Uses of Interface

Packages that use NamedTypeProviderQueryPart

Uses of NamedTypeProviderQueryPart in org.jooq

Subinterfaces of NamedTypeProviderQueryPart in org.jooq
 interface AggregateFunction<T>
          An aggregate function is a special field that is usually used in a GROUP BY context.
 interface CaseConditionStep<T>
          The final step in creating a case statement of the type CASE WHEN x < 1 THEN 'one' WHEN x >= 2 THEN 'two' ELSE 'three' END
 interface CaseWhenStep<V,T>
          The final step in creating a case statement of the type CASE x WHEN 1 THEN 'one' WHEN 2 THEN 'two' ELSE 'three' END
 interface Field<T>
          A field used in tables and conditions
 interface GroupConcatOrderByStep
          MySQL's GROUP_CONCAT function.
 interface GroupConcatSeparatorStep
          MySQL's GROUP_CONCAT function.
 interface Param<T>
          A named parameter and/or bind value.
 interface Parameter<T>
          A parameter to a stored procedure or function.
 interface SortField<T>
          A wrapper for a Field and a SortField
 interface TableField<R extends Record,T>
          A field contained in a table
 interface UDTField<R extends UDTRecord<R>,T>
          A field contained in a UDT
 interface WindowBeforeOverStep<T>
          This type is used for the window function DSL API.
 interface WindowFinalStep<T>
          This type is used for the window function DSL API.
 interface WindowOrderByStep<T>
          This type is used for the window function DSL API.
 interface WindowPartitionByStep<T>
          This type is used for the window function DSL API.
 interface WindowRowsStep<T>
          This type is used for the window function DSL API.

Uses of NamedTypeProviderQueryPart in org.jooq.impl

Classes in org.jooq.impl that implement NamedTypeProviderQueryPart
 class CustomField<T>
          A base class for custom Field implementations in client code.

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