Interface Adapter

All Known Subinterfaces:
AggregateFunction<T>, AliasProvider<Z>, ArrayRecord<E>, Attachable, AttachableInternal, CaseConditionStep<T>, CaseWhenStep<V,T>, Condition, Delete<R>, DeleteConditionStep<R>, DeleteFinalStep<R>, DeleteQuery<R>, DeleteWhereStep<R>, Field<T>, GroupConcatOrderByStep, GroupConcatSeparatorStep, Insert<R>, InsertFinalStep<R>, InsertOnDuplicateSetMoreStep<R>, InsertOnDuplicateStep<R>, InsertQuery<R>, InsertResultStep<R>, InsertSetMoreStep<R>, InsertValuesStep<R>, Merge<R>, MergeFinalStep<R>, MergeMatchedDeleteStep<R>, MergeMatchedSetMoreStep<R>, MergeMatchedStep<R>, MergeMatchedWhereStep<R>, MergeNotMatchedSetMoreStep<R>, MergeNotMatchedStep<R>, MergeNotMatchedWhereStep<R>, MergeOnConditionStep<R>, Name, NamedQueryPart, NamedTypeProviderQueryPart<T>, Package, Param<T>, Parameter<T>, Query, QueryPart, QueryPartInternal, Record, Result<R>, ResultQuery<R>, Routine<T>, Schema, Select<R>, SelectConditionStep, SelectConnectByConditionStep, SelectConnectByStep, SelectFinalStep, SelectForUpdateOfStep, SelectForUpdateStep, SelectForUpdateWaitStep, SelectFromStep, SelectGroupByStep, SelectHavingConditionStep, SelectHavingStep, SelectJoinStep, SelectLimitStep, SelectOffsetStep, SelectOnConditionStep, SelectOrderByStep, SelectQuery, SelectSelectStep, SelectStartWithStep, SelectWhereStep, SimpleSelectConditionStep<R>, SimpleSelectFinalStep<R>, SimpleSelectForUpdateOfStep<R>, SimpleSelectForUpdateStep<R>, SimpleSelectForUpdateWaitStep<R>, SimpleSelectLimitStep<R>, SimpleSelectOffsetStep<R>, SimpleSelectOrderByStep<R>, SimpleSelectQuery<R>, SimpleSelectWhereStep<R>, SortField<T>, Store<E>, StoreQuery<R>, Table<R>, TableField<R,T>, TableLike<R>, TableOnConditionStep, TableRecord<R>, Truncate<R>, Type<R>, UDT<R>, UDTField<R,T>, UDTRecord<R>, UpdatableRecord<R>, UpdatableTable<R>, Update<R>, UpdateConditionStep<R>, UpdateFinalStep<R>, UpdateQuery<R>, UpdateSetMoreStep<R>, UpdateWhereStep<R>, WindowBeforeOverStep<T>, WindowFinalStep<T>, WindowOrderByStep<T>, WindowPartitionByStep<T>, WindowRowsStep<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRoutine, ArrayRecordImpl, CustomCondition, CustomField, CustomRecord, CustomTable, PackageImpl, SchemaImpl, TableImpl, TableRecordImpl, UDTImpl, UDTRecordImpl, UpdatableRecordImpl, UpdatableTableImpl

Deprecated. - 2.5.0 [#1639] - This part of the internal API will be removed in the near future. Do not reuse.

public interface Adapter

A type that can dynamically implement another interface.

This interface is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. Do not reference directly

Lukas Eder

Method Summary
<I> I
internalAPI(Class<I> internalType)
          Deprecated. - 2.5.0 [#1639] - This part of the internal API will be removed in the near future. Do not reuse.

Method Detail


<I> I internalAPI(Class<I> internalType)
              throws ClassCastException
Deprecated. - 2.5.0 [#1639] - This part of the internal API will be removed in the near future. Do not reuse.

Adapt to an internal type assuming its functionality

This is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. If you need to access the internal API, these are the known possible interfaces:

Be aware though, that the internal API may change even between minor releases.

Type Parameters:
I - The internal type's generic type parameter.
internalType - The internal type
This object wrapped by or cast to an internal type
ClassCastException - If this object cannot be wrapped by or cast to the given internal type

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