Module org.jooq
Package org.jooq.conf

Class Settings

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, XMLAppendable

public class Settings extends Object implements Serializable, Cloneable, XMLAppendable
Settings that influence the way jOOQ renders SQL code.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • forceIntegerTypesOnZeroScaleDecimals

      protected Boolean forceIntegerTypesOnZeroScaleDecimals
    • renderCatalog

      protected Boolean renderCatalog
    • renderSchema

      protected Boolean renderSchema
    • renderTable

      protected RenderTable renderTable
    • renderMapping

      protected RenderMapping renderMapping
    • renderQuotedNames

      protected RenderQuotedNames renderQuotedNames
    • renderNameCase

      protected RenderNameCase renderNameCase
    • renderNameStyle

      protected RenderNameStyle renderNameStyle
    • renderNamedParamPrefix

      protected String renderNamedParamPrefix
    • renderKeywordCase

      protected RenderKeywordCase renderKeywordCase
    • renderKeywordStyle

      protected RenderKeywordStyle renderKeywordStyle
    • renderLocale

      protected Locale renderLocale
    • renderFormatted

      protected Boolean renderFormatted
    • renderFormatting

      protected RenderFormatting renderFormatting
    • renderNullifEmptyStringForBindValues

      protected Boolean renderNullifEmptyStringForBindValues
    • renderAutoAliasedDerivedTableExpressions

      protected AutoAliasExpressions renderAutoAliasedDerivedTableExpressions
    • renderOptionalAssociativityParentheses

      protected RenderOptionalKeyword renderOptionalAssociativityParentheses
    • renderOptionalAsKeywordForTableAliases

      protected RenderOptionalKeyword renderOptionalAsKeywordForTableAliases
    • renderOptionalAsKeywordForFieldAliases

      protected RenderOptionalKeyword renderOptionalAsKeywordForFieldAliases
    • renderOptionalInnerKeyword

      protected RenderOptionalKeyword renderOptionalInnerKeyword
    • renderOptionalOuterKeyword

      protected RenderOptionalKeyword renderOptionalOuterKeyword
    • renderImplicitWindowRange

      protected RenderImplicitWindowRange renderImplicitWindowRange
    • renderScalarSubqueriesForStoredFunctions

      protected Boolean renderScalarSubqueriesForStoredFunctions
    • renderImplicitJoinType

      protected RenderImplicitJoinType renderImplicitJoinType
    • renderImplicitJoinToManyType

      protected RenderImplicitJoinType renderImplicitJoinToManyType
    • renderDefaultNullability

      protected RenderDefaultNullability renderDefaultNullability
    • renderCoalesceToEmptyStringInConcat

      protected Boolean renderCoalesceToEmptyStringInConcat
    • renderOrderByRownumberForEmulatedPagination

      protected Boolean renderOrderByRownumberForEmulatedPagination
    • renderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause

      protected Boolean renderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause
    • renderGroupConcatMaxLenSessionVariable

      protected Boolean renderGroupConcatMaxLenSessionVariable
    • renderParenthesisAroundSetOperationQueries

      protected Boolean renderParenthesisAroundSetOperationQueries
    • renderVariablesInDerivedTablesForEmulations

      protected Boolean renderVariablesInDerivedTablesForEmulations
    • renderRowConditionForSeekClause

      protected Boolean renderRowConditionForSeekClause
    • renderRedundantConditionForSeekClause

      protected Boolean renderRedundantConditionForSeekClause
    • renderPlainSQLTemplatesAsRaw

      protected Boolean renderPlainSQLTemplatesAsRaw
    • renderDollarQuotedStringToken

      protected String renderDollarQuotedStringToken
    • namePathSeparator

      protected String namePathSeparator
    • bindOffsetDateTimeType

      protected Boolean bindOffsetDateTimeType
    • bindOffsetTimeType

      protected Boolean bindOffsetTimeType
    • fetchTrimmedCharValues

      protected Boolean fetchTrimmedCharValues
    • fetchTriggerValuesAfterSQLServerOutput

      protected Boolean fetchTriggerValuesAfterSQLServerOutput
    • fetchTriggerValuesAfterReturning

      protected FetchTriggerValuesAfterReturning fetchTriggerValuesAfterReturning
    • fetchIntermediateResult

      protected FetchIntermediateResult fetchIntermediateResult
    • diagnosticsDuplicateStatements

      protected Boolean diagnosticsDuplicateStatements
    • diagnosticsDuplicateStatementsUsingTransformPatterns

      protected Boolean diagnosticsDuplicateStatementsUsingTransformPatterns
    • diagnosticsMissingWasNullCall

      protected Boolean diagnosticsMissingWasNullCall
    • diagnosticsRepeatedStatements

      protected Boolean diagnosticsRepeatedStatements
    • diagnosticsConsecutiveAggregation

      protected Boolean diagnosticsConsecutiveAggregation
    • diagnosticsConcatenationInPredicate

      protected Boolean diagnosticsConcatenationInPredicate
    • diagnosticsPossiblyWrongExpression

      protected Boolean diagnosticsPossiblyWrongExpression
    • diagnosticsTooManyColumnsFetched

      protected Boolean diagnosticsTooManyColumnsFetched
    • diagnosticsTooManyRowsFetched

      protected Boolean diagnosticsTooManyRowsFetched
    • diagnosticsUnnecessaryWasNullCall

      protected Boolean diagnosticsUnnecessaryWasNullCall
    • diagnosticsPatterns

      protected Boolean diagnosticsPatterns
    • diagnosticsTrivialCondition

      protected Boolean diagnosticsTrivialCondition
    • diagnosticsNullCondition

      protected Boolean diagnosticsNullCondition
    • transformPatterns

      protected Boolean transformPatterns
    • transformPatternsLogging

      protected Boolean transformPatternsLogging
    • transformPatternsUnnecessaryDistinct

      protected Boolean transformPatternsUnnecessaryDistinct
    • transformPatternsUnnecessaryScalarSubquery

      protected Boolean transformPatternsUnnecessaryScalarSubquery
    • transformPatternsUnnecessaryInnerJoin

      protected Boolean transformPatternsUnnecessaryInnerJoin
    • transformPatternsUnnecessaryGroupByExpressions

      protected Boolean transformPatternsUnnecessaryGroupByExpressions
    • transformPatternsUnnecessaryOrderByExpressions

      protected Boolean transformPatternsUnnecessaryOrderByExpressions
    • transformPatternsUnnecessaryExistsSubqueryClauses

      protected Boolean transformPatternsUnnecessaryExistsSubqueryClauses
    • transformPatternsCountConstant

      protected Boolean transformPatternsCountConstant
    • transformPatternsTrim

      protected Boolean transformPatternsTrim
    • transformPatternsNotAnd

      protected Boolean transformPatternsNotAnd
    • transformPatternsNotOr

      protected Boolean transformPatternsNotOr
    • transformPatternsNotNot

      protected Boolean transformPatternsNotNot
    • transformPatternsNotComparison

      protected Boolean transformPatternsNotComparison
    • transformPatternsNotNotDistinct

      protected Boolean transformPatternsNotNotDistinct
    • transformPatternsDistinctFromNull

      protected Boolean transformPatternsDistinctFromNull
    • transformPatternsNormaliseAssociativeOps

      protected Boolean transformPatternsNormaliseAssociativeOps
    • transformPatternsNormaliseInListSingleElementToComparison

      protected Boolean transformPatternsNormaliseInListSingleElementToComparison
    • transformPatternsNormaliseFieldCompareValue

      protected Boolean transformPatternsNormaliseFieldCompareValue
    • transformPatternsNormaliseCoalesceToNvl

      protected Boolean transformPatternsNormaliseCoalesceToNvl
    • transformPatternsOrEqToIn

      protected Boolean transformPatternsOrEqToIn
    • transformPatternsAndNeToNotIn

      protected Boolean transformPatternsAndNeToNotIn
    • transformPatternsMergeOrComparison

      protected Boolean transformPatternsMergeOrComparison
    • transformPatternsMergeAndComparison

      protected Boolean transformPatternsMergeAndComparison
    • transformPatternsMergeInLists

      protected Boolean transformPatternsMergeInLists
    • transformPatternsMergeRangePredicates

      protected Boolean transformPatternsMergeRangePredicates
    • transformPatternsMergeBetweenSymmetricPredicates

      protected Boolean transformPatternsMergeBetweenSymmetricPredicates
    • transformPatternsCaseSearchedToCaseSimple

      protected Boolean transformPatternsCaseSearchedToCaseSimple
    • transformPatternsCaseElseNull

      protected Boolean transformPatternsCaseElseNull
    • transformPatternsUnreachableCaseClauses

      protected Boolean transformPatternsUnreachableCaseClauses
    • transformPatternsUnreachableDecodeClauses

      protected Boolean transformPatternsUnreachableDecodeClauses
    • transformPatternsCaseDistinctToDecode

      protected Boolean transformPatternsCaseDistinctToDecode
    • transformPatternsCaseMergeWhenWhen

      protected Boolean transformPatternsCaseMergeWhenWhen
    • transformPatternsCaseMergeWhenElse

      protected Boolean transformPatternsCaseMergeWhenElse
    • transformPatternsCaseToCaseAbbreviation

      protected Boolean transformPatternsCaseToCaseAbbreviation
    • transformPatternsSimplifyCaseAbbreviation

      protected Boolean transformPatternsSimplifyCaseAbbreviation
    • transformPatternsFlattenCaseAbbreviation

      protected Boolean transformPatternsFlattenCaseAbbreviation
    • transformPatternsFlattenDecode

      protected Boolean transformPatternsFlattenDecode
    • transformPatternsFlattenCase

      protected Boolean transformPatternsFlattenCase
    • transformPatternsTrivialCaseAbbreviation

      protected Boolean transformPatternsTrivialCaseAbbreviation
    • transformPatternsTrivialPredicates

      protected Boolean transformPatternsTrivialPredicates
    • transformPatternsTrivialBitwiseOperations

      protected Boolean transformPatternsTrivialBitwiseOperations
    • transformPatternsBitSet

      protected Boolean transformPatternsBitSet
    • transformPatternsBitGet

      protected Boolean transformPatternsBitGet
    • transformPatternsScalarSubqueryCountAsteriskGtZero

      protected Boolean transformPatternsScalarSubqueryCountAsteriskGtZero
    • transformPatternsScalarSubqueryCountExpressionGtZero

