Class CustomField<T>

  extended by org.jooq.impl.CustomField<T>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<NamedQueryPart>, Adapter, AliasProvider<Field<T>>, Attachable, Field<T>, NamedQueryPart, NamedTypeProviderQueryPart<T>, QueryPart, QueryPartInternal

public abstract class CustomField<T>
extends Object

A base class for custom Field implementations in client code.

Client code may provide proper Field implementations extending this useful base class. All necessary parts of the Field interface are already implemented. Only these two methods need further implementation:

Refer to those methods' Javadoc for further details about their expected behaviour.

Lukas Eder
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
protected CustomField(String name, DataType<T> type)
Method Summary
 Field<T> abs()
 Field<BigDecimal> acos()
 Field<T> add(Field<?> value)
          An arithmetic expression to add value to this.
 Field<T> add(Number value)
          An arithmetic expression adding this to value.
 Field<T> as(String alias)
          Create an alias for this field
 SortField<T> asc()
          Create an ascending sort field from this field
 Field<Integer> ascii()
 Field<BigDecimal> asin()
 Field<BigDecimal> atan()
 Field<BigDecimal> atan2(Field<? extends Number> y)
 Field<BigDecimal> atan2(Number y)
 void attach(Configuration configuration)
 Field<BigDecimal> avg()
 WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> avgOver()
 Condition between(Field<T> minValue, Field<T> maxValue)
          Create a condition to check this field against some bounds SQL: this between minValue and maxValue
 Condition between(T minValue, T maxValue)
          Create a condition to check this field against some bounds SQL: this between minValue and maxValue
 Condition betweenSymmetric(Field<T> minValue, Field<T> maxValue)
          Create a condition to check this field against some bounds SQL: this between symmetric minValue and maxValue
 Condition betweenSymmetric(T minValue, T maxValue)
          Create a condition to check this field against some bounds SQL: this between symmetric minValue and maxValue
abstract  void bind(BindContext context)
          Subclasses must implement this method
Bind all parameters of this QueryPart to a PreparedStatement This method is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only.
 Field<Integer> bitLength()
<Z> Field<Z>
cast(Class<? extends Z> type)
          Cast this field to another type The actual cast may not be accurate as the DataType has to be "guessed" from the jOOQ-configured data types.
<Z> Field<Z>
cast(DataType<Z> type)
          Cast this field to a dialect-specific data type.
<Z> Field<Z>
cast(Field<Z> field)
          Cast this field to the type of another field.
 Field<T> ceil()
 Field<Integer> charLength()
 Field<T> coalesce(Field<T> option, Field<?>... options)
 Field<T> coalesce(T option, T... options)
 int compareTo(NamedQueryPart that)
 Field<String> concat(Field<?>... fields)
 Field<String> concat(String... values)
 Condition contains(Field<T> value)
          Convenience method for, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\' Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).contains(13) If you're using SQLDialect.POSTGRES, then you can use this method also to express the "ARRAY contains" operator.
 Condition contains(T value)
          Convenience method for, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\' Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).contains(13) If you're using SQLDialect.POSTGRES, then you can use this method also to express the "ARRAY contains" operator.
 Field<BigDecimal> cos()
 Field<BigDecimal> cosh()
 Field<BigDecimal> cot()
 Field<BigDecimal> coth()
 Field<Integer> count()
 Field<Integer> countDistinct()
 WindowPartitionByStep<Integer> countOver()
protected  Factory create()
          Internal convenience method
protected  Factory create(Configuration configuration)
          Internal convenience method
 boolean declaresFields()
          Subclasses may override this
 boolean declaresTables()
          Subclasses may override this
<Z> Field<Z>
decode(Field<T> search, Field<Z> result)
<Z> Field<Z>
decode(Field<T> search, Field<Z> result, Field<?>... more)
<Z> Field<Z>
decode(T search, Z result)
<Z> Field<Z>
decode(T search, Z result, Object... more)
 Field<BigDecimal> deg()
 SortField<T> desc()
          Create a descending sort field from this field
 Field<T> div(Field<? extends Number> value)
          An arithmetic expression dividing this by value If this is a numeric field, then the result is a number of the same type as this field.
 Field<T> div(Number value)
          An arithmetic expression dividing this by value If this is a numeric field, then the result is a number of the same type as this field.
 Condition endsWith(Field<T> value)
          Convenience method for, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\')) escape '\' Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).endsWith(33)
 Condition endsWith(T value)
          Convenience method for, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\')) escape '\' Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).endsWith(33)
 Condition eq(Field<T> field)
          this = field
 Condition eq(Select<?> query)
          this = (Select
 Condition eq(T value)
          this = value If value == null, then this will return a condition equivalent to Field.isNull() for convenience.
 Condition equal(Field<T> field)
          this = field
 Condition equal(Select<?> query)
          this = (Select
 Condition equal(T value)
          this = value If value == null, then this will return a condition equivalent to Field.isNull() for convenience.
 Condition equalAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this = all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition equalAll(Select<?> query)
          this = all (Select
 Condition equalAll(T... array)
          this = all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition equalAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this = any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition equalAny(Select<?> query)
          this = any (Select
 Condition equalAny(T... array)
          this = any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition equalIgnoreCase(Field<String> value)
          lower(this) = lower(value)
 Condition equalIgnoreCase(String value)
          lower(this) = lower(value)
 boolean equals(Object that)
 Condition equalSome(Select<?> query)
 Field<BigDecimal> exp()
 Field<Integer> extract(DatePart datePart)
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> firstValue()
 Field<T> floor()
 Condition ge(Field<T> field)
          this >= field
 Condition ge(Select<?> query)
          this >= (Select
 Condition ge(T value)
          this >= value
 List<Object> getBindValues()
          This method is also declared as Query.getBindValues() Retrieve the bind values that will be bound by this QueryPart This method is exposed publicly in Query.getBindValues()
 DataType<T> getDataType()
          The type of this object (might not be dialect-specific)
 DataType<T> getDataType(Configuration configuration)
          The dialect-specific type of this object
 SQLDialect getDialect()
 String getName()
          The name of this query part
 Param<?> getParam(String name)
          This method is also declared as Query.getParam(String) Retrieve a named parameter that will be bound by this QueryPart This method is exposed publicly in Query.getParam(String)
 Map<String,Param<?>> getParams()
          This method is also declared as Query.getParams() Retrieve the named parameters that will be bound by this QueryPart This method is exposed publicly in Query.getParams()
 String getSQL()
          This method is also declared as Query.getSQL() Retrieve the SQL that will be rendered by this QueryPart This method is exposed publicly in Query.getSQL()
 String getSQL(boolean inline)
          This method is also declared as Query.getSQL(boolean) Retrieve the SQL that will be rendered by this QueryPart This method is exposed publicly in Query.getSQL(boolean)
protected  SQLDataType<T> getSQLDataType()
 Class<? extends T> getType()
          The type of this object
 Condition greaterOrEqual(Field<T> field)
          this >= field
 Condition greaterOrEqual(Select<?> query)
          this >= (Select
 Condition greaterOrEqual(T value)
          this >= value
 Condition greaterOrEqualAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this >= all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition greaterOrEqualAll(Select<?> query)
          this >= all (Select
 Condition greaterOrEqualAll(T... array)
          this >= all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition greaterOrEqualAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this >= any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition greaterOrEqualAny(Select<?> query)
          this >= any (Select
 Condition greaterOrEqualAny(T... array)
          this >= any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition greaterOrEqualSome(Select<?> query)
 Condition greaterThan(Field<T> field)
          this > field
 Condition greaterThan(Select<?> query)
          this > (Select
 Condition greaterThan(T value)
          this > value
 Condition greaterThanAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this > all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition greaterThanAll(Select<?> query)
          this > all (Select
 Condition greaterThanAll(T... array)
