Available in versions: Dev (3.20) | Latest (3.19) | 3.18 | 3.17 | 3.16 | 3.15 | 3.14 | 3.13 | 3.12 | 3.11 | 3.10

Running the code generator with Ant

Applies to ✅ Open Source Edition   ✅ Express Edition   ✅ Professional Edition   ✅ Enterprise Edition

Run generation with Ant

When running code generation with ant's <java/> task, you may have to set fork="true":

<!-- Run the code generation task -->
<target name="generate-test-classes">
  <java fork="true"
    <arg value="/path/to/configuration.xml"/>
      <pathelement location="/path/to/jooq-3.16.23.jar"/>
      <pathelement location="/path/to/jooq-meta-3.16.23.jar"/>
      <pathelement location="/path/to/jooq-codegen-3.16.23.jar"/>
      <!-- Add JDBC drivers and other required artifacts -->

Using the Ant Maven plugin

Sometimes, ant can be useful to work around a limitation (misunderstanding?) of the Maven build. Just as with the above standalone ant usage example, the jOOQ code generator can be called from the maven-antrun-plugin:

<!-- Run the code generation task -->

      <java fork="true"
          <arg value="/path/to/configuration.xml"/>

      <!-- JDBC driver -->
      <!-- Use org.jooq              for the Open Source Edition
           org.jooq.pro          for commercial editions with Java 11 support,
           org.jooq.pro-java-8   for commercial editions with Java 8 support,
           org.jooq.pro-java-6   for commercial editions with Java 6 support,
           org.jooq.trial        for the free trial edition with Java 11 support,
           org.jooq.trial-java-8 for the free trial edition with Java 8 support,
           org.jooq.trial-java-6 for the free trial edition with Java 6 support
       Note: Only the Open Source Edition is hosted on Maven Central.
             Install the others locally using the provided scripts, or access them from here: https://repo.jooq.org
             See the JDK version support matrix here: https://www.jooq.org/download/support-matrix-jdk -->

    <!-- Add JDBC drivers and other required artifacts -->


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