Uses of Interface
Packages that use ForeignKey
This package contains jOOQ's public API.
This package contains jOOQ's implementation classes.
Uses of ForeignKey in org.jooq
Methods in org.jooq that return ForeignKeyModifier and TypeMethodDescription@NotNull ForeignKey
<CHILD, PARENT> InverseForeignKey.getForeignKey()
The referencedUniqueKey
.Methods in org.jooq that return types with arguments of type ForeignKeyModifier and TypeMethodDescription@NotNull Stream
<ForeignKey<?, ?>> Schema.foreignKeyStream()
Stream all foreign keys contained in this schema.@NotNull List
<ForeignKey<?, ?>> Meta.getForeignKeys()
Get all foreign keys from the underlying meta data source.@NotNull List
<ForeignKey<?, ?>> Meta.getForeignKeys
(String name) Get all foreign keys from the underlying meta data source.@NotNull List
<ForeignKey<?, ?>> Meta.getForeignKeys
(Name name) Get all foreign keys from the underlying meta data source.@NotNull List
<ForeignKey<?, ?>> Schema.getForeignKeys()
List all foreign keys contained in this schema.@NotNull List
<ForeignKey<?, ?>> Schema.getForeignKeys
(String name) Get foreign keys by their name (case-sensitive) in this schema.@NotNull List
<ForeignKey<?, ?>> Schema.getForeignKeys
(Name name) Get foreign keys by their qualified or unqualified name in this schema.@NotNull List
<ForeignKey<R, ?>> Table.getReferences()
Get the list ofFOREIGN KEY
's of this table@NotNull List
<ForeignKey<?, R>> UniqueKey.getReferences()
A list of allForeignKeys
, referencing thisUniqueKey
<O extends Record>
@NotNull List<ForeignKey<O, R>> Table.getReferencesFrom
(Table<O> other) Get a list ofFOREIGN KEY
's of a specific table, referencing a this table.<O extends Record>
@NotNull List<ForeignKey<R, O>> Table.getReferencesTo
(Table<O> other) Get a list ofFOREIGN KEY
's of this table, referencing a specific table.Methods in org.jooq with parameters of type ForeignKeyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(TableLike<?> table, JoinType type, ForeignKey<?, ?> key) Joins the existing table product to a new table using a foreign key.void
(TableLike<?> table, JoinType type, QOM.JoinHint hint, ForeignKey<?, ?> key) Joins the existing table product to a new table using a foreign key.<O extends TableRecord<O>>
@NotNull Table<O> Result.children
(ForeignKey<O, R> key) Get a table expression representing the children of all of this result's records, given a foreign key.<O extends TableRecord<O>>
@NotNull Table<O> UpdatableRecord.children
(ForeignKey<O, R> key) Get a table expression representing the children of this record, given a foreign key.<O extends TableRecord<O>>
(ForeignKey<O, R> key) Fetch a child record of this record, given a foreign key.<O extends TableRecord<O>>
@NotNull Result<O> Result.fetchChildren
(ForeignKey<O, R> key) Fetch child records of this record, given a foreign key, as if fetching fromResult.children(ForeignKey)
.<O extends TableRecord<O>>
@NotNull Result<O> UpdatableRecord.fetchChildren
(ForeignKey<O, R> key) Fetch child records of this record, given a foreign key.<O extends UpdatableRecord<O>>
(ForeignKey<R, O> key) Fetch a parent record of this record, given a foreign key.<O extends UpdatableRecord<O>>
@NotNull Result<O> Result.fetchParents
(ForeignKey<R, O> key) Fetch parent records of this record, given a foreign key, as if fetching fromResult.parents(ForeignKey)
.@NotNull SelectOnConditionStep
<R> SelectOnStep.onKey
(ForeignKey<?, ?> key) Join the table on a non-ambiguous foreign key relationship between the two joined tables.@NotNull TableOnConditionStep
<R> TableOnStep.onKey
(ForeignKey<?, ?> key) Join the table on a non-ambiguous foreign key relationship between the two joined tables.<O extends UpdatableRecord<O>>
@NotNull Table<O> TableRecord.parent
(ForeignKey<R, O> key) Get a table expression representing the parent of this record, given a foreign key.<O extends UpdatableRecord<O>>
@NotNull Table<O> Result.parents
(ForeignKey<R, O> key) Get a table expression representing the parents of all of this result's records, given a foreign key.Method parameters in org.jooq with type arguments of type ForeignKeyModifier and TypeMethodDescription@NotNull Meta
(Predicate<? super ForeignKey<?, ?>> filter) Create a wrapperMeta
instance filtering out some foreign keys. -
Uses of ForeignKey in org.jooq.impl
Methods in org.jooq.impl that return ForeignKeyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <R extends Record,
U extends Record>
ForeignKey<R, U> AbstractKeys.createForeignKey
(UniqueKey<U> key, Table<R> table, String name, TableField<R, ?>... fields) Deprecated.- [#6875] [#7158] - 3.11.0 - Please re-generate your codestatic <R extends Record,
U extends Record>
ForeignKey<R, U> AbstractKeys.createForeignKey
(UniqueKey<U> key, Table<R> table, TableField<R, ?>... fields) Deprecated.- [#6875] [#7158] - 3.11.0 - Please re-generate your codestatic final <R extends Record,
U extends Record>
@NotNull ForeignKey<R, U> Internal.createForeignKey