          this > all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition greaterThanAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this > any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition greaterThanAny(Select<?> query)
          this > any (Select
 Condition greaterThanAny(T... array)
          this > any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition greaterThanSome(Select<?> query)
 Field<T> greatest(Field<?>... others)
 Field<T> greatest(T... others)
 Condition gt(Field<T> field)
          this > field
 Condition gt(Select<?> query)
          this > (Select
 Condition gt(T value)
          this > value
 int hashCode()
 Condition in(Collection<T> values)
          Create a condition to check this field against several values SQL: this in (values...)
 Condition in(Field<?>... values)
          Create a condition to check this field against several values SQL: this in (values...)
 Condition in(Select<?> query)
          Create a condition to check this field against a subquery Note that the subquery must return exactly one field.
 Condition in(T... values)
          Create a condition to check this field against several values SQL: this in (values...)
<I> I
internalAPI(Class<I> internalType)
          Adapt to an internal type assuming its functionality This is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only.
 Condition isDistinctFrom(Field<T> field)
          Create a condition to check if this field is DISTINCT from another field If this is not supported by the underlying database, jOOQ will render this instead: CASE WHEN [this] IS NULL AND [field] IS NULL THEN FALSE WHEN [this] IS NULL AND [field] IS NOT NULL THEN TRUE WHEN [this] IS NOT NULL AND [field] IS NULL THEN TRUE WHEN [this] = [field] THEN FALSE ELSE TRUE END SQL: this is distinct from field
 Condition isDistinctFrom(T value)
          Create a condition to check if this field is DISTINCT from another value If this is not supported by the underlying database, jOOQ will render this instead: CASE WHEN [this] IS NULL AND [value] IS NULL THEN FALSE WHEN [this] IS NULL AND [value] IS NOT NULL THEN TRUE WHEN [this] IS NOT NULL AND [value] IS NULL THEN TRUE WHEN [this] = [value] THEN FALSE ELSE TRUE END SQL: this is distinct from value
 Condition isFalse()
          Create a condition to check this field against known string literals for false SQL: lcase(this) in ("0", "n", "no", "false", "off", "disabled")
 Condition isNotDistinctFrom(Field<T> field)
          Create a condition to check if this field is NOT DISTINCT from another field If this is not supported by the underlying database, jOOQ will render this instead: CASE WHEN [this] IS NULL AND [field] IS NULL THEN TRUE WHEN [this] IS NULL AND [field] IS NOT NULL THEN FALSE WHEN [this] IS NOT NULL AND [field] IS NULL THEN FALSE WHEN [this] = [value] THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END SQL: this is not distinct from field
 Condition isNotDistinctFrom(T value)
          Create a condition to check if this field is NOT DISTINCT from another value If this is not supported by the underlying database, jOOQ will render this instead: CASE WHEN [this] IS NULL AND [value] IS NULL THEN TRUE WHEN [this] IS NULL AND [value] IS NOT NULL THEN FALSE WHEN [this] IS NOT NULL AND [value] IS NULL THEN FALSE WHEN [this] = [value] THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END SQL: this is not distinct from value
 Condition isNotNull()
          Create a condition to check this field against null.
 Condition isNull()
          Create a condition to check this field against null.
 boolean isNullLiteral()
          Subclasses may further override this method
Whether this field represents a null literal.
 Condition isTrue()
          Create a condition to check this field against known string literals for true SQL: lcase(this) in ("1", "y", "yes", "true", "on", "enabled")
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lag()
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lag(int offset)
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lag(int offset, Field<T> defaultValue)
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lag(int offset, T defaultValue)
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lastValue()
 Condition le(Field<T> field)
          this <= field
 Condition le(Select<?> query)
          this <= (Select
 Condition le(T value)
          this <= value
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lead()
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lead(int offset)
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lead(int offset, Field<T> defaultValue)
 WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lead(int offset, T defaultValue)
 Field<T> least(Field<?>... others)
 Field<T> least(T... others)
 Field<Integer> length()
 Condition lessOrEqual(Field<T> field)
          this <= field
 Condition lessOrEqual(Select<?> query)
          this <= (Select
 Condition lessOrEqual(T value)
          this <= value
 Condition lessOrEqualAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this <= all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition lessOrEqualAll(Select<?> query)
          this <= all (Select
 Condition lessOrEqualAll(T... array)
          this <= all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition lessOrEqualAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this <= any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition lessOrEqualAny(Select<?> query)
          this <= any (Select
 Condition lessOrEqualAny(T... array)
          this <= any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition lessOrEqualSome(Select<?> query)
 Condition lessThan(Field<T> field)
          this < field
 Condition lessThan(Select<?> query)
          this < (Select
 Condition lessThan(T value)
          this < value
 Condition lessThanAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this < all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition lessThanAll(Select<?> query)
          this < all (Select
 Condition lessThanAll(T... array)
          this < all (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition lessThanAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this < any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition lessThanAny(Select<?> query)
          this < any (Select
 Condition lessThanAny(T... array)
          this < any (array) This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
 Condition lessThanSome(Select<?> query)
 Condition like(Field<String> value)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this like value
 Condition like(Field<String> value, char escape)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this like value escape 'e'
 Condition like(String value)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this like value
 Condition like(String value, char escape)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this like value escape 'e'
 Condition likeIgnoreCase(Field<String> value)
          Create a condition to case-insensitively pattern-check this field against a value This translates to this ilike value in SQLDialect.POSTGRES, or to lower(this) like lower(value) in all other dialects.
 Condition likeIgnoreCase(Field<String> value, char escape)
          Create a condition to case-insensitively pattern-check this field against a value This translates to this ilike value in SQLDialect.POSTGRES, or to lower(this) like lower(value) in all other dialects.
 Condition likeIgnoreCase(String value)
          Create a condition to case-insensitively pattern-check this field against a value This translates to this ilike value in SQLDialect.POSTGRES, or to lower(this) like lower(value) in all other dialects.
 Condition likeIgnoreCase(String value, char escape)
          Create a condition to case-insensitively pattern-check this field against a value This translates to this ilike value in SQLDialect.POSTGRES, or to lower(this) like lower(value) in all other dialects.
 Condition likeRegex(Field<String> pattern)
          Create a condition to regex-pattern-check this field against a pattern See Field.likeRegex(String) for more details
 Condition likeRegex(String pattern)
          Create a condition to regex-pattern-check this field against a pattern The SQL:2008 standard specifies a <regex like predicate> of the following form: <regex like predicate> ::= <row value predicand> <regex like predicate part 2> <regex like predicate part 2> ::= [ NOT ] LIKE_REGEX <XQuery pattern> [ FLAG <XQuery option flag> ] This particular LIKE_REGEX operator comes in several flavours for various databases. jOOQ supports regular expressions as follows: SQL dialect SQL syntax Pattern syntax Documentation SQLDialect.ASE - - - SQLDialect.CUBRID[search] REGEXP [pattern] POSIX Conditional ExpressionSQLDialect.DB2 - - - SQLDialect.DERBY - - - SQLDialect.H2[search] REGEXP [pattern] Java http ://[search], [pattern]) Java SQLDialect.INGRES - - - SQLDialect.MYSQL [search] REGEXP [pattern] POSIX SQLDialect.ORACLE REGEXP_LIKE([search], [pattern]) POSIX sthref1994 SQLDialect.POSTGRES [search] ~ [pattern] POSIX FUNCTIONS-POSIX-REGEXP SQLDialect.SQLITE [search] REGEXP [pattern] ?
 Field<BigDecimal> ln()
 Field<BigDecimal> log(int base)
 Field<String> lower()
 Field<String> lpad(Field<? extends Number> length)
 Field<String> lpad(Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
 Field<String> lpad(int length)
 Field<String> lpad(int length, char character)
 Condition lt(Field<T> field)
          this < field
 Condition lt(Select<?> query)
          this < (Select
 Condition lt(T value)