      protected Boolean transformPatternsScalarSubqueryCountExpressionGtZero
    • transformPatternsEmptyScalarSubquery

      protected Boolean transformPatternsEmptyScalarSubquery
    • transformPatternsNegNeg

      protected Boolean transformPatternsNegNeg
    • transformPatternsBitNotBitNot

      protected Boolean transformPatternsBitNotBitNot
    • transformPatternsBitNotBitNand

      protected Boolean transformPatternsBitNotBitNand
    • transformPatternsBitNotBitNor

      protected Boolean transformPatternsBitNotBitNor
    • transformPatternsBitNotBitXNor

      protected Boolean transformPatternsBitNotBitXNor
    • transformPatternsNullOnNullInput

      protected Boolean transformPatternsNullOnNullInput
    • transformPatternsIdempotentFunctionRepetition

      protected Boolean transformPatternsIdempotentFunctionRepetition
    • transformPatternsArithmeticComparisons

      protected Boolean transformPatternsArithmeticComparisons
    • transformPatternsArithmeticExpressions

      protected Boolean transformPatternsArithmeticExpressions
    • transformPatternsTrigonometricFunctions

      protected Boolean transformPatternsTrigonometricFunctions
    • transformPatternsLogarithmicFunctions

      protected Boolean transformPatternsLogarithmicFunctions
    • transformPatternsHyperbolicFunctions

      protected Boolean transformPatternsHyperbolicFunctions
    • transformPatternsInverseHyperbolicFunctions

      protected Boolean transformPatternsInverseHyperbolicFunctions
    • transformInlineBindValuesForFieldComparisons

      protected Boolean transformInlineBindValuesForFieldComparisons
    • transformAnsiJoinToTableLists

      protected Boolean transformAnsiJoinToTableLists
    • transformInConditionSubqueryWithLimitToDerivedTable

      protected Transformation transformInConditionSubqueryWithLimitToDerivedTable
    • transformQualify

      protected Transformation transformQualify
    • transformTableListsToAnsiJoin

      protected Boolean transformTableListsToAnsiJoin
    • transformRownum

      protected Transformation transformRownum
    • transformUnneededArithmeticExpressions

      protected TransformUnneededArithmeticExpressions transformUnneededArithmeticExpressions
    • transformGroupByColumnIndex

      protected Transformation transformGroupByColumnIndex
    • transformInlineCTE

      protected Transformation transformInlineCTE
    • backslashEscaping

      protected BackslashEscaping backslashEscaping
    • paramType

      protected ParamType paramType
    • paramCastMode

      protected ParamCastMode paramCastMode
    • statementType

      protected StatementType statementType
    • inlineThreshold

      protected Integer inlineThreshold
    • transactionListenerStartInvocationOrder

      protected InvocationOrder transactionListenerStartInvocationOrder
    • transactionListenerEndInvocationOrder

      protected InvocationOrder transactionListenerEndInvocationOrder
    • migrationListenerStartInvocationOrder

      protected InvocationOrder migrationListenerStartInvocationOrder
    • migrationListenerEndInvocationOrder

      protected InvocationOrder migrationListenerEndInvocationOrder
    • visitListenerStartInvocationOrder

      protected InvocationOrder visitListenerStartInvocationOrder
    • visitListenerEndInvocationOrder

      protected InvocationOrder visitListenerEndInvocationOrder
    • recordListenerStartInvocationOrder

      protected InvocationOrder recordListenerStartInvocationOrder
    • recordListenerEndInvocationOrder

      protected InvocationOrder recordListenerEndInvocationOrder
    • executeListenerStartInvocationOrder

      protected InvocationOrder executeListenerStartInvocationOrder
    • executeListenerEndInvocationOrder

      protected InvocationOrder executeListenerEndInvocationOrder
    • executeLogging

      protected Boolean executeLogging
    • executeLoggingSQLExceptions

      protected Boolean executeLoggingSQLExceptions
    • diagnosticsLogging

      protected Boolean diagnosticsLogging
    • diagnosticsConnection

      protected DiagnosticsConnection diagnosticsConnection
    • updateRecordVersion

      protected Boolean updateRecordVersion
    • updateRecordTimestamp

      protected Boolean updateRecordTimestamp
    • executeWithOptimisticLocking

      protected Boolean executeWithOptimisticLocking
    • executeWithOptimisticLockingExcludeUnversioned

      protected Boolean executeWithOptimisticLockingExcludeUnversioned
    • attachRecords

      protected Boolean attachRecords
    • insertUnchangedRecords

      protected Boolean insertUnchangedRecords
    • updateUnchangedRecords

      protected UpdateUnchangedRecords updateUnchangedRecords
    • recordDirtyTracking

      protected RecordDirtyTracking recordDirtyTracking
    • updatablePrimaryKeys

      protected Boolean updatablePrimaryKeys
    • reflectionCaching

      protected Boolean reflectionCaching
    • cacheRecordMappers

      protected Boolean cacheRecordMappers
    • cacheParsingConnection

      protected Boolean cacheParsingConnection
    • cacheParsingConnectionLRUCacheSize

      protected Integer cacheParsingConnectionLRUCacheSize
    • cacheRecordMappersLRUCacheSize

      protected Integer cacheRecordMappersLRUCacheSize
    • reflectionCacheLRUCacheSize

      protected Integer reflectionCacheLRUCacheSize
    • cachePreparedStatementInLoader

      protected Boolean cachePreparedStatementInLoader
    • throwExceptions

      protected ThrowExceptions throwExceptions
    • fetchWarnings

      protected Boolean fetchWarnings
    • fetchServerOutputSize

      protected Integer fetchServerOutputSize
    • returnIdentityOnUpdatableRecord

      protected Boolean returnIdentityOnUpdatableRecord
    • returnDefaultOnUpdatableRecord

      protected Boolean returnDefaultOnUpdatableRecord
    • returnComputedOnUpdatableRecord

      protected Boolean returnComputedOnUpdatableRecord
    • returnAllOnUpdatableRecord

      protected Boolean returnAllOnUpdatableRecord
    • returnRecordToPojo

      protected Boolean returnRecordToPojo
    • mapJPAAnnotations

      protected Boolean mapJPAAnnotations
    • mapRecordComponentParameterNames

      protected Boolean mapRecordComponentParameterNames
    • mapConstructorPropertiesParameterNames

      protected Boolean mapConstructorPropertiesParameterNames
    • mapConstructorParameterNames

      protected Boolean mapConstructorParameterNames
    • mapConstructorParameterNamesInKotlin

      protected Boolean mapConstructorParameterNamesInKotlin
    • queryPoolable

      protected QueryPoolable queryPoolable
    • queryTimeout

      protected Integer queryTimeout
    • maxRows

      protected Integer maxRows
    • fetchSize

      protected Integer fetchSize
    • batchSize

      protected Integer batchSize
    • debugInfoOnStackTrace

      protected Boolean debugInfoOnStackTrace
    • inListPadding

      protected Boolean inListPadding
    • inListPadBase

      protected Integer inListPadBase
    • delimiter

      protected String delimiter
    • emulateOnDuplicateKeyUpdateOnPrimaryKeyOnly

      protected Boolean emulateOnDuplicateKeyUpdateOnPrimaryKeyOnly
    • emulateMultiset

      protected NestedCollectionEmulation emulateMultiset
    • emulateComputedColumns

      protected Boolean emulateComputedColumns
    • computedOnClientVirtual

      protected Boolean computedOnClientVirtual
    • computedOnClientStored

      protected Boolean computedOnClientStored
    • executeUpdateWithoutWhere

      protected ExecuteWithoutWhere executeUpdateWithoutWhere
    • executeDeleteWithoutWhere

      protected ExecuteWithoutWhere executeDeleteWithoutWhere
    • interpreterDialect

      protected SQLDialect interpreterDialect
    • interpreterNameLookupCaseSensitivity

      protected InterpreterNameLookupCaseSensitivity interpreterNameLookupCaseSensitivity
    • interpreterLocale

      protected Locale interpreterLocale
    • interpreterDelayForeignKeyDeclarations

      protected Boolean interpreterDelayForeignKeyDeclarations
    • metaIncludeSystemIndexes

      protected Boolean metaIncludeSystemIndexes
    • metaIncludeSystemSequences

      protected Boolean metaIncludeSystemSequences
    • migrationHistorySchema

      protected MigrationSchema migrationHistorySchema
    • migrationHistorySchemaCreateSchemaIfNotExists

      protected Boolean migrationHistorySchemaCreateSchemaIfNotExists
    • migrationDefaultSchema

      protected MigrationSchema migrationDefaultSchema
    • migrationSchemataCreateSchemaIfNotExists

      protected Boolean migrationSchemataCreateSchemaIfNotExists
    • migrationDefaultContentType

      protected MigrationDefaultContentType migrationDefaultContentType
    • migrationAllowUndo

      protected Boolean migrationAllowUndo
    • migrationAllowInvalidCommits

      protected Boolean migrationAllowInvalidCommits
    • migrationRevertUntracked

      protected Boolean migrationRevertUntracked
    • migrationAutoBaseline

      protected Boolean migrationAutoBaseline
    • migrationAutoVerification

      protected Boolean migrationAutoVerification
    • migrationIgnoreDefaultTimestampPrecisionDiffs

      protected Boolean migrationIgnoreDefaultTimestampPrecisionDiffs
    • migrationIgnoreUnnamedConstraintDiffs

      protected Boolean migrationIgnoreUnnamedConstraintDiffs
    • migrationIgnoreImplicitPrimaryKeyNotNullConstraints

      protected Boolean migrationIgnoreImplicitPrimaryKeyNotNullConstraints
    • locale

      protected Locale locale
    • parseDialect

      protected SQLDialect parseDialect
    • parseLocale

      protected Locale parseLocale
    • parseDateFormat

      protected String parseDateFormat
    • parseTimestampFormat

      protected String parseTimestampFormat
    • parseNamedParamPrefix

      protected String parseNamedParamPrefix
    • parseNameCase

      protected ParseNameCase parseNameCase
    • parseWithMetaLookups

      protected ParseWithMetaLookups parseWithMetaLookups
    • parseAppendMissingTableReferences

      protected Transformation parseAppendMissingTableReferences
    • parseSetCommands

      protected Boolean parseSetCommands
    • parseUnsupportedSyntax

      protected ParseUnsupportedSyntax parseUnsupportedSyntax
    • parseUnknownFunctions