(Table<R> table, Name name, TableField<R, ?>[] fkFields, UniqueKey<U> uk, TableField<U, ?>[] ukFields, boolean enforced) Deprecated.- 3.20.0 - [#9736] - Regenerate your code.static final <R extends Record,
U extends Record>
@NotNull ForeignKey<R, U> Internal.createForeignKey
(Table<R> table, Name name, TableField<R, ?>[] fkFields, UniqueKey<U> uk, TableField<U, ?>[] ukFields, boolean enforced, QOM.ForeignKeyRule deleteRule, QOM.ForeignKeyRule updateRule) Factory method for foreign keys.static final <R extends Record,
U extends Record, ER extends EmbeddableRecord<ER>>
@NotNull ForeignKey<R, U> Internal.createForeignKey
(Table<R> table, Name name, TableField<R, ER> fkEmbeddableField, UniqueKey<U> uk, TableField<U, ER> ukEmbeddableField, boolean enforced) Deprecated.- 3.20.0 - [#9736] - Regenerate your code.static final <R extends Record,
U extends Record, ER extends EmbeddableRecord<ER>>
@NotNull ForeignKey<R, U> Internal.createForeignKey
(Table<R> table, Name name, TableField<R, ER> fkEmbeddableField, UniqueKey<U> uk, TableField<U, ER> ukEmbeddableField, boolean enforced, QOM.ForeignKeyRule deleteRule, QOM.ForeignKeyRule updateRule) Factory method for foreign keys.static final <R extends Record,
U extends Record>
@NotNull ForeignKey<R, U> Internal.createForeignKey
(UniqueKey<U> key, Table<R> table, String name, TableField<R, ?>... fields) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.- 3.14.0 - [#9404] - Please re-generate your code.static final <R extends Record,
U extends Record>
@NotNull ForeignKey<R, U> Internal.createForeignKey
(UniqueKey<U> key, Table<R> table, String name, TableField<R, ?>[] fields, boolean enforced) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.- 3.14.0 - [#9404] - Please re-generate your code.static final <R extends Record,
U extends Record>
@NotNull ForeignKey<R, U> Internal.createForeignKey
(UniqueKey<U> key, Table<R> table, String name, TableField<R, ?>[] fields, boolean enforced, QOM.ForeignKeyRule deleteRule, QOM.ForeignKeyRule updateRule) Factory method for foreign keys.static final <R extends Record,
U extends Record>
@NotNull ForeignKey<R, U> Internal.createForeignKey
(UniqueKey<U> key, Table<R> table, TableField<R, ?>... fields) Deprecated.- 3.14.0 - [#9404] - Please re-generate your code.Methods in org.jooq.impl that return types with arguments of type ForeignKeyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal Stream
<ForeignKey<?, ?>> LazySchema.foreignKeyStream()
final Stream
<ForeignKey<?, ?>> SchemaImpl.foreignKeyStream()
final List
<ForeignKey<?, ?>> LazySchema.getForeignKeys()
final List
<ForeignKey<?, ?>> LazySchema.getForeignKeys
(String name) final List
<ForeignKey<?, ?>> LazySchema.getForeignKeys
(Name name) List
<ForeignKey<?, ?>> SchemaImpl.getForeignKeys()
List all foreign keys contained in this List
<ForeignKey<?, ?>> SchemaImpl.getForeignKeys
(String name) final List
<ForeignKey<?, ?>> SchemaImpl.getForeignKeys
(Name name) List
<ForeignKey<R, ?>> CustomTable.getReferences()
Methods in org.jooq.impl with parameters of type ForeignKeyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal <O extends TableRecord<O>>
Table<O> UpdatableRecordImpl.children
(ForeignKey<O, R> key) static final @NotNull Name
(Table<?> path, ForeignKey<?, ?> childPath, InverseForeignKey<?, ?> parentPath) Factory method for path <O extends TableRecord<O>>
(ForeignKey<O, R> key) final <O extends TableRecord<O>>
Result<O> UpdatableRecordImpl.fetchChildren
(ForeignKey<O, R> key) final <O extends UpdatableRecord<O>>
(ForeignKey<R, O> key) final <O extends UpdatableRecord<O>>
Table<O> TableRecordImpl.parent
(ForeignKey<R, O> key) Constructors in org.jooq.impl with parameters of type ForeignKeyModifierConstructorDescriptionTableImpl
(Name name, Schema schema, Table<?> path, ForeignKey<?, R> childPath, InverseForeignKey<?, R> parentPath, Table<R> aliased, Field<?>[] parameters, Comment comment) TableImpl
(Name name, Schema schema, Table<?> path, ForeignKey<?, R> childPath, InverseForeignKey<?, R> parentPath, Table<R> aliased, Field<?>[] parameters, Comment comment, TableOptions options) Deprecated.- [#8012] - 3.19.0 - Please re-generate your code.TableImpl
(Name name, Schema schema, Table<?> path, ForeignKey<?, R> childPath, InverseForeignKey<?, R> parentPath, Table<R> aliased, Field<?>[] parameters, Comment comment, TableOptions options, Condition where) TableImpl
(Name name, Schema schema, Table<?> path, ForeignKey<?, R> childPath, Table<R> aliased, Field<?>[] parameters, Comment comment) Deprecated.- [#13639] [#14985] [#15005] - 3.19.0 - Please re-generate your code.TableImpl
(Name name, Schema schema, Table<?> path, ForeignKey<?, R> childPath, Table<R> aliased, Field<?>[] parameters, Comment comment, TableOptions options) Deprecated.- [#13639] [#14985] [#15005] - 3.19.0 - Please re-generate your code.TableImpl
(Table<?> path, ForeignKey<?, R> childPath, InverseForeignKey<?, R> parentPath, Table<R> aliased) Deprecated.- [#13639] [#14985] [#15005] - 3.19.0 - Please re-generate your code.