          this < value
 Field<String> ltrim()
 Field<T> max()
 WindowPartitionByStep<T> maxOver()
 Field<BigDecimal> median()
 Field<T> min()
 WindowPartitionByStep<T> minOver()
 Field<T> mod(Field<? extends Number> value)
          An arithmetic expression getting the modulo of this divided by value This renders the modulo operation where available: [this] % [value] ... or the modulo function elsewhere: mod([this], [value])
 Field<T> mod(Number value)
          An arithmetic expression getting the modulo of this divided by value This renders the modulo operation where available: [this] % [value] ... or the modulo function elsewhere: mod([this], [value])
 Field<T> mul(Field<? extends Number> value)
          This default implementation is known to be overridden by Expression to generate neater expressions
 Field<T> mul(Number value)
          An arithmetic expression multiplying this with value If this is a numeric field, then the result is a number of the same type as this field.
 Condition ne(Field<T> field)
          this !
 Condition ne(Select<?> query)
          this !
 Condition ne(T value)
          this !
 Field<T> neg()
          Negate this field to get its negative value.
 Condition notBetween(Field<T> minValue, Field<T> maxValue)
          Create a condition to check this field against some bounds SQL: this not between minValue and maxValue
 Condition notBetween(T minValue, T maxValue)
          Create a condition to check this field against some bounds SQL: this not between minValue and maxValue
 Condition notBetweenSymmetric(Field<T> minValue, Field<T> maxValue)
          Create a condition to check this field against some bounds SQL: this not between symmetric minValue and maxValue
 Condition notBetweenSymmetric(T minValue, T maxValue)
          Create a condition to check this field against some bounds SQL: this not between symmetric minValue and maxValue
 Condition notEqual(Field<T> field)
          this !
 Condition notEqual(Select<?> query)
          this !
 Condition notEqual(T value)
          this !
 Condition notEqualAll(Field<T[]> array)
          this !
 Condition notEqualAll(Select<?> query)
          this !
 Condition notEqualAll(T... array)
          this !
 Condition notEqualAny(Field<T[]> array)
          this !
 Condition notEqualAny(Select<?> query)
          this !
 Condition notEqualAny(T... array)
          this !
 Condition notEqualIgnoreCase(Field<String> value)
          lower(this) !
 Condition notEqualIgnoreCase(String value)
          lower(this) !
 Condition notEqualSome(Select<?> query)
 Condition notIn(Collection<T> values)
          Create a condition to check this field against several values Note that if any of the passed values is NULL, then the condition will be NULL (or false, depending on the dialect) as well.
 Condition notIn(Field<?>... values)
          Create a condition to check this field against several values Note that if any of the passed values is NULL, then the condition will be NULL (or false, depending on the dialect) as well.
 Condition notIn(Select<?> query)
          Create a condition to check this field against a subquery Note that the subquery must return exactly one field.
 Condition notIn(T... values)
          Create a condition to check this field against several values Note that if any of the passed values is NULL, then the condition will be NULL (or false, depending on the dialect) as well.
 Condition notLike(Field<String> value)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this not like value
 Condition notLike(Field<String> value, char escape)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this not like value escape 'e'
 Condition notLike(String value)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this not like value
 Condition notLike(String value, char escape)
          Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value SQL: this not like value escape 'e'
 Condition notLikeIgnoreCase(Field<String> value)
          Create a condition to case-insensitively pattern-check this field against a value This translates to this not ilike value in SQLDialect.POSTGRES, or to lower(this) not like lower(value) in all other dialects.
 Condition notLikeIgnoreCase(Field<String> value, char escape)
          Create a condition to case-insensitively pattern-check this field against a value This translates to this not ilike value in SQLDialect.POSTGRES, or to lower(this) not like lower(value) in all other dialects.
 Condition notLikeIgnoreCase(String value)
          Create a condition to case-insensitively pattern-check this field against a value This translates to this not ilike value in SQLDialect.POSTGRES, or to lower(this) not like lower(value) in all other dialects.
 Condition notLikeIgnoreCase(String value, char escape)
          Create a condition to case-insensitively pattern-check this field against a value This translates to this not ilike value in SQLDialect.POSTGRES, or to lower(this) not like lower(value) in all other dialects.
 Condition notLikeRegex(Field<String> pattern)
          Create a condition to regex-pattern-check this field against a pattern See Field.likeRegex(String) for more details
 Condition notLikeRegex(String pattern)
          Create a condition to regex-pattern-check this field against a pattern See Field.likeRegex(String) for more details
 Field<T> nullif(Field<T> other)
 Field<T> nullif(T other)
 Field<T> nvl(Field<T> defaultValue)
 Field<T> nvl(T defaultValue)
<Z> Field<Z>
nvl2(Field<Z> valueIfNotNull, Field<Z> valueIfNull)
<Z> Field<Z>
nvl2(Z valueIfNotNull, Z valueIfNull)
 Field<Integer> octetLength()
 Field<Integer> position(Field<String> search)
 Field<Integer> position(String search)
 Field<BigDecimal> power(Number exponent)
 Field<BigDecimal> rad()
 Field<String> repeat(Field<? extends Number> count)
 Field<String> repeat(Number count)
 Field<String> replace(Field<String> search)
 Field<String> replace(Field<String> search, Field<String> replace)
 Field<String> replace(String search)
 Field<String> replace(String search, String replace)
 Field<T> round()
 Field<T> round(int decimals)
 Field<String> rpad(Field<? extends Number> length)
 Field<String> rpad(Field<? extends Number> length, Field<String> character)
 Field<String> rpad(int length)
 Field<String> rpad(int length, char character)
 Field<String> rtrim()
 Field<Integer> sign()
 Field<BigDecimal> sin()
 Field<BigDecimal> sinh()
<Z> SortField<Z>
sort(Map<T,Z> sortMap)
          Create a sort field of the form (in pseudo code) CASE [this] WHEN [sortMap.key(0)] THEN sortMap.value(0) WHEN [sortMap.key(1)] THEN sortMap.value(1) ...
 SortField<Integer> sortAsc(Collection<T> sortList)
          Create a sort field of the form CASE [this] WHEN [sortList.get(0)] THEN 0 WHEN [sortList.get(1)] THEN 1 ...
 SortField<Integer> sortAsc(T... sortList)
          Create a sort field of the form CASE [this] WHEN [sortList[0]] THEN 0 WHEN [sortList[1]] THEN 1 ...
 SortField<Integer> sortDesc(Collection<T> sortList)
          Create a sort field of the form CASE [this] WHEN [sortList.get(0)] THEN 0 WHEN [sortList.get(1)] THEN 1 ...
 SortField<Integer> sortDesc(T... sortList)
          Create a sort field of the form CASE [this] WHEN [sortList[0]] THEN 0 WHEN [sortList[1]] THEN 1 ...
 Field<BigDecimal> sqrt()
 Condition startsWith(Field<T> value)
          Convenience method for, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping SQL: this like (escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\' Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).startsWith(11)
 Condition startsWith(T value)
          Convenience method for, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping SQL: this like (escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\' Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).startsWith(11)
 Field<BigDecimal> stddevPop()
 WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> stddevPopOver()
 Field<BigDecimal> stddevSamp()
 WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> stddevSampOver()
 Field<T> sub(Field<?> value)
          An arithmetic expression subtracting value from this.
 Field<T> sub(Number value)
          An arithmetic expression subtracting value from this.
 Field<String> substring(Field<? extends Number> startingPosition)
 Field<String> substring(Field<? extends Number> startingPosition, Field<? extends Number> length)
 Field<String> substring(int startingPosition)
 Field<String> substring(int startingPosition, int length)
 Field<BigDecimal> sum()
 WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> sumOver()
 Field<BigDecimal> tan()
 Field<BigDecimal> tanh()
abstract  void toSQL(RenderContext context)
          Subclasses must implement this method
Render this QueryPart to a SQL string contained in context.sql().
 String toString()
protected  DataAccessException translate(String sql, SQLException e)
          Internal convenience method
protected  DataAccessException translate(String task, String sql, SQLException e)
          Deprecated. - 2.3.0 - Do not reuse
 Field<String> trim()
 Field<String> upper()
 Field<BigDecimal> varPop()
 WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> varPopOver()
 Field<BigDecimal> varSamp()
 WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> varSampOver()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Field
equals, getName, getType
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.NamedTypeProviderQueryPart
getDataType, getDataType
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Adapter
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