      protected ParseUnknownFunctions parseUnknownFunctions
    • parseIgnoreCommercialOnlyFeatures

      protected Boolean parseIgnoreCommercialOnlyFeatures
    • parseIgnoreComments

      protected Boolean parseIgnoreComments
    • parseIgnoreCommentStart

      protected String parseIgnoreCommentStart
    • parseIgnoreCommentStop

      protected String parseIgnoreCommentStop
    • parseRetainCommentsBetweenQueries

      protected Boolean parseRetainCommentsBetweenQueries
    • parseMetaDefaultExpressions

      protected Boolean parseMetaDefaultExpressions
    • parseMetaViewSources

      protected Boolean parseMetaViewSources
    • readonlyTableRecordInsert

      protected WriteIfReadonly readonlyTableRecordInsert
    • readonlyUpdatableRecordUpdate

      protected WriteIfReadonly readonlyUpdatableRecordUpdate
    • readonlyInsert

      protected WriteIfReadonly readonlyInsert
    • readonlyUpdate

      protected WriteIfReadonly readonlyUpdate
    • applyWorkaroundFor7962

      protected Boolean applyWorkaroundFor7962
    • warnOnStaticTypeRegistryAccess

      protected Warning warnOnStaticTypeRegistryAccess
    • interpreterSearchPath

      protected List<InterpreterSearchSchema> interpreterSearchPath
    • migrationSchemata

      protected List<MigrationSchema> migrationSchemata
    • parseSearchPath

      protected List<ParseSearchSchema> parseSearchPath
  • Constructor Details

    • Settings

      public Settings()
  • Method Details

    • isForceIntegerTypesOnZeroScaleDecimals

      public Boolean isForceIntegerTypesOnZeroScaleDecimals()
      Historically, zero-scale decimal types are generated as their most appropriate, corresponding integer type (e.g. NUMBER(2, 0) and less: Byte). The same behaviour is replicated in the Meta API. This flag allows for turning off this feature.
      possible object is Boolean
    • setForceIntegerTypesOnZeroScaleDecimals

      public void setForceIntegerTypesOnZeroScaleDecimals(Boolean value)
      Historically, zero-scale decimal types are generated as their most appropriate, corresponding integer type (e.g. NUMBER(2, 0) and less: Byte). The same behaviour is replicated in the Meta API. This flag allows for turning off this feature.
      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isRenderCatalog

      public Boolean isRenderCatalog()
      Whether any catalog name should be rendered at all.

      Use this for single-catalog environments, or when all objects are made available using synonyms

      possible object is Boolean
    • setRenderCatalog

      public void setRenderCatalog(Boolean value)
      Whether any catalog name should be rendered at all.

      Use this for single-catalog environments, or when all objects are made available using synonyms

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isRenderSchema

      public Boolean isRenderSchema()
      Whether any schema name should be rendered at all.

      Setting this to false also implicitly sets "renderCatalog" to false.

      Use this for single-schema environments, or when all objects are made available using synonyms

      possible object is Boolean
    • setRenderSchema

      public void setRenderSchema(Boolean value)
      Whether any schema name should be rendered at all.

      Setting this to false also implicitly sets "renderCatalog" to false.

      Use this for single-schema environments, or when all objects are made available using synonyms

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • getRenderTable

      public RenderTable getRenderTable()
      Whether any table name qualification should be rendered at all on columns.

      Setting when tables aren't rendered, then implicitly, schemas and catalogs aren't rendered either.

      The following values are available:

      • RenderTable.ALWAYS: The default, which should always be preferred. Columns are always qualified with their tables, where possible.
      • RenderTable.WHEN_MULTIPLE_TABLES: The simplest option to reduce generated query verbosity, avoiding table qualification only in queries with a single table in the FROM clause.
      • RenderTable.WHEN_AMBIGUOUS_COLUMNS: A much more expensive to compute option that checks the FROM clause for ambiguous column names, in case of which columns are qualified.
      • RenderTable.NEVER: Always turn off table qualification.

      Use this when verbosity of rendered SQL is a problem.

    • setRenderTable

      public void setRenderTable(RenderTable value)
      Whether any table name qualification should be rendered at all on columns.

      Setting when tables aren't rendered, then implicitly, schemas and catalogs aren't rendered either.

      The following values are available:

      • RenderTable.ALWAYS: The default, which should always be preferred. Columns are always qualified with their tables, where possible.
      • RenderTable.WHEN_MULTIPLE_TABLES: The simplest option to reduce generated query verbosity, avoiding table qualification only in queries with a single table in the FROM clause.
      • RenderTable.WHEN_AMBIGUOUS_COLUMNS: A much more expensive to compute option that checks the FROM clause for ambiguous column names, in case of which columns are qualified.
      • RenderTable.NEVER: Always turn off table qualification.

      Use this when verbosity of rendered SQL is a problem.

    • getRenderMapping

      public RenderMapping getRenderMapping()
      Configure render mapping for runtime schema / table rewriting in generated SQL.
    • setRenderMapping

      public void setRenderMapping(RenderMapping value)
      Configure render mapping for runtime schema / table rewriting in generated SQL.
    • getRenderQuotedNames

      public RenderQuotedNames getRenderQuotedNames()
      Whether rendered schema, table, column names, etc should be quoted.

      This only affects names created through methods (including those that are implicitly created through this method), not DSL.quotedName(String) or DSL.unquotedName(String), whose behaviour cannot be overridden.

      This setting does not affect any plain SQL usage.

    • setRenderQuotedNames

      public void setRenderQuotedNames(RenderQuotedNames value)
      Whether rendered schema, table, column names, etc should be quoted.

      This only affects names created through methods (including those that are implicitly created through this method), not DSL.quotedName(String) or DSL.unquotedName(String), whose behaviour cannot be overridden.

      This setting does not affect any plain SQL usage.

    • getRenderNameCase

      public RenderNameCase getRenderNameCase()
      Whether the case of Name references should be modified in any way.

      Names are modified irrespective of the getRenderQuotedNames() setting.

      This setting does not affect any plain SQL usage.

    • setRenderNameCase

      public void setRenderNameCase(RenderNameCase value)
      Whether the case of Name references should be modified in any way.

      Names are modified irrespective of the getRenderQuotedNames() setting.

      This setting does not affect any plain SQL usage.

    • getRenderNameStyle

      @Deprecated public RenderNameStyle getRenderNameStyle()
      - 3.12.0 - [#5909] - Use RenderQuotedNames and RenderNameCase instead.
      Whether rendered schema, table, column names, etc should be quoted in rendered SQL, or transformed in any other way.

      This is set to "QUOTED" by default for backwards-compatibility.

    • setRenderNameStyle

      @Deprecated public void setRenderNameStyle(RenderNameStyle value)
      - 3.12.0 - [#5909] - Use RenderQuotedNames and RenderNameCase instead.
      Whether rendered schema, table, column names, etc should be quoted in rendered SQL, or transformed in any other way.

      This is set to "QUOTED" by default for backwards-compatibility.

    • getRenderNamedParamPrefix

      public String getRenderNamedParamPrefix()
      The prefix to use for named parameters in generated SQL.

      Named parameter syntax defaults to :name (such as supported by Oracle, JPA, Spring), but vendor specific parameters may look differently. This flag can be used to determine the prefix to be used by named parameters, such as @ for SQL Server's @name or $ for PostgreSQL's $name, when generating SQL.

      "Named indexed" parameters can be obtained in the same way by specifingy ParamType#NAMED and not providing a name to parameters, resulting in :1 or @1 or $1, etc.

    • setRenderNamedParamPrefix

      public void setRenderNamedParamPrefix(String value)
      The prefix to use for named parameters in generated SQL.

      Named parameter syntax defaults to :name (such as supported by Oracle, JPA, Spring), but vendor specific parameters may look differently. This flag can be used to determine the prefix to be used by named parameters, such as @ for SQL Server's @name or $ for PostgreSQL's $name, when generating SQL.

      "Named indexed" parameters can be obtained in the same way by specifingy ParamType#NAMED and not providing a name to parameters, resulting in :1 or @1 or $1, etc.

    • getRenderKeywordCase

      public RenderKeywordCase getRenderKeywordCase()
      Whether the case of Keyword references should be modified in any way.
    • setRenderKeywordCase

      public void setRenderKeywordCase(RenderKeywordCase value)
      Whether the case of Keyword references should be modified in any way.
    • getRenderKeywordStyle

      @Deprecated public RenderKeywordStyle getRenderKeywordStyle()
      - 3.12.0 - [#5909] - Use RenderKeywordCase instead.
      Whether the case of Keyword references should be modified in any way.

    • setRenderKeywordStyle

      @Deprecated public void setRenderKeywordStyle(RenderKeywordStyle value)
      - 3.12.0 - [#5909] - Use RenderKeywordCase instead.
      Whether the case of Keyword references should be modified in any way.

    • getRenderLocale

      public Locale getRenderLocale()
      The Locale to be used with any render locale dependent logic (as e.g. transforming names to lower / uppper case), defaulting to getLocale().
    • setRenderLocale

      public void setRenderLocale(Locale value)
      The Locale to be used with any render locale dependent logic (as e.g. transforming names to lower / uppper case), defaulting to getLocale().
    • isRenderFormatted

      public Boolean isRenderFormatted()
      Whether rendered SQL should be pretty-printed.
      possible object is Boolean
    • setRenderFormatted

      public void setRenderFormatted(Boolean value)
      Whether rendered SQL should be pretty-printed.
      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • getRenderFormatting

      public RenderFormatting getRenderFormatting()
      All sorts of formatting flags / settings.
    • setRenderFormatting

      public void setRenderFormatting(RenderFormatting value)
      All sorts of formatting flags / settings.
    • isRenderNullifEmptyStringForBindValues

      public Boolean isRenderNullifEmptyStringForBindValues()
      Whether to wrap String typed bind values with NULLIF(?, '') for Oracle compatibility.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setRenderNullifEmptyStringForBindValues

      public void setRenderNullifEmptyStringForBindValues(Boolean value)
      Whether to wrap String typed bind values with NULLIF(?, '') for Oracle compatibility.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • getRenderAutoAliasedDerivedTableExpressions

      public AutoAliasExpressions getRenderAutoAliasedDerivedTableExpressions()
      Whether to auto-alias expressions in derived tables.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

    • setRenderAutoAliasedDerivedTableExpressions

      public void setRenderAutoAliasedDerivedTableExpressions(AutoAliasExpressions value)
      Whether to auto-alias expressions in derived tables.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

