid connections
Constants Some publicly available constants used in jOOQ
SchemaMapping Deprecated. - 2.0.5 - Use runtime configuration Settings instead

Enum Summary
Comparator A comparator to be used in conditions
DatePart A date part can be used with SQL functions such as extract().
ExecuteType The type of database interaction that is being executed with this context.
JoinType The type of join
Operator An operator used for combining conditions
RenderContext.CastMode The cast mode for bind values.
SortOrder The sorting order used in OrderByFieldLists
SQLDialect This enumeration lists all supported dialects.

Annotation Types Summary
Support A formal declaration of whether any API element is supported by a given SQLDialect The annotation is mainly used in three modes: The annotation is absent on a method.

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