Constructor Detail


protected CustomField(String name,
                      DataType<T> type)
Method Detail


public abstract void toSQL(RenderContext context)
Subclasses must implement this method
Render this QueryPart to a SQL string contained in context.sql(). The context will contain additional information about how to render this QueryPart, e.g. whether this QueryPart should be rendered as a declaration or reference, whether this QueryPart's contained bind variables should be inlined or replaced by '?', etc.

Specified by:
toSQL in interface QueryPartInternal


public abstract void bind(BindContext context)
                   throws DataAccessException
Subclasses must implement this method
Bind all parameters of this QueryPart to a PreparedStatement

This method is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. Do not reference directly

Specified by:
bind in interface QueryPartInternal
context - The context holding the next bind index and other information for variable binding
DataAccessException - If something went wrong while binding a variable


public boolean isNullLiteral()
Subclasses may further override this method
Whether this field represents a null literal.

This method is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only!

This method was added to be able to recognise null literals within jOOQ and handle them specially, as some SQL dialects have a rather un-intuitive way of handling null values.

Specified by:
isNullLiteral in interface Field<T>


public void attach(Configuration configuration)

Subclasses may further override this method
Attach this object to a new Configuration

Specified by:
attach in interface Attachable
Specified by:
attach in interface QueryPart
configuration - A configuration or null, if you wish to detach this Attachable from its previous configuration.


public final Field<T> as(String alias)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create an alias for this field

Specified by:
as in interface AliasProvider<Field<T>>
Specified by:
as in interface Field<T>
alias - The alias name
The field alias


public final Field<T> add(Field<?> value)
Description copied from interface: Field
An arithmetic expression to add value to this.

The behaviour of this operation is as follows:

Operand 1 Operand 2 Result Type
Numeric Numeric Numeric
Date / Time Numeric Date / Time
Date / Time Interval Date / Time
Interval Interval Interval

Specified by:
add in interface Field<T>


public final Field<T> mul(Field<? extends Number> value)
This default implementation is known to be overridden by Expression to generate neater expressions

Specified by:
mul in interface Field<T>


public final boolean declaresFields()
Subclasses may override this

Specified by:
declaresFields in interface QueryPartInternal


public final boolean declaresTables()
Subclasses may override this

Specified by:
declaresTables in interface QueryPartInternal


public final <Z> Field<Z> cast(Field<Z> field)
Description copied from interface: Field
Cast this field to the type of another field.

This results in the same as casting this field to DataType.getCastTypeName()

Specified by:
cast in interface Field<T>
Type Parameters:
Z - The generic type of the cast field
field - The field whose type is used for the cast
The cast field
See Also:


public final <Z> Field<Z> cast(DataType<Z> type)
Description copied from interface: Field
Cast this field to a dialect-specific data type.

Specified by:
cast in interface Field<T>
Type Parameters:
Z - The generic type of the cast field


public final <Z> Field<Z> cast(Class<? extends Z> type)
Description copied from interface: Field
Cast this field to another type

The actual cast may not be accurate as the DataType has to be "guessed" from the jOOQ-configured data types. Use Field.cast(DataType) for more accurate casts.

Specified by:
cast in interface Field<T>
Type Parameters:
Z - The generic type of the cast field
type - The type that is used for the cast
The cast field
See Also:


public final SortField<T> asc()
Description copied from interface: Field
Create an ascending sort field from this field

Specified by:
asc in interface Field<T>
This field as an ascending sort field


public final SortField<T> desc()
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a descending sort field from this field

Specified by:
desc in interface Field<T>
This field as a descending sort field


public final SortField<Integer> sortAsc(Collection<T> sortList)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a sort field of the form
 CASE [this] WHEN [sortList.get(0)] THEN 0
             WHEN [sortList.get(1)] THEN 1
             WHEN [sortList.get(n)] THEN n
                                    ELSE null

Note: You can use this in combination with SortField.nullsFirst() or SortField.nullsLast() to specify whether the default should have highest or lowest priority.

Specified by:
sortAsc in interface Field<T>
sortList - The list containing sort value preferences
The sort field


public final SortField<Integer> sortAsc(T... sortList)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a sort field of the form
 CASE [this] WHEN [sortList[0]] THEN 0
             WHEN [sortList[1]] THEN 1
             WHEN [sortList[n]] THEN n
                                ELSE null

Note: You can use this in combination with SortField.nullsFirst() or SortField.nullsLast() to specify whether the default should have highest or lowest priority.

Specified by:
sortAsc in interface Field<T>
sortList - The list containing sort value preferences
The sort field


public final SortField<Integer> sortDesc(Collection<T> sortList)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a sort field of the form
 CASE [this] WHEN [sortList.get(0)] THEN 0
             WHEN [sortList.get(1)] THEN 1
             WHEN [sortList.get(n)] THEN n
                                    ELSE null

Note: You can use this in combination with SortField.nullsFirst() or SortField.nullsLast() to specify whether the default should have highest or lowest priority.

Specified by:
sortDesc in interface Field<T>
sortList - The list containing sort value preferences
The sort field


public final SortField<Integer> sortDesc(T... sortList)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a sort field of the form
 CASE [this] WHEN [sortList[0]] THEN 0
             WHEN [sortList[1]] THEN 1
             WHEN [sortList[n]] THEN n
                                    ELSE null

Note: You can use this in combination with SortField.nullsFirst() or SortField.nullsLast() to specify whether the default should have highest or lowest priority.

Specified by:
sortDesc in interface Field<T>
sortList - The list containing sort value preferences
The sort field


public final <Z> SortField<Z> sort(Map<T,Z> sortMap)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a sort field of the form (in pseudo code)
 CASE [this] WHEN [sortMap.key(0)] THEN sortMap.value(0)
             WHEN [sortMap.key(1)] THEN sortMap.value(1)
             WHEN [sortMap.key(n)] THEN sortMap.value(n)
                                   ELSE null

Note: You can use this in combination with SortField.nullsFirst() or SortField.nullsLast() to specify whether the default should have highest or lowest priority.

Specified by:
sort in interface Field<T>
sortMap - The list containing sort value preferences
The sort field


public final Field<T> neg()
Description copied from interface: Field
Negate this field to get its negative value.

This renders the same on all dialects:


Specified by:
neg in interface Field<T>


public final Field<T> add(Number value)
Description copied from interface: Field
An arithmetic expression adding this to value.

Specified by:
add in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<T> sub(Number value)
Description copied from interface: Field
An arithmetic expression subtracting value from this.

Specified by:
sub in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<T> sub(Field<?> value)
Description copied from interface: Field
An arithmetic expression subtracting value from this.

Operand 1 Operand 2 Result Type
Numeric Numeric Numeric
Date / Time Numeric Date / Time
Date / Time Interval Date / Time
Interval Interval Interval

In order to subtract one date time field from another, use any of these methods:

Specified by:
sub in interface Field<T>


public final Field<T> mul(Number value)
Description copied from interface: Field
An arithmetic expression multiplying this with value

  • If this is a numeric field, then the result is a number of the same type as this field.
  • If this is an INTERVAL field, then the result is also an INTERVAL field (see Interval)

Specified by:
mul in interface Field<T>


public final Field<T> div(Number value)
Description copied from interface: Field
An arithmetic expression dividing this by value

  • If this is a numeric field, then the result is a number of the same type as this field.
  • If this is an INTERVAL field, then the result is also an INTERVAL field (see Interval)

Specified by:
div in interface Field<T>


public final Field<T> div(Field<? extends Number> value)
Description copied from interface: Field
An arithmetic expression dividing this by value

  • If this is a numeric field, then the result is a number of the same type as this field.
  • If this is an INTERVAL field, then the result is also an INTERVAL field (see Interval)

Specified by:
div in interface Field<T>


public final Field<T> mod(Number value)
Description copied from interface: Field
An arithmetic expression getting the modulo of this divided by value

This renders the modulo operation where available:

[this] % [value]
... or the modulo function elsewhere:
mod([this], [value])

Specified by:
mod in interface Field<T>


public final Field<T> mod(Field<? extends Number> value)
Description copied from interface: Field
An arithmetic expression getting the modulo of this divided by value

This renders the modulo operation where available:

[this] % [value]
... or the modulo function elsewhere:
mod([this], [value])

Specified by:
mod in interface Field<T>


public final Condition isNull()
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against null.