    • getRenderOptionalAssociativityParentheses

      public RenderOptionalKeyword getRenderOptionalAssociativityParentheses()
      Whether to render optional parentheses to make associativity explicit, e.g. ((a + b) + c) instead of (a + b + c).
    • setRenderOptionalAssociativityParentheses

      public void setRenderOptionalAssociativityParentheses(RenderOptionalKeyword value)
      Whether to render optional parentheses to make associativity explicit, e.g. ((a + b) + c) instead of (a + b + c).
    • getRenderOptionalAsKeywordForTableAliases

      public RenderOptionalKeyword getRenderOptionalAsKeywordForTableAliases()
      Whether to render the optional AS keyword in table aliases, if it is optional in the output dialect. This is ignored if the keyword is not supported (e.g. in Oracle)
    • setRenderOptionalAsKeywordForTableAliases

      public void setRenderOptionalAsKeywordForTableAliases(RenderOptionalKeyword value)
      Whether to render the optional AS keyword in table aliases, if it is optional in the output dialect. This is ignored if the keyword is not supported (e.g. in Oracle)
    • getRenderOptionalAsKeywordForFieldAliases

      public RenderOptionalKeyword getRenderOptionalAsKeywordForFieldAliases()
      Whether to render the optional AS keyword in table aliases, if it is optional in the output dialect.
    • setRenderOptionalAsKeywordForFieldAliases

      public void setRenderOptionalAsKeywordForFieldAliases(RenderOptionalKeyword value)
      Whether to render the optional AS keyword in table aliases, if it is optional in the output dialect.
    • getRenderOptionalInnerKeyword

      public RenderOptionalKeyword getRenderOptionalInnerKeyword()
      Whether to render the optional INNER keyword in INNER JOIN, if it is optional in the output dialect.
    • setRenderOptionalInnerKeyword

      public void setRenderOptionalInnerKeyword(RenderOptionalKeyword value)
      Whether to render the optional INNER keyword in INNER JOIN, if it is optional in the output dialect.
    • getRenderOptionalOuterKeyword

      public RenderOptionalKeyword getRenderOptionalOuterKeyword()
      Whether to render the optional OUTER keyword in OUTER JOIN, if it is optional in the output dialect.
    • setRenderOptionalOuterKeyword

      public void setRenderOptionalOuterKeyword(RenderOptionalKeyword value)
      Whether to render the optional OUTER keyword in OUTER JOIN, if it is optional in the output dialect.
    • getRenderImplicitWindowRange

      public RenderImplicitWindowRange getRenderImplicitWindowRange()
      Whether to render an explicit window RANGE clause when an implicit clause is applied.
    • setRenderImplicitWindowRange

      public void setRenderImplicitWindowRange(RenderImplicitWindowRange value)
      Whether to render an explicit window RANGE clause when an implicit clause is applied.
    • isRenderScalarSubqueriesForStoredFunctions

      public Boolean isRenderScalarSubqueriesForStoredFunctions()
      Whether stored function calls should be wrapped in scalar subqueries.

      Oracle 11g (and potentially, other databases too) implements scalar subquery caching. With this flag set to true, users can automatically profit from this feature in all SQL statements.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setRenderScalarSubqueriesForStoredFunctions

      public void setRenderScalarSubqueriesForStoredFunctions(Boolean value)
      Whether stored function calls should be wrapped in scalar subqueries.

      Oracle 11g (and potentially, other databases too) implements scalar subquery caching. With this flag set to true, users can automatically profit from this feature in all SQL statements.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • getRenderImplicitJoinType

      public RenderImplicitJoinType getRenderImplicitJoinType()
      The join type to be generated by implicit joins for to-one paths in Select queries.

      The DEFAULT is dependent on the nullability of the foreign key (LEFT_JOIN for nullable foreign keys and INNER_JOIN for non-nullable foreign keys). In DML statements, it is always SCALAR_SUBQUERY, unless DML joins are supported.

    • setRenderImplicitJoinType

      public void setRenderImplicitJoinType(RenderImplicitJoinType value)
      The join type to be generated by implicit joins for to-one paths in Select queries.

      The DEFAULT is dependent on the nullability of the foreign key (LEFT_JOIN for nullable foreign keys and INNER_JOIN for non-nullable foreign keys). In DML statements, it is always SCALAR_SUBQUERY, unless DML joins are supported.

    • getRenderImplicitJoinToManyType

      public RenderImplicitJoinType getRenderImplicitJoinToManyType()
      The join type to be generated by implicit joins for to-many paths in Select queries.

      The DEFAULT is SCALAR_SUBQUERY if the join path is implicit only, i.e. absent from the FROM clause, to prevent accidental cartesian products, or LEFT_JOIN if declared explicitly in the FROM clause. In DML statements, it is always SCALAR_SUBQUERY, unless DML joins are supported.

    • setRenderImplicitJoinToManyType

      public void setRenderImplicitJoinToManyType(RenderImplicitJoinType value)
      The join type to be generated by implicit joins for to-many paths in Select queries.

      The DEFAULT is SCALAR_SUBQUERY if the join path is implicit only, i.e. absent from the FROM clause, to prevent accidental cartesian products, or LEFT_JOIN if declared explicitly in the FROM clause. In DML statements, it is always SCALAR_SUBQUERY, unless DML joins are supported.

    • getRenderDefaultNullability

      public RenderDefaultNullability getRenderDefaultNullability()
      Whether the Nullability.DEFAULT nullablity should be rendered in generated DDL, and how it should be rendered.
    • setRenderDefaultNullability

      public void setRenderDefaultNullability(RenderDefaultNullability value)
      Whether the Nullability.DEFAULT nullablity should be rendered in generated DDL, and how it should be rendered.
    • isRenderCoalesceToEmptyStringInConcat

      public Boolean isRenderCoalesceToEmptyStringInConcat()
      Whether string concatenation operands should be coalesced to empty strings.

      Some dialects treat NULL values as empty strings when concatenating strings (e.g. Oracle). For compatibility reasons, this flag allows for replicating this behaviour also elsewhere.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setRenderCoalesceToEmptyStringInConcat

      public void setRenderCoalesceToEmptyStringInConcat(Boolean value)
      Whether string concatenation operands should be coalesced to empty strings.

      Some dialects treat NULL values as empty strings when concatenating strings (e.g. Oracle). For compatibility reasons, this flag allows for replicating this behaviour also elsewhere.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isRenderOrderByRownumberForEmulatedPagination

      public Boolean isRenderOrderByRownumberForEmulatedPagination()
      Whether an additional ORDER BY rn clause should be rendered on emulated paginated queries.

      Older databases did not support OFFSET .. FETCH pagination, so jOOQ emulates it using derived tables and ROWNUM (Oracle 11g and older) or ROW_NUMBER() (e.g. DB2, SQL Server, etc.) filtering. While these subqueries are ordered, the ordering is not guaranteed to be stable in the outer most queries. It may be stable (and e.g. in Oracle, it mostly is, if queries are not parallel, or joined to other queries, etc.), so the excess ORDER BY clause may add some additional performance overhead. This setting forces jOOQ to not generate the additional ORDER BY clause.

      For details, see

      possible object is Boolean
    • setRenderOrderByRownumberForEmulatedPagination

      public void setRenderOrderByRownumberForEmulatedPagination(Boolean value)
      Whether an additional ORDER BY rn clause should be rendered on emulated paginated queries.

      Older databases did not support OFFSET .. FETCH pagination, so jOOQ emulates it using derived tables and ROWNUM (Oracle 11g and older) or ROW_NUMBER() (e.g. DB2, SQL Server, etc.) filtering. While these subqueries are ordered, the ordering is not guaranteed to be stable in the outer most queries. It may be stable (and e.g. in Oracle, it mostly is, if queries are not parallel, or joined to other queries, etc.), so the excess ORDER BY clause may add some additional performance overhead. This setting forces jOOQ to not generate the additional ORDER BY clause.

      For details, see

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isRenderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause

      public Boolean isRenderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause()
      Whether the jOOQ RETURNING clause should map to SQL Server's OUTPUT clause.

      SQL Server supports an OUTPUT clause in most DML statements, whose behaviour is almost identical to RETURNING in Firebird, Oracle, PostgreSQL. Users who want to prevent jOOQ from rendering this OUTPUT clause can deactivate this flag to revert to jOOQ calling java.sql.Statement#getGeneratedKeys() instead, which is only supported for single row inserts.

      This OUTPUT clause does not support fetching trigger generated values. In order to fetch trigger generated values, fetchTriggerValuesAfterReturning needs to be enabled as well.

      For details, see

      possible object is Boolean
    • setRenderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause

      public void setRenderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause(Boolean value)
      Whether the jOOQ RETURNING clause should map to SQL Server's OUTPUT clause.

      SQL Server supports an OUTPUT clause in most DML statements, whose behaviour is almost identical to RETURNING in Firebird, Oracle, PostgreSQL. Users who want to prevent jOOQ from rendering this OUTPUT clause can deactivate this flag to revert to jOOQ calling java.sql.Statement#getGeneratedKeys() instead, which is only supported for single row inserts.

      This OUTPUT clause does not support fetching trigger generated values. In order to fetch trigger generated values, fetchTriggerValuesAfterReturning needs to be enabled as well.

      For details, see

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isRenderGroupConcatMaxLenSessionVariable

      public Boolean isRenderGroupConcatMaxLenSessionVariable()
      Whether the jOOQ GROUP_CONCAT function should be overflow-protected by setting the @@group_concat_max_len session variable in MySQL style database systems.

      MySQL truncates GROUP_CONCAT results after a certain length, which may be way too small for jOOQ's usage, especially when using the MULTISET emulation. By default, jOOQ sets a session variable to the highest possible value prior to executing a query containing GROUP_CONCAT. This flag can be used to opt out of this.

      For details, see

      possible object is Boolean
    • setRenderGroupConcatMaxLenSessionVariable

      public void setRenderGroupConcatMaxLenSessionVariable(Boolean value)
      Whether the jOOQ GROUP_CONCAT function should be overflow-protected by setting the @@group_concat_max_len session variable in MySQL style database systems.

      MySQL truncates GROUP_CONCAT results after a certain length, which may be way too small for jOOQ's usage, especially when using the MULTISET emulation. By default, jOOQ sets a session variable to the highest possible value prior to executing a query containing GROUP_CONCAT. This flag can be used to opt out of this.

