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Matching indexes

Applies to ✅ Open Source Edition   ✅ Express Edition   ✅ Professional Edition   ✅ Enterprise Edition

The following example shows how to define a MatcherStrategy for generated org.jooq.Index types and related objects:

XML (standalone and maven)
Gradle (Kotlin)
Gradle (Groovy)
Gradle (third party)
  <!-- These properties can be added directly to the generator element: -->

        <!-- Specify 0..n index matchers to provide a strategy for naming objects created from indexes. -->

            <!-- Match unqualified or qualified index names. If left empty, this matcher applies to all indexes. -->

            <!-- This influences the identifier in the generated Indexes class -->
            <keyIdentifier> a MatcherRule specification </keyIdentifier>

See the configuration XSD, standalone code generation, and maven code generation for more details.

new org.jooq.meta.jaxb.Configuration()

  // These properties can be added directly to the generator element:
  .withGenerator(new Generator()
    .withStrategy(new Strategy()
      .withMatchers(new Matchers()

        // Specify 0..n index matchers to provide a strategy for naming objects created from indexes.
          new MatchersIndexType()

            // Match unqualified or qualified index names. If left empty, this matcher applies to all indexes.

            // This influences the identifier in the generated Indexes class
            .withKeyIdentifier(MatcherRule. a MatcherRule specification )

See the configuration XSD and programmatic code generation for more details.

import org.jooq.meta.jaxb.*

configuration {

  // These properties can be added directly to the generator element:
  generator {
    strategy {
      matchers {

        // Specify 0..n index matchers to provide a strategy for naming objects created from indexes.
        indexes {
          index {

            // Match unqualified or qualified index names. If left empty, this matcher applies to all indexes.
            expression = "MY_IDX_NAME"

            // This influences the identifier in the generated Indexes class
            keyIdentifier = MatcherRule. a MatcherRule specification 

See the configuration XSD and gradle code generation for more details.

configuration {

  // These properties can be added directly to the generator element:
  generator {
    strategy {
      matchers {

        // Specify 0..n index matchers to provide a strategy for naming objects created from indexes.
        indexes {
          index {

            // Match unqualified or qualified index names. If left empty, this matcher applies to all indexes.
            expression = "MY_IDX_NAME"

            // This influences the identifier in the generated Indexes class
            keyIdentifier = " a MatcherRule specification "

See the configuration XSD and gradle code generation for more details.

generationTool {

  // These properties can be added directly to the generator element:
  generator {
    strategy {
      matchers {

        // Specify 0..n index matchers to provide a strategy for naming objects created from indexes.
        indexes {
          index {

            // Match unqualified or qualified index names. If left empty, this matcher applies to all indexes.
            expression = "MY_IDX_NAME"

            // This influences the identifier in the generated Indexes class
            keyIdentifier = " a MatcherRule specification "

See the configuration XSD and gradle code generation for more details.

As always, when regular expressions are used, they are regular expressions with default flags.

See MatcherRule for more information about MatcherRule specifications.


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