SQL: this is null

Specified by:
isNull in interface Field<T>


public final Condition isNotNull()
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against null.

SQL: this is not null

Specified by:
isNotNull in interface Field<T>


public final Condition isDistinctFrom(T value)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check if this field is DISTINCT from another value

If this is not supported by the underlying database, jOOQ will render this instead:

 CASE WHEN [this] IS     NULL AND [value] IS     NULL THEN FALSE
      WHEN [this] IS     NULL AND [value] IS NOT NULL THEN TRUE
      WHEN [this] IS NOT NULL AND [value] IS     NULL THEN TRUE
      WHEN [this] =               [value]             THEN FALSE
      ELSE                                                 TRUE
SQL: this is distinct from value

Specified by:
isDistinctFrom in interface Field<T>


public final Condition isDistinctFrom(Field<T> field)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check if this field is DISTINCT from another field

If this is not supported by the underlying database, jOOQ will render this instead:

 CASE WHEN [this] IS     NULL AND [field] IS     NULL THEN FALSE
      WHEN [this] IS     NULL AND [field] IS NOT NULL THEN TRUE
      WHEN [this] IS NOT NULL AND [field] IS     NULL THEN TRUE
      WHEN [this] =               [field]             THEN FALSE
      ELSE                                                 TRUE
SQL: this is distinct from field

Specified by:
isDistinctFrom in interface Field<T>


public final Condition isNotDistinctFrom(T value)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check if this field is NOT DISTINCT from another value

If this is not supported by the underlying database, jOOQ will render this instead:

 CASE WHEN [this] IS     NULL AND [value] IS     NULL THEN TRUE
      WHEN [this] IS     NULL AND [value] IS NOT NULL THEN FALSE
      WHEN [this] IS NOT NULL AND [value] IS     NULL THEN FALSE
      WHEN [this] =               [value]             THEN TRUE
      ELSE                                                 FALSE
SQL: this is not distinct from value

Specified by:
isNotDistinctFrom in interface Field<T>


public final Condition isNotDistinctFrom(Field<T> field)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check if this field is NOT DISTINCT from another field

If this is not supported by the underlying database, jOOQ will render this instead:

 CASE WHEN [this] IS     NULL AND [field] IS     NULL THEN TRUE
      WHEN [this] IS     NULL AND [field] IS NOT NULL THEN FALSE
      WHEN [this] IS NOT NULL AND [field] IS     NULL THEN FALSE
      WHEN [this] =               [value]             THEN TRUE
      ELSE                                                 FALSE
SQL: this is not distinct from field

Specified by:
isNotDistinctFrom in interface Field<T>


public final Condition isTrue()
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against known string literals for true

SQL: lcase(this) in ("1", "y", "yes", "true", "on", "enabled")

Specified by:
isTrue in interface Field<T>


public final Condition isFalse()
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against known string literals for false

SQL: lcase(this) in ("0", "n", "no", "false", "off", "disabled")

Specified by:
isFalse in interface Field<T>


public final Condition like(String value)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value

SQL: this like value

Specified by:
like in interface Field<T>


public final Condition like(String value,
                            char escape)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value

SQL: this like value escape 'e'

Specified by:
like in interface Field<T>


public final Condition like(Field<String> value)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value

SQL: this like value

Specified by:
like in interface Field<T>


public final Condition like(Field<String> value,
                            char escape)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value

SQL: this like value escape 'e'

Specified by:
like in interface Field<T>


public final Condition likeIgnoreCase(String value)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to case-insensitively pattern-check this field against a value

This translates to this ilike value in SQLDialect.POSTGRES, or to lower(this) like lower(value) in all other dialects.

Specified by:
likeIgnoreCase in interface Field<T>


public final Condition likeIgnoreCase(String value,
                                      char escape)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to case-insensitively pattern-check this field against a value

This translates to this ilike value in SQLDialect.POSTGRES, or to lower(this) like lower(value) in all other dialects.

Specified by:
likeIgnoreCase in interface Field<T>


public final Condition likeIgnoreCase(Field<String> value)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to case-insensitively pattern-check this field against a value

This translates to this ilike value in SQLDialect.POSTGRES, or to lower(this) like lower(value) in all other dialects.

Specified by:
likeIgnoreCase in interface Field<T>


public final Condition likeIgnoreCase(Field<String> value,
                                      char escape)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to case-insensitively pattern-check this field against a value

This translates to this ilike value in SQLDialect.POSTGRES, or to lower(this) like lower(value) in all other dialects.

Specified by:
likeIgnoreCase in interface Field<T>


public final Condition likeRegex(String pattern)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to regex-pattern-check this field against a pattern

The SQL:2008 standard specifies a <regex like predicate> of the following form:

 <regex like predicate> ::=
   <row value predicand> <regex like predicate part 2>

 <regex like predicate part 2> ::=
  [ NOT ] LIKE_REGEX <XQuery pattern> [ FLAG <XQuery option flag> ]

This particular LIKE_REGEX operator comes in several flavours for various databases. jOOQ supports regular expressions as follows:

SQL dialect SQL syntax Pattern syntax Documentation
SQLDialect.ASE - - -
SQLDialect.CUBRID [search] REGEXP [pattern] POSIX Conditional Expression
SQLDialect.DB2 - - -
SQLDialect.DERBY - - -
SQLDialect.H2 [search] REGEXP [pattern] Java http ://
SQLDialect.HSQLDB REGEXP_MATCHES([search], [pattern]) Java
SQLDialect.INGRES - - -
SQLDialect.MYSQL [search] REGEXP [pattern] POSIX
SQLDialect.ORACLE REGEXP_LIKE([search], [pattern]) POSIX sthref1994
SQLDialect.SQLITE [search] REGEXP [pattern] ? This module has to be loaded explicitly lang_expr.html
SQLDialect.SQLSERVER - - -
SQLDialect.SYBASE [search] REGEXP [pattern] Perl .1/dbreference/like-regexp-similarto.html

Specified by:
likeRegex in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition likeRegex(Field<String> pattern)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to regex-pattern-check this field against a pattern

See Field.likeRegex(String) for more details

Specified by:
likeRegex in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition notLike(String value)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value

SQL: this not like value

Specified by:
notLike in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notLike(String value,
                               char escape)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value

SQL: this not like value escape 'e'

Specified by:
notLike in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notLike(Field<String> value)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value

SQL: this not like value

Specified by:
notLike in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notLike(Field<String> value,
                               char escape)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to pattern-check this field against a value

SQL: this not like value escape 'e'

Specified by:
notLike in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notLikeIgnoreCase(String value)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to case-insensitively pattern-check this field against a value

This translates to this not ilike value in SQLDialect.POSTGRES, or to lower(this) not like lower(value) in all other dialects.

Specified by:
notLikeIgnoreCase in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notLikeIgnoreCase(String value,
                                         char escape)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to case-insensitively pattern-check this field against a value

This translates to this not ilike value in SQLDialect.POSTGRES, or to lower(this) not like lower(value) in all other dialects.

Specified by:
notLikeIgnoreCase in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notLikeIgnoreCase(Field<String> value)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to case-insensitively pattern-check this field against a value

This translates to this not ilike value in SQLDialect.POSTGRES, or to lower(this) not like lower(value) in all other dialects.

Specified by:
notLikeIgnoreCase in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notLikeIgnoreCase(Field<String> value,
                                         char escape)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to case-insensitively pattern-check this field against a value

This translates to this not ilike value in SQLDialect.POSTGRES, or to lower(this) not like lower(value) in all other dialects.