      For details, see

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isRenderParenthesisAroundSetOperationQueries

      public Boolean isRenderParenthesisAroundSetOperationQueries()
      Whether queries combined with set operators (e.g. UNION and UNION ALL) should always be surrounded by a parenthesis pair.

      By default (i.e. when this setting is set to false jOOQ will only render parenthesis pairs around queries combined with set operators when required. This is for example the case when set operators are nested, when non-associative operators like EXCEPT are used, or when the queries are rendered as derived tables.

      When this setting is set to true the queries combined with set operators will always be surrounded by a parenthesis pair.

      For details, see and

      possible object is Boolean
    • setRenderParenthesisAroundSetOperationQueries

      public void setRenderParenthesisAroundSetOperationQueries(Boolean value)
      Whether queries combined with set operators (e.g. UNION and UNION ALL) should always be surrounded by a parenthesis pair.

      By default (i.e. when this setting is set to false jOOQ will only render parenthesis pairs around queries combined with set operators when required. This is for example the case when set operators are nested, when non-associative operators like EXCEPT are used, or when the queries are rendered as derived tables.

      When this setting is set to true the queries combined with set operators will always be surrounded by a parenthesis pair.

      For details, see and

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isRenderVariablesInDerivedTablesForEmulations

      public Boolean isRenderVariablesInDerivedTablesForEmulations()
      Whether emulations that require repeating expressions should render variables for those expressions in derived tables.

      For details, see

      possible object is Boolean
    • setRenderVariablesInDerivedTablesForEmulations

      public void setRenderVariablesInDerivedTablesForEmulations(Boolean value)
      Whether emulations that require repeating expressions should render variables for those expressions in derived tables.

      For details, see

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isRenderRowConditionForSeekClause

      public Boolean isRenderRowConditionForSeekClause()
      Whether a (a, b) invalid input: '<' (:a, :b) row predicate should be rendered for the SEEK clause.

      Some RDBMS may support (a, b) invalid input: '<' (:a, :b) row predicate syntax, which is very convenient for SEEK clause implementations, but fail to optimise this predicate as could be expected. This flag allows for expanding the predicate to the much more verbose, but equivalent (a invalid input: '<' :a) OR (a = :a AND b invalid input: '<' :b). Dialects without native support for row predicates aren't affected by this flag.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setRenderRowConditionForSeekClause

      public void setRenderRowConditionForSeekClause(Boolean value)
      Whether a (a, b) invalid input: '<' (:a, :b) row predicate should be rendered for the SEEK clause.

      Some RDBMS may support (a, b) invalid input: '<' (:a, :b) row predicate syntax, which is very convenient for SEEK clause implementations, but fail to optimise this predicate as could be expected. This flag allows for expanding the predicate to the much more verbose, but equivalent (a invalid input: '<' :a) OR (a = :a AND b invalid input: '<' :b). Dialects without native support for row predicates aren't affected by this flag.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isRenderRedundantConditionForSeekClause

      public Boolean isRenderRedundantConditionForSeekClause()
      Whether a redundant (a invalid input: '<'= :a) predicate should be rendered for a (a, b) invalid input: '<' (:a, :b) predicate for the SEEK clause.

      Some RDBMS may not be able to properly optimise (a, b) invalid input: '<' ('a', 'b') or (a invalid input: '<' 'a') OR (a = 'a' AND b invalid input: '<' 'b'), and choose an appropriate index. By adding an additional redundant predicate, jOOQ may help the optimiser, e.g. (a invalid input: '<'= :a) AND (a, b) invalid input: '<' ('a', 'b') or (a invalid input: '<'= :a) AND ((a invalid input: '<' 'a') OR (a = 'a' AND b invalid input: '<' 'b'))

      possible object is Boolean
    • setRenderRedundantConditionForSeekClause

      public void setRenderRedundantConditionForSeekClause(Boolean value)
      Whether a redundant (a invalid input: '<'= :a) predicate should be rendered for a (a, b) invalid input: '<' (:a, :b) predicate for the SEEK clause.

      Some RDBMS may not be able to properly optimise (a, b) invalid input: '<' ('a', 'b') or (a invalid input: '<' 'a') OR (a = 'a' AND b invalid input: '<' 'b'), and choose an appropriate index. By adding an additional redundant predicate, jOOQ may help the optimiser, e.g. (a invalid input: '<'= :a) AND (a, b) invalid input: '<' ('a', 'b') or (a invalid input: '<'= :a) AND ((a invalid input: '<' 'a') OR (a = 'a' AND b invalid input: '<' 'b'))

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isRenderPlainSQLTemplatesAsRaw

      public Boolean isRenderPlainSQLTemplatesAsRaw()
      Whether plain SQL templates (SQL) are rendered as raw string content.
      possible object is Boolean
    • setRenderPlainSQLTemplatesAsRaw

      public void setRenderPlainSQLTemplatesAsRaw(Boolean value)
      Whether plain SQL templates (SQL) are rendered as raw string content.
      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • getRenderDollarQuotedStringToken

      public String getRenderDollarQuotedStringToken()
      The token to place between the $$ signs of a PostgreSQL dollar quoted string generated by jOOQ.
    • setRenderDollarQuotedStringToken

      public void setRenderDollarQuotedStringToken(String value)
      The token to place between the $$ signs of a PostgreSQL dollar quoted string generated by jOOQ.
    • getNamePathSeparator

      public String getNamePathSeparator()
      The character(s) to be used as a separator in paths encoded in a
      invalid reference

      A few hierarchical mapping features work with paths encoded in names (specifically field aliases), such as the reflective mapping of nested values when aliasing fields as:

         a.first_name AS ""
         a.last_name AS ""
       FROM ...

      Not all dialects support "." in identifiers. This setting allows for specifying an alternative String to use as separator, e.g. "__".

    • setNamePathSeparator

      public void setNamePathSeparator(String value)
      The character(s) to be used as a separator in paths encoded in a
      invalid reference

      A few hierarchical mapping features work with paths encoded in names (specifically field aliases), such as the reflective mapping of nested values when aliasing fields as:

         a.first_name AS ""
         a.last_name AS ""
       FROM ...

      Not all dialects support "." in identifiers. This setting allows for specifying an alternative String to use as separator, e.g. "__".

    • isBindOffsetDateTimeType

      public Boolean isBindOffsetDateTimeType()
      Whether the java.time (JSR 310) type OffsetDateTime should be bound natively to JDBC.

      Historically, jOOQ encoded the java.time types as strings to offer better compatibility with older JDBC drivers. By now, most drivers should support the java.time types. Using them may produce better performance both on the server and on the client side.

      This flag allows for reverting to pre-jOOQ 3.14 behaviour, where the default is to bind these types natively.

      For details, see

      possible object is Boolean
    • setBindOffsetDateTimeType

      public void setBindOffsetDateTimeType(Boolean value)
      Whether the java.time (JSR 310) type OffsetDateTime should be bound natively to JDBC.

      Historically, jOOQ encoded the java.time types as strings to offer better compatibility with older JDBC drivers. By now, most drivers should support the java.time types. Using them may produce better performance both on the server and on the client side.

      This flag allows for reverting to pre-jOOQ 3.14 behaviour, where the default is to bind these types natively.

      For details, see

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isBindOffsetTimeType

      public Boolean isBindOffsetTimeType()
      Whether the java.time (JSR 310) type OffsetTime should be bound natively to JDBC.

      Historically, jOOQ encoded the java.time types as strings to offer better compatibility with older JDBC drivers. By now, most drivers should support the java.time types. Using them may produce better performance both on the server and on the client side.

      This flag allows for reverting to pre-jOOQ 3.14 behaviour, where the default is to bind these types natively.

      For details, see

      possible object is Boolean
    • setBindOffsetTimeType

      public void setBindOffsetTimeType(Boolean value)
      Whether the java.time (JSR 310) type OffsetTime should be bound natively to JDBC.

      Historically, jOOQ encoded the java.time types as strings to offer better compatibility with older JDBC drivers. By now, most drivers should support the java.time types. Using them may produce better performance both on the server and on the client side.

      This flag allows for reverting to pre-jOOQ 3.14 behaviour, where the default is to bind these types natively.

      For details, see

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isFetchTrimmedCharValues

      public Boolean isFetchTrimmedCharValues()
      Whether right trim fetched CHAR typed strings from JDBC ResultSet.

      By default, jOOQ's internal String data type Binding fetched strings as returned by JDBC. With this flag enabled, jOOQ will always right-trim CHAR typed strings, which can be useful in database products that will often use this historic fixed length string type, especially in dictionary views.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setFetchTrimmedCharValues

      public void setFetchTrimmedCharValues(Boolean value)
      Whether right trim fetched CHAR typed strings from JDBC ResultSet.

      By default, jOOQ's internal String data type Binding fetched strings as returned by JDBC. With this flag enabled, jOOQ will always right-trim CHAR typed strings, which can be useful in database products that will often use this historic fixed length string type, especially in dictionary views.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isFetchTriggerValuesAfterSQLServerOutput

      @Deprecated public Boolean isFetchTriggerValuesAfterSQLServerOutput()
      - 3.18.0 - [#13912] [#15316] - Use fetchTriggerValuesAfterReturning instead.
      Fetch trigger values after SQL Server OUTPUT clause.

      SQL Server OUTPUT statements do not support fetching trigger generated values. This is a limitation of the renderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause. An additional MERGE statement can run a second query if (and only if) the primary key has been included in the OUTPUT clause.

      For details, see

      possible object is Boolean
    • setFetchTriggerValuesAfterSQLServerOutput

      @Deprecated public void setFetchTriggerValuesAfterSQLServerOutput(Boolean value)
      - 3.18.0 - [#13912] [#15316] - Use fetchTriggerValuesAfterReturning instead.
      Fetch trigger values after SQL Server OUTPUT clause.

      SQL Server OUTPUT statements do not support fetching trigger generated values. This is a limitation of the renderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause. An additional MERGE statement can run a second query if (and only if) the primary key has been included in the OUTPUT clause.

      For details, see

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • getFetchTriggerValuesAfterReturning

      public FetchTriggerValuesAfterReturning getFetchTriggerValuesAfterReturning()
      Fetch trigger values after a RETURNING clause in dialects that don't have native support for this.

      SQL Server OUTPUT clauses do not support fetching trigger generated values. Neither do SQLite RETURNING clauses. An additional MERGE statement can run a second query if (and only if) the primary key has been included in the OUTPUT clause.

