Interface UDTField<R extends UDTRecord<R>,T>

Type Parameters:
R - The record type
T - The field type
All Superinterfaces:
Adapter, AliasProvider<Field<T>>, Attachable, Comparable<NamedQueryPart>, Field<T>, NamedQueryPart, NamedTypeProviderQueryPart<T>, QueryPart, Serializable

public interface UDTField<R extends UDTRecord<R>,T>
extends Field<T>

A field contained in a UDT

Lukas Eder

Method Summary
 UDT<R> getUDT()
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Field
abs, acos, add, add, as, asc, ascii, asin, atan, atan2, atan2, avg, avgOver, between, between, betweenSymmetric, betweenSymmetric, bitLength, cast, cast, cast, ceil, charLength, coalesce, coalesce, concat, concat, contains, contains, cos, cosh, cot, coth, count, countDistinct, countOver, decode, decode, decode, decode, deg, desc, div, div, endsWith, endsWith, eq, eq, eq, equal, equal, equal, equalAll, equalAll, equalAll, equalAny, equalAny, equalAny, equalIgnoreCase, equalIgnoreCase, equals, equalSome, exp, extract, firstValue, floor, ge, ge, ge, getName, getType, greaterOrEqual, greaterOrEqual, greaterOrEqual, greaterOrEqualAll, greaterOrEqualAll, greaterOrEqualAll, greaterOrEqualAny, greaterOrEqualAny, greaterOrEqualAny, greaterOrEqualSome, greaterThan, greaterThan, greaterThan, greaterThanAll, greaterThanAll, greaterThanAll, greaterThanAny, greaterThanAny, greaterThanAny, greaterThanSome, greatest, greatest, gt, gt, gt, in, in, in, in, isDistinctFrom, isDistinctFrom, isFalse, isNotDistinctFrom, isNotDistinctFrom, isNotNull, isNull, isNullLiteral, isTrue, lag, lag, lag, lag, lastValue, le, le, le, lead, lead, lead, lead, least, least, length, lessOrEqual, lessOrEqual, lessOrEqual, lessOrEqualAll, lessOrEqualAll, lessOrEqualAll, lessOrEqualAny, lessOrEqualAny, lessOrEqualAny, lessOrEqualSome, lessThan, lessThan, lessThan, lessThanAll, lessThanAll, lessThanAll, lessThanAny, lessThanAny, lessThanAny, lessThanSome, like, like, like, like, likeIgnoreCase, likeIgnoreCase, likeIgnoreCase, likeIgnoreCase, likeRegex, likeRegex, ln, log, lower, lpad, lpad, lpad, lpad, lt, lt, lt, ltrim, max, maxOver, median, min, minOver, mod, mod, mul, mul, ne, ne, ne, neg, notBetween, notBetween, notBetweenSymmetric, notBetweenSymmetric, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual, notEqualAll, notEqualAll, notEqualAll, notEqualAny, notEqualAny, notEqualAny, notEqualIgnoreCase, notEqualIgnoreCase, notEqualSome, notIn, notIn, notIn, notIn, notLike, notLike, notLike, notLike, notLikeIgnoreCase, notLikeIgnoreCase, notLikeIgnoreCase, notLikeIgnoreCase, notLikeRegex, notLikeRegex, nullif, nullif, nvl, nvl, nvl2, nvl2, octetLength, position, position, power, rad, repeat, repeat, replace, replace, replace, replace, round, round, rpad, rpad, rpad, rpad, rtrim, sign, sin, sinh, sort, sortAsc, sortAsc, sortDesc, sortDesc, sqrt, startsWith, startsWith, stddevPop, stddevPopOver, stddevSamp, stddevSampOver, sub, sub, substring, substring, substring, substring, sum, sumOver, tan, tanh, trim, upper, varPop, varPopOver, varSamp, varSampOver
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.NamedTypeProviderQueryPart
getDataType, getDataType
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.QueryPart
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Adapter
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

Method Detail


UDT<R> getUDT()
The UDT this field is contained in

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