Specified by:
notLikeIgnoreCase in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notLikeRegex(String pattern)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to regex-pattern-check this field against a pattern

See Field.likeRegex(String) for more details

Specified by:
notLikeRegex in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition notLikeRegex(Field<String> pattern)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to regex-pattern-check this field against a pattern

See Field.likeRegex(String) for more details

Specified by:
notLikeRegex in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition contains(T value)
Description copied from interface: Field
Convenience method for, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping

SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\'

Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).contains(13)

If you're using SQLDialect.POSTGRES, then you can use this method also to express the "ARRAY contains" operator. For example:

 // Use this expression
 val(new Integer[] { 1, 2, 3 }).contains(new Integer[] { 1, 2 })

 // ... to render this SQL
 ARRAY[1, 2, 3] @> ARRAY[1, 2]

Note, this does not correspond to the Oracle Text CONTAINS() function. Refer to OracleFactory.contains(Field, String) instead.

Specified by:
contains in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.escape(String, char),, char)


public final Condition contains(Field<T> value)
Description copied from interface: Field
Convenience method for, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping

SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\'

Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).contains(13)

If you're using SQLDialect.POSTGRES, then you can use this method also to express the "ARRAY contains" operator. For example:

 // Use this expression
 val(new Integer[] { 1, 2, 3 }).contains(new Integer[] { 1, 2 })

 // ... to render this SQL
 ARRAY[1, 2, 3] @> ARRAY[1, 2]

Note, this does not correspond to the Oracle Text CONTAINS() function. Refer to OracleFactory.contains(Field, String) instead.

Specified by:
contains in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.escape(Field, char),, char)


public final Condition startsWith(T value)
Description copied from interface: Field
Convenience method for, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping

SQL: this like (escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\'

Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).startsWith(11)

Specified by:
startsWith in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.escape(String, char),, char)


public final Condition startsWith(Field<T> value)
Description copied from interface: Field
Convenience method for, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping

SQL: this like (escape(value, '\') || '%') escape '\'

Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).startsWith(11)

Specified by:
startsWith in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.escape(Field, char),, char)


public final Condition endsWith(T value)
Description copied from interface: Field
Convenience method for, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping

SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\')) escape '\'

Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).endsWith(33)

Specified by:
endsWith in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.escape(String, char),, char)


public final Condition endsWith(Field<T> value)
Description copied from interface: Field
Convenience method for, char) including proper adding of wildcards and escaping

SQL: this like ('%' || escape(value, '\')) escape '\'

Note: This also works with numbers, for instance val(1133).endsWith(33)

Specified by:
endsWith in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.escape(Field, char),, char)


public final Condition in(T... values)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against several values

SQL: this in (values...)

Specified by:
in in interface Field<T>


public final Condition in(Field<?>... values)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against several values

SQL: this in (values...)

Specified by:
in in interface Field<T>


public final Condition in(Collection<T> values)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against several values

SQL: this in (values...)

Specified by:
in in interface Field<T>


public final Condition in(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against a subquery

Note that the subquery must return exactly one field. This is not checked by jOOQ and will result in syntax errors on the database, if not used correctly.

SQL: this in (select...)

Specified by:
in in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notIn(T... values)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against several values

Note that if any of the passed values is NULL, then the condition will be NULL (or false, depending on the dialect) as well. This is standard SQL behaviour.

SQL: this not in (values...)

Specified by:
notIn in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notIn(Field<?>... values)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against several values

Note that if any of the passed values is NULL, then the condition will be NULL (or false, depending on the dialect) as well. This is standard SQL behaviour.

SQL: this not in (values...)

Specified by:
notIn in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notIn(Collection<T> values)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against several values

Note that if any of the passed values is NULL, then the condition will be NULL (or false, depending on the dialect) as well. This is standard SQL behaviour.

SQL: this not in (values...)

Specified by:
notIn in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notIn(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against a subquery

Note that the subquery must return exactly one field. This is not checked by jOOQ and will result in syntax errors on the database, if not used correctly.

Note that if any of the passed values is NULL, then the condition will be NULL (or false, depending on the dialect) as well. This is standard SQL behaviour.

SQL: this not in (select...)

Specified by:
notIn in interface Field<T>


public final Condition between(T minValue,
                               T maxValue)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against some bounds

SQL: this between minValue and maxValue

Specified by:
between in interface Field<T>


public final Condition between(Field<T> minValue,
                               Field<T> maxValue)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against some bounds

SQL: this between minValue and maxValue

Specified by:
between in interface Field<T>


public final Condition betweenSymmetric(T minValue,
                                        T maxValue)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against some bounds

SQL: this between symmetric minValue and maxValue

Specified by:
betweenSymmetric in interface Field<T>


public final Condition betweenSymmetric(Field<T> minValue,
                                        Field<T> maxValue)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against some bounds

SQL: this between symmetric minValue and maxValue

Specified by:
betweenSymmetric in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notBetween(T minValue,
                                  T maxValue)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against some bounds

SQL: this not between minValue and maxValue

Specified by:
notBetween in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notBetween(Field<T> minValue,
                                  Field<T> maxValue)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against some bounds

SQL: this not between minValue and maxValue

Specified by:
notBetween in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notBetweenSymmetric(T minValue,
                                           T maxValue)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against some bounds

SQL: this not between symmetric minValue and maxValue

Specified by:
notBetweenSymmetric in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notBetweenSymmetric(Field<T> minValue,
                                           Field<T> maxValue)
Description copied from interface: Field
Create a condition to check this field against some bounds

SQL: this not between symmetric minValue and maxValue

Specified by:
notBetweenSymmetric in interface Field<T>


public final Condition eq(T value)
Description copied from interface: Field
this = value

If value == null, then this will return a condition equivalent to Field.isNull() for convenience. SQL's ternary NULL logic is rarely of use for Java programmers.

Specified by:
eq in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition eq(Field<T> field)
Description copied from interface: Field
this = field

Specified by:
eq in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition eq(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this = (Select ...)

Specified by:
eq in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition ne(T value)
Description copied from interface: Field
this != value

If value == null, then this will return a condition equivalent to Field.isNotNull() for convenience. SQL's ternary NULL logic is rarely of use for Java programmers.

Specified by:
ne in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition ne(Field<T> field)
Description copied from interface: Field
this != field

Specified by:
ne in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition ne(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this != (Select ...)

Specified by:
ne in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition lt(T value)
Description copied from interface: Field
this < value

Specified by:
lt in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition lt(Field<T> field)
Description copied from interface: Field
this < field

Specified by:
lt in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition lt(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this < (Select ...)

Specified by:
lt in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition le(T value)
Description copied from interface: Field
this <= value

Specified by:
le in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition le(Field<T> field)
Description copied from interface: Field
this <= field

Specified by:
le in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition le(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this <= (Select ...)

Specified by:
le in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition gt(T value)
Description copied from interface: Field
this > value

Specified by:
gt in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition gt(Field<T> field)
Description copied from interface: Field
this > field

Specified by:
gt in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition gt(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this > (Select ...)

Specified by:
gt in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition ge(T value)
Description copied from interface: Field
this >= value

Specified by:
ge in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition ge(Field<T> field)
Description copied from interface: Field
this >= field

Specified by:
ge in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition ge(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this >= (Select ...)

Specified by:
ge in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Condition equal(T value)
Description copied from interface: Field
this = value

If value == null, then this will return a condition equivalent to Field.isNull() for convenience. SQL's ternary NULL logic is rarely of use for Java programmers.

Specified by:
equal in interface Field<T>


public final Condition equal(Field<T> field)
Description copied from interface: Field
this = field

Specified by:
equal in interface Field<T>


public final Condition equalIgnoreCase(String value)
Description copied from interface: Field
lower(this) = lower(value)

Specified by:
equalIgnoreCase in interface Field<T>


public final Condition equalIgnoreCase(Field<String> value)
Description copied from interface: Field
lower(this) = lower(value)

Specified by:
equalIgnoreCase in interface Field<T>


public final Condition equal(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this = (Select ...)

Specified by:
equal in interface Field<T>


public final Condition equalAny(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this = any (Select ...)