      Trigger meta data is only available in jOOQ's commercial editions. If setting this flag to WHEN_NEEDED in the jOOQ Open Source Edition, jOOQ will assume triggers are present.

      For details, see

    • setFetchTriggerValuesAfterReturning

      public void setFetchTriggerValuesAfterReturning(FetchTriggerValuesAfterReturning value)
      Fetch trigger values after a RETURNING clause in dialects that don't have native support for this.

      SQL Server OUTPUT clauses do not support fetching trigger generated values. Neither do SQLite RETURNING clauses. An additional MERGE statement can run a second query if (and only if) the primary key has been included in the OUTPUT clause.

      Trigger meta data is only available in jOOQ's commercial editions. If setting this flag to WHEN_NEEDED in the jOOQ Open Source Edition, jOOQ will assume triggers are present.

      For details, see

    • getFetchIntermediateResult

      public FetchIntermediateResult getFetchIntermediateResult()
      Whether to fetch data into intermediate Result instances.

      By default, a ResultQuery produces no intermediate Result instances if they are not explicitly requested by the caller, e.g. by calling ResultQuery.fetch(), or in the presence of ExecuteListener instances, which may require access to ExecuteContext.result(). This default behaviour helps avoid unnecessary allocations of possibly large data structures.

      Using this flag, fetching of intermediate results can be turned off even when execute listeners are present, or turned on even if they're absent.

    • setFetchIntermediateResult

      public void setFetchIntermediateResult(FetchIntermediateResult value)
      Whether to fetch data into intermediate Result instances.

      By default, a ResultQuery produces no intermediate Result instances if they are not explicitly requested by the caller, e.g. by calling ResultQuery.fetch(), or in the presence of ExecuteListener instances, which may require access to ExecuteContext.result(). This default behaviour helps avoid unnecessary allocations of possibly large data structures.

      Using this flag, fetching of intermediate results can be turned off even when execute listeners are present, or turned on even if they're absent.

    • isDiagnosticsDuplicateStatements

      public Boolean isDiagnosticsDuplicateStatements()
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.duplicateStatements(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setDiagnosticsDuplicateStatements

      public void setDiagnosticsDuplicateStatements(Boolean value)
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.duplicateStatements(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isDiagnosticsDuplicateStatementsUsingTransformPatterns

      public Boolean isDiagnosticsDuplicateStatementsUsingTransformPatterns()
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.duplicateStatements(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic with the transformPatterns feature activated.

      When transforming patterns, many more complex, duplicate SQL statements can be recognised than if simply parsing and re-rendering the statement. This flag turns on all transformation patterns, independently of their individual settings.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setDiagnosticsDuplicateStatementsUsingTransformPatterns

      public void setDiagnosticsDuplicateStatementsUsingTransformPatterns(Boolean value)
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.duplicateStatements(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic with the transformPatterns feature activated.

      When transforming patterns, many more complex, duplicate SQL statements can be recognised than if simply parsing and re-rendering the statement. This flag turns on all transformation patterns, independently of their individual settings.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isDiagnosticsMissingWasNullCall

      public Boolean isDiagnosticsMissingWasNullCall()
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.missingWasNullCall(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setDiagnosticsMissingWasNullCall

      public void setDiagnosticsMissingWasNullCall(Boolean value)
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.missingWasNullCall(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isDiagnosticsRepeatedStatements

      public Boolean isDiagnosticsRepeatedStatements()
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.repeatedStatements(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setDiagnosticsRepeatedStatements

      public void setDiagnosticsRepeatedStatements(Boolean value)
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.repeatedStatements(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isDiagnosticsConsecutiveAggregation

      public Boolean isDiagnosticsConsecutiveAggregation()
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.consecutiveAggregation(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setDiagnosticsConsecutiveAggregation

      public void setDiagnosticsConsecutiveAggregation(Boolean value)
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.consecutiveAggregation(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isDiagnosticsConcatenationInPredicate

      public Boolean isDiagnosticsConcatenationInPredicate()
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.concatenationInPredicate(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setDiagnosticsConcatenationInPredicate

      public void setDiagnosticsConcatenationInPredicate(Boolean value)
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.concatenationInPredicate(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isDiagnosticsPossiblyWrongExpression

      public Boolean isDiagnosticsPossiblyWrongExpression()
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.possiblyWrongExpression(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setDiagnosticsPossiblyWrongExpression

      public void setDiagnosticsPossiblyWrongExpression(Boolean value)
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.possiblyWrongExpression(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isDiagnosticsTooManyColumnsFetched

      public Boolean isDiagnosticsTooManyColumnsFetched()
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.tooManyColumnsFetched(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setDiagnosticsTooManyColumnsFetched

      public void setDiagnosticsTooManyColumnsFetched(Boolean value)
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.tooManyColumnsFetched(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isDiagnosticsTooManyRowsFetched

      public Boolean isDiagnosticsTooManyRowsFetched()
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.tooManyRowsFetched(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setDiagnosticsTooManyRowsFetched

      public void setDiagnosticsTooManyRowsFetched(Boolean value)
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.tooManyRowsFetched(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isDiagnosticsUnnecessaryWasNullCall

      public Boolean isDiagnosticsUnnecessaryWasNullCall()
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.unnecessaryWasNullCall(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setDiagnosticsUnnecessaryWasNullCall

      public void setDiagnosticsUnnecessaryWasNullCall(Boolean value)
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.unnecessaryWasNullCall(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isDiagnosticsPatterns

      public Boolean isDiagnosticsPatterns()
      Whether to run the various pattern transformation diagnostics.

      transformPatterns allows for applying numerous pattern transformations, which can be turned on separately when running diagnostics. This flag overrides the transformPatterns flag in the diagnostics context. Individual pattern flags still allow to enable / disable the pattern for diagnostics.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setDiagnosticsPatterns

      public void setDiagnosticsPatterns(Boolean value)
      Whether to run the various pattern transformation diagnostics.

      transformPatterns allows for applying numerous pattern transformations, which can be turned on separately when running diagnostics. This flag overrides the transformPatterns flag in the diagnostics context. Individual pattern flags still allow to enable / disable the pattern for diagnostics.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isDiagnosticsTrivialCondition

      public Boolean isDiagnosticsTrivialCondition()
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.trivialCondition(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setDiagnosticsTrivialCondition

      public void setDiagnosticsTrivialCondition(Boolean value)
      Whether to run the DiagnosticsListener.trivialCondition(org.jooq.DiagnosticsContext) diagnostic.

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isDiagnosticsNullCondition

      public Boolean isDiagnosticsNullCondition()
      Whether to run the
      invalid reference

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setDiagnosticsNullCondition

      public void setDiagnosticsNullCondition(Boolean value)
      Whether to run the
      invalid reference

      Diagnostics are turned off if no Configuration.diagnosticsListenerProviders() are configured. Once configured, this diagnostic is turned on by default.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatterns

      public Boolean isTransformPatterns()
      Transform various syntax patterns to better versions, if possible.

      This flag enables the pattern transformation feature, which consists of several sub-flags that are all prefixed with "transformPatterns", e.g. transformPatternsTrim. While the sub-flags default to being enabled, and can be disabled on an individual basis, the global feature itself is disabled by default.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatterns

      public void setTransformPatterns(Boolean value)
      Transform various syntax patterns to better versions, if possible.

      This flag enables the pattern transformation feature, which consists of several sub-flags that are all prefixed with "transformPatterns", e.g. transformPatternsTrim. While the sub-flags default to being enabled, and can be disabled on an individual basis, the global feature itself is disabled by default.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsLogging

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsLogging()
      Activate debug logging of the transformPatterns feature.
      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsLogging

      public void setTransformPatternsLogging(Boolean value)
      Activate debug logging of the transformPatterns feature.
      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsUnnecessaryDistinct

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsUnnecessaryDistinct()
      Transform SELECT DISTINCT a, b FROM t GROUP BY a, b to SELECT a, b FROM t GROUP BY a, b.

      The GROUP BY clause already removes duplicates, so if the DISTINCT clause contains at least all the columns from GROUP BY then it can be removed.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsUnnecessaryDistinct

      public void setTransformPatternsUnnecessaryDistinct(Boolean value)
      Transform SELECT DISTINCT a, b FROM t GROUP BY a, b to SELECT a, b FROM t GROUP BY a, b.

      The GROUP BY clause already removes duplicates, so if the DISTINCT clause contains at least all the columns from GROUP BY then it can be removed.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsUnnecessaryScalarSubquery

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsUnnecessaryScalarSubquery()
      Transform SELECT (SELECT 1) to SELECT 1.

      Scalar subqueries that don't have any content other than a SELECT clause are unnecessary and can be removed.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsUnnecessaryScalarSubquery

      public void setTransformPatternsUnnecessaryScalarSubquery(Boolean value)
      Transform SELECT (SELECT 1) to SELECT 1.

      Scalar subqueries that don't have any content other than a SELECT clause are unnecessary and can be removed.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsUnnecessaryInnerJoin

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsUnnecessaryInnerJoin()

      Some INNER JOIN expressions can be proven to be unnecessary.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsUnnecessaryInnerJoin

      public void setTransformPatternsUnnecessaryInnerJoin(Boolean value)

      Some INNER JOIN expressions can be proven to be unnecessary.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsUnnecessaryGroupByExpressions

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsUnnecessaryGroupByExpressions()
      Transform SELECT a, b FROM t GROUP BY a, a, b to SELECT a, b FROM t GROUP BY a, b.

      Duplicate GROUP BY expressions can be removed.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsUnnecessaryGroupByExpressions

      public void setTransformPatternsUnnecessaryGroupByExpressions(Boolean value)
      Transform SELECT a, b FROM t GROUP BY a, a, b to SELECT a, b FROM t GROUP BY a, b.

      Duplicate GROUP BY expressions can be removed.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsUnnecessaryOrderByExpressions

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsUnnecessaryOrderByExpressions()
      Transform SELECT a, b FROM t ORDER BY a, a, b to SELECT a, b FROM t ORDER BY a, b.

      Duplicate ORDER BY expressions can be removed.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsUnnecessaryOrderByExpressions

      public void setTransformPatternsUnnecessaryOrderByExpressions(Boolean value)
      Transform SELECT a, b FROM t ORDER BY a, a, b to SELECT a, b FROM t ORDER BY a, b.

