Uses of Interface

Packages that use TableLike

Uses of TableLike in org.jooq

Subinterfaces of TableLike in org.jooq
 interface Select<R extends Record>
          A Query that can provide a Result after execution
 interface SelectConditionStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectConnectByConditionStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectConnectByStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectFinalStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectForUpdateOfStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectForUpdateStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectForUpdateWaitStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectFromStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectGroupByStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectHavingConditionStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectHavingStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectJoinStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectLimitStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectOffsetStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectOnConditionStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectOrderByStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectQuery
          A query for data selection
 interface SelectSelectStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectStartWithStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SelectWhereStep
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting generic Record types.
 interface SimpleSelectConditionStep<R extends Record>
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
 interface SimpleSelectFinalStep<R extends Record>
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
 interface SimpleSelectForUpdateOfStep<R extends Record>
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
 interface SimpleSelectForUpdateStep<R extends Record>
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
 interface SimpleSelectForUpdateWaitStep<R extends Record>
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
 interface SimpleSelectLimitStep<R extends Record>
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
 interface SimpleSelectOffsetStep<R extends Record>
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
 interface SimpleSelectOrderByStep<R extends Record>
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
 interface SimpleSelectQuery<R extends Record>
          A simple select query that provides Records from a single table, with no joins allowed.
 interface SimpleSelectWhereStep<R extends Record>
          This type is used for the Select's DSL API when selecting specific Record types.
 interface Table<R extends Record>
          A table to be used in queries
 interface TableOnConditionStep
          An intermediate (optional) type for the construction of a JOIN clause, where the join criteria is added using an ON clause (with a Condition.
 interface UpdatableTable<R extends Record>
          A common interface for tables whose records can be stored back to the database again.

Methods in org.jooq with parameters of type TableLike
 void SelectQuery.addFrom(TableLike<?>... from)
          Add tables to the table product
 void SelectQuery.addJoin(TableLike<?> table, Condition... conditions)
          Joins the existing table product to a new table using a condition
 void SelectQuery.addJoin(TableLike<?> table, JoinType type, Condition... conditions)
          Joins the existing table product to a new table using a condition
 void SelectQuery.addJoin(TableLike<?> table, JoinType type, Condition[] conditions, Field<?>[] partitionBy)
          Joins the existing table product to a new table using a condition This adds a PARTITION BY clause to the right hand side of a OUTER JOIN expression.
 void SelectQuery.addJoinOnKey(TableLike<?> table, JoinType type)
          Joins the existing table product to a new table using a foreign key
 void SelectQuery.addJoinOnKey(TableLike<?> table, JoinType type, ForeignKey<?,?> key)
          Joins the existing table product to a new table using a foreign key
 void SelectQuery.addJoinOnKey(TableLike<?> table, JoinType type, TableField<?,?>... keyFields)
          Joins the existing table product to a new table using a foreign key
 void SelectQuery.addJoinUsing(TableLike<?> table, Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Joins the existing table product to a new table with a USING clause If this is not supported by your RDBMS, then jOOQ will try to simulate this behaviour using the information provided in this query.
 void SelectQuery.addJoinUsing(TableLike<?> table, JoinType type, Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
          Joins the existing table product to a new table with a USING clause If this is not supported by your RDBMS, then jOOQ will try to simulate this behaviour using the information provided in this query.
 Table<Record> Table.crossJoin(TableLike<?> table)
          CROSS JOIN a table to this table.
 SelectJoinStep SelectJoinStep.crossJoin(TableLike<?> table)
          Convenience method to CROSS JOIN a table to the last table added to the FROM clause using Table.crossJoin(TableLike) If this syntax is unavailable, it is simulated with a regular INNER JOIN.
 SelectJoinStep SelectFromStep.from(TableLike<?>... table)
          Add a FROM clause to the query
 TableOnStep Table.fullOuterJoin(TableLike<?> table)
          FULL OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
 SelectOnStep SelectJoinStep.fullOuterJoin(TableLike<?> table)
          Convenience method to FULL OUTER JOIN a table to the last table added to the FROM clause using Table.fullOuterJoin(TableLike) This is only possible where the underlying RDBMS supports it
 TableOnStep Table.join(TableLike<?> table)
          INNER JOIN a table to this table.
 SelectOnStep SelectJoinStep.join(TableLike<?> table)
          Convenience method to INNER JOIN a table to the last table added to the FROM clause using Table.join(TableLike)
 TablePartitionByStep Table.leftOuterJoin(TableLike<?> table)
          LEFT OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
 SelectJoinPartitionByStep SelectJoinStep.leftOuterJoin(TableLike<?> table)
          Convenience method to LEFT OUTER JOIN a table to the last table added to the FROM clause using Table.leftOuterJoin(TableLike)
 Table<Record> Table.naturalJoin(TableLike<?> table)
          NATURAL JOIN a table to this table.
 SelectJoinStep SelectJoinStep.naturalJoin(TableLike<?> table)
          Convenience method to NATURAL JOIN a table to the last table added to the FROM clause using Table.naturalJoin(TableLike) Natural joins are supported by most RDBMS.
 Table<Record> Table.naturalLeftOuterJoin(TableLike<?> table)
          NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
 SelectJoinStep SelectJoinStep.naturalLeftOuterJoin(TableLike<?> table)
          Convenience method to NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN a table to the last table added to the FROM clause using Table.naturalLeftOuterJoin(TableLike) Natural joins are supported by most RDBMS.
 Table<Record> Table.naturalRightOuterJoin(TableLike<?> table)
          NATURAL RIGHT OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
 SelectJoinStep SelectJoinStep.naturalRightOuterJoin(TableLike<?> table)
          Convenience method to NATURAL RIGHT OUTER JOIN a table to the last table added to the FROM clause using Table.naturalRightOuterJoin(TableLike) Natural joins are supported by most RDBMS.
 TablePartitionByStep Table.rightOuterJoin(TableLike<?> table)
          RIGHT OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
 SelectJoinPartitionByStep SelectJoinStep.rightOuterJoin(TableLike<?> table)
          Convenience method to RIGHT OUTER JOIN a table to the last table added to the FROM clause using Table.rightOuterJoin(TableLike) This is only possible where the underlying RDBMS supports it
<R extends Record>
FactoryOperations.selectQuery(TableLike<R> table)
          Create a new SelectQuery
 MergeOnStep<R> MergeUsingStep.using(TableLike<?> table)
          Add the USING clause to the SQL standard MERGE statement

Method parameters in org.jooq with type arguments of type TableLike
 void SelectQuery.addFrom(Collection<? extends TableLike<?>> from)
          Add tables to the table product
 SelectJoinStep SelectFromStep.from(Collection<? extends TableLike<?>> tables)
          Add a FROM clause to the query

Uses of TableLike in org.jooq.impl

Classes in org.jooq.impl that implement TableLike
 class CustomTable<R extends TableRecord<R>>
          A base class for custom Table implementations in client code.
 class TableImpl<R extends Record>
          A common base type for tables This type is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only.
 class UpdatableTableImpl<R extends Record>
          A table implementation for a table holding a primary key This type is for JOOQ INTERNAL USE only.

Methods in org.jooq.impl with parameters of type TableLike
<R extends Record>
FactoryProxy.selectQuery(TableLike<R> table)
<R extends Record>
Factory.selectQuery(TableLike<R> table)
          Create a new SelectQuery

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