Applies to ✅ Open Source Edition ✅ Express Edition ✅ Professional Edition ✅ Enterprise Edition
function splits a string into substrings and retrieves the nth part, starting from 1.
SELECT split_part('a,b,c', ',', 2);
create.select(splitPart(val("a,b,c"), ",", 2)).fetch();
The result being
+------------+ | split_part | +------------+ | b | +------------+
Dialect support
This example using jOOQ:
splitPart(val("a,b,c"), ",", 2)
Translates to the following dialect specific expressions:
Aurora MySQL, MariaDB, MemSQL, MySQL
substring( substring_index('a,b,c', ',', 2), CASE 2 WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE (char_length(substring_index( 'a,b,c', ',', (2 - 1) )) + char_length(',') + 1) END )
Aurora Postgres, CockroachDB, Databricks, Postgres, Redshift, Snowflake, Trino, Vertica, YugabyteDB
split_part('a,b,c', ',', 2)
split('a,b,c', ',')[ORDINAL(2)]
DB2, Oracle
coalesce( substr( 'a,b,c', nullif( decode( 2, 1, 1, (nullif( instr( 'a,b,c', ',', 1, nullif( (2 - 1), 0 ) ), 0 ) + length(',')) ), (length('a,b,c') + 1) ), coalesce( (nullif( instr('a,b,c', ',', 1, 2), 0 ) - decode( 2, 1, 1, (nullif( instr( 'a,b,c', ',', 1, nullif( (2 - 1), 0 ) ), 0 ) + length(',')) )), ((length('a,b,c') - nullif( instr( 'a,b,c', ',', 1, nullif( (2 - 1), 0 ) ), 0 )) - (length(',') - 1)) ) ), '' )
(str_split('a,b,c', ','))[2]
coalesce( ( SELECT value FROM string_split('a,b,c', ',', 1) WHERE ordinal = 2 ), '' )
strtok('a,b,c', ',', 2)
ASE, Access, ClickHouse, Derby, Exasol, Firebird, H2, HSQLDB, Hana, Informix, SQLDataWarehouse, SQLite, Sybase
Generated with jOOQ 3.20. Translate your own SQL on our website
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