      Duplicate ORDER BY expressions can be removed.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsUnnecessaryExistsSubqueryClauses

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsUnnecessaryExistsSubqueryClauses()

      In EXISTS subqueries, quite a few SELECT clauses are meaningless, and can thus be removed. These include:

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsUnnecessaryExistsSubqueryClauses

      public void setTransformPatternsUnnecessaryExistsSubqueryClauses(Boolean value)

      In EXISTS subqueries, quite a few SELECT clauses are meaningless, and can thus be removed. These include:

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsCountConstant

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsCountConstant()
      Transform COUNT(1) or any other COUNT(const) to COUNT(*).

      There is no benefit to counting a constant expression. In fact, in some RDBMS, it might even be slightly slower, at least in benchmarks.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsCountConstant

      public void setTransformPatternsCountConstant(Boolean value)
      Transform COUNT(1) or any other COUNT(const) to COUNT(*).

      There is no benefit to counting a constant expression. In fact, in some RDBMS, it might even be slightly slower, at least in benchmarks.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsTrim

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsTrim()
      Transform LTRIM(RTRIM(x)) or RTRIM(LTRIM(x)) to TRIM(x).

      Historically, a few dialects did not implement TRIM(x) or TRIM(BOTH FROM x), so users worked around this by wrapping LTRIM() and RTRIM() with each other. Maintaining this is usually undesirable, so this transformation helps remove the unwanted wrapping.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsTrim

      public void setTransformPatternsTrim(Boolean value)
      Transform LTRIM(RTRIM(x)) or RTRIM(LTRIM(x)) to TRIM(x).

      Historically, a few dialects did not implement TRIM(x) or TRIM(BOTH FROM x), so users worked around this by wrapping LTRIM() and RTRIM() with each other. Maintaining this is usually undesirable, so this transformation helps remove the unwanted wrapping.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsNotAnd

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsNotAnd()
      Transform NOT(p AND q) to NOT(p) OR NOT(q).

      This transformation normalises a predicate using De Morgan's rules.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsNotAnd

      public void setTransformPatternsNotAnd(Boolean value)
      Transform NOT(p AND q) to NOT(p) OR NOT(q).

      This transformation normalises a predicate using De Morgan's rules.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsNotOr

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsNotOr()
      Transform NOT(p OR q) to NOT(p) AND NOT(q).

      This transformation normalises a predicate using De Morgan's rules.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsNotOr

      public void setTransformPatternsNotOr(Boolean value)
      Transform NOT(p OR q) to NOT(p) AND NOT(q).

      This transformation normalises a predicate using De Morgan's rules.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsNotNot

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsNotNot()
      Transform NOT(NOT(x)) to x.

      This transformation removes a redundant logic negation.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsNotNot

      public void setTransformPatternsNotNot(Boolean value)
      Transform NOT(NOT(x)) to x.

      This transformation removes a redundant logic negation.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsNotComparison

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsNotComparison()
      Transform NOT (a != b) to a = b, and similar comparisons.

      This transformation removes a redundant logical negation from the DISTINCT predicate.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsNotComparison

      public void setTransformPatternsNotComparison(Boolean value)
      Transform NOT (a != b) to a = b, and similar comparisons.

      This transformation removes a redundant logical negation from the DISTINCT predicate.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsNotNotDistinct

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsNotNotDistinct()
      Transform NOT (a IS NOT DISTINCT FROM b) to a IS DISTINCT FROM b.

      This transformation removes a redundant logical negation from the DISTINCT predicate.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsNotNotDistinct

      public void setTransformPatternsNotNotDistinct(Boolean value)
      Transform NOT (a IS NOT DISTINCT FROM b) to a IS DISTINCT FROM b.

      This transformation removes a redundant logical negation from the DISTINCT predicate.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsDistinctFromNull

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsDistinctFromNull()
      Transform a IS [ NOT ] DISTINCT FROM NULL to a IS [ NOT ] NULL.

      This simplifies the much more verbose DISTINCT predicate.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsDistinctFromNull

      public void setTransformPatternsDistinctFromNull(Boolean value)
      Transform a IS [ NOT ] DISTINCT FROM NULL to a IS [ NOT ] NULL.

      This simplifies the much more verbose DISTINCT predicate.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsNormaliseAssociativeOps

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsNormaliseAssociativeOps()
      Transform (a + b) + (c + d) to ((a + b) + c) + d.

      This transformation turns trees into lists, which greatly simplifies other tree traversal transformations. Some of those other transformations currently rely on this flag to be active.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsNormaliseAssociativeOps

      public void setTransformPatternsNormaliseAssociativeOps(Boolean value)
      Transform (a + b) + (c + d) to ((a + b) + c) + d.

      This transformation turns trees into lists, which greatly simplifies other tree traversal transformations. Some of those other transformations currently rely on this flag to be active.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsNormaliseInListSingleElementToComparison

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsNormaliseInListSingleElementToComparison()
      Transform x IN (a) to x = a and x NOT IN (a) to x != a.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsNormaliseInListSingleElementToComparison

      public void setTransformPatternsNormaliseInListSingleElementToComparison(Boolean value)
      Transform x IN (a) to x = a and x NOT IN (a) to x != a.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsNormaliseFieldCompareValue

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsNormaliseFieldCompareValue()
      Transform 1 = a to a = 1.

      This transformation inverses

      invalid reference
      invalid reference
      comparisons, if they're not in that order.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsNormaliseFieldCompareValue

      public void setTransformPatternsNormaliseFieldCompareValue(Boolean value)
      Transform 1 = a to a = 1.

      This transformation inverses

      invalid reference
      invalid reference
      comparisons, if they're not in that order.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsNormaliseCoalesceToNvl

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsNormaliseCoalesceToNvl()
      Transform 2 argument COALESCE(a, b) to NVL(a, b).

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsNormaliseCoalesceToNvl

      public void setTransformPatternsNormaliseCoalesceToNvl(Boolean value)
      Transform 2 argument COALESCE(a, b) to NVL(a, b).

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsOrEqToIn

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsOrEqToIn()
      Transform x = c1 OR x = c2 to x IN (c1, c2).

      This transformation simplifies verbose OR predicates into simpler IN predicates.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsOrEqToIn

      public void setTransformPatternsOrEqToIn(Boolean value)
      Transform x = c1 OR x = c2 to x IN (c1, c2).

      This transformation simplifies verbose OR predicates into simpler IN predicates.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsAndNeToNotIn

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsAndNeToNotIn()
      Transform x != c1 AND x != c2 to x NOT IN (c1, c2).

      This transformation simplifies verbose AND predicates into simpler NOT IN predicates.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsAndNeToNotIn

      public void setTransformPatternsAndNeToNotIn(Boolean value)
      Transform x != c1 AND x != c2 to x NOT IN (c1, c2).

      This transformation simplifies verbose AND predicates into simpler NOT IN predicates.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsMergeOrComparison

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsMergeOrComparison()
      Transform x = a OR x > a to x >= a.

      This transformation merges multiple OR connected comparisons to a single comparison using a simpler operator.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsMergeOrComparison

      public void setTransformPatternsMergeOrComparison(Boolean value)
      Transform x = a OR x > a to x >= a.

      This transformation merges multiple OR connected comparisons to a single comparison using a simpler operator.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsMergeAndComparison

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsMergeAndComparison()
      Transform x >= a AND x invalid input: '<'= a to x = a.

      This transformation merges multiple AND connected comparisons to a single comparison using a simpler operator.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsMergeAndComparison

      public void setTransformPatternsMergeAndComparison(Boolean value)
      Transform x >= a AND x invalid input: '<'= a to x = a.

      This transformation merges multiple AND connected comparisons to a single comparison using a simpler operator.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsMergeInLists

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsMergeInLists()
      Transform x IN (a, b, c) AND x IN (b, c, d) to x IN (b, c).

      This transformation merges multiple OR connected comparisons to a single comparison using a simpler operator.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsMergeInLists

      public void setTransformPatternsMergeInLists(Boolean value)
      Transform x IN (a, b, c) AND x IN (b, c, d) to x IN (b, c).

      This transformation merges multiple OR connected comparisons to a single comparison using a simpler operator.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsMergeRangePredicates

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsMergeRangePredicates()
      Transform x >= a AND x invalid input: '<'= b to x BETWEEN a AND b.

      This transformation merges multiple AND connected range predicates to a single comparison using BETWEEN.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsMergeRangePredicates

      public void setTransformPatternsMergeRangePredicates(Boolean value)
      Transform x >= a AND x invalid input: '<'= b to x BETWEEN a AND b.

      This transformation merges multiple AND connected range predicates to a single comparison using BETWEEN.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsMergeBetweenSymmetricPredicates

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsMergeBetweenSymmetricPredicates()
      Transform x BETWEEN a AND b OR x BETWEEN b AND a to x BETWEEN SYMMETRIC a AND b.

      This transformation merges multiple OR connected BETWEEN predicates to a single comparison using BETWEEN SYMMETRIC.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsMergeBetweenSymmetricPredicates

      public void setTransformPatternsMergeBetweenSymmetricPredicates(Boolean value)
      Transform x BETWEEN a AND b OR x BETWEEN b AND a to x BETWEEN SYMMETRIC a AND b.

      This transformation merges multiple OR connected BETWEEN predicates to a single comparison using BETWEEN SYMMETRIC.

      To enable this feature, transformPatterns must be enabled as well.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsCaseSearchedToCaseSimple

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsCaseSearchedToCaseSimple()
      Transform a searched CASE WHEN x = .. WHEN x = .. to a simple CASE x WHEN … WHEN … expression.

      When a searched CASE expression always compares the same column to a value, then it can be simplified, possibly unlocking further transformations that are available only to the simple CASE expression.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsCaseSearchedToCaseSimple

      public void setTransformPatternsCaseSearchedToCaseSimple(Boolean value)
      Transform a searched CASE WHEN x = .. WHEN x = .. to a simple CASE x WHEN … WHEN … expression.

      When a searched CASE expression always compares the same column to a value, then it can be simplified, possibly unlocking further transformations that are available only to the simple CASE expression.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsCaseElseNull

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsCaseElseNull()
      Transform CASE … ELSE NULL removing the ELSE clause.

      CASE WHEN x THEN y ELSE NULL END is equivalent to CASE WHEN x THEN y END.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsCaseElseNull

      public void setTransformPatternsCaseElseNull(Boolean value)
      Transform CASE … ELSE NULL removing the ELSE clause.

