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A step in the construction of
functions where the
clause can be defined.- Author:
- Lukas Eder
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescription@NotNull AggregateFilterStep
clause to theJSON_ARRAYAGG
function.Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.AggregateFilterStep
filterWhere, filterWhere, filterWhere, filterWhere, filterWhere, filterWhere, filterWhere, filterWhere
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Field
abs, acos, add, add, as, as, as, as, asc, ascii, asin, atan, atan2, atan2, avg, avgOver, between, between, between, between, betweenSymmetric, betweenSymmetric, betweenSymmetric, betweenSymmetric, bitAnd, bitAnd, bitLength, bitNand, bitNand, bitNor, bitNor, bitNot, bitOr, bitOr, bitXNor, bitXNor, bitXor, bitXor, cast, cast, cast, ceil, changed, charLength, coalesce, coalesce, coerce, coerce, coerce, collate, collate, collate, comment, comment, compare, compare, compare, compare, concat, concat, concat, contains, contains, containsIgnoreCase, containsIgnoreCase, convert, convert, convert, convertFrom, convertFrom, convertTo, convertTo, cos, cosh, cot, coth, count, countDistinct, countOver, decode, decode, decode, decode, deg, desc, div, div, divide, divide, endsWith, endsWith, endsWithIgnoreCase, endsWithIgnoreCase, eq, eq, eq, eq, equal, equal, equal, equal, equalIgnoreCase, equalIgnoreCase, equals, exp, extract, field, firstValue, floor, from, ge, ge, ge, ge, get, getComment, getName, getValue, greaterOrEqual, greaterOrEqual, greaterOrEqual, greaterOrEqual, greaterThan, greaterThan, greaterThan, greaterThan, greatest, greatest, gt, gt, gt, gt, in, in, in, in, in, isDistinctFrom, isDistinctFrom, isDistinctFrom, isDocument, isFalse, isJson, isNotDistinctFrom, isNotDistinctFrom, isNotDistinctFrom, isNotDocument, isNotJson, isNotNull, isNull, isTrue, lag, lag, lag, lag, lastValue, le, le, le, le, lead, lead, lead, lead, least, least, length, lessOrEqual, lessOrEqual, lessOrEqual, lessOrEqual, lessThan, lessThan, lessThan, lessThan, like, like, like, like, like, likeIgnoreCase, likeIgnoreCase, likeIgnoreCase, likeIgnoreCase, likeRegex, likeRegex, ln, log, lower, lpad, lpad, lpad, lpad, lt, lt, lt, lt, ltrim, max, maxOver, median, min, minOver, minus, minus, mod, mod, modulo, modulo, mul, mul, multiply, multiply, ne, ne, ne, ne, neg, notBetween, notBetween, notBetween, notBetween, notBetweenSymmetric, notBetweenSymmetric, notBetweenSymmetric, notBetweenSymmetric, notContains, notContains, notContainsIgnoreCase, notContainsIgnoreCase, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual, notEqualIgnoreCase, notEqualIgnoreCase, notIn, notIn, notIn, notIn, notIn, notLike, notLike, notLike, notLike, notLike, notLikeIgnoreCase, notLikeIgnoreCase, notLikeIgnoreCase, notLikeIgnoreCase, notLikeRegex, notLikeRegex, notSimilarTo, notSimilarTo, notSimilarTo, notSimilarTo, notSimilarTo, nullif, nullif, nullsFirst, nullsLast, nvl, nvl, nvl2, nvl2, octetLength, original, plus, plus, plus, position, position, pow, pow, power, power, rad, rem, rem, repeat, repeat, replace, replace, replace, replace, reset, round, round, rpad, rpad, rpad, rpad, rtrim, shl, shl, shr, shr, sign, similarTo, similarTo, similarTo, similarTo, similarTo, sin, sinh, sort, sort, sortAsc, sortAsc, sortDefault, sortDesc, sortDesc, sqrt, startsWith, startsWith, startsWithIgnoreCase, startsWithIgnoreCase, stddevPop, stddevPopOver, stddevSamp, stddevSampOver, sub, sub, substring, substring, substring, substring, subtract, subtract, sum, sumOver, tan, tanh, times, times, trim, unaryMinus, unaryPlus, upper, varPop, varPopOver, varSamp, varSampOver
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Named
$name, getCommentPart, getQualifiedName, getUnqualifiedName
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.QueryPart
$replace, $replace, $traverse, $traverse, hashCode, toString
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Typed
$dataType, getBinding, getConverter, getDataType, getDataType, getType
Method Details
@NotNull @Support({AURORA_POSTGRES,COCKROACHDB,DB2_11,H2,MARIADB_10_2,MYSQL_5_7,ORACLE12C,POSTGRES,SQLITE,TRINO,YUGABYTEDB}) @NotNull AggregateFilterStep<T> returning(DataType<?> returning) Add aRETURNING
clause to theJSON_ARRAYAGG