Specified by:
equalAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition equalAny(T... array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this = any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
equalAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition equalAny(Field<T[]> array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this = any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
equalAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition equalSome(Select<?> query)

Description copied from interface: Field
this = some (Select ...)

Specified by:
equalSome in interface Field<T>


public final Condition equalAll(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this = all (Select ...)

Specified by:
equalAll in interface Field<T>


public final Condition equalAll(T... array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this = all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
equalAll in interface Field<T>


public final Condition equalAll(Field<T[]> array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this = all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
equalAll in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notEqual(T value)
Description copied from interface: Field
this != value

If value == null, then this will return a condition equivalent to Field.isNotNull() for convenience. SQL's ternary NULL logic is rarely of use for Java programmers.

Specified by:
notEqual in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notEqual(Field<T> field)
Description copied from interface: Field
this != field

Specified by:
notEqual in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notEqualIgnoreCase(String value)
Description copied from interface: Field
lower(this) != lower(value)

Specified by:
notEqualIgnoreCase in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notEqualIgnoreCase(Field<String> value)
Description copied from interface: Field
lower(this) != lower(value)

Specified by:
notEqualIgnoreCase in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notEqual(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this != (Select ...)

Specified by:
notEqual in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notEqualAny(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this != any (Select ...)

Specified by:
notEqualAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notEqualAny(T... array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this != any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
notEqualAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notEqualAny(Field<T[]> array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this != any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
notEqualAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notEqualSome(Select<?> query)

Description copied from interface: Field
this != some (Select ...)

Specified by:
notEqualSome in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notEqualAll(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this != all (Select ...)

Specified by:
notEqualAll in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notEqualAll(T... array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this != all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
notEqualAll in interface Field<T>


public final Condition notEqualAll(Field<T[]> array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this != all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
notEqualAll in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessThan(T value)
Description copied from interface: Field
this < value

Specified by:
lessThan in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessThan(Field<T> field)
Description copied from interface: Field
this < field

Specified by:
lessThan in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessThan(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this < (Select ...)

Specified by:
lessThan in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessThanAny(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this < any (Select ...)

Specified by:
lessThanAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessThanAny(T... array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this < any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
lessThanAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessThanAny(Field<T[]> array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this < any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
lessThanAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessThanSome(Select<?> query)

Description copied from interface: Field
this < some (Select ...)

Specified by:
lessThanSome in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessThanAll(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this < all (Select ...)

Specified by:
lessThanAll in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessThanAll(T... array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this < all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
lessThanAll in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessThanAll(Field<T[]> array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this < all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
lessThanAll in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessOrEqual(T value)
Description copied from interface: Field
this <= value

Specified by:
lessOrEqual in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessOrEqual(Field<T> field)
Description copied from interface: Field
this <= field

Specified by:
lessOrEqual in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessOrEqual(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this <= (Select ...)

Specified by:
lessOrEqual in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessOrEqualAny(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this <= any (Select ...)

Specified by:
lessOrEqualAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessOrEqualAny(T... array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this <= any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
lessOrEqualAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessOrEqualAny(Field<T[]> array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this <= any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
lessOrEqualAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessOrEqualSome(Select<?> query)

Description copied from interface: Field
this <= some (Select ...)

Specified by:
lessOrEqualSome in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessOrEqualAll(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this <= all (Select ...)

Specified by:
lessOrEqualAll in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessOrEqualAll(T... array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this <= all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
lessOrEqualAll in interface Field<T>


public final Condition lessOrEqualAll(Field<T[]> array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this <= all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
lessOrEqualAll in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterThan(T value)
Description copied from interface: Field
this > value

Specified by:
greaterThan in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterThan(Field<T> field)
Description copied from interface: Field
this > field

Specified by:
greaterThan in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterThan(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this > (Select ...)

Specified by:
greaterThan in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterThanAny(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this > any (Select ...)

Specified by:
greaterThanAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterThanAny(T... array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this > any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
greaterThanAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterThanAny(Field<T[]> array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this > any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
greaterThanAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterThanSome(Select<?> query)

Description copied from interface: Field
this > some (Select ...)

Specified by:
greaterThanSome in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterThanAll(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this > all (Select ...)

Specified by:
greaterThanAll in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterThanAll(T... array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this > all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
greaterThanAll in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterThanAll(Field<T[]> array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this > all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
greaterThanAll in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterOrEqual(T value)
Description copied from interface: Field
this >= value

Specified by:
greaterOrEqual in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterOrEqual(Field<T> field)
Description copied from interface: Field
this >= field

Specified by:
greaterOrEqual in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterOrEqual(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this >= (Select ...)

Specified by:
greaterOrEqual in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterOrEqualAny(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this >= any (Select ...)

Specified by:
greaterOrEqualAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterOrEqualAny(T... array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this >= any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
greaterOrEqualAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterOrEqualAny(Field<T[]> array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this >= any (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
greaterOrEqualAny in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterOrEqualSome(Select<?> query)

Description copied from interface: Field
this >= some (Select ...)

Specified by:
greaterOrEqualSome in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterOrEqualAll(Select<?> query)
Description copied from interface: Field
this >= all (Select ...)

Specified by:
greaterOrEqualAll in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterOrEqualAll(T... array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this >= all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
greaterOrEqualAll in interface Field<T>


public final Condition greaterOrEqualAll(Field<T[]> array)
Description copied from interface: Field
this >= all (array)

This is natively supported by SQLDialect.POSTGRES. Other dialects will render a subselect unnesting the array.

Specified by:
greaterOrEqualAll in interface Field<T>


public final Field<Integer> sign()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
sign in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<T> abs()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
abs in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<T> round()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
round in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<T> round(int decimals)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
round in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.round(Field, int)


public final Field<T> floor()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
floor in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<T> ceil()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
ceil in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> sqrt()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
sqrt in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> exp()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
exp in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> ln()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
ln in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> log(int base)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
log in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.log(Field, int)


public final Field<BigDecimal> power(Number exponent)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
power in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.power(Field, Number)


public final Field<BigDecimal> acos()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
acos in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> asin()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
asin in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> atan()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
atan in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> atan2(Number y)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
atan2 in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.atan2(Field, Number)


public final Field<BigDecimal> atan2(Field<? extends Number> y)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
atan2 in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.atan2(Field, Field)


public final Field<BigDecimal> cos()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
cos in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> sin()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
sin in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> tan()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
tan in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> cot()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
cot in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> sinh()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
sinh in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> cosh()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
cosh in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> tanh()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
tanh in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> coth()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
coth in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> deg()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
deg in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> rad()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
rad in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<Integer> count()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
count in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<Integer> countDistinct()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
countDistinct in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<T> max()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
max in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<T> min()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
min in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> sum()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
sum in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> avg()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
avg in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> median()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
median in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> stddevPop()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
stddevPop in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> stddevSamp()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
stddevSamp in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> varPop()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
varPop in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<BigDecimal> varSamp()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
varSamp in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final WindowPartitionByStep<Integer> countOver()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
countOver in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.count(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowPartitionByStep<T> maxOver()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
maxOver in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.max(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowPartitionByStep<T> minOver()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
minOver in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.min(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> sumOver()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
sumOver in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.sum(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> avgOver()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
avgOver in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.avg(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> firstValue()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
firstValue in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.firstValue(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lastValue()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
lastValue in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.lastValue(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lead()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
lead in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.lead(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lead(int offset)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
lead in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.lead(Field, int), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lead(int offset,
                                                      T defaultValue)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
lead in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.lead(Field, int, Object), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lead(int offset,
                                                      Field<T> defaultValue)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
lead in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.lead(Field, int, Field), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lag()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
lag in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.lag(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lag(int offset)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
lag in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.lag(Field, int), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lag(int offset,
                                                     T defaultValue)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
lag in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.lag(Field, int, Object), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowIgnoreNullsStep<T> lag(int offset,
                                                     Field<T> defaultValue)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
lag in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.lag(Field, int, Field), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> stddevPopOver()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
stddevPopOver in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.stddevPop(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> stddevSampOver()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
stddevSampOver in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.stddevSamp(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> varPopOver()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
varPopOver in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.varPop(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


