Available in versions: Dev (3.20) | Latest (3.19) | 3.18 | 3.17 | 3.16 | 3.15 | 3.14 | 3.13 | 3.12 | 3.11 | 3.10

Generated tables

Applies to ✅ Open Source Edition   ✅ Express Edition   ✅ Professional Edition   ✅ Enterprise Edition

Every table and view in your database will generate a org.jooq.Table implementation that looks like this:

public class Book extends TableImpl<BookRecord> {

    // The singleton instance
    public static final Book BOOK = new Book();

    // Generated columns
    public final TableField<BookRecord, Integer> ID        = createField("ID",        INTEGER, this);
    public final TableField<BookRecord, Integer> AUTHOR_ID = createField("AUTHOR_ID", INTEGER, this);
    public final TableField<BookRecord, String>  TITLE     = createField("TITLE",     VARCHAR, this);

    // Covariant aliasing method, returning a table of the same type as BOOK
    public Book as(java.lang.String alias) {
        return new Book(alias);

    // [...]

Flags influencing generated tables

These flags from the code generation configuration influence generated tables:

  • recordVersionFields: Relevant methods from super classes are overridden to return the VERSION field
  • recordTimestampFields: Relevant methods from super classes are overridden to return the TIMESTAMP field
  • syntheticPrimaryKeys: This overrides existing primary key information to allow for "custom" primary key column sets
  • overridePrimaryKeys: This overrides existing primary key information to allow for unique key to primary key promotion
  • dateAsTimestamp: This influences all relevant columns
  • unsignedTypes: This influences all relevant columns
  • relations: Relevant methods from super classes are overridden to provide primary key, unique key, foreign key and identity information
  • instanceFields: This flag controls the "static" keyword on table columns, as well as aliasing convenience
  • records: The generated record type is referenced from tables allowing for type-safe single-table record fetching

Flags controlling table generation

Table generation can be deactivated using the tables flag

References to this page


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