      CASE WHEN x THEN y ELSE NULL END is equivalent to CASE WHEN x THEN y END.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsUnreachableCaseClauses

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsUnreachableCaseClauses()
      Transform CASE by removing unreachable clauses.

      Case clauses can be proven to be unreachable, and thus removed:

      • CASE WHEN p THEN 1 WHEN TRUE THEN 2 WHEN q … ELSE … END is equivalent to CASE WHEN p THEN 1 ELSE 2 END
      • CASE WHEN p THEN 1 WHEN FALSE THEN 2 WHEN q .. ELSE .. END is equivalent to CASE WHEN p THEN 1 WHEN q … ELSE … END

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsUnreachableCaseClauses

      public void setTransformPatternsUnreachableCaseClauses(Boolean value)
      Transform CASE by removing unreachable clauses.

      Case clauses can be proven to be unreachable, and thus removed:

      • CASE WHEN p THEN 1 WHEN TRUE THEN 2 WHEN q … ELSE … END is equivalent to CASE WHEN p THEN 1 ELSE 2 END
      • CASE WHEN p THEN 1 WHEN FALSE THEN 2 WHEN q .. ELSE .. END is equivalent to CASE WHEN p THEN 1 WHEN q … ELSE … END

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsUnreachableDecodeClauses

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsUnreachableDecodeClauses()
      Transform DECODE by removing unreachable clauses.

      DECODE clauses can be proven to be unreachable, and thus removed:

      • DECODE(a, b, 1, c, 2, b, 3) is equivalent to DECODE(a, b, 1, c, 2)
      • DECODE(a, b, 1, c, 2, b, 3, 4) is equivalent to DECODE(a, b, 1, c, 2, 4)

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsUnreachableDecodeClauses

      public void setTransformPatternsUnreachableDecodeClauses(Boolean value)
      Transform DECODE by removing unreachable clauses.

      DECODE clauses can be proven to be unreachable, and thus removed:

      • DECODE(a, b, 1, c, 2, b, 3) is equivalent to DECODE(a, b, 1, c, 2)
      • DECODE(a, b, 1, c, 2, b, 3, 4) is equivalent to DECODE(a, b, 1, c, 2, 4)

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsCaseDistinctToDecode

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsCaseDistinctToDecode()
      Transform CASE WHEN a IS NOT DISTINCT FROM b … to an equivalent DECODE function.

      When all WHEN clauses of a CASE expression use the DISTINCT predicate, then the CASE expression can be transformed into a DECODE function call:

      • CASE WHEN a IS NOT DISTINCT FROM b THEN 1 END is equivalent to DECODE(a, b, 1)
      • CASE WHEN a IS NOT DISTINCT FROM b THEN 1 ELSE 2 END is equivalent to DECODE(a, b, 1, 2)
      • CASE WHEN a IS NOT DISTINCT FROM b THEN 1 WHEN a IS NOT DISTINCT FROM c THEN 2 END is equivalent to DECODE(a, b, 1, c, 2)
      • CASE WHEN a IS NOT DISTINCT FROM b THEN 1 WHEN a IS NOT DISTINCT FROM c THEN 2 ELSE 3 END is equivalent to DECODE(a, b, 1, c, 2, 3)

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsCaseDistinctToDecode

      public void setTransformPatternsCaseDistinctToDecode(Boolean value)
      Transform CASE WHEN a IS NOT DISTINCT FROM b … to an equivalent DECODE function.

      When all WHEN clauses of a CASE expression use the DISTINCT predicate, then the CASE expression can be transformed into a DECODE function call:

      • CASE WHEN a IS NOT DISTINCT FROM b THEN 1 END is equivalent to DECODE(a, b, 1)
      • CASE WHEN a IS NOT DISTINCT FROM b THEN 1 ELSE 2 END is equivalent to DECODE(a, b, 1, 2)
      • CASE WHEN a IS NOT DISTINCT FROM b THEN 1 WHEN a IS NOT DISTINCT FROM c THEN 2 END is equivalent to DECODE(a, b, 1, c, 2)
      • CASE WHEN a IS NOT DISTINCT FROM b THEN 1 WHEN a IS NOT DISTINCT FROM c THEN 2 ELSE 3 END is equivalent to DECODE(a, b, 1, c, 2, 3)

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsCaseMergeWhenWhen

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsCaseMergeWhenWhen()
      Transform CASE WHEN a THEN x WHEN b THEN x END to CASE WHEN a OR b THEN x END.

      Two consecutive WHEN clauses can be merged, if their respective THEN clause is identical.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsCaseMergeWhenWhen

      public void setTransformPatternsCaseMergeWhenWhen(Boolean value)
      Transform CASE WHEN a THEN x WHEN b THEN x END to CASE WHEN a OR b THEN x END.

      Two consecutive WHEN clauses can be merged, if their respective THEN clause is identical.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsCaseMergeWhenElse

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsCaseMergeWhenElse()

      The ultimate WHEN clause can be merged with the ELSE, if their respective result is identical. If the WHEN clause is the only WHEN clause, then the entire CASE expression can be replaced by the ELSE clause content.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsCaseMergeWhenElse

      public void setTransformPatternsCaseMergeWhenElse(Boolean value)

      The ultimate WHEN clause can be merged with the ELSE, if their respective result is identical. If the WHEN clause is the only WHEN clause, then the entire CASE expression can be replaced by the ELSE clause content.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsCaseToCaseAbbreviation

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsCaseToCaseAbbreviation()
      Transform CASE expressions to their respective abbreviations.

      Some CASE expressions have a shorter abbreviated form, such as COALESCE() or NULLIF().

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsCaseToCaseAbbreviation

      public void setTransformPatternsCaseToCaseAbbreviation(Boolean value)
      Transform CASE expressions to their respective abbreviations.

      Some CASE expressions have a shorter abbreviated form, such as COALESCE() or NULLIF().

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsSimplifyCaseAbbreviation

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsSimplifyCaseAbbreviation()
      Transform complex predicates into simpler CASE abbreviations.

      Some predicates can be simplified into case abbreviations, such as, for example

      • a IS NULL OR COALESCE(a = b, FALSE) to NULLIF(a, b) IS NULL

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsSimplifyCaseAbbreviation

      public void setTransformPatternsSimplifyCaseAbbreviation(Boolean value)
      Transform complex predicates into simpler CASE abbreviations.

      Some predicates can be simplified into case abbreviations, such as, for example

      • a IS NULL OR COALESCE(a = b, FALSE) to NULLIF(a, b) IS NULL

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsFlattenCaseAbbreviation

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsFlattenCaseAbbreviation()
      Flatten nested CASE abbreviations such as NVL or CASE.

      Nested CASE abbreviations can be flattened, as such:

      • NVL(NVL(a, b), c) to COALESCE(a, b, c)
      • COALESCE(a, ..., COALESCE(b, ..., c), ..., d) to COALESCE(a, …, b, …, c, ..., d)

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsFlattenCaseAbbreviation

      public void setTransformPatternsFlattenCaseAbbreviation(Boolean value)
      Flatten nested CASE abbreviations such as NVL or CASE.

      Nested CASE abbreviations can be flattened, as such:

      • NVL(NVL(a, b), c) to COALESCE(a, b, c)
      • COALESCE(a, ..., COALESCE(b, ..., c), ..., d) to COALESCE(a, …, b, …, c, ..., d)

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsFlattenDecode

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsFlattenDecode()
      Flatten nested DECODE functions.

      Nested DECODE functions can be flattened, as such:

      • DECODE(a, b, c, DECODE(a, d, e)) to DECODE(a, b, c, d, e)

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsFlattenDecode

      public void setTransformPatternsFlattenDecode(Boolean value)
      Flatten nested DECODE functions.

      Nested DECODE functions can be flattened, as such:

      • DECODE(a, b, c, DECODE(a, d, e)) to DECODE(a, b, c, d, e)

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsFlattenCase

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsFlattenCase()
      Transform CASE … ELSE CASE … by flattening the nested CASE.


      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsFlattenCase

      public void setTransformPatternsFlattenCase(Boolean value)
      Transform CASE … ELSE CASE … by flattening the nested CASE.


      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsTrivialCaseAbbreviation

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsTrivialCaseAbbreviation()
      Transform trivial case abbreviations like NVL(NULL, a) to a.

      This transformation removes any trivial case abbreviations, such as NVL(), COALESCE(), NULLIF(), etc.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsTrivialCaseAbbreviation

      public void setTransformPatternsTrivialCaseAbbreviation(Boolean value)
      Transform trivial case abbreviations like NVL(NULL, a) to a.

      This transformation removes any trivial case abbreviations, such as NVL(), COALESCE(), NULLIF(), etc.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsTrivialPredicates

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsTrivialPredicates()
      Transform trivial predicates like 1 = 1 to TRUE.

      This transformation removes any trivial predicates.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsTrivialPredicates

      public void setTransformPatternsTrivialPredicates(Boolean value)
      Transform trivial predicates like 1 = 1 to TRUE.

      This transformation removes any trivial predicates.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsTrivialBitwiseOperations

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsTrivialBitwiseOperations()
      Transform trivial bitwise comparisons like BIT_OR(a, 0) to a.

      This transformation removes any trivial predicates.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsTrivialBitwiseOperations

      public void setTransformPatternsTrivialBitwiseOperations(Boolean value)
      Transform trivial bitwise comparisons like BIT_OR(a, 0) to a.

      This transformation removes any trivial predicates.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsBitSet

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsBitSet()
      Transform bitwise operations to an equivalent BIT_SET(a, b) or BIT_SET(a, b, c) expression.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsBitSet

      public void setTransformPatternsBitSet(Boolean value)
      Transform bitwise operations to an equivalent BIT_SET(a, b) or BIT_SET(a, b, c) expression.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsBitGet

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsBitGet()
      Transform bitwise operations to an equivalent BIT_GET(a, b) expression.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean
    • setTransformPatternsBitGet

      public void setTransformPatternsBitGet(Boolean value)
      Transform bitwise operations to an equivalent BIT_GET(a, b) expression.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isTransformPatternsScalarSubqueryCountAsteriskGtZero

      public Boolean isTransformPatternsScalarSubqueryCountAsteriskGtZero()
      Transform predicates comparing scalar subqueries with a count (SELECT COUNT(*) …) > 0 to equivalent EXISTS (SELECT 1 …).

      Scalar subqueries that count rows and whose count is compared to 0 can be transformed into equivalent, but likely cheaper to execute EXISTS queries.

      This feature is available in the commercial distribution only.

      possible object is Boolean