public final WindowPartitionByStep<BigDecimal> varSampOver()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
varSampOver in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.varSamp(Field), AggregateFunction.over()


public final Field<String> upper()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
upper in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<String> lower()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
lower in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<String> trim()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
trim in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<String> rtrim()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
rtrim in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<String> ltrim()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
ltrim in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<String> rpad(Field<? extends Number> length)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
rpad in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.rpad(Field, Field)


public final Field<String> rpad(int length)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
rpad in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.rpad(Field, int)


public final Field<String> rpad(Field<? extends Number> length,
                                           Field<String> character)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
rpad in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.rpad(Field, Field, Field)


public final Field<String> rpad(int length,
                                           char character)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
rpad in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.rpad(Field, int, char)


public final Field<String> lpad(Field<? extends Number> length)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
lpad in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.lpad(Field, Field)


public final Field<String> lpad(int length)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
lpad in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.lpad(Field, int)


public final Field<String> lpad(Field<? extends Number> length,
                                           Field<String> character)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
lpad in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.lpad(Field, Field, Field)


public final Field<String> lpad(int length,
                                           char character)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
lpad in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.lpad(Field, int, char)


public final Field<String> repeat(Number count)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
repeat in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.repeat(Field, int)


public final Field<String> repeat(Field<? extends Number> count)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
repeat in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.repeat(Field, Field)


public final Field<String> replace(Field<String> search)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
replace in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.replace(Field, Field)


public final Field<String> replace(String search)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
replace in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.replace(Field, String)


public final Field<String> replace(Field<String> search,
                                              Field<String> replace)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
replace in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.replace(Field, Field, Field)


public final Field<String> replace(String search,
                                              String replace)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
replace in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.replace(Field, String, String)


public final Field<Integer> position(String search)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
position in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.position(Field, String)


public final Field<Integer> position(Field<String> search)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
position in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.position(Field, Field)


public final Field<Integer> ascii()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
ascii in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<String> concat(Field<?>... fields)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
concat in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<String> concat(String... values)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
concat in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<String> substring(int startingPosition)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
substring in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.substring(Field, int)


public final Field<String> substring(Field<? extends Number> startingPosition)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
substring in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.substring(Field, Field)


public final Field<String> substring(int startingPosition,
                                                int length)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
substring in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.substring(Field, int, int)


public final Field<String> substring(Field<? extends Number> startingPosition,
                                                Field<? extends Number> length)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
substring in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.substring(Field, Field, Field)


public final Field<Integer> length()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
length in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<Integer> charLength()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
charLength in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<Integer> bitLength()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
bitLength in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<Integer> octetLength()

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
octetLength in interface Field<T>
See Also:


public final Field<Integer> extract(DatePart datePart)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
extract in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.extract(Field, DatePart)


public final Field<T> greatest(T... others)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
greatest in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.greatest(Field, Field...)


public final Field<T> greatest(Field<?>... others)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
greatest in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.greatest(Field, Field...)


public final Field<T> least(T... others)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
least in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.least(Field, Field...)


public final Field<T> least(Field<?>... others)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
least in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.least(Field, Field...)


public final Field<T> nvl(T defaultValue)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
nvl in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.nvl(Field, Object)


public final Field<T> nvl(Field<T> defaultValue)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
nvl in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.nvl(Field, Field)


public final <Z> Field<Z> nvl2(Z valueIfNotNull,
                                          Z valueIfNull)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
nvl2 in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.nvl2(Field, Object, Object)


public final <Z> Field<Z> nvl2(Field<Z> valueIfNotNull,
                                          Field<Z> valueIfNull)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
nvl2 in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.nvl2(Field, Field, Field)


public final Field<T> nullif(T other)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
nullif in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.nullif(Field, Object)


public final Field<T> nullif(Field<T> other)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
nullif in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.nullif(Field, Field)


public final <Z> Field<Z> decode(T search,
                                            Z result)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
decode in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.decode(Object, Object, Object)


public final <Z> Field<Z> decode(T search,
                                            Z result,
                                            Object... more)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
decode in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.decode(Object, Object, Object, Object...)


public final <Z> Field<Z> decode(Field<T> search,
                                            Field<Z> result)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
decode in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.decode(Field, Field, Field)


public final <Z> Field<Z> decode(Field<T> search,
                                            Field<Z> result,
                                            Field<?>... more)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
decode in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.decode(Field, Field, Field, Field...)


public final Field<T> coalesce(T option,
                                          T... options)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
coalesce in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.coalesce(Object, Object...)


public final Field<T> coalesce(Field<T> option,
                                          Field<?>... options)

Description copied from interface: Field
This method is part of the pre-2.0 API. This API is maintained for backwards-compatibility. It may be removed in the future. Consider using equivalent methods from Factory

Specified by:
coalesce in interface Field<T>
See Also:
Factory.coalesce(Field, Field...)


public final DataType<T> getDataType()
Description copied from interface: NamedTypeProviderQueryPart
The type of this object (might not be dialect-specific)

Specified by:
getDataType in interface NamedTypeProviderQueryPart<T>


protected final SQLDataType<T> getSQLDataType()


public final DataType<T> getDataType(Configuration configuration)
Description copied from interface: NamedTypeProviderQueryPart
The dialect-specific type of this object

Specified by:
getDataType in interface NamedTypeProviderQueryPart<T>


public final Class<? extends T> getType()
Description copied from interface: NamedTypeProviderQueryPart
The type of this object

Specified by:
getType in interface NamedTypeProviderQueryPart<T>


public final String getName()
Description copied from interface: NamedQueryPart
The name of this query part

Specified by:
getName in interface NamedQueryPart


public final int compareTo(NamedQueryPart that)
Specified by:
compareTo in interface Comparable<NamedQueryPart>


public final <I> I internalAPI(Class<I> internalType)
Description copied from interface: Adapter
Adapt to an internal type assuming its functionality

This is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. If you need to access the internal API, these are the known possible interfaces:

Be aware though, that the internal API may change even between minor releases.

Specified by:
internalAPI in interface Adapter
Type Parameters:
I - The internal type's generic type parameter.
internalType - The internal type
This object wrapped by or cast to an internal type


public final SQLDialect getDialect()

Description copied from interface: QueryPartInternal
Reproduce the SQL dialect this QueryPart was created with

This method is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only. Do not reference directly

Specified by:
getDialect in interface QueryPartInternal
The SQL dialect


public final String getSQL()
This method is also declared as Query.getSQL()

Retrieve the SQL that will be rendered by this QueryPart

This method is exposed publicly in Query.getSQL()

Specified by:
getSQL in interface QueryPartInternal


public final String getSQL(boolean inline)
This method is also declared as Query.getSQL(boolean)

Retrieve the SQL that will be rendered by this QueryPart

This method is exposed publicly in Query.getSQL(boolean)

Specified by:
getSQL in interface QueryPartInternal


public final List<Object> getBindValues()
This method is also declared as Query.getBindValues()

Retrieve the bind values that will be bound by this QueryPart

This method is exposed publicly in Query.getBindValues()

Specified by:
getBindValues in interface QueryPartInternal


public final Map<String,Param<?>> getParams()
This method is also declared as Query.getParams()

Retrieve the named parameters that will be bound by this QueryPart

This method is exposed publicly in Query.getParams()

Specified by:
getParams in interface QueryPartInternal


public final Param<?> getParam(String name)
This method is also declared as Query.getParam(String)

Retrieve a named parameter that will be bound by this QueryPart

This method is exposed publicly in Query.getParam(String)

Specified by:
getParam in interface QueryPartInternal


public boolean equals(Object that)
equals in class Object


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public String toString()
toString in class Object


protected final Factory create()
Internal convenience method


protected final Factory create(Configuration configuration)
Internal convenience method


protected final DataAccessException translate(String task,
                                                         String sql,
                                                         SQLException e)
Deprecated. - 2.3.0 - Do not reuse

Internal convenience method


protected final DataAccessException translate(String sql,
                                              SQLException e)
Internal convenience method

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